Triplett release "and the Lee Kuan Yew dialogue": the leadership style of Mr Lee is a "New Confucian Utopia"
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美国著å��时评专æ �作者å�Šæ”¿æ²»ä¸Žä¼ 媒教授普雷特为写一部关于内é˜�资政æ�Žå…‰è€€çš„书,阅读了大é‡�相关资料,并在去年七月分两天对他作了四个å°�æ—¶çš„æ·±å…¥è®¿é—®ï¼Œä¹Ÿå› æ¤å…»æˆ�ä¸€ä¸ªæ€ªä¹ æƒ¯ï¼Œæ¯�当美国出现什么情况,总会有感而å�‘地说“æ�¢ä½œæ˜¯æ�Žå…‰è€€ï¼Œä»–会这么å�š”或是“æ�¢ä½œæ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œäº‹æƒ…ä¼šè¿™æ ·å¤„ç�†”。 American columnist and political commentary with the media is write a Professor Triplett on Lee Kuan Yew's book, read a lot of relevant information, and in July last year in two days gave him four hours of in-depth interviews , and thus develop a strange habit, what happens when the United States will always feel an urge to say "If it was Lee Kuan Yew, he would do" or "change for Singapore, things will be handled this way."
他的妻å�安德里亚对他总是喜欢拿别人æ�¥å’Œç¾Žå›½æ¯”较,已感到ä¸�è€�烦,终于å¨�èƒ�他说:“å†�让我å�¬åˆ°ä½ è¿™ä¹ˆè¯´ï¼Œå°±è®©ä½ ç�¡å®¢åŽ…ï¼�” His wife, Andrea likes to take his people to come and compare the United States have been impatient, and finally threatened him, said: "let me hear you say, let you sleep in the living room!"
æ‰€å¹¸ä¸¤äººå¹¶æ²¡çœŸçš„å› ä¸ºæ�Žèµ„æ”¿å’Œæ–°åŠ å�¡è€Œå†³è£‚,普雷特(Tom Plate)也顺利写完了“亚洲巨人系列”的第一部《与æ�Žå…‰è€€å¯¹è¯�》(Giants of Asia-- Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew)。 Fortunately, two did not really because of the break and Singapore Senior Minister Lee, Triplett (Tom Plate) has successfully finished the "Asian Giants" series the first "dialogue with the Lee Kuan Yew" (Giants of Asia - Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew).
这部新书的å�‘å¸ƒä¼šæ˜¨å¤©åœ¨é¦™æ ¼é‡Œæ‹‰å¤§é…’åº—ä¸¾è¡Œï¼Œæ�Žèµ„政还特地应邀出å¸ã€‚ This book of the conference held at Shangri-La Hotel yesterday, Mr Lee also specially invited to attend. 安德里亚也穿ç�€çº¢è‰²è¿žèº«è£™ï¼Œåœ¨åœºçƒæƒ…地招呼æ�¥å®¾ã€‚ Andrea was also wearing a red dress, the presence of warm greeting guests.
æ�Žèµ„政应普雷特临场邀请,å�‘表简çŸè®²è¯�时说:“我ä¸�完全赞å�Œæ•´æœ¬ä¹¦çš„å†…å®¹ã€‚å› ä¸ºéƒ¨åˆ†å†…å®¹æ˜¯ä»Žè¥¿æ–¹çš„è§’åº¦å¤¸å¤§äº†æŸ�些å�¤æ€ªçš„特点。ä¸�过整体而言,这本书是å��æ˜ äº†æˆ‘çš„è§‚ç‚¹ã€‚” Mr Lee should Triplett spot invitation, made a brief speech, said: "I do not entirely agree with the entire contents of the book. Because some of the content is from the perspective of the West exaggerated some odd features. But overall, this book is reflects my views. "
å�¬æ�Žèµ„政说完,普雷特便上å‰�把这部书的å°�é�¢æ‰€é‡‡ç”¨çš„æ�Žèµ„政漫画图åƒ�原作é€�给他留念。 Having heard Mr Lee, Triplett will be approached to the cover of the book used by Senior Minister Lee comic, gave him the original pictures. 当两人站在一起时,虽然个å�å·®ä¸�å¤šä¸€æ ·é«˜ï¼Œä½†ç©¿ç�€æµ…è“�色大衣ã€�笑料百出的普雷特å�´è·Ÿç©¿ç�€æœ´ç´ ã€�言行严肃的æ�Žèµ„政形æˆ�很大的å��差。 When the two stood together, although almost as tall as tall, but wearing a light blue coat, but with jokes 100 of Triplett wearing a simple, solemn words and deeds of the disparity between Senior Minister Lee.
