Originally posted by reyes:i would not say, everything PAP has done is bad. but i would say, what they had done in the last 5 years is definitely not ideal and can be better.
If CSJ had born in taiwan, he would be alright. but as long as opposition is minority, he should be smart enough to know , play by the rules. PAP set the rules because they control the parliament.
the opposition can only change the rules and guidelines when they had the majority in parliament.
however good candidate like low, chiam, silvia did command my respect. they had dare to stand up where most of us din have the guts and balls!!
Agree with you.
If CSJ is a taiwanese politician, he would be running from the poeple because he would had angered the people.
Stupid Gahment crammed a few more million pple to create jammed packed transportation, expensive tiny houses, expensive COEs, expensive education, competition for school places, expensive everything!
That's the Swiss Standard of Living the PAP promised?
A clause in Swiss standard of Living stated that, we must be gracious to the foreign peoples, so in order to achieve that, we must be compassionate, understand and care for the foreigners here so that they feel welcome here
Originally posted by Atobe:
The agenda of the Taiwanese 'hum' is obvious to disrupt the SgForum with its low level frivolous idiocy.Is the Taiwanese 'hum' given a "carte blanche" to disrupt as it pleases with its idiocy and without any intervention ?
How did the Taiwanese 'hum' manage to post two replies at the same time when there is a 30 second bar between postings ?
The agenda of a Taiwanese 'hum' in this SgForum was clearly stated by itself - ‘to make sure the audience moving/divert toward you’ (*1)
Is it any surprise to see that the efforts of the resident CBM here is obviously to sabotage the thread with its flippant and irrelevant replies, and get all attempts at serious discussion to be driven off track - simply to bring attention to its own stupidity ?
With its brain stuck between its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ - and a brain no bigger then the size of its ‘clitoris’ - all it can do is to flap in rapturous idiocy to attract attention to itself as an 'Attention Seeking Whore' fitted with a world class CBM.
That devil!
Originally posted by angel7030:A clause in Swiss standard of Living stated that, we must be gracious to the foreign peoples, so in order to achieve that, we must be compassionate, understand and care for the foreigners here so that they feel welcome here
PIMP, talks cock again. What you need to do is just open your legs to serve them that is all.
Originally posted by Atobe:
The agenda of the Taiwanese 'hum' is obvious to disrupt the SgForum with its low level frivolous idiocy.
Is the Taiwanese 'hum' given a "carte blanche" to disrupt as it pleases with its idiocy and without any intervention ?
How did the Taiwanese 'hum' manage to post two replies at the same time when there is a 30 second bar between postings ?
Originally posted by angel7030:
hahaha..now u know who i am hor...the special one.
S’poreans must not create an image that new immigrants are not welcomed - 04 Apr ’10 – 10.53AM
Undersea nuke power plant in SG southern islands – 04 Apr ’10 – 10.53AM
Originally posted by Atobe:
It is a surprise that you will wish to digress from the main issue which began with your false claim that it is critical for Singapore that - "The economy need to be expanded to the max possible, so that we can have the widest choice possible in goods and services" .
Have you simply resigned from your position without even bothering to make a reasonable defense for the false statement made above - which you claim is the reason that justify the need for the huge influx of foreign labor to Singapore ?
It is not too clever to simply dismiss my preceding reply as digressing when you could have attempted to be honest with yourself by addressing the issues raised.
It is also not too creative to simply hide behind a simple excuse that there is "the bone of contention between any persons who have their own opinion and care to express them".
If you believe in your opinion as valid you would have the conviction in yourself to push your ideas through instead of resigning from fear of having to change your views, or fear of something worst - to be debunked.
To put it all in a nutshell - are you prepared to see Singapore being so dependent on foreign labor to justify the maximum economic expansion for Singapore - to the extent of ignoring the pitfalls experienced by other countries such as the named Middle-eastern countries ?
What kind of resilient Total Defense for Singapore is there - when continued economic progress is dependent on an ever growing need for foreign labor to sustain the growth ?
Can this be digression ?
Surely you can learn something about being honest to yourself ?
I digress?, I am keeping to the topic.
I have reiterated my stand. I think because of your scorn for LKY and his party, it did not register with you.
Anyway my statement is my statement. It cannot be false, it can only be resonable, acceptable, or absurd.
