"建屋局å�‘言人说,这些旧组屋å�³å°†æ‹†é™¤ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¸€èˆ¬å�ªä¾›çŸæœŸç§Ÿç”¨ï¼Œä¸�适å�ˆå……作租èµ�组屋让有需è¦�的国人租用。 "
For those needy Singaporeans, camping at the public park will more suitable than rent the Sers flats for short term ???
2200个待拆组屋 ä¾›çŸæœŸå‡ºç§Ÿ
  本地目å‰�有2200个待拆组屋å�•ä½�ä¾›çŸæœŸå‡ºç§Ÿï¼Œçº¦å� 获选展开选择性整体é‡�建计划(SERS)组屋å�•ä½�总数的6%。
  然而,其ä¸25座组屋的2200多个å�•ä½�å› ä¸ºæ— é¡»é©¬ä¸Šè¢«“å¾�用”ï¼Œå› æ¤æš‚æ—¶ä¸�用拆除,å�¯ä½œä¸ºçŸæœŸä½�宿满足市场需求。
  å�‘言人也澄清,建屋局并没有为外ç±�员工æ��供组屋,该局是把空置的待拆组屋交由管ç�†ä»£ç�†è´Ÿè´£ï¼Œå†�ç”±ä»–ä»¬ä»¥å¸‚åœºä»·æ ¼å‡ºç§Ÿç»™å�ˆæ ¼ç§Ÿæˆ·ã€‚è¿™äº›ç§Ÿæˆ·åŒ…æ‹¬æ–°åŠ å�¡å…¬æ°‘ã€�永久居民ã€�å¦ç”Ÿã€�S准è¯�æŒ�有人和就业准è¯�æŒ�有人。
  除了在公开市场出租,一部分待拆组屋也ä¿�ç•™ç»™æš‚æ—¶æ— æ –èº«ä¹‹æ‰€çš„å›½äººå±…ä½�。这些人å�¯èƒ½é�¢å¯¹ç»�济困难或是在ç‰å€™æ–°ç»„屋完工,租下组屋仅是æ�ƒå®œä¹‹è®¡ï¼Œä¸Žç§Ÿèµ�组屋的作用ä¸�å�Œã€‚
  å�³å°†åŠ å…¥çŸæœŸå‡ºç§Ÿè¡Œåˆ—的组屋ä½�于勿洛å�—3é�“,它们是在2004年获选å�‚与SERS计划的第46至50座组屋。这5座组屋有约32年屋龄,719个å�•ä½�以四房å¼�居多,三房å¼�则å� 约三æˆ�。
  其ä¸çš„300个组屋将ä¿�ç•™ç»™æ–°åŠ å�¡å…¬æ°‘,让有ç»�济困难,并需è¦�çŸæœŸä½�宿的人以低于市场水平的租金租下。
  管�组屋的怡安产业公�(EM Services)也从上周开始设示范��,供有兴趣的租户�观。�本报观察,���观的以在本地工作的外国人居多。
  æ�¥è‡ªè�²å¾‹æ»¨çš„瓦摩惹(31å²�,资讯专员)与两å��å‰�å�Œäº‹åœ¨å‘¨äºŒå�‚观å�•ä½�,但应该ä¸�会租下组屋。他说,租户å�ªèƒ½å�‚观示范å�•ä½�,ä¸�过最终租下的å�•ä½�å�¯èƒ½ä¸Žç¤ºèŒƒå�•ä½�ç›¸å·®å¾ˆè¿œï¼Œå› ä¸ºæ¯�间组屋的ä¿�养情况ä¸�å�Œã€‚è¿™æ ·çš„ä¸�确定性令他缺ä¹�安全感。
  为通知周é�å±…æ°‘ç»„å±‹å°†è¢«ç§Ÿç”¨ï¼Œå»ºå±‹å±€ä¹Ÿåœ¨ç»„å±‹é™„è¿‘å¼ è´´é€šå‘Šã€‚é€šå‘Šè¯´ï¼Œå¤§éƒ¨åˆ†çš„ç»„å±‹å°†å‡ºç§Ÿç»™æ–°åŠ å�¡å…¬æ°‘ã€�永久居民以å�Šå¦ç”Ÿï¼Œå…¶ä½™çš„则租给S准è¯�æŒ�有者和就业准è¯�æŒ�有者。通告也表明,租下组屋的将是专业人士以å�Šæ‰§è¡Œäººå‘˜ï¼Œè€Œä¸�是建ç‘业å�Šæµ·äº‹ä¸šå·¥äººã€‚
è¿™æ ·çš„“声明”令居民æ�Žæ¸…仪(50å²�,家åºä¸»å¦‡ï¼‰æ�¾äº†ä¸€å�£æ°”。ä½�在临近公寓的她说,è¦�是客工ä½�进组屋,å�¯èƒ½ä¼šå½±å“�治安,让她担心å©å�的出入会å�—å½±å“�。
  他笑说,è¦�是这些组屋拆掉å�Žï¼Œå†�ç”±å…¬å¯“æ›¿ä»£ä¼šæ›´å¥½ï¼Œå› ä¸ºè¿™å°†æœ‰åŠ©äºŽå‘¨é�组屋增值。
Originally posted by 4sg:I pm you. My Chinaman friend is my working mate. I don't come here to lie OK!
