Chee Soon Juan CSJ lied, if u believe Mrs Chiam See Tong 詹时ä¸.
In a recent zao bao interview Chee Soon Juan CSJ claimed that when Chiam
resigned from the post of Secretary-General of SDP,
CSJ had repeatedly tried to persuade Chiam to stay , but Chiam insisted to resign.
here is Mrs Chiam story.
She said Chee called for a disciplinary meeting and repelled Chiam
out of the Party!! Chiam ,the Founder of SDP ,once lost the membership
in the Party,he then lost the seat in Parliament.
Mrs Chiam said Chee staged the hungry strike without approval of the Party.
CSJ created the joke of drinking health drink in hunger strike
secretly but exposed!
Can my learned friends here translate this interview of Mrs Chiam 詹时ä¸.
She said she had been authorized by Chiam to tell the whole story.
She was interviewed together with
人民党主å¸æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹ current People Party Chairman, he was one of
Central Committee of SDP.
Mrs Chiam wants young generation knows the whole truth.
This is a very important records of SG politics. Can MOD allow my full quote here.
The zao bao links valid only 7 days.
beginning of quote
詹时ä¸å¤ªå¤ªé¦–次å�—访说当年 詹时ä¸è¢«å¾�顺全逼走
游润� (2010-03-28)
17å¹´å‰�的一个下å�ˆï¼Œè©¹æ—¶ä¸å½“时还在念ä¸å¦çš„独生女詹慧丽æ£åœ¨ä¹˜å¾·å£«å›žå®¶ï¼Œæ”¶éŸ³æœºçª�ç„¶ä¼ å‡ºå½“å¤©æœ€è½°åŠ¨çš„æ–°é—»ã€‚å¥¹å�¬äº†å¤§å�ƒä¸€æƒŠï¼Œå·®ç‚¹æ™•äº†è¿‡åŽ»ã€‚å�‘生这 么大件事,德士å�¸æœºä¹Ÿå¿�ä¸�ä½�激动地å�‘表议论。
那是1993å¹´8月20æ—¥çš„äº‹ã€‚æ–°åŠ å�¡æ°‘主党代秘书长å¾�顺全å�šå£«å½“天写信通知国会议长,å‰�秘书长詹时ä¸å·²ç»�被é€�出党,请他“进一æ¥é‡‡å�– å¿…è¦�行动”ã€‚æ ¹æ�®å®ªæ³•ï¼Œè®®å‘˜ä¸€æ—¦å¤±åŽ»å�‚选时所属的政党的党ç±�,便自动失去国会议å¸ã€‚这也æ„�味ç�€è©¹æ—¶ä¸æ��å�«äº†ä¹�年的波东巴西区议å¸ï¼Œå°†å› è¿™å°�信而ä¸�ä¿�。
詹时ä¸ç›®å‰�æ˜¯æ–°åŠ å�¡äººæ°‘党秘书长。他的妻å�罗文丽(61å²�)日å‰�接å�—本报记者专访,追忆当年民主党党争的æ�¥é¾™åŽ»è„‰æ—¶è¯´ï¼š“人民行动党å�ƒ 辛万苦è¦�æŠŠæˆ‘çš„ä¸ˆå¤«å‡»è´¥ï¼Œå‡ æ¬¡å¤§é€‰éƒ½ä¸�æˆ�功。å�¯æ˜¯æ°‘主党大笔一挥,ä¸�è´¹å�¹ç�°ä¹‹åŠ›å°±åŠžåˆ°äº†ï¼Œå¸®äº†è¡ŒåŠ¨å…šä¸€ä¸ªå¤§å¿™ã€‚”
è¶�民主党上个月庆ç¥�30周年党庆之际,å¾�顺全(48å²�)接å�—本报专访时谈到当年民主党与詹时ä¸çš„决裂,声称当詹时ä¸æ��出è¦�辞去秘书长è�Œ ä½�å�Žï¼Œä»–曾三番四次å°�试挽留,但对方去æ„�已决,ä¸�为所动。