You ask this question, and it shows that you already know what my stand is.
"To put it all in a nutshell - are you prepared to see Singapore being so dependent on foreign labor to justify the maximum economic expansion for Singapore - to the extent of ignoring the pitfalls experienced by other countries such as the named Middle-eastern countries ?"
What makes you think that only you are privy to the details of the Middle-eastern countries' experience? Isn't knowledge of their experience the the cause of the statement which is the title of this thread
S'poreans must not create an image that new immigrants are not welcome.
Foreign workers here have their horror stories to tell too, but as can be seen they are by and large well treated. This eliminate or reduces one of the causes of foreign labour to leave.
Why did the foreigh labour exit en mass from those countries? International crisis, marked improvements in their homeland, or simply there are greener pastures elsewhere. Whatever the reason the danger is there. Singapore knows it.
To answer your question, (which is cleverly crafted for me to accept or reject a negative situation), I say this: I would like Singapore to make hay while the sun shine, to take all the opportunity of the present circumstances to move ahead and to progress as much as possible. Yes this would spread our resources thin, requiring the influx of foreign labour. I have stated I am agreeable to this, and do so again, as opposed to being restrained by the dangers of being too dependent on foreign labour. When the time comes, and they leave Singapore in a lurch, that would be another bridge to cross. In the mean time, Majulah Singapura.
So should I expect Singapore, in view of those pitfalls, to restrain from going all out?
Originally posted by dare82:So what stand is it?
I don't mind you saying Chee Soon Juan is a sucker as he tends to bring the whole opposition down.
But if you say that Chiam See Tong, Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim as well, then I should call you a Mother-fucking Nabei Cheebye Son of a bitch pussy!
What fucking good has the PAP done for you, you tell me?
People are coping with rising costs of living and social problems with foreigner influx!
Not just lack of freedom of expression!
You want people to engage you, come out with your ideas, or your own stand on the issue.
How did you come by this if statement? You want people to take you seriously?
"But if you say that Chiam See Tong, Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim as well, then I should call you a Mother-fucking Nabei Cheebye Son of a bitch pussy!"
Wait a minute, are you that boy I gave 50cents to go downstairs to buy sweets?
Say instead... "thank you for snatching another job vacancy and landing job that pay higher than mine..."
Originally posted by caleb_chiang:Say instead... "thank you for snatching another job vacancy and landing job that pay higher than mine..."
Originally posted by mancha:You want people to engage you, come out with your ideas, or your own stand on the issue.
How did you come by this if statement? You want people to take you seriously?
"But if you say that Chiam See Tong, Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim as well, then I should call you a Mother-fucking Nabei Cheebye Son of a bitch pussy!"
Wait a minute, are you that boy I gave 50cents to go downstairs to buy sweets?
At least not like you.
You don't seem to connect well with the commoners!
Wait a minute. Are you from security department or higher authority?
If you are, then think why Singaporeans are whining for their rice bowls.
Broken by foreign refugees who scraped their ways through.
Originally posted by Dondontan:Bigotry
Yup, views different from what you hold not tolerated.
Originally posted by mancha:Yup, views different from what you hold not tolerated.
Hahahahahahahahhaha! Did I say anything more than one word?
Originally posted by Dondontan:
Hahahahahahahahhaha! Did I say anything more than one word?
So, I agree with your one word and expand on it rather than post x1.
Wah just came back from my holiday in sg still onto this issue.
mancha made some good pts but at the end of the day....
whatever direction the government pursues "in the interest of the people and nation." It is their point of view.... if the people are not happy.... the government has either a choice to rethink their perspective to prevent civil unrest/racial tensions or they can gamble by persisting and perhaps lose a few votes. Which won't happen because PAP always wins so why bother.... lol
Personally I agree wif Martin Lee in that the result in Singapore won't change.... yawn*. Whether u like your current government or not you're stuck with it. This is probably the only democracy whereby our forefather minister mentor can bash its people on international TV and get away with it. Face it Singaporeans. You're stuck. You either belong to the group that has no need to ship out because Singapore's cost of living is cheap and you have the $ or you don't have the $ and everything is expensive. (Damn I'm getting influenced by elitist propaganda.... paisei never knew I had it in me to talk like them.)
Here's Martin Lee's point of view.