The link you provided are meant for regulating Singaporean.
These, clearly, are conditions meant for Singaporean - the largest players on the resale market.
Go and ask any property agent. I am very sure they will tell you that foreigner can buy a resale flat openly and freely.
I AM a part time property agent. The various eligibility schemes for HDB resale flats are among the very first thing they teach you at any agent course ! We are supposed to go through the eligibility checklist for any potential client BEFORE showing them any properties, cos it's pretty stupid to go down to HDB hub to complete the transaction only to find out that the buyers are not eligible to purchase at all !
If any agent tells you a foreigner can own a resale flat openly and freely, then please don't use his services, he doesn't know what he's doing at all.
But of course, you don't need to sign up for a $700 course to learn all that, it is all in the open domain, please read.
I am still curious about your ah tiong friend btw. How the hell did he managed to own an HDB flat, WITHOUT converting to PR or citizen ..... pray tell ...
ts, your cheena classmate is trying to take advantage of you.
the best thing is to avoid her stop talking to her
ask yourself why she wants to befriend you
monies is their friend understand
I don't have a habit of posting out my PMs in public, but in this case, I think it's important to set things right and make things clear for everyone.
I believe these conditions are there regulating Singaporean because they are linked to a/some govt subsidised scheme(s).
Many years ago, there was no such regulations because there was no subsidy on resale flat for Singaporean then. But now things changed.
Regulation conditions for Singaporean and eligibilty for
forienger to buy are two diff things.
I hope you appreciate and understand this - not to provid a
link and take it is as all said and be said about things on a
Let it be very clear, the eligibility schemes listed, lay out who CAN AND CANNOT buy a new HDB flat, or a RESALE flat, that means that, explicitly, the people who can buy a new HDB flat, are singaporeans ONLY. And those who are eligible to purchase a resale flat, are Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent residents who meet certain eligibility conditions ONLY.
In no way does the absence of rules for foreigners imply that foreigners are able to own public housing properties freely and without restrictions. The goverment is not stupid, if this were the case, half of Singapore's HDB would be owned by PRCs and the other half by indonesians and indians.
the housing subsidies and grants, across the board, are for SINGAPOREANS and their families only, not PRs, and definitely not foreigners, the goverment is not stupid enough to waste grant money on people who cannot vote.
So where does your HDB flat owning, beijing doctor friend stand again ?
The final nail in the “HDB affordability” coffin?
By Leong Sze Hian - the online citizen
I refer to the article “HDB resale prices: Don’t just find a scapegoat – It is not an issue of us-versus-them, but one of a rise in demand” (ST, Feb 11).
It states: “But actually, what exactly is the issue? Are rising HDB resale prices an issue?”
Well, the issue is that the HDB’s Market Subsidy Pricing policy pegs the prices of new flats to that of the resale market. This makes new flats increasingly an affordability issue for Singaporeans.
As for the statement “Surely not to the majority of 880,000 or so households who already own an HDB flat, to whom rising flat prices means rising asset values”, what good is a higher priced HDB flat if you need to downgrade to a smaller flat in order to have enough money to retire?
