Like Singapore needs another one in the extremely fractured opposition?
This guy goes and registers another...
What do you guys think?
Subjective. One man's meat is another man's poison.
Some hope for more political parties, some said that oppositions lack experience and so on and on. The debate goes on forever la
the opposition could be controlled by PAP also.
after all, who in their right mind will start new opposition parties - who's gonna vote for them.
the more opposiiton parties created will make them weaker becoz of weak ''branding''
why so many opposition parties ? they should know they must gang up together so the people have only 2 choices : its either PAP or them.
also the opposition leaders always act stupid or shoot themselves in the foot every time near elections so i believe they're all under PAP control .
LKY must be thinking '' if you control both sides, you control the outcome. ''