Kind Regards
I am from Hong Kong and I just want to say: Hatred, regardless of what form it takes, will do you no good.
Now before you Singaporeans here start telling me to drag my bloody corpse back to Hong Kong, have the good heart to hear me out.
I am a foreigner, and like all other foreigners, we never "stole" your jobs, university placements, your livelihoods, or anything for that matter. Get that out of your head.
We're just regular people making an honest living, trying to provide for ourselves and our families.
Hong Kong also has plenty of migrant workers from the Phillippines, Indonesia, and the PRC. I'm sure most developed countries, US, Canada, Australia, etc. have a sizeable population of migrant workers as well. This is the world we live in, accept it.
Rid yourself of your prejudices. And stop being so bloody rude. I start talking cantonese in the MRT and I can say at least once out of ten times I will get a unpleasant look or stare from some random Singaporean chinese because they know I'm from Hong Kong. This kind of rotten attitude will do you no good. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good will come out of it. You merely disgrace your country and your people.
Originally posted by Gabrielleung:I am from Hong Kong and I just want to say: Hatred, regardless of what form it takes, will do you no good.
Now before you Singaporeans here start telling me to drag my bloody corpse back to Hong Kong, have the good heart to hear me out.
I am a foreigner, and like all other foreigners, we never "stole" your jobs, university placements, your livelihoods, or anything for that matter. Get that out of your head.
We're just regular people making an honest living, trying to provide for ourselves and our families.
Hong Kong also has plenty of migrant workers from the Phillippines, Indonesia, and the PRC. I'm sure most developed countries, US, Canada, Australia, etc. have a sizeable population of migrant workers as well. This is the world we live in, accept it.
Rid yourself of your prejudices. And stop being so bloody rude. I start talking cantonese in the MRT and I can say at least once out of ten times I will get a unpleasant look or stare from some random Singaporean chinese because they know I'm from Hong Kong. This kind of rotten attitude will do you no good. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good will come out of it. You merely disgrace your country and your people.
Tell us how good is your attitude.
Be prepared for response from netizens here.
Originally posted by Gabrielleung:I am from Hong Kong and I just want to say: Hatred, regardless of what form it takes, will do you no good.
Now before you Singaporeans here start telling me to drag my bloody corpse back to Hong Kong, have the good heart to hear me out.
I am a foreigner, and like all other foreigners, we never "stole" your jobs, university placements, your livelihoods, or anything for that matter. Get that out of your head.
We're just regular people making an honest living, trying to provide for ourselves and our families.
Hong Kong also has plenty of migrant workers from the Phillippines, Indonesia, and the PRC. I'm sure most developed countries, US, Canada, Australia, etc. have a sizeable population of migrant workers as well. This is the world we live in, accept it.
Rid yourself of your prejudices. And stop being so bloody rude. I start talking cantonese in the MRT and I can say at least once out of ten times I will get a unpleasant look or stare from some random Singaporean chinese because they know I'm from Hong Kong. This kind of rotten attitude will do you no good. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good will come out of it. You merely disgrace your country and your people.
I think in HK, people will dare to protest against the influx of foreigners.
So it's not about Western culture of democracy but this happens in HK as well.
Do you feel squeezed by the foreigners in your homeland as well?
How long have you lived in Singapore anyway?
I think even the Malaysians, Taiwanese, Hong Kongers and Indonesians who have lived a considerable amount of time, i.e. 15 years or more by now, also hate the influx of foreigners now!
Originally posted by dare82:I think in HK, people will dare to protest against the influx of foreigners.
So it's not about Western culture of democracy but this happens in HK as well.
Do you feel squeezed by the foreigners in your homeland as well?
How long have you lived in Singapore anyway?
I think even the Malaysians, Taiwanese, Hong Kongers and Indonesians who have lived a considerable amount of time, i.e. 15 years or more by now, also hate the influx of foreigners now!
I think even the Malaysians, Taiwanese, Hong Kongers and Indonesians who have lived a considerable amount of time, i.e. 15 years or more by now, also hate the influx of foreigners now!
Yea, my Malaysian acquaintance is as you said above (in bold). He stated that now the local govt does not favour the Malaysians, they love the Indians and China Chinese.
The overall winner is the govt. Winner takes it all!
Originally posted by Gabrielleung:I am from Hong Kong and I just want to say: Hatred, regardless of what form it takes, will do you no good.