罗文丽读了报é�“å�Žï¼Œè®¤ä¸ºå¾�顺全å�ªè¯´äº†“一å�Šçš„真相”ï¼Œå› æ¤ä¸»åŠ¨è�”络本报,表示想说出她所知é�“的故事的å�¦ä¸€å�Šã€‚è¿™å�¯æ˜¯å¥¹é™ªç�€è©¹æ—¶ä¸åœ¨æ”¿å�› 打拼那么多年æ�¥ï¼Œç¬¬ä¸€æ¬¡å��下æ�¥å’Œè®°è€…谈政治。
她表明自己是得到詹时ä¸çš„授æ�ƒï¼Œå‡ºé�¢æŠŠè¿™æ®µå¾€äº‹äº¤å¾…清楚。身为詹时ä¸çš„枕边人和他30多年政治生涯的亲密战å�‹ï¼Œå¥¹ä¹Ÿæœ€æ¸…楚丈夫的看法。 为了è¯�明自己的说法,她也找æ�¥äººæ°‘党主å¸æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹ä¸€èµ·å�—访。他曾任民主党ä¸å§”,在民主党爆出开除詹时ä¸é£Žæ³¢æ—¶æ˜¯å…šå¹²éƒ¨ï¼Œå½“时曾充当詹时ä¸å�Šä¸å§”会之间的调解 人。
罗文丽说:“如果他真的想挽留詹时ä¸ï¼Œä»–大å�¯è°¢ç»�代秘书长的è�Œä½�,或当ä¸å§”会针对是å�¦å¯¹è©¹æ—¶ä¸é‡‡å�–纪律行动作出投票时,跟å�“金桔(民主 å…šå‰�å€™é€‰äººï¼‰ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œå��对把他é€�出党。”
æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹æˆ�立人民党 接应詹时ä¸
当詹时ä¸åœ¨æ”¿æ²»ä¸Šå‡ ä¹Žèµ°æŠ•æ— è·¯æ—¶ï¼Œè¢«ç½—æ–‡ä¸½è§†ä¸ºæœ€å¿ å®žæ”¯æŒ�è€…çš„æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹é�‚在1994年脱离民主党,并在å�Œå¹´11月æˆ�立人民党,准备接应éš� æ—¶å�¯èƒ½å¤±åŽ»å…šç±�的詹时ä¸ã€‚
æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹è¯´ï¼š“如果ä¸å§”会è¦�é™�詹时ä¸çš„è�Œï¼Œé‚£è¿˜æ— 所谓,但他们å�´ç¡¬è¦�把他é€�出去,让他失去国会议å¸ã€‚如果詹时ä¸è¿˜èƒ½ä¿�留民主党的党ç±�,我 就没必è¦�å�¦è®¾ä¸€ä¸ªæ”¿å…šè®©ä»–åŠ å…¥äº†ã€‚”
罗文丽强调她决定å�—访,ä¸�是è¦�说å¾�顺全的å��è¯�,也ä¸�是想跟他抬æ� 。
“我å�ªæ˜¯è¦�说出事实,以æ£è§†å�¬ã€‚而为了我的丈夫,为了让年轻一代的人了解Uncle Chiam(詹时ä¸çš„昵称),我必须站出æ�¥ä½œå‡ºæ¾„清。他ä¸�曾背弃民主党,当我们被迫离开时,内心是é�žå¸¸ç—›è‹¦çš„。”
她注æ„�到一些二å��æ�¥å²�çš„å¹´è½»äººå› ä¸�知é�“那段历å�²ï¼Œä¼¼ä¹Žå¯¹è©¹æ—¶ä¸ä¸Žæ°‘主党决裂的æ�¥é¾™åŽ»è„‰ä¸€çŸ¥å�Šè§£ã€‚她担心他们å�¬ä¿¡ä¸€äº›äººï¼Œè¯¯ä»¥ä¸ºè©¹æ—¶ä¸å½“ å¹´ä¸�顾æ—�人的æž�力挽留,执æ„�背弃民主党。
“这些年轻人å�¯èƒ½å› 为敬爱詹时ä¸ï¼Œè€Œè®¤ä¸ºä»–å�³ä½¿ä½œå‡ºäº†è¾œè´Ÿæ°‘主党的行为,还是å�¯ä»¥åŽŸè°…的。然而,事实是詹时ä¸æ˜¯è¢«é€¼èµ°çš„。”
詹时ä¸åœ¨ä¹‹å‰�一年,把å¾�顺全引进民主党,æˆ�为马林百列集选区补选的竞选团队一员。他是一å��å�šå£«ï¼Œå�ˆæ˜¯æ–°åŠ å�¡å›½ç«‹å¤§å¦çš„精神科心ç�†å¦è®² å¸ˆï¼ŒåŠ ä¸Šèƒ½è¨€å–„é�“,立å�³è¢«è§†ä¸ºå��对党的新星。罗文丽表示她和詹时ä¸å½“时还以为找到了政治继承人。
