Originally posted by likedatosocan:Its easy to notice recently how much media coverage has been given to the MPs.
I would not be surprised if election is held in June 2010. ;)
More likely after National Day.
No, you are absolutely incorrect, while lunching with the Ministers, i did ask one of them about election, she said, "Miss Lin, let be frank, if you look at the budget this year, is there any goodies? furthermore, the budget main purpose is to enchance the economy first so that all singaporean got work first, a very basic social need. Once people are more or less in a stable condition, and when economy bloomed couple with next year budget goodies to be announce next year, you will see election coming, certainly, no this year"
Words from Ministers hor, not me hor.
well, it would be logical to suggest that the date could be when economy is booming.
its said sg economy is export oriented and depends heavily on the rest of the world.
So, my question is, who should take credit if and when the economy is booming again?
Originally posted by likedatosocan:well, it would be logical to suggest that the date could be when economy is booming.
its said sg economy is export oriented and depends heavily on the rest of the world.
So, my question is, who should take credit if and when the economy is booming again?
The rest of the world?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
I copied your postings and posted it in other forums, else why would the rest of Singapore be laughing at you?
This kind of argument from a 'zwei-siao-hog' clearly reflects the 'zwei-siao' stooopidity at its best - from one who exposed itself as a born ‘mother fucker’.
You should try harder to side-track from your own exposed 'zwei-siao' position - and drag in all of Singapore to stand beside a 'zwei-siao' born ‘mother fucker’ ?
Originally posted by angel7030:No, you are absolutely incorrect, while lunching with the Ministers, i did ask one of them about election, she said, "Miss Lin, let be frank, if you look at the budget this year, is there any goodies? furthermore, the budget main purpose is to enchance the economy first so that all singaporean got work first, a very basic social need. Once people are more or less in a stable condition, and when economy bloomed couple with next year budget goodies to be announce next year, you will see election coming, certainly, no this year"
Words from Ministers hor, not me hor.
"jabber-jabber-jabber-jabber-jabber" - is there any goodies that can possibly come from a Taiwanese 'hum' ?
Can a Taiwanese 'hum' have the intelligence to ask anything about the election - or will it be more credible discussing about the abilities of the ministers having their 'erections' with the Taiwanese 'hum' ?
The intelligence of a Taiwanese 'hum' begin and end at its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ - can anything of any relevance flow from its hopeless brain that is no bigger then the size of its ‘clitoris’ ?
The Taiwanese 'hum' will be more honest to admit itself as an 'Attention Seeking Whore' - with an agenda to drive any thread off-track to achieve its efforts to draw any attention to its irrelevant existence.
As I understand Australia has a cooling off day too but do they also have fines and jail term for people who refused to cool off on that day?
That $1000 fine is sure to make offenders blood boil so Singapore prisons got air-con ar not?
Originally posted by Clivebenss:More likely after National Day.
You might be joking but you could be right.
That is the best time to the lighting to strike.
I don't use crystal ball.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:I don't use crystal ball.
at least you got balls to speak up>
i think this cooling off thing will backfire. Why? Simply because all the shit that they have done cannot be undone in one day of cooling off.
Let's wait and see.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:i think this cooling off thing will backfire. Why? Simply because all the shit that they have done cannot be undone in one day of cooling off.
Let's wait and see.
It's not for us.
It's probably a tool to use to find fault with opposition parties when the time comes.
honestly, our opposition is quite hopeless lol. I expected more from WP but they have stayed rather low key on a national basis. No personal blogs, no partisan online forums, lack of activity in the aljunied area. haha....why everytime they like to screw themselves ah.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:honestly, our opposition is quite hopeless lol. I expected more from WP but they have stayed rather low key on a national basis. No personal blogs, no partisan online forums, lack of activity in the aljunied area. haha....why everytime they like to screw themselves ah.
On the contrary, I think this is the correct move.
