Dear TR.
I was appalled to read about how SINGAPORE Human Resource Institute has named HPB CEO as “Leading CEO”. I had a few classmates who worked in HPB and I must say he is an appalling CEO in terms of HR practices.
Since he assumed the role of CEO, the resignations in HPB apparently have been extremely high. Perhaps HPB can provide statistic to show how many of its staff have resigned per quarter or per half year since the current CEO assumed position.
Apparently he is someone from Cerobos that sells Chickens Essence and was in charge with marketing. He had no prior experience in health promotion and his only attribute that is associated with healthcare is apparently his degree in pharmacy. There were rumors that the reason he got the job was because the previous CEO was his cousin.
From what I know he was not a bad person but was a bad CEO because he relying on others (some heads of divisions and departments) to run the show since he had no domain knowledge. Those who he relied on basically took advantage of the situation and were having a hegemony game. Basically they were doing whatever they wish. Hence they were not treating their staff respectfully. Hiring practices were wierd. They blatantly practised favouritism and bias and this affected performance appraisals and promotions. Hence many staff left in great disgust because of the human resource practices.
What is strange is that the current CEO observed this high rate of resignations just like everyone else but since he relied on those selected who was spoiling the show, he was evasive of those pertinent HR issues.
However my classmates in other government linked companies, statutory boards etc all tell the same story. Their CEOs are almost all the time someone who has no domain knowledge. When they come into an organisation, their deficiencies often lead to dismal HR standards as the situation is often taken advantage by a handful. This then leads to a high turnover as staff get bullied or treated unfairly and they leave demoralized.
Nicholas Lee
HPB has 'leading CEO'
SINGAPORE Human Resource Institute (SHRI) has named Mr Lam Pin Woon of the Health Promotion Board (HPB), Singapore's 'Leading CEO' for his support of innovative HR practices.
According to SHRI, Mr Lam has assisted the HPB to improve in areas like learning and development, as well as leadership, which had previously been identified as needing to be improved.
The organisation has also won a number of excellence achievements, including SHRI Awards in Leading HR Practices in Learning & Human Capital Development and Leading HR Practices in Health & Employee Wellness.
The HPB says that Mr Lam has adopted 'open door policy in his management style and takes an active interest in his team'. He takes part in casual sessions with the employees and does a daily 'walk-about'.
Mr Lam is also described as being 'a strong advocate of the importance of placing the right people in the organization to build a successful organisation and team,' and is personally involved in all levels of hiring.
Mr Lam received the Leading CEO Award on Friday at the Singapore HR Awards Presentation Gala 2010 held at the Grand Hyatt Singapore.