S'pore needs more educated immigrants to make country dynamic, says MM Lee
By Imelda Saad | Posted: 17 April 2010 1949 hrs
SINGAPORE : Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has reiterated the need for Singapore to attract more educated immigrants.
Speaking at the Indian New Year celebrations in Little India on Saturday, Mr Lee said Singaporeans must recognise that with a declining population, the country needs such people, including those who have studied or worked in the US and Europe.
With the economy in a buoyant mood after the government upgraded its growth forecast for the year, Mr Lee said Singapore needs to grow as an attractive hub for international trade, investment and talent to sustain long-term growth.
"We benefited from being open to immigrants from around the world, especially China, India and the region. Throughout history, Singapore has welcomed migrants. When I first took office, we had 62,000 babies every year from a population of 2 million. Today, Singapore citizens produce only 32,000 babies in a year when we should have 60,000 just to replace our population," said MM Lee.
Little India is a glowing example of how early immigrants have flourished and taken root in the country.
Mr Lee said the government understands the concerns of Singaporeans over new immigrants and foreign workers. So it has taken steps to moderate the inflow and widen the differentiation between citizens and non-citizens.
Having educated immigrants here, said Mr Lee, makes Singapore more competitive and dynamic.
"The majority of the new PRs and citizens are skilled workers and professionals in finance, IT and R&D. They bring new skills, global connections and a strong drive to create better lives for their families," said Mr Lee.
Mr Lee gave an example of how one immigrant is making a difference.
"Shyam Srinivasan came from Chennai at age 14, and went to Geylang Methodist Secondary School and Victoria Junior College. He took up citizenship and obtained a teaching scholarship from the Public Service Commission," said the Minister Mentor.
"Last year, he graduated top of his class in Physics at Oxford University. He is now doing his Masters in Applied Physics at Columbia University. He will come back and complete his NS. He will educate and inspire the next generation of Singaporeans," he said.
Their presence has also helped to shape the Singapore landscape.
Mr Lee cited how many Indian temples today have been refurbished to look "elegant" and "colourful".
"Our immigration policies have brought in better educated and wealthy Indians who have made that qualitative difference to our lives. Their support of these temples has resulted in this transformation, reflecting the transformation that is taking place throughout Singapore," said Mr Lee.
Mr Lee said the challenge is to integrate newcomers into Singapore society and an event like this Indian New Year Celebration is a good example of how integration can be done.
The event brings together different communities, not just among the different Indian ethnic groups, but also Singaporeans of all races. - CNA /ls
Turn and twist the word basically they want to bring in more foreigners...........
dont guys with degrees werkin in india now earn more than guys from singapore in MNC thats not government related?
unless they goto GLC or temasek hel compdanies like keppel shipyard ,ST,SIA etc they would earn less and have less better future if they are from india or china.
spore should get educated people from LAOS,cambodia or thailand.....they are technologically advanced by now.
There he goes again, giving us the reasons why more foreigner are required in our motherland!
Once again, it is up to people to bite his bait.
Drinking Cow Urine and Eating Cow Dung?
Cow Urine Sales Skyrocket in India!
By David J. Stewart
The Hindu Vedas say that the cow is holy and should be worshipped. These Brahmins also claim that cow dung ash has medicinal value. However, samples sent to a leading test laboratory in West Germany have purportedly proved this to be untrue. Even today Hindus smear their homes with cow dung, expecting a special blessing.
Hindus foolishly worship cows as gods... DRINKING COW URINE and EATING COW DUNG! As an outgrowth of this, products made by cows also have an enormous history of usage in that country.
Cow products made from dung and urine (known as goratna) have seen an enormous boost in popularity lately. You can get lotions, potions and pills, some of which are cure-alls that battle everything from constipation, to irregular periods, to hysteria, to cancer, and much more. In addition to medicines, the goratna products range from cow dung toothpaste, to detergents, a skin-whitening cream, baldness and obesity cures, soap and a cow urine “antiseptic aftershave.” How about "cow-dung toothpaste"?
Of course, you’re not allowed to slaughter cows, but you are allowed to use the five following items, collectively known as "panchgavya": milk, curd, cheese, urine and dung. Panchgavya is used to make a popular drink in India, which is alleged to have healing properties. No thanks, I'll pass.