Under current rules, downgraders can only purchase a resale flat. As the price differential between a larger and smaller resale flat may not be very substantial, the alternative of downgrading to a new smaller flat may mean a wait of 5.5 years (2.5 years waiting period plus 3-year Build-to-order (BTO) construction period).
This problem may be further compounded by the change in policy last year that after age 55, any shortfall in the CPF Minimum Sum (MS) must be topped-up from property sale proceeds (CPF monies utilised plus accrued interest), before the balance can be used for housing again.
With the MS at $117,000 now and projected to increase to $161,000 and $271,000, in 2013 and 2023 respectively, anyone selling to monetise their flat may not have much left after meeting this Minumum Sum rule and the price of a smaller resale flat.
The article also stated: “What of the charge that some people are buying HDB flats for rental income? Actually, this is patently the case – and rightly so. HDB’s 2008/09 annual report states there were 22,754 flats that were sublet. No one knows how many more flats are being sublet illegally. A number of HDB flat owners will also be renting out some bedrooms for income”.
Actually, the 22,754 flats that were sublet as stated in HDB’s annual report had their applications approved in just one year.
So, how many flats in total are being sub-let entirely?
How many applications were not approved?
How many are sub-letting their flats because of financial difficulties?
For those in financial difficulty, is it possible to apply for a waiver of the 5-year and 3-year rule before flats purchased with or without a housing subsidy can be entirely sub-let?
For those with genuine financial difficulties, this option may be better than compulsory acquisition of their flats at 90 per cent of valuation.
I agree with the statement that “(people have) to acknowledge that the market is moving faster than one’s income and savings can keep up with”.
In this context, the problem may be that some of the HDB’s policies are out-dated and do not reflect the reality of a changing environment, such as the 2.5 year waiting period, because in the past the HDB built to sell, as opposed to today’s BTO approach. This may effectively mean waiting for another threee years for a flat on top of the usual 2.5 years.
The income ceiling of $2,000 and $3,000 for eligibility for 2-room and 3-room new flats have also not been changed for many years, despite rising new flat prices and the higher cost of living.
I also refer to the “Special report : Homeless wanderers – Number of homeless people doubles” (Sunday Times, Jan 31).
It states that “About 60 flats are voluntarily surrendered to the HDB every month”.
Many of the occupants became homeless because they could not afford to pay for HDB flats.
In this connection, I refer to the articles “New flats to stay affordable” (ST, Jan 27) and “HDB flat supply will meet demand : Mah” (ST, Jan 14).
The latter states that “a family with a monthly income of $3,000 can buy a flat worth up to $250,000 and spend only 30 per cent of their income every month on the mortgage …. This means they can comfortably buy any of the flats (three-room and some four-room) offered in the latest BTO projects this month”.
A typical financially prudent household of four persons (couple with two children) may find it hard to make ends meet with a disposable monthly income of $2,100 ($3,000 less 30 per cent for the HDB mortgage).
A breakdown of a typical household’s expenses is as follows:-
food ($40 x 30 days) $1,200
education ($200 x 2 children) 400
transport 300
utilities 150
insurance (various) 100
telephone/internet 70
service & conservancy charges (S & CC) 40
property tax 20
television license 10
medical 10
Total: $2,300
The household may be left with no savings or any money for leisure activities.
If the household has more than four people, like those staying with their parent(s) or have more children, it may be quite difficult for them to survive.
As there are hundreds of thousands of people with a disability or chronic illness, a household surviving on a $3000 per month income with such a family member may also find themselves stretched financially.
Affordability depends on individual circumstances, and it may not be quite appropriate to generalise that a $3,000 household can afford a HDB flat.
According to the Department of Statistics’ Household Expenditure Survey report, there are about 106,000 households with less than a $1,000 monthly income, and about another 116,000 households with less than a $2,000 monthly income.
I therefore estimate that there are about 300,000 households earning less than $3,000 a month.
So, does it mean that about three in 10 households may find these new BTO three-room flats beyond their means?
The issue of affordability may be further compounded by the HDB’s Income Ceiling policy, whereby a household earning over $3,000 a month is not eligible for a new three-room flat, and has to purchase a new four-room or bigger flat.