然而,å��å¯¹å…šè¿™ä¸ªå¸Œæœ›å¾ˆå¿«å°±ç ´ç�了。å¾�é¡ºå…¨æ‹…ä»»å›½å¤§è®²å¸ˆæ—¶ï¼Œå› è¢«æŒ‡æ»¥ç”¨å¤§å¦çš„ç ”ç©¶åŸºé‡‘ï¼ŒæŠŠå¦»å�çš„å�šå£«è®ºæ–‡é‚®å¯„到美国,而在1993å¹´3 月被大å¦å¼€é™¤ã€‚ä»–éš�å�³æŒ‡è´£å¤§å¦æ¤ä¸¾å�«æœ‰æ”¿æ²»åŠ¨æœºï¼Œç›®çš„是对他进行政治迫害,于是打算采å�–ç»�食抗议行动。当他é�国大开除的事情公开闹大之å�Žï¼Œå½“年一手把他带 入国大的社会工作与心ç�†å¦ç³»ä¸»ä»»ã€�行动党议员å�Žç´ å�šå£«è¿˜åœ¨å›½ä¼šä¸Šçˆ†å‡ºä»–对出差时的德士车资报大数,å�ˆæ²¡é™„上车资收æ�®ã€‚
一手引进政å�›çš„新星所采å�–的抗争方å¼�,与詹时ä¸å�‘æ�¥æ‰€å€¡å¯¼çš„较为温和的表达方å¼�大有出入。对æ¤ï¼Œç½—文丽说:“在展开ç»�食抗议之å‰�,å¾�顺 全有æ�¥æˆ‘们家找詹时ä¸å•†é‡�。詹时ä¸ä¸�是很赞å�Œä»–这么å�šï¼Œå¹¶å‘Šè¯‰ä»–应该先跟ä¸å§”会讨论,在得到ä¸å§”会的支æŒ�å�Žï¼Œå†�跟大家一起商é‡�应以什么形å¼�展开ç»�食。”
罗文丽说:“ä»–ç»�食还å–�è‘¡è�„ç³–æ°´ï¼Œæ°‘ä¸»å…šå› æ¤æˆ�了笑柄。而詹时ä¸æ˜¯å…šé�,自然也æˆ�为众人å�–笑的对象。所以,他æ‰�会想到å�‘ä¸å§”会æ��出动 议,以谴责å¾�顺全。”
晚上近11时,詹时ä¸å¼€å®Œä¸å§”会会议å�Žï¼Œä»Žå¾�顺全家回到自己的家。罗文丽记得他当时显得很愤怒,但是什么都ä¸�说。ä¸�ä¹…å�Žï¼Œå…³æ±�ç»�ç‰å‡ å�� ä¸å§”追上门,å°�试说æœ�他改å�˜è¾žåŽ»ç§˜ä¹¦é•¿è�Œä½�的决定。
她这æ‰�从他们å�£ä¸å�¬è¯´åŽŸæ�¥ä¸å§”会的其他13人都ä¸�支æŒ�ä»–æ��出的谴责å¾�顺全的动议。詹时ä¸è®¤ä¸ºè¿™æ˜¯ä»–们对他的ä¸�信任动议,盛怒之下è�‰è�‰å†™ 了一å°�辞è�Œä¿¡ï¼Œä¾¿æ‹‚袖而去。
æ�®ç½—文丽é€�éœ²ï¼Œå¥¹å’Œæ²ˆå…‹æ ‹å�Žæ�¥éƒ½åŠ�詹时ä¸é‡�新考虑辞è�Œçš„决定,而当时詹时ä¸å…¶å®žä¹Ÿè¿˜åœ¨æ–Ÿé…Œï¼Œå¹¶æ²¡é“�定è¦�走之æ„�。ä¸�è¿‡ï¼Œæ²ˆå…‹æ ‹ç‰äººçš„调解 失败,ä¸å§”会在一个月å�Žå…¬å¼€å®£å¸ƒè©¹æ—¶ä¸å·²å�¸ä¸‹ç§˜ä¹¦é•¿è�Œä½�。
å½“å¤©åº”é‚€åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡æŠ¥ä¸šä¿±ä¹�部所举办的演讲会上讲è¯�å�Žï¼Œè©¹æ—¶ä¸åœ¨å›žç”è®°è€…çš„é—®é¢˜æ—¶å¯¹æ°‘ä¸»å…šå‡ å��ä¸å§”çš„äººæ ¼å’Œå¤„äº‹æ–¹å¼�作出尖é”�的批评。ä¸å§” 会认为他的谈è¯�严é‡�打击了民主党,两天å�Žå�‘ä¿¡è¦�他出å¸çºªå¾‹å®¡è®¯ã€‚
1980年的这一天,詹时ä¸æ»¡æ€€æœŸæœ›åœ°å�‘国人宣布他å�³å°†åˆ›åŠžæ–°åŠ å�¡æ°‘主党。13å¹´å�Žçš„这一天,他å�´è�½å¯žåœ°èµ°å‡ºæ°‘主党在汤申路租下的办公 室。他当时刚在一场æŒ�ç»äº†å››ä¸ªå°�时的纪律审讯ä¸ï¼Œè¢«åˆ¤è¿�å��党纪,并被开除党ç±�。而把他é€�出党的13å��ä¸å§”,很多都是他å�¬é›†å’Œå¼•è¿›çš„,包括å¾�顺全。
她说:“他们越是质问他为什么在报业俱ä¹�部这么说,他就越æ�¼æ€’。当他讲è¯�çš„è¯æ°”越ä¸�客气时,他们就越被惹ç�«ï¼Œåˆ°å¤´æ�¥å�Œæ–¹éƒ½åœ¨æ°”头上。如 果他们å…�许我进去,我就å�¯ä»¥å®‰æŠšæˆ‘先生,那历å�²å�¯èƒ½ä¼šæ”¹å†™ã€‚”
她形容当晚在办公室外的气氛是紧绷ç�€çš„。由ä¸å§”会组æˆ�的审判团å�ªå…�许詹时ä¸å¤å†›ä½œæˆ˜ï¼Œå‰¯ä¸»å¸é»„汉照甚至找æ�¥ä¸€å¸®å½ªå½¢å¤§æ±‰å®ˆåœ¨é—¨å¤–,ä¸�让 支æŒ�詹时ä¸çš„干部进去声æ�´ã€‚两帮人就åƒ�在投票站ç‰å¾…公布选举结果的ä¸�å�Œæ”¿å…šçš„支æŒ�者。
é‚£åœºçºªå¾‹å®¡è®¯ï¼Œå‡ ä¹Žæ˜¯åˆ¤äº†è©¹æ—¶ä¸çš„政治æ»åˆ‘,由他耕耘了å��多年的政党看似将æ–é€�在这些他一手扶æŒ�的人手上。
æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹å½“å¹´æ‰®æ¼”è°ƒè§£äººè§’è‰²ï¼Œå°�试让å�Œæ–¹è¾¾æˆ�妥å��ï¼Œå› æ¤å¯¹è©¹æ—¶ä¸è¢«é€�出党的过程相当清楚。他认为詹时ä¸çš„为人太直了,讲è¯�过于æ¦æ–,容易 得罪其他ä¸å§”。
å�¦ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ï¼Œä»–也对å¾�顺全ç‰ä¸å§”说:民主党当时有三å��议员,就好åƒ�一家公å�¸æœ‰300万元缴足资本,ä¸�å�¯èƒ½æ— 端端地把其ä¸100万元拱手相 è®©ã€‚è€Œå½“ä½ ä½œå‡ºè¿™ä¹ˆæ¿€çƒˆçš„è¡Œä¸ºæ—¶ï¼Œé€‰æ°‘å°†å¯¹ä½ å¤±åŽ»ä¿¡å¿ƒï¼Œé‚£ä½ æ‰‹ä¸Šçš„å�¦å¤–200万元也将化为乌有。但是,他们总是ä¸�å�¬æˆ‘说,还认为下次大选肯定会赢,甚至还 能组æˆ�政府。”
罗文丽说:“当我们收到信时,感觉很å�—伤害和å�—背å�›ã€‚这是é�žå¸¸ä»¤äººéœ‡æƒŠï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯é�žå¸¸éš¾å ªçš„å±€é�¢ã€‚全世界都在笑我们。”
“我们当时在ç�€æ€¥åœ°è®¨è®ºå¦‚何ä¿�ä½�国会议å¸ï¼Œæ„Ÿè§‰å°±åƒ�在打战,四é�¢æ¥šæŒï¼Œéœ€è¦�护城,哪里还有精神应付记者?所以,我们连è¸�出办公室å�Šæ¥ï¼Œ 出去用厕所都ä¸�行。”
回想起詹时ä¸å¦‚何在1991年大选时,为民主党其他候选人奔走,æž�力帮他们拉票,而林å�谆和蒋æ‰�æ£åˆ†åˆ«å½“上æ¦å�‰ç”˜æŸ�和义顺ä¸åŒºè®®å‘˜å�Žï¼Œ å�´å�ˆä¸�懂得饮水æ€�æº�,甚至得æ„�忘形,罗文丽更是一阵心酸。
“他是创党人,他们å�´ä¸€è„šæŠŠä»–踢出去,这么残å¿�çš„äº‹ä½ å�¯ä»¥ç›¸ä¿¡å�—?我丈夫还为æ¤å�šæ�¶æ¢¦ã€‚”
顿时间,詹时ä¸ä¸�å�ªå¤±åŽ»ä»–一手创立的政党,也失去他多年æ�¥ä¸ºæ°‘主党辛苦ç¹å¾—çš„13万元æ��款。就连好ä¸�容易打入选民心ä¸çš„民主党“ç�«ç® 头”党徽,都å�ªèƒ½æˆ�为别人的å«�妆。
ç»�过ä¹�天审讯,高åºåœ¨12月11æ—¥è£�决ä¸å§”会开除詹时ä¸å…šç±�的决议是ä¸�å�ˆæ³•å’Œæ— æ•ˆçš„ï¼Œä»–å› æ¤ä¹Ÿå¾—以ä¿�ä½�国会议å¸ã€‚
è¿™ç§�ä¿�ä½�è®®å¸å�´ä¼—å�›äº²ç¦»çš„æ—¥å�,一拖便是整整三年。当国会在1996å¹´12月解散,定隔年1月举行大选时,詹时ä¸ä¹Ÿæ£å¼�é€€å‡ºæ°‘ä¸»å…šï¼ŒåŠ å…¥æ²ˆå…‹æ ‹ä¸ºä»–ç»„ç»‡çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡äººæ°‘党。
1997年大选,詹时ä¸æˆ�功æ��å�«æ³¢ä¸œå·´è¥¿åŒºè®®å¸ï¼Œæž—å�谆和蒋æ‰�æ£åˆ™å¤±æŽ‰åŽŸæœ‰çš„è®®å¸ã€‚民主党从æ¤æ— 法把候选人é€�入国会,詹时ä¸åˆ™è�‰è�”至 今。
自从分é�“扬镳å�Žï¼Œè©¹æ—¶ä¸å’Œå¾�顺全就å†�也没有直接接触,直至去年ä¹�月在é�©æ–°å…šåº†ç¥�æˆ�立二周年的晚宴上碰é�¢ï¼Œå¾�顺全主动上å‰�è·Ÿä»–æ�¡æ‰‹ï¼Œè¿˜è°¦ æ�地问候这ä½�把他带进政å�›çš„政治å‰�辈。
“我们也认为现在也许应该是尽弃å‰�嫌,å�‘å‰�çœ‹çš„æ—¶å€™ã€‚å› æ¤ï¼Œå½“我们去年庆ç¥�詹时ä¸æ‹…任议员25周年时,也邀请å¾�顺全出å¸ã€‚å› ä¸ºå��对党团 结,毕竟是好事。”
罗文丽说:“é‚£å‡ å¹´æ‰“å®˜å�¸çš„å�¯æ€•æ—¥å�,本æ�¥å·²ç»�是尘å°�的记忆。但是,最近读到å¾�顺全å�—访时说他当年是如何挽留詹时ä¸ï¼Œå°½æ˜¯ä¸€é�¢ä¹‹è¯�,å�´ å�ˆå‹¾èµ·äº†æ—§ç–®ç–¤ã€‚”
最å�Žå¥¹è¿˜å¹½å¹½åœ°è¯´ï¼š“当民主党庆ç¥�æˆ�ç«‹30周年时,主æŒ�晚宴的本该是我的丈夫。民主党虽有é€�过手机简讯托人邀请我们出å¸ï¼Œä½†æˆ‘们没去, 毕竟还有点æ•�感,è¦�我们怎么去?”