普雷特è¦�在新书ä¸å�šåˆ°çš„是以轻æ�¾çš„写法去让西方读者了解这ä½�87高龄的亚洲领导人的æ€�ç»´æ–¹å¼�,并窥视他严肃é�¢å”背å�Žçš„内心世界。 Triplett to do in the book are easy to make Western readers to understand the wording of the age of 87 Asian leaders way of thinking, and to spy on his solemn face behind the inner world.
他的结论是æ�Žèµ„æ”¿çš„é¢†å¯¼é£Žæ ¼å±žäºŽ“儒家新乌托邦”。 He concluded that Mr Lee's leadership style as "Confucian new Utopia." ä¼ ç»Ÿçš„å„’å®¶è‰²å½©æŒ‡çš„æ˜¯æ�Žèµ„政在领导政府时,是以“一家之主”的身份为国家作出决定,而民众都乖乖å�¬ä»Žã€‚ Traditional Confucian color refers to the leadership of Mr Lee in the Government, is "head of household" status for the country to make decisions, people are nice listen. 所谓“新乌托邦”,则是指他能够以实事求是,而é�žæ„�识形æ€�的角度去解决问题,让民众å�¯ä»¥äº«å�—ç�†æƒ³ä¸çš„“乌托邦国度”里的良好生活。 The so-called "New Utopia", it means that he can seek truth from facts, rather than ideological point of view to solve the problem so that people can enjoy the ideal of "Utopia country" where the good life.
至于æ�Žèµ„政的内心世界,普雷特在访问ä¸å°�试引导他针对暴èº�的脾气ã€�对儿å�的自豪感ã€�精神压力ã€�终è€�ç‰è¯¾é¢˜è¯´å‡ºå¿ƒé‡Œè¯�。 As Senior Minister Lee's inner world, Triplett try to guide him during his visit for the bad temper, his son's sense of pride, mental stress and died on topics such as to say it.
Mr Lee revealed in the book he's proud his son Lee Hsien Loong.
他说早在�显龙还没当上总�之�,全体部长都已看出他�常有能力,什么事情都能办好。 He said that as early as yet to become Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong before, all ministers have to see he is very capable and can run anything.
他举例说,当年一å��教授英国文å¦çš„å¦è€…到他家作客时,曾抛出一个å—谜。 For example, he said, then a professor of English literature scholar that he came to visit, he had thrown an anagram. æ�Žèµ„政和英文比他强的夫人柯玉èŠ�都解ç”ä¸�出,但本科念的是数å¦çš„æ�Žæ˜¾é¾™ï¼Œå�´èƒ½è¯´å‡ºæ£ç¡®çš„ç”案。 Senior Minister Lee and stronger than his English wife Ke Yuzhi have answered no, but the idea is that undergraduate mathematics Lee, able to give the right answer.
书ä¸å¼•è¿°æ�Žèµ„政说:“现在最新款的电脑硬盘的容é‡�有多大,我儿å�的脑力就有多大。” The book quoted Mr Lee said: "Now the newest computer hard drive capacity may be, my son's brain had much."
