Originally posted by DouglasBitMeFingerBoomz:Yes this might seem to be a small matter, or one that is too sensitive to be discussed (by Angel7030).
It is normal to think that Singapore is religiously and racially in harmony. Not entirely wrong, coz after all we havent had racial riots since 1960s. But i have many many malay friends/schoolmates/classmates who are really quite disturbed by certain govt policies meted out to them and their parents. However, they don't say it loud coz they're ashamed to talk about it.
They complained to me about the lowering of MT Weightage marks. more often than not, Malay students score the most marks in malay language and lesser in english/math/science. If the MT weightage is lowered, then Malays would lose out the most. Malays also mostly speak their own MT at home, which gives them more exposure to it, unlike Chinese and Indians.
It is funny how ST talks about malays who migrate to overseas are coming back due to not being able to get used to the conditions there. but they don't talk about why malays go overseas in the first place.
Malays, to me, are the best of friends. they're the most friendly, the most understanding and kind. they are great guitar companions and soccer teamates. It is sad that the govt has spent very little effort into helping them both financially and socially.
I think LKY, being a Confucian and a great fan of China, tried to push Singaporeans towards a more Chinese Cultural influence, because of its morals such as 'obeying authority, filial piety, elitism'. To him, the weakest link of the country in terms of its culture are the Malay people.Malays are the weakest race financially, and contribute less to the economy (that the govt ranks as the most important over anything else) than the other races. being a minority, they also do not have much say and are therefore not a threat to his rule.
The exposure of Singapore for foreign talents by placing singapore expo in top China cities already tell you alot of stories. Not mean to be sensitive to any race here, the minortiy group, ie the Malays are producing more than any other races here, its a blessing to Singapore and to Islam teaching. Therefore, Govt foreseen a reduction of other races in near future, and this races are mostly the elites and brainchild of this country. So, to the govt, that is threading on dangerous water if something is not done. On the other hand, the other races are not producing, given so much incentives in rebates, tax relief, babies bonus etc etc, govt see no progress for the past 10 years. And that worrying them.
"We have tried all our resources and ideas to promote the birthrate of this country, however, beside the Malays, which also reducing in a sense, we see no improvement, and in fact, detoriation in the birthrate statistics of all other races, and especially so, the Chinese. We can blame it on our economy progression, our education, our earlier 2 is enuf policies, our workalcholic society created, our preferances on singlehood life etc etc..but if you dun produce, that is the end of Singapore
And since the citizens are not producing, we have no choice but to take and pick from the outside, this is not something you can build or plant like industrial and farm, there is no 2 or 3 ways to this problem, it is something which no one can control, and when we start to take in from the outside, be prepare and bear yourself for a culture shock and a racial discontention."
The reducing of weightage in Mother Tongue is basically more toward higher Chinese, normal Chinese is still a must and maintained. And the reason behind this reduction goes back to the starting point, Higher Chinese was very much emphasized during the 90s when China open up it economy, at that time, most Chinese dun speak English and our Govt believed that with an indept understanding of China history, language and subject would help our youngs like me able to do business with our Chinese counterparts on a same level of frequency, more so, we can be another mid road, beside HK, for the west who wanted to enter the Chinese markets. But today, more than 40%, mostly in rich cities of China speaks good American English, so, do we need to have so much stress on Higher Chinese???
On the other hand, govt also think that by reducing Chinese pupils stress on higher chinese, which is indeed quite a difficult subject, their focus can be more on other subjects.
"I see Chinese fulling up the english bookstores, reading and finding for books from America and Britain, they seat on ground, on paveway, on shop learning and reading to each other in English. They are hungry for knowledge and english"
LKY in 1995 China visit
angel 7030 happy writing
Your Honour, I have no further comment
Originally posted by BJK:Please don’t be in denial state on this subject. For those who do can be considered fool. One must admit that discrimination is every country in this world include the so called great human rights and democracy USA. The only difference is the degree of discrimination.
the degree is in the US you can sue a company for practicing discriminating an individual or race....that is a law.
Pls try that in Singapore................
Originally posted by Arapahoe:
the degree is in the US you can sue a company for practicing discriminating an individual or race....that is a law.Pls try that in Singapore................
well in Singapore, you can try a master degree or a degree in laws, most likely you will not get discriminated.
Long life learning and employability.
USA can carry Gun hor
Originally posted by angel7030:
well in Singapore, you can try a master degree or a degree in laws, most likely you will not get discriminated.Long life learning and employability.
USA can carry Gun hor
what does a master degree in Laws and US law allow to carry Gun have in common None.....
Do you know what does discrimination and a Dog have in Common.....?
They all bark like you!!!!