Now before you Singaporeans here start telling me to drag my bloody corpse back to Hong Kong, have the good heart to hear me out.
I am a foreigner, and like all other foreigners, we never "stole" your jobs, university placements, your livelihoods, or anything for that matter. Get that out of your head.
We're just regular people making an honest living, trying to provide for ourselves and our families.
Hong Kong also has plenty of migrant workers from the Phillippines, Indonesia, and the PRC. I'm sure most developed countries, US, Canada, Australia, etc. have a sizeable population of migrant workers as well. This is the world we live in, accept it.
Rid yourself of your prejudices. And stop being so bloody rude. I start talking cantonese in the MRT and I can say at least once out of ten times I will get a unpleasant look or stare from some random Singaporean chinese because they know I'm from Hong Kong. This kind of rotten attitude will do you no good. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good will come out of it. You merely disgrace your country and your people.
I think this debate is moot. In the 1st place, Singaporeans aren't upset about the foreigners (at least from what I hear). Singaporeans ARE upset WITH the govt for not setting strict criteria in importing foreign labour..
And I don't think it's an issue (in fact, I think it's justified) to favour locals to foreigners in one's own country, and only the better crop of foreigners can secure a job. For instance, I am working in USA, I fought past Americans and other nationalities to secure my job here. I pride myself at being able to overcome those initial disadvantages by proving my capabilities above everyone else, and got selected for the job. The Americans don't hate me, coz they can see my abilities when I come in here.
The same goes for you. If SG makes it difficult for you to get a job, because companies favour locals more, I am sure you will not mind. In fact, would you not be proud if you best the locals to win the job?
Originally posted by Gabrielleung:Rid yourself of your prejudices. And stop being so bloody rude. I start talking cantonese in the MRT and I can say at least once out of ten times I will get a unpleasant look or stare from some random Singaporean chinese because they know I'm from Hong Kong.
People stare at you cos you are unique. Singaporeans a lot cant speak cantonese. Those who stare at you happens to be Cantonese, and are surprised you can speak so fluently.
Anyway, Singaporeans are not prejudiced against Hongkongers, so don't despise yourself.
And probably, you spoke too loud on the MRT, thats why you are getting the stares. Try speaking softly the next time round, see if anyone stares at you.
Originally posted by Junyang700:People stare at you cos you are unique. Singaporeans a lot cant speak cantonese. Those who stare at you happens to be Cantonese, and are surprised you can speak so fluently.
Anyway, Singaporeans are not prejudiced against Hongkongers, so don't despise yourself.
And probably, you spoke too loud on the MRT, thats why you are getting the stares. Try speaking softly the next time round, see if anyone stares at you.
I wanted to bring up on the speaking loud but scare will offend him.
It feels very depressing when in a meeting, the Singaporean has to play the role of translator to get the message from one china, to philippines, to myanmar, then back to china again.
Originally posted by Gabrielleung:I am from Hong Kong and I just want to say: Hatred, regardless of what form it takes, will do you no good.
Hatred? What a strong word...
Now before you Singaporeans here start telling me to drag my bloody corpse back to Hong Kong, have the good heart to hear me out.
I am a foreigner, and like all other foreigners, we never "stole" your jobs, university placements, your livelihoods, or anything for that matter. Get that out of your head.
We're just regular people making an honest living, trying to provide for ourselves and our families.
And so are average Singaporeans trying to make a honest living, it doesn't help that the standard of living is very high but the salary is low here and for some reasons, our Government want to cramp more people in this bloody small island.
Hong Kong also has plenty of migrant workers from the Phillippines, Indonesia, and the PRC. I'm sure most developed countries, US, Canada, Australia, etc. have a sizeable population of migrant workers as well. This is the world we live in, accept it.
Try comparing your country size to Singapore size...see the difference?
Rid yourself of your prejudices. And stop being so bloody rude. I start talking cantonese in the MRT and I can say at least once out of ten times I will get a unpleasant look or stare from some random Singaporean chinese because they know I'm from Hong Kong. This kind of rotten attitude will do you no good. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good will come out of it. You merely disgrace your country and your people.
Unless you're talking loudly, which is not a polite thing to do here I believe no one will give you the unpleasant look or stare.
No offense to you but do you talk loudly while using the phone?