Singapore is the only oddball developed country without any minimum wage protection!
Posted by admin 4 March, 2010
From wikipedia, we are the only screwball among the first world nations not to have any mininum wage requirements!
Australia – 543.78 Australian dollars per week; set federally by the Australian Fair Pay Commission[4]
Austria – the accepted unofficial annual minimum wage is €12,000 to €14,000[4]
Belgium – €1,387.49 a month for workers 21 years of age and over; €1,424.31 a month for workers 21 and a half years of age, with six months of service; €1,440.67 a month for workers 22 years of age, with 12 months of service; coupled with extensive social benefits[4][7]
Canada – set by each province and territory; ranges from C$8.00 to C$10.00 per hour
Taiwan – NT$17,280 a month; NT$104 per hour[4]
Denmark – negotiated between unions and employer associations; 100.65 kroner, according to the terms of the country’s largest collective bargaining agreement, negotiated in the spring of 2008 and covering almost the entire industrial sector[4]
Finland – the law requires all employers, including nonunionized ones, to pay minimum wages agreed to in collective bargaining agreements; almost all workers are covered under such arrangements[4]
France – €8.82 per hour; €1,337.70 per month for 151.67 hours worked (or 7 hours every weekday of the month)[19]
Germany – for construction workers, electrical workers, janitors, roofers, painters, and letter carriers; set by collective bargaining agreements in other sectors of the economy and enforceable by law[4]
Greece – €680.59 a month[22]
Hong Kong – bill for city-wide minimum wage introduced[25]
Iceland – minimum wages are negotiated in various collectively bargained agreements and applied automatically to all employees in those occupations, regardless of union membership; while the agreements can be either industry- or sector-wide, and in some cases firm-specific, the minimum wage levels are occupation-specific[4]
Ireland – €8.65 per hour[27]
Israel – approximately 47.5 percent of the average wage, or 3,850 Israeli new sheqel per month[4][29]
Italy – instead set through collective bargaining agreements on a sector-by-sector basis[4]
Japan – ranges from 618 Japanese yen to 739 yen per hour; set on a prefectural and industry basis[4]
South Korea – 3,770 South Korean won per hour; reviewed annually[4]
Luxembourg – €1,570.28 per month for unqualified workers over 18; €1,256.22 for those aged 17–18; €1,177.71 for those aged 15–17; €1,884.34 for qualified workers[33]
Netherlands – €1,398.60 per month, €322.75 per week and €64.55 per day for persons 23 and older; between 30-85% of this amount for persons aged 15–22[36]
New Zealand – NZ$12.75 per hour for workers 18 years old or older, and NZ$10.20 per hour for those aged 16 or 17 or in training; there is no statutory minimum wage for employees who are under 16 years old[37]
Norway – wages normally fall within a national scale negotiated by labor, employers, and local governments[4]
Portugal – €470 per month for full-time workers, rural workers, and domestic employees ages 18 and older[4][43]
Singapore - no laws or regulations[4]
Spain – €633.30 per month[47]
Sweden – set by annual collective bargaining contracts[4]
Switzerland – a majority of the voluntary collective bargaining agreements contain clauses on minimum compensation, ranging from 2,200 to 4,200 francs per month for unskilled workers and from 2,800 to 5,300 francs per month for skilled employees[4]
United Kingdom – £5.80 per hour (aged 22 and older), £4.83 per hour (aged 18–21) or £3.57 per hour (under 18 and finished compulsory education)[50]
United States – the federal minimum wage is US$7.25 per hour; states may also set a minimum, in which case the higher of the two is controlling
Minimum Wage is the not the monster that some people are making it out to be. It is extremely mild in comparison. Minimum Wage is to be used in conjunction with other measures (increase in foreign worker levies, productivity growth, cutting overhead costs, etc.) and not a stand-alone. These slew of measures will raise real GDP and real income growth and hence the living standards of Singaporeans.
