Originally posted by charlize:No, you pay as long as you step out of your house.
Except when you jump down from your building.
Originally posted by charlize:No, you pay as long as you step out of your house.
Wrong. You pay even when you are at home. Don't forget ur utilities.... and also your flat.... its not free.
What is this feckless,hypocrite ranting on about lah! Innovative or not - it is for the public, eg the citizens to offer their views.having arrogated n monopolized (for itself) the levers of govt machinery n power, n now this temerity to heap praises and delude the public is appallingly disgusting! All that is palpable is a govt that is fattening itself on taxpayers' $$$ and if it is not rationalizing, it is hoodwinking the citizens into believing half-truths and sadly roped in a conniving media (we dont have a msm, a lame one - yes!) to prop itself up and propagate its one-sided stories n ....
That we are mired with a leadership that purports to be a democracy is our undoing because we acquiesced unawares to a one-party system and today the reality it is far from it. It is a pseudo-democracy and it is in actuality a dictatorship. Singaporeans have been for much too long deluding themselves that they have an accountable, responsible, just and transparent govt. It is a myth – the reality is that it stinks from all quarters! Even if one tries to obtain info or .., one is more likely to run into a bureaucratic cul-de-sac. If they really “listened” n not hear they would have made a big difference to many lives and Singaporeans would be proud of them as a government or what-have-u.
Also, the incumbent ruling party/govt keeps harping on this: that other models or so-called political models (eg multi-party/proportional representation) are unsuited for Singapore and it must be discouraged or eschewed at any cost;of course, it is utter rubbish and crap and one has to be an imbecile to subcribe to such rantings! Beware, it is a ploy to perpetuate power and the rationale and arguments put forth seems at best hollow and dubious. Citizens ought to be able to decide and it is thro wise voting. To be dictated to as to what is ‘good’ for the citizens is not being democratic but telling people that u are not wise, u are immature – ‘let me decide’. They have decided enough and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH lar.
Is not this being enslaved to a system (one-party state) that is choking and stultifying us in many ways?
Eg, this bullshit about ‘Swiss standards’ or ‘good’ years simply vaporized! what an insult! Why is there no longer this mention of attaining Swiss standards. ‘It was talking cock’ during elections. It was futurizing and the reality today is, to cite a jarring eg. PMETs are driving taxis, wating on tables and … add on.
Frankly, today Singaporeans are in a relatively unfavorable and a sorry state in many ways – eg, high cost of living has been oversold as higher standard of livng, so-called subsidized HDB flats though claimed to be offered at reasonable prices is in fact most likely untrue and no independent source(s) have yet to or has it ever been verified. HDB has never till today released the actual costing or how they came about with this pricing. Why the secrecy?
One can add on, from medical to transport to CPF … – all one way traffic. Who are these people who sit in committees or bodies that make recommendations or implement … people who are ostensibly yes-man/woman!
Why? Simply, cos the one-party system is in the favour of the ruling party or govt. It is NEVER AND WILL NEVER be transparent or accountable to the people (citizens).
Does Singapore ministries or govt depts have an OMBUDSMEN? Do we have checks n balances? Who is checking whom? Imagine an independent organisation or an oppostion party – it would make a BIG difference. The so-called ‘’self-check” mechanisms are at its best lip service gestures, cursory and perfuntory and at its worse, sadly spurious!
These are questions that Singaporeans need to seriously consider when they vote and hopefully not be simply be swayed by short-term money handouts or rebates or for that matter, eg, the upgrading programs that had been recently announced. All of us know , ti will eventaully be recouped (hidden) through price escalation/increases in medical,tranport, …. add on
Also, the FT (foreign ‘talent’ in quotes cos the incument govt defined and decided which or what is .., on close scrutiny it seems so facetiously shallow) policy is not in the favour of SIngaporeans but to the advantage of the govt. Do other countries allow foreigners to take up PR/citizenship so VERY easily and facilitate them and what is worse is that Singaporeans who were born here and in some ways directy/indirectly contributed to the country have to COMPETE for jobs, schools and who knows what else is to come. Why accord preferences (preferential treatment) to foreigners when NS is concerned? It is criminally unfair! Utter shame that it has come to this.
The benefit(s) of FT policy to the citizens is a mere trickle effect! It seems more of a political tool to leverage (and benefit) during elections. Lest one forgets, higher poplulation means higher GDp = means higher salaries for ministers and their cohorts cos salaries are pegged to GDP. For the sake of political n personal gains and expediency, Singaporeans have been (and are being) sacrificed and pawned.
By ignoring the realities we are unwittingly perpetuating ‘ tyranny’. The crime of ‘tyranny’ would persist as long as we are complicit and stay non-chalant to this charade.
Singaporeans, need to wake up and disallow these state of affairs to persist and seriously consider a two/multi party system. It may not be perfect but is all hunky dory now? The past does not equal the future. There is no nation, no country, individuals make up that nation or country. It is the quality of individuals that makes or breaks a nation/country.Life without dignity is worthless. Hopefully Singaporeans understand and judiciously vote and vote for BIG changes. .
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Except when you jump down from your building.
u jump now, your spouse or relatives still have to paid for the collection and cleaning part, and also, if any public stuffs like lampost, chair, drain covers were damaged, they also hv to pay lor.
Nothing is free here hor
Originally posted by angel7030:
u jump now, your spouse or relatives still have to paid for the collection and cleaning part, and also, if any public stuffs like lampost, chair, drain covers were damaged, they also hv to pay lor.
Nothing is free here hor
I do not have spouse yet, why dont u recommend me one since u tried to be a smart aleck here.
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:I do not have spouse yet, why dont u recommend me one since u tried to be a smart aleck here.
Well, you are talking to one now. We can be a smart Couple ya.
The agenda of the Taiwanese 'hum' is obvious to disrupt the SgForum with its low level frivolous idiocy.
It is obvious that the moderators have given Taiwanese 'hum' a "carte blanche" to disrupt as it pleases with its idiocy and without any intervention.
How did the Taiwanese 'hum' manage to post two replies at the same time when there is a 30 second bar between postings ?
S’poreans must not create an image that new immigrants are n - 04 Apr ’10 –10.53AM
Undersea nuke power plant in SG southern islands – 04 Apr ’10 – 10.53AM
It is not a surprise that the Taiwan 'hum' will continue to agitate by flapping its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ to taunt in total idiocy - ‘hahaha..now u know who i am hor...the special one.’ (*1)
The agenda of a Taiwanese 'hum' in this SgForum was clearly stated by itself - ‘to make sure the audience moving/divert toward you’ (*2)
Is it any surprise to see that the efforts of the resident CBM here is obviously to sabotage the thread with its flippant and irrelevant replies, and get all attempts at serious discussion to be driven off track - simply to bring attention to its own stupidity ?
With its brain stuck between its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ - and a brain no bigger then the size of its ‘clitoris’ - all it can do is to flap in rapturous idiocy to attract attention to itself as an 'Attention Seeking Whore' fitted with a world class CBM.