How many of you thinking of going to work in BRIC countries?Given our wages are being depressed by globalization :(
BRIC(Brazil , Russia,India , China)rising economic powers in the 21st century
i want to work at sentosa
we are living in a time where you go where the jobs bring you.
the best is be the boss, own jobs, dun hv to see people face and most important,...count own profits
BRIC = Brazil , Russia, India , China (New Rising Power, New Emerging Market)
Brazil, Russia (including Africa, Australia and Arab States) are known as "Resource Rich Countries" that work hand in hand with India & China
India and China are the World Factory, with the 1)Biggest Consumers Market and 2)Biggest Supply Of Cheap Labor underdevopled countries with hunger and drive (NOTE: North Korea is a very raw countries with full of opportunites if she choose to reform her market system with western captialist practise)
This is where Mentor Lee Kuan Yuan arugment lies:
China is based on Business-Relationship-Connection (more inferior)
Singapore is based on Merit-ocracy-System (our is better)
Note: South Korea is based on Guan-Xi (family connection)
Note: Japan is also based on Guan-Xi (family connection)
You know to close a deal in Japan, you need to go thru many dfifferent levels, different Departments, with different connection
What I learned from Connection the practise od "Guan Xi"
1) Knowing the people 2) Knowing the introduction & engagement
3) Knowing your source is accurate, the Middle Man are comestic make-up. (note: you still need a degree, you still need to meet the basic requirement, pass the basic interview, hieght, weight phyiscal test to be a police, army, navy officer)
In the end of the day, South Korea and Japan 2nd Biggest Economy, Taiwan all had produce flying results. There is no doubt in my mind, even China choose to stay on course (without adopting Merit-ocracy) they will overtake Japan as the world 2nd biggest economy in the world rival the top spot United States
Originally posted by Brandon kuan:This is where Mentor Lee Kuan Yuan arugment lies:
China is based on Business-Relationship-Connection (more inferior)
Singapore is based on Merit-ocracy-System (our is better)
Note: South Korea is based on Guan-Xi (family connection)
Note: Japan is also based on Guan-Xi (family connection)
What is his logic for above ratings?
His logic is always full of shit, so curious.
China has been there, done that...
China has "position herself" very well, Brazil will supply China with her endless demand for minerals resources
China has very invested in many African states, most of African infarstructure from seaports, highway, public schools, Govt. Project all paid up by the courtesty of China. It is no wonder African people love China Chinese. Of course Africa continous to provide The World Factory with endless supply of afforad-able minerals resources
It is no secret, Australia is booming due to her biggest customer China, Australia was spare from the finanical crisis
You had to salute China "brightest brains" of making business strategic overseas friends. This is very smart moves of Mr Hu adminstration. I see China next business move is towards Arabs States, unlike United States is heavy burdened domestic politics of a closed ally with Isreal. China had this golden opportunity at the right time at the right business enivorment
Lee Kuan Yew's simple minded explanation for why london is financial centre:
As for Shanghai's goal of matching international financial cities like New York or London, Mr Lee said the Chinese financial hub will need to adapt some more, such as enhancing the use of English.
"In order for Shanghai to be an international financial centre, the city needs a big pool of talented people who can speak English. This is not only for the financial centre, it's also for lawyers, accountants and (other) professionals."
Just master english according to the anglophile Lee Kuan Yew. He just can't stop licking britian's ass.
Bill Clinton 's professor explanation for why london is financial centre:
This third stage of capitalism is of such overwhelming significance in the history of the twentieth century, and its ramifications and influences have been so subterranean and even occult, that we may be excused if we devote considerate attention to its organization and methods. Essentially what it did was to take the old disorganized and localized methods of handling money and credit and organize them into an integrated system, on an international basis, which worked with incredible and well-oiled facility for many decades. The center of that system was in London, with major offshoots in New York and Paris, and it has left, as its greatest achievement, an integrated banking system and a heavily capitalized—if now largely obsolescent—framework of heavy industry, reflected in railroads, steel mills, coal mines, and electrical utilities.
This system had its center in London for four chief reasons.
First was the great volume of savings in England, resting on England's early successes in commercial and industrial capitalism.
Second was England's oligarchic social structure (especially as reflected in its concentrated landownership and limited access to educational opportunities) which provided a very inequitable distribution of incomes with large surpluses coming to the control of a small, energetic upper class.