end of quote
Roar, the lion roar!!! Roar...simba!
wasn't it obvious wat CSJ did over the CST incident?
it's only the former says now he has nothing to do w/ it simply it'll only foul himself further.
It is not really lie, it is just hide up. Look, we did lose money in GIC & Temasek -- a fact. But people will say we have lost > $4billions of Singaporean Tax payer's $ in GIC & Temasek -- another fact.
It is just like that, afterall, if you believe on CST's wife, whose rebuttal was not totally nonsense to CSJ's comment but her rebuttal was actually saying CSJ's comment is only the half truth.
I guess no more newsworthy stuff so dig out some old stories and create some propoganda.
Why never do some anniversary piece on the limping MS escape instead?
You get the picture.
Originally posted by charlize:I guess no more newsworthy stuff so dig out some old stories and create some propoganda.
Why never do some anniversary piece on the limping MS escape instead?
You get the picture.
That is history, hey, it was CST's wife went to the reporters and tell ok? Do you want to see after CST dies due to old age and join JBJ then the facts surfaced to the lights?
Originally posted by charlize:I guess no more newsworthy stuff so dig out some old stories and create some propoganda.
Why never do some anniversary piece on the limping MS escape instead?
You get the picture.
CSJ can say watever he wants, but dun forget wat he did to e same person tat got him in.
oppositions must learn from PAP, dun wash yr dirty laundry in the public.
Its the classic option.
Resign or we TWEP you.
Is it true that CST could not recruit any talent into his SPP - and had to get his wife to takeover his Secretary-General post when he step down from politics during the next GE - due to his heart condition ?
If that is true, it explains quite clearly the need for Mdm CST to hit the headlines with her kind of controversy - so as to satisfy her need to attract attention to herself.
Surprisingly, the issues were not exactly mentioned in the same way that Mdm CST had narrated to the Chinese medium gossip paper - when one look at ‘Wikipedia for CST’
In 1992, Chiam recruited Dr Chee Soon Juan, a psychology lecturer at the National University of Singapore, to be an SDP candidate for a by-election in the Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency. Although the SDP was unsuccessful in the by-election, the recruitment of Chee as a candidate generated considerable public interest. However differences between Chiam and Chee soon emerged. Chee was sacked from his job as a university lecturer in 1993, and publicly claimed that he had been the victim of a political vendetta by the governing People's Action Party (PAP). Chiam wanted to censure Chee for these comments, but the party's Central Executive Committee backed Chee and later that year voted to oust Chiam as Secretary-General and to replace him with Chee. They also appointed Ling How Doong to replace Chiam as the party's parliamentary leader. The Central Executive Committee attempted to expel Chiam from the party, but he won a court case to prevent them from doing so on procedural grounds.
Chiam left the SDP in 1996 and accepted an invitation to join the Singapore People's Party, which was formed by a breakaway faction of the SDP in 1994, and became its Chairman.
From another source - ‘wapedia – Wiki: Singapore Democratic Party’ - the following can be compared:
Buoyed by the results in 1991, the SDP decided to contest the 1992 Marine Parade Group Representation Constituency by-election. The GRC was held by none other than the then premier, Goh Chok Tong. Nonetheless, the SDP decided to put up a good fight by recruiting Dr Chee Soon Juan, a university lecturer, for the election. The PAP won 72% of the votes and the SDP won 25%, and other smaller parties won the rest of the votes.
However the rise of the SDP was not to be, as differences soon emerged between Chiam and Chee. In 1993, three months after joining the SDP, Chee was accused of using his research funds to send his wife’s PhD dissertation to the United States. Dr Chee had asserted, and still does, that this was not the case as his wife was an employee in the same department at National University of Singapore at that time and was working with him, sharing and collaborating in their research, and that the funds were legitimately used. The National University of Singapore decided to sack Chee.
Chee claimed this was a political vendetta plotted by the ruling party as his supervisor Mr S.R. Vasoo was a PAP MP.[citation needed] The PAP had, however, denied the accusation and insisted that the offence was real. Chiam wanted to censure Chee but the former was not supported by the Central Executive Committee and they voted to oust him as general secretary and to replace him with Chee. Supporters of Chiam left the party and formed the Singapore People's Party in 1994, which Chiam took over from Sin Kek Tong as the secretary-general in the 1997 general election.