Proposing the complete removal of levies and relying on dependency ratios is like dropping an economic bombshell equivalent to an economic coup.
No Singaporean worker will support it. Even the factory worker knows he will be severely disadvantaged immediately and a few may even get fired. It will lead to discrimination of the Singaporean worker in the medium to long term, especially if his work is disrupted by NS.
Very few university professors, trade unionists, human resource practitioners, forum letter-writers will support it. I am very sure even employers may join in to condemn it.
Pricing mechanisms are flexible. It can be adjusted quickly to market conditions. Using brute force like manipulating dependency ratios is inflexible and may lead to the collapse of companies.
There are certainly no minimum wages for the average Singaporean workers, even if there are some form of structured wages for those in between the very top wage levels and those at the bottom.
However, surely there must be a mistake in the report - as there is a minimum guaranteed wage levels for the PAP Ministers - who justify their entitlement to such minimum wages so as to keep themselve from falling into corruption.
Labor Movement ?
What Labor Movement ?
With the head of the NTUC being a PAP member and a Minister-without-Portfolio - everything is wrapped up in the grip of the PAP.
They will guarantee their own minimum wages as Ministers, but will also guarantee that the cost to the Singapore Inc will be kept at the minimum low.
This is to allow the PAP Ministers to trumpet their talented abilities to make big profits and surplus for Singapore Inc - and all from the blood money taken from ordinary Singaporeans.
What benefits will the current incumbent reap to set a minimum wage?
yalor, labour got move meh??? NTUC is just another subsidary of PAP, have or dun have, dun make much different.
A former union member who work in my pub told me, as a member, he thot his job is more secure, damn, he gets retrenched faster than a non member...and for the last 10 years he had been giving hundreds over dollars per year as member fees. He feels cheated. While i told him, you join Angel's Pub, u also can join Union, because in Singapore, got union or no union also same same...Union are both pro business and pro labour, just that labourers have to pay fees to them and business people dun need. So good for us as business people. The biggest joke in the world
NTUC = Fair Price
"Fair very Fair?
Originally posted by hielo de fuego es perra:What benefits will the current incumbent reap to set a minimum wage?
Benefits for what, most of these incumbent dun need benefits, got free petrol, free car, free driver, free house, free essential foods, free dinners and free tour....etc etc..
Originally posted by noahnoah:
NTUC = Fair Price
"Fair very Fair?
NTUC= Nothing Till U C
Originally posted by angel7030:
Benefits for what, most of these incumbent dun need benefits, got free petrol, free car, free driver, free house, free essential foods, free dinners and free tour....etc etc..
Your words contradict yourself.
while, it is not contradicting, if i feel NTUC is not good, i will said it out lot, if i said, MOE is doing a good job, i will said it out loud too...i am not those extremist standing on both end of the extreme to condemn or support something, because at those end, you get hallucinated to think that everything is bad even if a good policy is implemented.
if wanna compare, please compare everything and not just one part
there are pros and cons in everything.
Lets say if Singapore set the minimum wage, how to prevent enterprises from passing the higher operating cost to the customers?
The hawkers centre cleaners minimum wage is $10 per hour, the contractor will have to charge a higher fee to the stall holders, the stall holders, would have to increase their prices.
Minimum pay don't guarantee you will get more pay, only the low end task is better paid, the mid range and above would be out of the minimum pay rule thus not get any benefit, but must pay more as prices increase across the board, because delivery boys, packers, sales assistant, fast food riders all get paid more. Cost passed to you.
How to balance things up?
S'pore is only a developed country for the well-off people..............apart from that, most are still in the developing country stage..........
S'pore will eventually be a higher class Indonesia..............many that can flee to other countries like Australia, etc are doing just that...............others cannot flee..........and of course the rich no need to flee..........
Minimum wage applies only to a select elite few Singaporeans - our dear public service ministers who are paid minimum million dollars a year.
Swiss Standard of Living!!!! (only for a few Singaporeans)
Oh ya, I forgot - No Free Lunch for the rest of ordinary folks.