Why do anything when the ruling party is making headlines with big screw ups every now and then - billion dollar losses, limping guy escaping etc.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:honestly, our opposition is quite hopeless lol. I expected more from WP but they have stayed rather low key on a national basis. No personal blogs, no partisan online forums, lack of activity in the aljunied area. haha....why everytime they like to screw themselves ah.
I no longer support this op.
Who dare bring up about PAP when they do something they are suppose not to on "Cooling off" and polling days?
Originally posted by Atobe:
This kind of argument from a 'zwei-siao-hog' clearly reflects the 'zwei-siao' stooopidity at its best - from one who exposed itself as a born ‘mother fucker’.You should try harder to side-track from your own exposed 'zwei-siao' position - and drag in all of Singapore to stand beside a 'zwei-siao' born ‘mother fucker’ ?
You are entertaining an entire nation by your stupidity and attempting to escape from reality.
if we see lky or lhl on TV, that means PAP without the logo. Pretty much tips the balance in their favour huh.
The ball is at the local media's court as to how they going about it. Not to forget, local media is under the control of the MIW
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
You are entertaining an entire nation by your stupidity and attempting to escape from reality.
‘Hey, fucker of your own mother’(*1) - the only one that is providing entertainment with so much stupidity is the one who is famous as a very determined to be a "zwei-siao" ‘mother fucker’(*2) - does anyone wish to compete with a "zwei-siao-hog" for this title ?
It is disgusting to have a "zwei-siao-Hog" to think it is capable to speak on behalf of Singaporeans - since this time, you are speaking on behalf of your nation of "zwei-siao-Hogs" - I will leave you to entertain your own fantasy with your stooopeedity.
Originally posted by Atobe:
‘Hey, fucker of your own mother’(*1) - the only one that is providing entertainment with so much stupidity is the one who is famous as a very determined to be a "zwei-siao" ‘mother fucker’(*2) - does anyone wish to compete with a "zwei-siao-hog" for this title ?
It is disgusting to have a "zwei-siao-Hog" to think it is capable to speak on behalf of Singaporeans - since this time, you are speaking on behalf of your nation of "zwei-siao-Hogs" - I will leave you to entertain your own fantasy with your stooopeedity.
You can't post in proper english nor note that you are stupid by nature. After all, you are nothing but a piece of turd from Turdistan. You just pure fantasize about CSJ getting into power but not the responsibility of the government of Singapore. Enjoy the entertainment of your stupidity.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
You can't post in proper english nor note that you are stupid by nature. After all, you are nothing but a piece of turd from Turdistan. You just pure fantasize about CSJ getting into power but not the responsibility of the government of Singapore. Enjoy the entertainment of your stupidity.
‘Hey, fucker of your own mother’(*1) - are you embarassed by seeing your own compliments being repeated for your consumption ?
Surely, you cannot be so stunned by this compliment until you forget that Dr Chee Soon Juan cannot possibly get into power ?
Somehow, your position as a 'zwei-siao-Hog' seems to make you persist with wallowing in the mud that you create for Dr Chee - and continue to be fixated with your own fantasized nightmares about him.
Through your own indulgent fixation - you seem to be loss in being entertained by your own sheer stooopeedity and can only make all your baseless claims to distract others from seeing the truth of your hooliganism as a ‘mother fucker’(*2).
Pathetic 'zwei-siao-ness' personified.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:i think this cooling off thing will backfire. Why? Simply because all the shit that they have done cannot be undone in one day of cooling off.
Let's wait and see.
I cant comprehend the reasons behind this one day cooling off thingy but if PAP wins again the one day could increase to three days and so on and for what fark? I still wouldnt know
Originally posted by Shorter ninja:I cant comprehend the reasons behind this one day cooling off thingy but if PAP wins again the one day could increase to three days and so on and for what fark? I still wouldnt know
No different. Margin of undecided still hold until they see the ballot box.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:No different. Margin of undecided still hold until they see the ballot box.
why so like that one?
if really wana cool off, do it for 7 days la. 1 day makes no diff.