The SDP decided to strip Chiam See Tong's membership after the latter had gone to the Singapore Press Club and denounced the SDP and the Central Executive Committee. Had he lost his membership, under the law, he would also have to lose his seat in parliament. The courts ruled that his dismissal was unfair and that he should be allowed to remain as a member of the SDP.
All these had happened in 1993 - it is so easy to re-write events according to one's perspective, can facts be changed according to one's whimsical fancy ?
‘What could possibly be the reason for CST pulling out of the next election ?’
What possibly is the agenda for the noisy pussy to create a ruckus to distort the otherwise positive views of the heartlanders towards the Alternative Parties ?
everyone know about this story what.. if not why u think everyone hates Dr Chee bye kia so much?
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):everyone know about this story what.. if not why u think everyone hates Dr Chee bye kia so much?
Obviously you will believe that "everyone hates Dr Chee bye kia so much" and will probably also have big CBM sucking up to the PAP arses to believe that their fart is the only exquisite parfum.
Should anyone be surprised that it will not strike a dickhead with a big CBM to note that CST has not been able to attract any talent nor dickheads to join him - while Dr Chee has been able to attract ‘normal dicks - who make more sense then those with big CBM’ ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Obviously you will believe that "everyone hates Dr Chee bye kia so much" and will probably also have big CBM sucking up to the PAP arses to believe that their fart is the only exquisite parfum.Should anyone be surprised that it will not strike a dickhead with a big CBM to note that CST has not been able to attract any talent nor dickheads to join him - while Dr Chee has been able to attract ‘normal dicks - who make more sense then those with big CBM’ ?
Chee bye kia attracts ppl who make more sense?????? u must be joke... u mean his sis ar? oh and by the way, CST is not from PAP leh... u know right?
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):
Chee bye kia attracts ppl who make more sense?????? u must be joke... u mean his sis ar? oh and by the way, CST is not from PAP leh... u know right?
When a CBM is only interested to flap as it talk - instead of using the brain that is the size of a clitoris - does anything make any sense ?
Who say that CST is not from PAP ?
Did anyone say he is ?
Afterall, his interest is being looked after by the Singapore Judiciary - is it not ?
Did you missed the question asked earlier - ‘What could possibly be the reason for CST pulling out of the next election ?’
Originally posted by Atobe:
When a CBM is only interested to flap as it talk - instead of using the brain that is the size of a clitoris - does anything make any sense ?Who say that CST is not from PAP ?
Did anyone say he is ?
Afterall, his interest is being looked after by the Singapore Judiciary - is it not ?
Did you missed the question asked earlier - ‘What could possibly be the reason for CST pulling out of the next election ?’
hahahhaha u are really funny...Chee bye kia is better than CST??? must be too late that u are dreaming now.... anyway no point talking to a nut case who support a chee bye kia... good nite and remember vote carefully the next time.
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):hahahhaha u are really funny...Chee bye kia is better than CST??? must be too late that u are dreaming now.... anyway no point talking to a nut case who support a chee bye kia... good nite and remember vote carefully the next time.
Can CST be better than anyone - even to an ass with a big CBM and a clitoris for a brain ?
Obviously, you do not know how to read - let alone to think for yourself.
It is safer for you to be in the dark.
I think Chaim See Tong resigned of his own choosing. He said so.
What prompted him to resign is immaterial.
Fact is, on record, Chaim resigned.
Even if behind the scene, he will get the boot, if he don't.
This frequently happens to people in senior positions.
Originally posted by Acidshuriken:csj causes more disunity among the opposition that than the pap can ever do.
What possibly could be the basis of your statement ?
Such unfounded and unsubstantiated statement can only cause more confusion that has been deliberately created by the PAP that serves no benefit for Singaporeans.
Can your statement be closer to the truth when in a SDP Forum organised in 2009 saw the participation from some members of the Alternative Parties that actually turned up and offered to co-operate ?
‘What was Ng Teck Siong from Reform Party doing at the SDP Forum ?’
‘What was Sin Kek Tong from SPP doing at the SDP Forum ?’
The SDP Forum also saw the participation of ‘Tan Kin Lian’ and ‘Chia Ti Lik’ - as well as prominent political activists and bloggers.
Can you bear to see the truth that brings hope to Singaporeans ?
Originally posted by mancha:I think Chaim See Tong resigned of his own choosing. He said so.
What prompted him to resign is immaterial.
Fact is, on record, Chaim resigned.
Even if behind the scene, he will get the boot, if he don't.
This frequently happens to people in senior positions.
yes. CST resigned, may be he was then very angry.
1. But why did SDP ,ie CSJ,inform Speaker of Parilement on the same day
that Chiam was expelled fr SDP?
Did Chee want to had a By Election?
This made CST not eligible of the MP seat,becos he won the seat
under SDP ticket!!
Mrs Chiam said (opening post):
2. Chee Soon Juan staged hunger strike without approval of CEC
of SDP. Why did CEC not discipline him Chee?