As the HDB celebrates its 50^th anniversary this year, instead of just the HDB determining affordability, I would like to suggest that an independent third party be engaged to study the affordability of HDB flats.
ts, cann try to ask Leong Sze Hian opinion about housing loan aka financing a house here - read this site - http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/12/sporeans-more-able-to-afford-larger-flats/
去年约299äººå› ä½�屋问题å�‘社é�’体部寻求æ�´åŠ©
(2010-03-02 5:45pm)
ï¼ˆæ–°åŠ å�¡è®¯ï¼‰åŽ»å¹´å…±æœ‰çº¦299äººå› ä¸ºä½�屋问题å�‘社会å�‘展ã€�é�’å¹´å�Šä½“育部寻求æ�´åŠ©ã€‚这些寻求æ�´åŠ©çš„äººé€šå¸¸æ˜¯å› ä¸ºå�Œå®¶åºç–�è¿œã€�ç»„å±‹è¢«æ”¶å›žï¼Œæˆ–å› ä¸ºç»„å±‹å·²ç»�售出但å�ˆè¿˜æ²¡æœ‰æ‰¾åˆ°æ–°æˆ¿å�。
  è�”å�ˆæ—©æŠ¥æŠ¥é�“哈莉玛(裕廊集选区)在国会上询å�Šæœ¬åœ°äººæ— 家å�¯å½’的问题有多严é‡�。社é�’体部部长维文在回å¤�æ—¶æ��供以上数æ�®ã€‚
  维文说,当局会å�Œç¤¾åŒºå�‘展ç�†äº‹ä¼šå’Œå¿—æ„¿ç¦�利组织å�ˆä½œï¼Œæ ¹æ�®ä»–ä»¬çš„èƒ½åŠ›ï¼Œä¸ºæ— å®¶å�¯å½’ç�€æ��ä¾›ä½�屋方案。
  ä¸�过哈莉玛æ��出,其ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªæ–¹æ¡ˆ--收留贫困者的收容所--å±…ä½�环境尽ç�†æƒ³ï¼Œè€Œä½�进里é�¢çš„贫困者往往也å�—到约æ�Ÿï¼Œå¯¼è‡´è´«å›°è€…æ— æ³•å¤–å‡ºå·¥ä½œèµšé’±ã€‚å¥¹ä¹Ÿæ‹…å¿ƒä½�进收容所会对æ�¥è‡ªè´«å›°å®¶åºçš„å©å�é€ æˆ�ä¸�良影å“�,导致å¦ä¸šæˆ�绩ä¸�ä½³ç‰ï¼Œæœ€ç»ˆå¯¼è‡´ä»–ä»¬æ— æ³•è„±ç¦»è´«å›°ã€‚
I think some are mistaken here.
I have no intentions to marry or take HDB unit with her. Nor do I wish to invest in any property at the moment with anyone else. I HAVE A LOCAL GF and we do have plans.
And just because I mentioned that she is good looking, does not mean that I will introduce her to anyone. I have my own reputation to sustain.
thanks and have a great day.
Mah Bow Tan after being grilled by a PAP MP: PRs have “minimal” impact on HDB resale prices
PAP MP Inderjit Singh is fast becoming the new Dr Tan Cheng Bock of the PAP backbenchers with his frank, critical and bold questions to hold the PAP ministers accountable for their actions though it may not amount to much at the end of the day.
During the parliamentary session yesterday, Mr Inderjit Singh embarrassed his fellow PAP MPs by castigating the government for its ill-conceived liberal immigration policies which led directly to sky-rocketing HDB flat prices:
“By bringing in too many people too quickly…the cost of living has gone up rapidly. The clearest manifestation of this is the cost of HDB flats,” he said, mincing no words.
He added that though PRs cannot buy new flats, demand by them in the resale market can push up prices and the price of new HDB flats is pegged to that of the resale market. Furthermore, the PRs who rent HDB flats also contribute to rising prices.
National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan had only this to say: PRs who make up “only” one in five resale flat buyers, have minimal impact on resale prices.
20 per cent is a significant minority and is more than sufficient to distort the market. According to some real estate agencies like ERA, the figure is actually higher at 40 per cent.