1994年,当18å²�的美国å¦ç”Ÿéº¦å…‹è�²å› åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡æ¶‚鸦而被判å��牢四个月å�Šéžæ‰“四下之å�Žï¼Œå‡ ä¹Žæ‰€æœ‰çš„ç¾Žå›½æŠ¥çº¸éƒ½é“ºå¤©ç›–åœ°åœ°æ‰¹è¯„æ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œå�ªæœ‰æ™®é›·ç‰¹ç‹¬æŽ’ä¼—è®®ï¼Œè®¤ä¸ºæ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‰ç�†ã€‚ In 1994, when the 18-year-old American student McPhee for graffiti in Singapore was sentenced to four months imprisonment and flogging looked after, almost all American newspapers are overwhelming criticism of Singapore, only Triplett singular appeal that the Singapore justified. ä¸�过,就连他写专æ �的《洛æ�‰çŸ¶æ—¶æŠ¥ã€‹èµ·åˆ�也拒ç»�刊登他支æŒ�æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„评论,直到他æ�¬å‡º“美国难é�“没有言论自由å�—?”è¿™å¼ çš‡ç‰Œï¼Œæ‰�å…�许他的评论è§�报。 However, even column, he wrote, "Los Angeles Times," at first refused to publish his support for Singapore's comment, until he moved out, "Is not freedom of speech the United States do?" This trump card, only to allow his comments hit the papers.
他早已预è§�亚洲将é�žå¸¸é‡�è¦�,å�´æœ‰æ„ŸäºŽç¾Žå›½äººå¯¹äºšæ´²ä»�然å˜åœ¨è®¸å¤šè¯¯è§£ï¼Œå› æ¤å†³å®šä»Ž1996å¹´èµ·åœ¨ç¾Žå›½æŠ¥ç« å�‘表谈论亚洲的评论。 He has already predicted will be very important in Asia, but Asian Americans Feeling that there are still a lot of misunderstanding, it was decided in the United States since 1996, released to the press about the comments of Asia. æ�Žèµ„政是他的“亚洲巨人系列”所写的第一个人物,下一个人物将是马æ�¥è¥¿äºšå‰�首相马哈迪医生,之å�Žå°†æ˜¯è�”å�ˆå›½ç§˜ä¹¦é•¿æ½˜åŸºæ–‡ã€‚ Senior Minister Lee is his "Asian Giants" series written by the first figure, the next character will be the former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir, will be followed by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
马哈迪ç»�常在新马å�Œè¾¹å…³ç³»ä¸Šä¸Žæ�Žèµ„政唱å��调。 Mahathir Malaysia bilateral relations, often with Senior Minister Lee sing a different tune. ä¸¤äººåœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡å½“年还是马æ�¥è¥¿äºšä¸€å·žçš„时候,已是政敌,å�Žæ�¥å½“马哈迪当上马国首相之å�Žï¼Œåœ¨å�Œè¾¹å…³ç³»æ–¹é�¢å�¯è¯´æ˜¯å¯¹æ–°åŠ å�¡å¤„处为难,但是当普雷特请他在新书ä¸å¯¹æ�Žèµ„政作出点评时,å�´æ˜¯å¯¹ä»–赞èµ�ä¸�已。 Two in Singapore or Malaysia that year, when a state is already political opponents, when Mahathir was prime minister when the country launched after the bilateral relations can be said that made things difficult for Singapore, but when Triplett please his new book on Senior Minister Lee to comment, it was to his admiration.
“他是å°�æ± å¡˜é‡Œçš„å¤§é�’蛙,ä¸�满足于他所拥有的,而是想æˆ�为马æ�¥è¥¿äºšçš„首相……,但是我想当人们把他载入å�²å†Œæ—¶ï¼Œäººä»¬ä¼šè®°å¾—他是一ä½�了ä¸�起的知识分å�,å�Œæ—¶ä¹Ÿæ˜¯äº†ä¸�起的政治人物,这是很罕è§�的。” "He is a big frog in a small pond, not satisfied with his own, but want to become Prime Minister of Malaysia, ... ..., but I want to go down in history of his people, people will remember he was a great intellectual also a great political figure, this is very rare. "
The translation is weird.