3. During the disciline hearing of Chiam,why then then vice Chairman
called few strong men to prevent other members to observe proceeding
"ç”±ä¸å§”会组æˆ�的审判团å�ªå…�许詹时ä¸å¤å†›ä½œæˆ˜ï¼Œå‰¯ä¸»å¸é»„汉照甚至找æ�¥ä¸€å¸®å½ªå½¢å¤§æ±‰å®ˆåœ¨é—¨å¤–,ä¸�让 支æŒ�詹时ä¸çš„干部进去声æ�´"
4.Mrs Chiam said,Chee only invited Chiam to attend SDP 30 th annversiary,
through other people and thro SMS! What is it?
If Chee was sincere, Chee should call Chiam lah...
From Chee body language, he seems very cold and proud.
In Chinese tradition, u should use 2 hands to hold your friend.
Also, one hand behind Chee's back speak volume for Chee's
This is Chee reponses
An open letter to all opposition supporters
Read more |
The agenda of a PAP Agent is quite obvious especially as the build-up toward the expected Election 2010 becomes even more high strung.
What else can be expected from the bankrupt mind of a noisy pussy except to exercise its brain that is no bigger then a ‘clitoris’ - and draw attention to it noisy pussy by flapping its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ ?
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
yes. CST resigned, may be he was then very angry.
1. But why did SDP ,ie CSJ,inform Speaker of Parilement on the same day
that Chiam was expelled fr SDP?
Did Chee want to had a By Election?
This made CST not eligible of the MP seat,becos he won the seat
under SDP ticket!!
Was it not a process for the Speaker of Parliament to be informed that the political party has expelled its member who is an elected Member of Parliament ?
This was an unprecendented event that Singapore has never witnessed, and no political party has any experience with.
Should not the Speaker of Parliament be informed with some degree of immediacy for advise and guidance on policy matters to be resolved ?
What would the other consequence be - if the SDP did not inform the Speaker of Parliament that its own Member of Parliament has been evicted from the party on which it had won the representative right ?
Only a noisy pussy will wish to create more ruckus on a 17 year old dead issue.
Mrs Chiam said (opening post):
2. Chee Soon Juan staged hunger strike without approval of CEC
of SDP. Why did CEC not discipline him Chee?
Was the hunger strike concerning any issues involving the SDP - or was the hunger strike a PERSONAL protest to the PERSONAL attacks instituted and directed by the Head of the NUS Faculty - who was a PAP Old Guard - towards CSJ, who was a lecturer in the same faculty ?
Was the hunger strike about politics involving the SDP, or was it due to the charges levied towards CSJ ?
3. During the disciline hearing of Chiam,why then then vice Chairman
called few strong men to prevent other members to observe proceeding
"ç”±ä¸å§”会组æˆ�的审判团å�ªå…�许詹时ä¸å¤å†›ä½œæˆ˜ï¼Œå‰¯ä¸»å¸é»„汉照甚至找æ�¥ä¸€å¸®å½ªå½¢å¤§æ±‰å®ˆåœ¨é—¨å¤–,ä¸�让 支æŒ�詹时ä¸çš„干部进去声æ�´"
Why did CST not called for a court injunction to stop the proceedings ?
He is a lawyer - who is familiar with the law.
Or is he as useless towards his personal political affairs - as he has displayed himself to be with his inactive role in Parliament about politics played out by the PAP against the interests of all Singaporeans ?
4.Mrs Chiam said,Chee only invited Chiam to attend SDP 30 th annversiary,
through other people and thro SMS! What is it?
If Chee was sincere, Chee should call Chiam lah...
The pettiness of a woman knows no limits.
Can it be believed that all those who attended the SDP 30th Anniversay did not receive an invitation card or letter ?
Or has the more likely truth been suppressed that the aged and proud CST needed personal invitation by those who knew him - and to persuade him personally ?
At the end of it all - why is Mdm CST making an issue of this - as CST did turn up at the 30th Anniversay event as seen in the foto below.
Or is the noisy pussy putting words in the mouth of Mdm CST ?
From Chee body language, he seems very cold and proud.
In Chinese tradition, u should use 2 hands to hold your friend.
Also, one hand behind Chee's back speak volume for Chee's
It seems only one hand each was extended to the other, and that each kept one hand behind the back - are there volumes to be spoken about CST's feelings - as much as there is to be read for Chee ?
Should it not be a cautious approach of two adults that showed sincere respect for the occassion - then displaying any kind of hypocritical warmth laced with the artificial boisterous "ruh-ha-ha" - given the history between them ?
Stupidity seems to know no bounds with those determined to make its own history as a noisy pussy.
This is Chee reponses
An open letter to all opposition supporters
If CSJ was LKY - or the present SDP is the PAP - Singaporeans will be entertained by a high profile law suit taken by CSJ against Mdm CST - for the uncalled for and very personal attacks made more then 10 years late - and which the noisy pussy has claimed Mdm CST to have made.
A legal suit in an open court would have straightened events and allowed everyone in Singapore to find out the real events within the SDP that led to the majority of the members to cast their vote of no confidence towards CST - who was the SDP founder and leader then.
The events are less then 14 years ago, and many of the members are still around and the historical events are still fresh in their minds.
Will CSJ and SDP behave as the Lee's and the PAP - to cut someone else down to save their own face ?
It maybe of interest to the ignorant noisy pussy that democratic practices are more evident in the SDP then in any other political party that maintain a 'kiasi-and-kiasu' mentality to protect the position of the party founders and leadership.