Hindus in India smile with happiness as a large cow craps on the floor of their home. They think this is a sure sign that their home has been blessed. Hindu's in India smear cow dung across the entrance of their homes, and require anyone entering their home to step through the dung. Needless to say, Hinduism is a bizarre, Satanic, and sicko religion. Hindus are in desperate need of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are Hindu and this article offends you... SO BE IT! I care about you and don't want you to burn in Hellfire. I am telling you the truth. Salvation is found ONLY through the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:10-12). Acts 10:43 states, "To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins." There is NO other way to Heaven (John 14:6).
According to the History Channel, in a segment called The History Of Dung, they state that there are 250,000,000 cows in India, and each cow produces 16-tons (32,000 LBS.) of dung per year.
Tragically, in India people are dying of hunger. Why are low caste poor Hindus prohibited from eating beef? People stop their cars, and sit for hours waiting for a cow to clear the roadway, thinking it to be sacred. In India cow meat is cheaper than other available meats. Instead of these Brahmins taking care of the low caste peoples of India, they are doing their best to save their "holy" cows instead. This is evil. According to Valmith's Ramayana, God Rama "ATE" meat. So then "why" have these Brahmins given up beef-eating? It's hypocrisy within their own religion.
Drinking Cow Urine for Health?
Hinduism also teaches URINE DRINKING. One Prime Minister, Morarji Desai (Brahmin), boasted that he was drinking eight ounces of his own urine daily (pure and fresh!) in the morning in accordance with the Vedas claim that urine has medicinal value. With the same claim today the Brahmins are drinking cow's urine as if it is a DAILY TONIC. No scientists have ever claimed that urine has any medicinal value. On the contrary it is well known fact that urine is an unwanted organic substance that the human body needs to discharge. This is practice is another unscientific nonsense of Hinduism.
HINDU nationalists in India have launched a marketing exercise to promote cow’s urine as a health cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to obesity and even cancer.
The urine, which is being sold under the label “Gift of the Cow”, is being enthusiastically promoted by the government of Gujarat, one of three states in India dominated by Hindu nationalists.
The urine is collected daily from almost 600 shelters for rescued and wounded cattle set up by the Vishwa Hindu Parisad (VHP), or World Council of Holy men, as part of a government cow-protection programme to save the country’s sacred, but often maltreated, beasts.
Advertised as being “sterilised and completely fresh” it is available for 20 rupees (30p) a bottle at about 50 centres run by the VHP in Gujerat, from 200 of their outlets in neighbouring Madhya Pradesh, and at fairs and religious festivals throughout India.
It also comes in tablets or a cream mixed with other traditional medicinal herbs. Demand is currently outstripping supply.
SOURCE: http://rupeenews.com/2008/02/16/chilled-urine-drinking-hot-in-india-telegraph-reports
There is no limit to what they Devil can inspire people to do. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan is the god of this sinful world. Thus, it is not surprising when we see demonically-inspired people doing bizarre, self-destructive, and crazy things. I saw a teenage boy this week on TV, who tried to do a backward-summersault with his bicycle and wound up knocking his front teeth out. Blood was everywhere. He was laughing and went to do it again. Idiot!
The Devil causes people to get tattoos all over their body, pierce their genitals, have ball-bearings sown under their skin, get breast-implants, erectile-enhancements, sex-change surgery, drinking cow urine, et cetera.
Cow Dung Tooth-Paste, Anyone?
Malay Mail, The Star | March 2, 2005
NEW DELHI: Alongside life-size posters of Hindu nationalist leaders, Indian political activists can now buy lotions, potions and pills to cure anything from cancer to hysteria to piles – all made from cow urine or dung.
A new goratna (cow products) stall at the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) souvenir shop is rapidly outselling dry political tracts, badges, flags and saffron-and-green plastic wall clocks with the face of former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.
“You won't believe how quickly some of the products sold out,” says Manoj Kumar, who runs the souvenir shop along with his brother, Sanjeev, at the BJP headquarters in a plush central New Delhi neighbourhood. “The constipation medicine is a hot seller.”
But the biggest seller is a “multi-utility pill” that claims to cure anything from diabetes to piles to “ladies' diseases”. A month's supply costs a little over US$1 (RM3.80).
Another cure-all is Sanjivani Ark, a liquid medicine that battles cancer, hysteria, and irregular periods, among other things.
In addition to medicines, the goratna products range from cow dung toothpaste, to detergents, a skin-whitening cream, baldness and obesity cures, soap and a cow urine “antiseptic aftershave”.
Siddarth Singh, a spokesman for BJP, which has long campaigned on the sanctity of the cow, said the stall aimed to promote village industry, one of the biggest employers in India.