Oh by the way, stick some spurs into your own butt for being Singaporeans.
Originally posted by angel7030:while, it is not contradicting, if i feel NTUC is not good, i will said it out lot, if i said, MOE is doing a good job, i will said it out loud too...i am not those extremist standing on both end of the extreme to condemn or support something, because at those end, you get hallucinated to think that everything is bad even if a good policy is implemented.
Can a Taiwanese 'hum' hope to achieve anything of substance - even attempting to be an extremist with its immense stoooopeedity ?
The intelligence of a Taiwanese 'hum' begin and end at its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ - can anything of any relevance flow from its hopeless brain that is no bigger then the size of its ‘clitoris’ ?
It certainly has the ability to say alot about its ignorance and in very loud ways too - just to attract attention to itself as an 'Attention Seeking Whore'.
All these countries have a higher unemployment rate than us speak volume for itself. No use comparing wage structure, every countries works in it own unique way depending on their environment, their historical background and their culture. For without mini wage system, we are at 2.1% unemployment rate which is as tho full employment. And within our surrounding countries, we fair much much better,...because our wage structure is so flexible and not rigid.
Originally posted by angel7030:All these countries have a higher unemployment rate than us speak volume for itself. No use comparing wage structure, every countries works in it own unique way depending on their environment, their historical background and their culture. For without mini wage system, we are at 2.1% unemployment rate which is as tho full employment. And within our surrounding countries, we fair much much better,...because our wage structure is so flexible and not rigid.
Wage system flexible and not rigid benefits you to pay your prostitutes low and you earn high. Sickening and cruel prick!
Originally posted by Atobe:
Can a Taiwanese 'hum' hope to achieve anything of substance - even attempting to be an extremist with its immense stoooopeedity ?The intelligence of a Taiwanese 'hum' begin and end at its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ - can anything of any relevance flow from its hopeless brain that is no bigger then the size of its ‘clitoris’ ?
It certainly has the ability to say alot about its ignorance and in very loud ways too - just to attract attention to itself as an 'Attention Seeking Whore'.
another classic killer post !
Originally posted by angel7030:All these countries have a higher unemployment rate than us speak volume for itself. No use comparing wage structure, every countries works in it own unique way depending on their environment, their historical background and their culture. For without mini wage system, we are at 2.1% unemployment rate which is as tho full employment. And within our surrounding countries, we fair much much better,...because our wage structure is so flexible and not rigid.
Is there any relevance in the Taiwanese 'hum' interpretation of a 'minimum wage' for Singaporeans as a 'rigid wage system' ?
The insistence of a Taiwanese 'hum' for flexibility in anything is quite obvious.
How else can the 'hum' hope to get anywhere if anything is rigid for its existence ?
Is it any surprise that the flexibility of the Taiwanese 'hum' allow itself to get out of Taiwan, flex its moral values if any exist - to forge some false talent certificates to gain entry into Singapore, and indulge in the sex trade ?
The ultimate flexibility displayed by the Taiwanese 'hum' is to flex its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ in rapturous idiocy simply to attract attention to itself as an 'Attention Seeking Whore'.
What more can be expected from a Taiwanese 'hum' that has a brain no bigger then the size of its ‘clitoris’ ?
Originally posted by As romanista2001:
another classic killer post !
if that is classic, art festival can close shop liao...
Anyway, being a country with no natural resources and also no village to go back to, we must make ourselve flexible, nimble and adaptable, by setting a mini wage will not help in any sense when economy is down, with a flexible wage system that align itself to market demand, and together with a Multiple Variable components, MVC instill into our wage system, EDB managed to attract more investors into singapore, which in turn create more jobs for us. A flexible wage system had served us well since 1970s when NWC was introduced. And to be fair, our citizens incomes can match any SEA countries and still come out as nos 1. And those SEA countries with mini wage are facing jobless and alway on protest and strike that certainly divert investors to invest in their countries.