Third was the fact that this upper class was aristocratic but not noble, and thus, based on traditions rather than birth, was quite willing to recruit both money and ability from lower levels of society and even from outside the country, welcoming American heiresses and central-European Jews to its ranks, almost as willingly as it welcomed monied, able, and conformist recruits from the lower classes of Englishmen, whose disabilities from educational deprivation, provincialism, and Nonconformist (that is non-Anglican) religious background generally excluded them from the privileged aristocracy.
Fourth (and by no means last) in significance was the skill in financial manipulation, especially on the international scene, which the small group of merchant bankers of London had acquired in the period of commercial and industrial capitalism and which lay ready for use when the need for financial capitalist innovation became urgent.
Fucking biased anglo dog, this Lee Kuan Yew. He is true to his baba roots.
Infact, I seen this coming...
BBC Worldservice radio station had been reporting China Business movement extra heavy investment in Africa States (unlike the Hollywood movie Blood Diamonds) China was seen by the African as an honest broker, middle man coming to trade for mutual benefits. While American and Euorpean are bad people that expolited in the past for corporate greed. During the BBC interview Afircan Govt. strongly supported Defended and welcome China
BRIC is the best combination between Oil & Gas Rich Countries like Brazil and Russia working closely together with China and India huge population that provide "Industrial Parks" and cheap labor with Biggest Consumer Market
There a new book out on this topic too.
Is China a rogue donor, as some media pundits suggest? Or is China helping the developing world pave a pathway out of poverty, as the Chinese claim? In the last few years, China's aid program has leapt out of the shadows. Media reports about huge aid packages, support for pariah regimes, regiments of Chinese labor, and the ruthless exploitation of workers and natural resources in some of the poorest countries in the world sparked fierce debates.
Mentor Lee Kuan Yew (old school of thoughts)
He believe American Military Base should continued to stay in Asia.
When the new generation are fed up, Japanese and Korean want Yankee Doodle to go home
He believe our strength for Singapore is our ability to speak and write English. Please, most Singaporean knows that China Education System every China kids compuslory must starting learning "English from primary One" onwards
I urge Singaporean come here and open their eyes !!! Stop thinking China people as Last Hero In China, Master Wong Fei Hong wearing cheong-sum, with a pig tail.
China human rights has been improving by leaps and bounds, USA had just priase China vast improvement. You could see couples issing, holding hands and light petting. Singapore is still discsssing can we allow such behavior in public areas
Originally posted by Brandon kuan:
China human rights has been improving by leaps and bounds, USA had just priase China vast improvement. You could see couples issing, holding hands and light petting. Singapore is still discsssing can we allow such behavior in public areas
That is human rights?
Anyway that Lee Kuan Yew is just an anglo dog. His brain still stuck in 1920s,30s colonial era.
He also likes to make up fairytales about his own life.
A true disgrace.
Originally posted by Brandon kuan:I urge Singaporean come here and open their eyes !!! Stop thinking China people as Last Hero In China, Master Wong Fei Hong wearing cheong-sum, with a pig tail.
Hahaha.. Wong Fei Hong wearing cheong sum? You think he is doing drag show??
That is called Tang Zhuan la.
Well, I say let give China a chance to prove herself. Only time will tell, China is one country that had not started a war against anyone the only exception is Vietnam a short war to punish them for their action in attacking Cambodia
Clearly, the Western Countries had failed to lift up Africa poverty.
Shanghai can be the next finiancal hub
Menote Lee Kuan Yew touch on the ability to speak English is a strange one. Has he forgetten most Singaporean are chinese from Ann Hui Fujian and Guan Dong. Why can't China Chinese pick up the skills of English, how did he arrived to that conculsion is amazing
China had huge savings in commercial dealing and huge industrial manufacturering base, China hold United States biggest T-bills
China hot propery makert for landownership and heavy investment in educational building up R&D tomorrow technology. China is building up 1) buidling up a HUGE middle income family (good for domestic trade) helping local firms 2)narrow down the lower income family 3)allow the rich and wealthy to stay, inviting others to come, we know rich people expanded their business operation, inreturn more hired workers and pay more taxes to maintance the country infarstructure
All the business activity form the creation of many China Banks like Agricuylture Banks, Bank Of Shanghai, Bank Of name a few. Will further surge the buiness activity skywards will free available of hot money to support Business Expansion, R&D and innovation and jump start new business for new business venture
Yes, Shabghai had the basic fundmentals to become a finanical hub of asia and this will lead to the need to create a Shanghai Legal Hub for asia, for patents and business disputes since most of the business activities are taking action right here in China
You are from PRC.
As if one of these guys can compete with BRIC guys,lol