"If you go back in the history of India, this belongs to our culture. There's no commercial value to us. Village industry in this country needs to be promoted".
The use of cow products in India is centuries old. The five key products – butter, milk, curd, urine and dung –are collectively known as panchgavya and are an important part of Ayurvedic medicine.
The cow is worshipped by Hindus, who make up some 82 per cent of India's over 1 billion people. Cow slaughter is banned in most parts of the country.
The goratna products, made by a cooperative in the northern 'cow belt' state of Uttar Pradesh, are rapidly gaining in popularity.
"Once they use it, they are coming back and they are bringing their friends and their family and their neighbours back with them", says Kumar.
Singh already uses the detergent and is thinking of experimenting further.
"I'm tempted to try something for the hair --- let's hope", he grins, running his fingers through his thinning crop. – Reuters
Well, if I have an MP born in India running for Singapore Parliament, I would feel like taking a sniper to shoot the MP, just like Martin Luther King!
I orderd "Bryani" in Mandarin today because the bloody cashier is from PRC and couldn't speak English.....
What else does the Old man wants....
I guess he now realises that the immigrants coming in from the past few years were not as "talented" as he expected.
Even masseuses and cleaners were granted PRship.
more problems will come if those talent come with fake certs n cant get the wk done
An analogy about new immigrants to Singapore:
Having a controlled stream of immigrants coming to live and work in Singapore is beneficial for the country - Just like drinking a small glass of red wine a day is good for blood circulation for the body.
But if you suddenly drink 1 or 2 bottles everyday for the next few months, your standing on the table drunk and singing Fried Rice Paradise is not going to make you look hip and cool.
Get the drift?
No need to say, complain, get angry abt all these anymore. Say until saliva dry, they will still continue with the 'FT is our life saver' thingy. Just vote wisely.
well-educated foreigners will vote for PAP mah the old farker thinks.............
yes, we must also spread the word...............tell the ignorant masses to vote ''wisely''............
Originally posted by Hitman+:There is no limit to what they Devil can inspire people to do. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan is the god of this sinful world. Thus, it is not surprising when we see demonically-inspired people doing bizarre, self-destructive, and crazy things. I saw a teenage boy this week on TV, who tried to do a backward-summersault with his bicycle and wound up knocking his front teeth out. Blood was everywhere. He was laughing and went to do it again. Idiot!
The Devil causes people to get tattoos all over their body, pierce their genitals, have ball-bearings sown under their skin, get breast-implants, erectile-enhancements, sex-change surgery, drinking cow urine, et cetera.
Cow Dung Tooth-Paste, Anyone?
Malay Mail, The Star | March 2, 2005
NEW DELHI: Alongside life-size posters of Hindu nationalist leaders, Indian political activists can now buy lotions, potions and pills to cure anything from cancer to hysteria to piles – all made from cow urine or dung.
A new goratna (cow products) stall at the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) souvenir shop is rapidly outselling dry political tracts, badges, flags and saffron-and-green plastic wall clocks with the face of former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.
“You won't believe how quickly some of the products sold out,” says Manoj Kumar, who runs the souvenir shop along with his brother, Sanjeev, at the BJP headquarters in a plush central New Delhi neighbourhood. “The constipation medicine is a hot seller.”
But the biggest seller is a “multi-utility pill” that claims to cure anything from diabetes to piles to “ladies' diseases”. A month's supply costs a little over US$1 (RM3.80).
Another cure-all is Sanjivani Ark, a liquid medicine that battles cancer, hysteria, and irregular periods, among other things.
In addition to medicines, the goratna products range from cow dung toothpaste, to detergents, a skin-whitening cream, baldness and obesity cures, soap and a cow urine “antiseptic aftershave”.
Siddarth Singh, a spokesman for BJP, which has long campaigned on the sanctity of the cow, said the stall aimed to promote village industry, one of the biggest employers in India.
"If you go back in the history of India, this belongs to our culture. There's no commercial value to us. Village industry in this country needs to be promoted".
The use of cow products in India is centuries old. The five key products – butter, milk, curd, urine and dung –are collectively known as panchgavya and are an important part of Ayurvedic medicine.
The cow is worshipped by Hindus, who make up some 82 per cent of India's over 1 billion people. Cow slaughter is banned in most parts of the country.
The goratna products, made by a cooperative in the northern 'cow belt' state of Uttar Pradesh, are rapidly gaining in popularity.
"Once they use it, they are coming back and they are bringing their friends and their family and their neighbours back with them", says Kumar.