The prices of HDB flats have almost doubled in the last few years, with that of resale flats hitting a record high in June 2009 when the economy was mired in recession and Minisster Mah must accept full responsibility for it.
The abnormal situation is caused largely by the lack of foresight of HDB to plan well ahead to build more flats to meet the expected increase in demand for housing fueled by uncontrolled immigration.
Recent launches of BTO flats are more than 5 to 10 times subscribed even in less popular areas like Choa Chua Kang, an indication of how serious the housing shortage has become.
Only slightly more than 11,000 new flats were built between the years 2006 – 2008 when there were over 90,000 PRs and 20,000 new citizens alone in 2008:
[Source: HDB Financial Report 2008/2009]
Below is a graph illustrating how the rise in the prices of resale flats coincides with the rise in the number of foreigners in Singapore between the years 2000 and 2008, courtesy of Kojakbt, the moderator of 3in1kopitiam:
Due to the ruling party’s liberal immigration policy, foreigners now made up 36 per cent of Singapore’s population, up from 14 per cent in 1990.
The prices of HDB flats are kept artificially high by building less flats than needed to meet the demand and increasing the population via immigration.
Unlike in other countries, PRs are allowed to purchase public housing in Singapore from the open market with few restrictions. Some PRs have “spoilt” the market by over-paying for the flats. An Indonesian PR was reported in the media to pay $653,000 for a 4-room resale flat in Queenstown when he could well afford a condominium.
Mr Mah said recently the Government was looking into measures for the HDB market and that announcements would be made in Parliament some time this week or the next.
Singaporeans can only pray hard that he will not be “caught offguard” again.
Originally posted by æ�ŽçŽŸ 往日情:Mah Bow Tan after being grilled by a PAP MP: PRs have “minimal” impact on HDB resale prices
PAP MP Inderjit Singh is fast becoming the new Dr Tan Cheng Bock of the PAP backbenchers with his frank, critical and bold questions to hold the PAP ministers accountable for their actions though it may not amount to much at the end of the day.
During the parliamentary session yesterday, Mr Inderjit Singh embarrassed his fellow PAP MPs by castigating the government for its ill-conceived liberal immigration policies which led directly to sky-rocketing HDB flat prices:
“By bringing in too many people too quickly…the cost of living has gone up rapidly. The clearest manifestation of this is the cost of HDB flats,” he said, mincing no words.
He added that though PRs cannot buy new flats, demand by them in the resale market can push up prices and the price of new HDB flats is pegged to that of the resale market. Furthermore, the PRs who rent HDB flats also contribute to rising prices.
National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan had only this to say: PRs who make up “only” one in five resale flat buyers, have minimal impact on resale prices.
20 per cent is a significant minority and is more than sufficient to distort the market. According to some real estate agencies like ERA, the figure is actually higher at 40 per cent.
The prices of HDB flats have almost doubled in the last few years, with that of resale flats hitting a record high in June 2009 when the economy was mired in recession and Minisster Mah must accept full responsibility for it.
The abnormal situation is caused largely by the lack of foresight of HDB to plan well ahead to build more flats to meet the expected increase in demand for housing fueled by uncontrolled immigration.
Recent launches of BTO flats are more than 5 to 10 times subscribed even in less popular areas like Choa Chua Kang, an indication of how serious the housing shortage has become.
Only slightly more than 11,000 new flats were built between the years 2006 – 2008 when there were over 90,000 PRs and 20,000 new citizens alone in 2008:
[Source: HDB Financial Report 2008/2009]
Below is a graph illustrating how the rise in the prices of resale flats coincides with the rise in the number of foreigners in Singapore between the years 2000 and 2008, courtesy of Kojakbt, the moderator of 3in1kopitiam:
Due to the ruling party’s liberal immigration policy, foreigners now made up 36 per cent of Singapore’s population, up from 14 per cent in 1990.
The prices of HDB flats are kept artificially high by building less flats than needed to meet the demand and increasing the population via immigration.
Unlike in other countries, PRs are allowed to purchase public housing in Singapore from the open market with few restrictions. Some PRs have “spoilt” the market by over-paying for the flats. An Indonesian PR was reported in the media to pay $653,000 for a 4-room resale flat in Queenstown when he could well afford a condominium.
