i was wondering, why has the government pumped in so much money to build the SSS (Singapore Sports School) and SOTA (School of the Arts) and neglected all other schools. To me, if through this, we win many medals in AYGs and YOG and have world class athletes, then it's fine. but what has SSS done for us? they don't even appear on the newspapers anymore, most top athletes are coming from schools such as RGS/RI/ACSI/SJI/SCGS. I was at today's national swimming championships, SSS did not even come in the top 3. i think they were 5 or 4. How is the government justified in pumping so much money into Specialised schools when the results are not showing?
cos your school was just involved in a rugby fight mate ...
Fatum: dude that's not the point. i didn't say my school should get the money pumped in to build SSS. i'm saying the money should be more spread out to the neighborhood schools to boost both the CCA and academic results. Dude u should see the Sports School interior. it's freakin huge. the front of it look likes some 4 star hotel.
If u read the newspapers a few months back. there was one article on Vivian Balakrishnan minister for youth and sports announcing that Sports School is taking up the IBDP program. It is supposedly to prevent SSS students from going to Poly or ITE and losing their time to play the sports they're specified in.
I study the IBDP and it is definitely not easy.
How can u give the IBDP syllabus to Students who are not very smart academically, and spend so much of their time training in their specific sports.
There are only 2 possible ways:
1. Give the Students alot of work and more time to study and less time to train their sports (which defeats the purpose of a sports school)
2. Somehow cheat the IBDP system/organisation (Bribing etc) to bring out good marks to show on their students certificates.
Btw, Vivian Balakrishnan's studies in my school and is a great tennis player. if his Father really believed in the academic values and Sports values in his Singapore Sports School , why not send his own son there? After all we're doing the same program, right??
waste of $$$$$$.your rugby players look like girls with shorts.no muscles no height.....look slim n pretty like acid chiobu!!!!!
most rugby players world wide has an arm muscle of minimum 7 kg of meat....tendons etc not included
height should be 1.75 metres at least.
why should anyone pay $$$$ for guys who arent born rugby players in first place??
rugby players should be grotesque,atheletic and muscle bound in order to be real players of the game.
Elite schools has their own ways to get fundings, doesn't need Government help at all. SSS is created to provide potential no elite students a chance to excel in Sports.
As long as it aint pumping any to ACS, I'm all for it.
It got to do with the culture of this country. No many parents will support by sending their children to sports school if the top academic school accept them.
It will take a generation to change this mindset.
Originally posted by ditzy:As long as it aint pumping any to ACS, I'm all for it.
well, they are pumping into ACS, just that they are using an alternate pump connected to the main pump. So you dun get to feel or see it
Originally posted by DouglasBitMeFingerBoomz:Fatum: dude that's not the point. i didn't say my school should get the money pumped in to build SSS. i'm saying the money should be more spread out to the neighborhood schools to boost both the CCA and academic results. Dude u should see the Sports School interior. it's freakin huge. the front of it look likes some 4 star hotel.
yes, of course that's not the point ...
the real point is that, dude, sports is not important in the grand scheme of things.
So what if we can produce a few olympic atheletes ? A few more footy players ? Does it produce more jobs for other Singaporeans ? Does it boost the economy ? Does it make the lives of other Singaporeans better ? No it does not. And really, it's terrible to end up with a cadre of young people who do nothing but play football or swim laps all day, what would happen to them when their competitive life is over ? And of course, for every olympic medalist we sieve through, 999 others would have fallen by the wayside, you suppose they'll eat grass ? National glory in sports is almost as hollow as the silly buggers up north pumping money into sending a space tourist to orbit the earth a few times and setting up a space agency whose biggest achievement so far is the design of a batik print space uniform.
I'm surprised that the SSS was built at all.
i not surprise, especially so with so much fat and fatum or going to be fat people around. Most of the nation hv sport school, in taiwan, we also hv one, and mostly we train them to be top taiwanese sportsmen/women, qualify physical trainer, Sport Doctors and ambassadors of sport for taiwan nation both locally and internationally.
Dreaming olmpic Gold is just milestone, the open objective to motivate and spur on the school image, but the reality is not there, the sole or so called the focus objectives is to
1. Bring the nation to a healthy society, we got less fatty in taiwan ya
2. Allowing a child with a sport dream to be fulfil so that he/she can do well in his/her Academy study too
3. To quatify and qualify proper training physical trainers/coaches, sport doctors and nurses so that school or outsider dun end up getting a stupid trainers or physical trainers or sport injuries doctor with no relevant certification and qualification.
Last time, my male PE teacher also like to look at us jump only...how can?
but elite schools attract both the talented and potentional sportsmen. What's the point of training up people who will never be world class or enter the olympics?? To me, you are ruining your education, we should instead let them go to normal schools so that they can boost their academic scores.
to Wmyongj
I agree that it takes a generation to change that mindset. But the situation you mentioned does not apply. because the Singapore Sports School is not the best in sports in the first place? It would make complete sense for a Parent to send his son/daughter to a school which is both the best in sports AND academics such as ACS/RI/RGS.
to angel7030
believe me, the government does not like independent schools such as ACS. Simply because independent school system is different from Government Schools. we dont pump pro-PAP values into our students minds and brainwash them. we teach them to challenge the authority and stand up for what is right or wrong. The PAP is afraid that students from independent schools will grow up to challenge the future PAP. that's why they have schools such as Sports School and SOTA to kick us off the perch. and make more people go to government schools. which is not working
to Hitman+
i don't understand what's your point. who's paying money for my school rugby players? Btw, in any sport, the size or look does not matter, if u win. you have proven that your better.
Just to clarify. i've written this not to say that govt should pump $$$ into elite schools.
but to pump the $$$ used for SSS and SOTA to the government schools and boost both their CCAs and Academics.