SAA saga
What is IAAF?
What is SAA?
Who is Loh Lin Kok?
IAAF is International Association of Athletics Federations.
SAA is Singapore Athletic Association. It is officially recognized by IAAF as its Singapore representative.
Loh Lin Kok is the president of SAA.
The extraordinary government is currently trying to change the management of SAA. Since political interferences in sports is frowned upon, the EX government is trying to achieve its objective through the use of proxies!
In the plot against the current management of SAA, the EX government has shown itself to be quite skilful! What it have done so far:
1) providing proxies
2) supporting a rival marathon
3) imposing a financial sanction
4) casting the current management in bad light through mainstream media
5) applying pressure on the ‘voters’
What should the current management do?
If it is afraid of troubles, it should step down immediately!
If it is brave enough, then it should stand up to the EX government!
Say NO to the EX government!
The things it should do:
1) attract the attention of IAAF
2) do not endorse the rival marathon
The prospects of another ‘Brunei DPMM’ are getting bigger and bigger!
It is quite obvious that the current management of SAA do not belong to the Establishment, otherwise the EX government would have render assistance to it! Past examples include: NKF saga and the extremely rushed sale of POSB to DBS.
Given that the current president of SAA is the same pattern as the EX government, it is therefore quite a surprise that the EX government is eager to get rid of the current management of SAA!
By doing so, is it trying to encourage the voters to do the same in the upcoming GE?
It is obvious to all Singaporeans that there is political interference on the SAA issue and yet the EX government is denying it!
By doing so, is the EX government trying to show Singaporeans the real meaning of HONESTY and INTEGRITY?