Mr Mah said recently the Government was looking into measures for the HDB market and that announcements would be made in Parliament some time this week or the next.
Singaporeans can only pray hard that he will not be “caught offguard” again.
Not only the common folks are angry with the minister.
Even this MP is biting back.
Posting this again as my thread on HDB got deleted without any explanation from our kind mods:
Foreigners come in and get PR very quickly these days. They can only buy a resale HDB and that's what they do...jacking up the COVs. Then when they eventually get their citizenship and their HDB value has risen quite a good bit, they sell the HDB flat and opt for a new flat, like a BTO. Almost all of the new loan will be offset by the old flat and there you go, they also jack up the prices of new flats.
So all singaporeans are really fucked....but who laughs all the way to the bank? It has to be the govt because more residents means more direct and indirect tax collection.
Originally posted by Fatum:I don't have a habit of posting out my PMs in public, but in this case, I think it's important to set things right and make things clear for everyone.
I believe these conditions are there regulating Singaporean because they are linked to a/some govt subsidised scheme(s).
Many years ago, there was no such regulations because there was no subsidy on resale flat for Singaporean then. But now things changed.
Regulation conditions for Singaporean and eligibilty for forienger to buy are two diff things.
I hope you appreciate and understand this - not to provid a link and take it is as all said and be said about things on a forum.rdgs
Let it be very clear, the eligibility schemes listed, lay out who CAN AND CANNOT buy a new HDB flat, or a RESALE flat, that means that, explicitly, the people who can buy a new HDB flat, are singaporeans ONLY. And those who are eligible to purchase a resale flat, are Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent residents who meet certain eligibility conditions ONLY.
In no way does the absence of rules for foreigners imply that foreigners are able to own public housing properties freely and without restrictions. The goverment is not stupid, if this were the case, half of Singapore's HDB would be owned by PRCs and the other half by indonesians and indians.
the housing subsidies and grants, across the board, are for SINGAPOREANS and their families only, not PRs, and definitely not foreigners, the goverment is not stupid enough to waste grant money on people who cannot vote.
So where does your HDB flat owning, beijing doctor friend stand again ?
I just love this fatum..hmmm...very professional indeed.
Anyway, you are wasting your effort, these guys posting here are not going to listen to your rules and regulation on the eligibility of buying HDB, their objectives is to go against govt policies, no matter what policies good or bad, they just hate it, and that hatre betrayed their judgement in perceiving thing.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Posting this again as my thread on HDB got deleted without any explanation from our kind mods:
Foreigners come in and get PR very quickly these days. They can only buy a resale HDB and that's what they do...jacking up the COVs. Then when they eventually get their citizenship and their HDB value has risen quite a good bit, they sell the HDB flat and opt for a new flat, like a BTO. Almost all of the new loan will be offset by the old flat and there you go, they also jack up the prices of new flats.
So all singaporeans are really fucked....but who laughs all the way to the bank? It has to be the govt because more residents means more direct and indirect tax collection.
If you are good, you will not be fighting with PR over HDB flats, you will be living in condos and landed properties, so who is to blame now, you or the PRs
Originally posted by angel7030:
I just love this fatum..hmmm...very professional indeed.Anyway, you are wasting your effort, these guys posting here are not going to listen to your rules and regulation on the eligibility of buying HDB, their objectives is to go against govt policies, no matter what policies good or bad, they just hate it, and that hatre betrayed their judgement in perceiving thing.
you are wasting your effort here to display your puay chau chee bye. These people here are not going to listen to your dirty auntie's stories. Your objective is to go on attract attention as a lapitiao yiao chabor and display your puay chau cheebye here.
YOu puay cheebye stinks, most stink in the world.
Originally posted by shrekho:Hi
I think some are mistaken here.
I have no intentions to marry or take HDB unit with her. Nor do I wish to invest in any property at the moment with anyone else. I HAVE A LOCAL GF and we do have plans.
And just because I mentioned that she is good looking, does not mean that I will introduce her to anyone. I have my own reputation to sustain.
thanks and have a great day.
I think your nickname sounds like a pimp or something
Maybe it's just you
yes, there is a pimp here with numbers 7030
7030 last time come out 3rd prize ok...dun play play...