Singh already uses the detergent and is thinking of experimenting further.
"I'm tempted to try something for the hair --- let's hope", he grins, running his fingers through his thinning crop. – Reuters
if Indians were to eat cows then expect all grain prices to skyrocket !!! the majority of grain in US goes into feeding cattle......................
a cow can provide milk + yoghurt/cheese, help with farming, provide fertilizer, transportation of goods, etc etc.................a cow is worth much much more alive than dead...............
then why weren't Jesus in India then ? they have a much bigger population than Europe, eh ? surely God would be smart enough to know saving more people make more sense ?
fuck you and all your christian garbage..............Hinduism makes more sense anytime...............
What Singapore really needs is to get rid of the stifling PAP dictatorship that stifles the population.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:I orderd "Bryani" in Mandarin today because the bloody cashier is from PRC and couldn't speak English.....
What else does the Old man wants....
Its Briyani... not Bryani... LOL...
nice...bring in more people..let them have our jobs..
very good. our population might be low but wth man.
Originally posted by Deino:. our population might be low but wth man.
Singapore population density is close to highest in the world. That's why so stressful living in such a crowded area. Don't be fooled by PAP propaganda.
al romanista,
well may the cows love and hump u too!!and shove yer head in blessed cow shit!!u will become more wiser after that!u are ignorant down to the last bone in yer skull!
it is in indian culture in india to bathe in cow dung and wipe their children from head to toe with bull shit!thats their culture!!!!its seen on tv documentary or india if u cared to get a look.its just indian culture thats all...u dont need to fuck everyone cuz everyone saw real street indian culture!!its not only christians who were appaleed at it but also people in malaysia from newspapers.
sheesh,,,talking about indians when u know next to nothing to their culture.its probabky worse if i found out u were indian!
just go to india,,,and they have prepacked cow dung mixed with sandalwood and other stuff sold as bathing condiments,religious stuff etc....some are sold in big aircon supermarkets in india too!
if u cant goto india then watch some really good documentary on tv.but most stuff on spore tv are censored so u probably are one of the people who would say>>>"where got carl junior hamburger ??"cuz u never even bothered looking at it in the first place!
the old man know nothing on the ground la. he already living in paradise.
immigrants has brought hyper inflation all opver singapore.
some of our basic needs are already compromise as a result massive influx of immigrants. teh ruling regime still refuse to acknowledge the mistake of their immigrants policy, insisting we singaporeans should open our arms to welcome them.
Haha. MM Lee should weight pros and cons seriously.
he cares 4 nothing..................except him having aircon in his room , $$$ and simcity.
Just as PAP constantly telling people that without its dominance, Singapore will regress. Personally, I think PAP is experiencing the same fear by hedging itself against any backlash from dominant race ie the Chinese.
If anyone notices, there is substantial increase of migrants from non-traditional sources, tilting the balance of race in Singapore.
Anyone goes downtown can find swarm of imported Indian IT workers. Once a contract is given to an Indian based company, you can be sure the line and staff workers will all be Indians. The thing is that they only employ, work and live with their own kind.
They don’t even bother to mix with the local born Indian.
The exasperating thing about these new migrants coming from mono-racial societies is that they do not fathom the meaning of multi-racial living or sensitivity of race in larger context.
Originally posted by 4sg:
Anyone goes downtown can find swarm of imported Indian IT workers. Once a contract is given to an Indian based company, you can be sure the line and staff workers will all be Indians. The thing is that they only employ, work and live with their own kind.
PAP still pushes the complete and total rubbish propaganda about foreigners "integrating" into local society. This is a complete nonsense.
This PAP is creating new alien colonies inside Singapore to destroy Singapore.
I have fully, completely, totally and wholly lost all faith in this rubbish entity known as PAP.
This PAP is nothing but complete rubbish to Singaporeans.
Originally posted by Fuck PAP & Lee Kuan Yew:PAP still pushes the complete and total rubbish propaganda about foreigners "integrating" into local society. This is a complete nonsense.
This PAP is creating new alien colonies inside Singapore to destroy Singapore.
I have fully, completely, totally and wholly lost all faith in this rubbish entity known as PAP.
This PAP is nothing but complete rubbish to Singaporeans.
rubbish??? then why r u still here living in a rubbish dump, go away lah? funny leh, rubbish also want to stay...
its quite hard to go away nowadays to other countries.immigration criteria has been harder year by year for all countries.
so need to fight hard with how and why PAP is givin citizens a hard and uneventful life.