Election to the SDP Executive Committee is open to the entire membership of the SDP - while the PAP and the SPP (led by CST) share common features that are undemocratic - featuring three classes of membership, and access to be a member of the Executive Committee is selective and closed door.
Is there any political party that will willingly offer a level field to its members ?
We can hardly depend on a noisy pussy to be honest even with its pretentious self.
Originally posted by Atobe:
What possibly could be the basis of your statement ?Such unfounded and unsubstantiated statement can only cause more confusion that has been deliberately created by the PAP that serves no benefit for Singaporeans.
Can your statement be closer to the truth when in a SDP Forum organised in 2009 saw the participation from some members of the Alternative Parties that actually turned up and offered to co-operate ?
‘What was Ng Teck Siong from Reform Party doing at the SDP Forum ?’
‘What was Sin Kek Tong from SPP doing at the SDP Forum ?’
The SDP Forum also saw the participation of ‘Tan Kin Lian’ and ‘Chia Ti Lik’ - as well as prominent political activists and bloggers.
Can you bear to see the truth that brings hope to Singaporeans ?
Originally posted by Acidshuriken:
one forum only and you say sdp is their bro? what abt past events? i don't hear sdp. remember ltk once said, opposition is watchdog not mad dog. ok maybe i grant you this - sdp is changing as nowadays not so civil disobedience and that is why other opposition parties are open to hearing them out and give them face attend the event. but cst not there. ltk not there right?
CST is already retiring from politics - why will he attend the forum in 2009 - when he had a stroke then and had undergone some medical treatment then ?
‘Sin Kek Tong - Chairman of SPP was at the SDP Forum’ - is that not enough ?
So did ‘Ng Teck Siong from Reform Party - who was also at the SDP Forum’
Civil disobediance is only a tool to educate the 'kiasi-kiasu' mentality of an already apathic Singapore population that has been depoliticised by the deliberate schemes of LKY so as to allow himself full control.
The fact that CSJ was prepared to be in the forefront to act out his social leadership role in civil disobedience will speak alot for himself - in being prepared to do what he preach unlike LKY's who prefer that Singaporeans does as he direct, and not do what he does for himself.
‘Tan Kin Lian’ and ‘Chia Ti Lik’ were also at the SDP Forum and both advocated the continued public education of the Citizenship Rights to Singaporeans - to awaken the Singaporeans from their deep political slumber as their political future is at stake.
LTK said alot - has he said it as well as Sylvia Lum ?
As a political watch-dog - how effective has LTK been when the majority of Singaporeans are unaware of the achievements or effectiveness of himself and the WP ?
But whatever it is, we must analyze the facts given.
1:) Mdm Chiam said that those CEC were too proud of themselves, believing that they can win in the next GE and possibly forming their own government.
Why? Because CST had such proud feeling, more or less.
What? Evidence: Actually, I could say that the reason why 1991 was a huge success for the oppositions who won 4 SMCs and many near to win a seat (40% and above was common) , the highest record ever, was because apart of isolated incident such as Lady MP wiped her hands after shook her hands with a fishmonger or whatever "peasants", the disqualification of the late JBJ. Yes, because the last election prior to 1991 was 1988, which was a shocking election / sudden election / early election but not a by election where effectively bar JBJ from election, which the effect for JBJ's conviction will be ended after 1991/2. Thus, people are not happy with the fact that the ruling party is using such tricks to bar JBJ and vote for the oppositions.
2:) It was more or less Chiam's fault for recruiting Chee in, because the very fact that the response from GCT, the then PM to public's anger, was to hold a by election in Marine Parade GRC, which was his consitiutency. GCT said that he will hold all the responsibilities should he lost his seat. However, the oppositions was not in united, and resulted into SDP wants to fight GCT, WP should have sent JBJ and his team to fight GCT, and 2 other smaller parties (NSP and SJP --- a more or less defunct party by now since most of the people had switched to SPP) also want to contest against GCT. Lol! This is why Chee is in, and created a lot of fuss. And, obviously, the reason for SDP to fight GCT is because should the WP wins, 1MP (Hougang -- won in 1991) + 4 MP from this GRC = 5MP from WP and the opposition leader's position is given to Low instead (Since SDP had 3 seats back then, Chiam is the official opposition leader). Anyway, it was Chiam's folly to create such a mess. It was his over confidence that led to his downfall since such effects was spreaded to the whole SDP.
However, the above seemed to be critizing Chiam a lot, now let's look at why Dr Chee should be "Chee Bye Kia" or Dr Cheezy.
1: A hunger strike is a hunger strike. It is not supposed to use Glucose to replenish body, except, possibly, water. While people can say this is a disgrace to himself, what is certain is that "CBK" is an iconic figure for SDP, people will naturally associate this with SDP, despite it was not SDP's protest against PAP but rather a personal retaliation against his senior on NUS. I think that a 16 year old boy can do better than him in this regards. (I got even tried to save $8 a day, by skipping lunch and dinner and even water, which the water was drank minimally, although I did have some milo ONLY at late night at home lol!)
2: It seemed that CSJ is manipulating the CEC. If not why would the then vice chairman needs some "bodyguards" to block their members for observing the hearings? Neither is such acts a democratic act!
lionnoisy is just a chinaman turned singaporean with shitty english. Go back china la.