7030 came out 3rd prize does not alter the fact that angel7030 is still lapitiao hiao chabor.
Originally posted by elindra:I think your nickname sounds like a pimp or something
Maybe it's just you
I tink maybe it's the special feeling that I am a fatherly figure and warm hearted bear that people mistakenly take it as a pimp like behaviour.... wahahaha.... no link at all...
Anyway, 7030... last open is Consolation prize on 22 Mar 09, Sunday
I have nothing against the number or the person carrying it. Really. Just that I am a 4D pundit. Accurate predictions and opened numbers are important. Statistical and probabilities studies. Working on maths model for it! haha..
Anyway ah fat, that was a good read. The Miss china class mate is a PR. I am not sure about the rest of the details and no intention of asking, since her objective is to get the green card. Is she going to stay here as FT? hard to tell for me, but don't really care also. Cos instead of bitching at her, I rather spend time to think about how to achieve my millions. That is proper time investing.
Originally posted by shrekho:I tink maybe it's the special feeling that I am a fatherly figure and warm hearted bear that people mistakenly take it as a pimp like behaviour.... wahahaha.... no link at all...
Anyway, 7030... last open is Consolation prize on 22 Mar 09, Sunday
I have nothing against the number or the person carrying it. Really. Just that I am a 4D pundit. Accurate predictions and opened numbers are important. Statistical and probabilities studies. Working on maths model for it! haha..
Anyway ah fat, that was a good read. The Miss china class mate is a PR. I am not sure about the rest of the details and no intention of asking, since her objective is to get the green card. Is she going to stay here as FT? hard to tell for me, but don't really care also. Cos instead of bitching at her, I rather spend time to think about how to achieve my millions. That is proper time investing.
I think someway back, it did come out second prize, i remember a aunty strike and spend me to a buffet dinner...that time i was in poly, so it is about 3 to 4 years back, that time, i can eat alot...
What else can be expected from a Taiwanese 'hum' that can eat alot with its CBM working overtime - and all the time ?
With a CBM that continuously flap its ‘Labia Majora’ and ‘Labia Minora’ daily in some useless ways in public - it is certain to attract attention to itself as the resident 'Attention Seeking Whore'.
Has it contributed anything of any value to this thread - besides driving it off-track ?
There is no need to find loophole, the free issue of PR status to foreigner is already the biggest loophole that a double decker bus can drive through. So why waste time to find HDB loophole when foreigner can simply get a PR and than buy HDB. This is exactly whey they are queing outside the immigration dept now.
Singaporeans are now faced with the unsavoury choice of exorbitantly-priced HDB flats not cos it was the lack of planning or oversight on the part of the govt. On hindsight, it appears so. The main reason seems to be or was that of getting as many foreigners to take up PR/citizenship and of course, even an imbecile can guess – that it is and was from the outset a political ploy to hopefully, later garner votes or shore up eroding support for PAP.
However, the floodgates of PR/citizenship and new arrivals buying flats (don’t forget the often-repeated mantra of exlcusivity of Singaporeans= ''come first'' seems like mere lip service) has had such repercussions that now, the impact is so tangible and palpable – the blame game has begun in earnest.
Singaporeans need to know, and imbibe this anomaly, inequity and change this recalcitrant, heck-care/condescending/know-all attitudes of the incumbent govt lah.
The days of one-nation, nation-buiding was talk lar, talk cock lah and seems like we have unwittingly by unwise voting allowed their stay in power for too long and painted ourselved to a corner.
The wise thing and the sane thing is to undo the mistakes by resoundingly give them a vote – a vote lah, a vote that jarringly ends this tyranny of one-party strangehold that is slowly but surely an ignominy to be Singaporean!
Originally posted by angel7030: If you are good, you will not be fighting with PR over HDB flats, you will be living in condos and landed properties, so who is to blame now, you or the PRs
If one is rich, he would not tell others that he stays in a landed property, owns this business, drive what car etc. Basic law of life.
Try telling what you have just mentioned to the thousands of singaporeans awaiting their 1st flat. Only your kind of warped theory can attribute high HDB prices to the individual's lack of ability haha. Even if one lives in a condo or landed property, it doesnt mean anything in uniquely Spore. It could simply mean that the person is highly in debt.