Originally posted by Atobe:
As usual the Taiwanese 'hum' return to this Speaker's Corner to get its daily orgasmic fix of seeking the attention needed as an 'Attention Seeking Whore'.If the Genting Resorts World at Sentosa need 30,000 workers - it will make the entire operation an uneconomic proposition to start with.
The First World Hotel in the Genting Highlands, Malaysia is recorded by Guiness as the World Largest Hotel with 6,118 rooms - surely the Resort World will not be bigger then that in the Genting Highlands.
Using the method employed by hoteliers to determine staff to room ratio - the most economic ratio is set at 1.5 worker to 1 room, the First World Hotel will already employ 9,177 workers.
The Genting Resorts World at Sentosa has a total of only 1840 rooms spread through the Crockfords Tower, Hotel Michael, Festive Hotel and Hard Rock Hotel - at the same industry accepted staff-to-room ratio, these hotels will employ only 2760 workers that include the Top guy and his Administrators, the Service and F&B Staff.
The Casino operating 24 hours can at best employ double that number employed by the hotel - making it a total of 5520 workers.
The total number employed at the Resort World will be no more then 8280 workers.
Universal Studios cannot possibly employ more then the numbers employed at the Casino - and even if we take the full 5520 workers, the total employed can hardly total the 30,000 that the Taiwanese 'hum' will ignorantly blast from her brains located at Level 0.
That was the said nos during the seminar, whatever they really employed i do not know, maybe next time, i have breakfast with their HR director than i may ask him, but i hated him, he took our staffs away.
Originally posted by angel7030:That was the said nos during the seminar, whatever they really employed i do not know, maybe next time, i have breakfast with their HR director than i may ask him, but i hated him, he took our staffs away.
You are just a jobless Taiwanese Hum who pretend to be Boss and know HR Director go ask ur mum why she give bath to a bastard.... haha
Originally posted by Ionlytalknoaction:You are just a jobless Taiwanese Hum who pretend to be Boss and know HR Director go ask ur mum why she give bath to a bastard.... haha
It is in pub/brothel business. depends on prostitutes for a living. pub/brothel not open in the day time so come here seek attention.
u my uncle lor,
you see uncle, there are 2 types of peoples in this world, one the realisionist, the other the illusionist, both got it pros and cons,...sometime we are real, and sometime we are dreamer, that is how life goes on, if you really face the real all the way, you may end you life faster, and if you are illusionist all your life, you may end up in IMH.
But the real fact is PAP will win this election with at least a 70% votes, it is real because they got the joker in their hand, and if you know how to play cards, joker can be any subsitute, and it is also real that they have do their homework and start the construction long before now to their advantage, there is nothing much opposition can do except playing an illusion role, hoping for the best.
Just be illusion abit, if PAP are reading the posts here, it will be laughing ground for them, a place for them to relax and listen to joker like you and many others singing songs and talking cock all day...as margaret rightly put it...In politcs, if you got something to said, ask the man, they can tell you tales all day long, but if you need somehting to be done, ask the woman.
Originally posted by angel7030:u my uncle lor,
you see uncle, there are 2 types of peoples in this world, one the realisionist, the other the illusionist, both got it pros and cons,...sometime we are real, and sometime we are dreamer, that is how life goes on, if you really face the real all the way, you may end you life faster, and if you are illusionist all your life, you may end up in IMH.
But the real fact is PAP will win this election with at least a 70% votes, it is real because they got the joker in their hand, and if you know how to play cards, joker can be any subsitute, and it is also real that they have do their homework and start the construction long before now to their advantage, there is nothing much opposition can do except playing an illusion role, hoping for the best.
Just be illusion abit, if PAP are reading the posts here, it will be laughing ground for them, a place for them to relax and listen to joker like you and many others singing songs and talking cock all day...as margaret rightly put it...In politcs, if you got something to said, ask the man, they can tell you tales all day long, but if you need somehting to be done, ask the woman.
CRap! There are also people like ANGEL7030 AKA LONGINCHJOHN CURSING CURSING :
Below is just one of the many curses from angel7030 aka longinchjohn for cursing people to bootlick LKY:
Originally posted by angel7030:
Long Live LKY!!!, i think he will see that some of you get cremated first before he goes.
The above post is from "Is voting out PAP answers to our problems?" in Speakers' Corner.
Originally posted by angel7030:u my uncle lor,
you see uncle, there are 2 types of peoples in this world, one the realisionist, the other the illusionist, both got it pros and cons,...sometime we are real, and sometime we are dreamer, that is how life goes on, if you really face the real all the way, you may end you life faster, and if you are illusionist all your life, you may end up in IMH.
But the real fact is PAP will win this election with at least a 70% votes, it is real because they got the joker in their hand, and if you know how to play cards, joker can be any subsitute, and it is also real that they have do their homework and start the construction long before now to their advantage, there is nothing much opposition can do except playing an illusion role, hoping for the best.
Just be illusion abit, if PAP are reading the posts here, it will be laughing ground for them, a place for them to relax and listen to joker like you and many others singing songs and talking cock all day...as margaret rightly put it...In politcs, if you got something to said, ask the man, they can tell you tales all day long, but if you need somehting to be done, ask the woman.
angel7030 curse people to be in IMH, wait till you got karma.
So U are going to curse people who are disabled and handicapped also?
You have no heart to associated the IMH patients or disabled and handicapped in your name callings.
I hope you become 1 of them soon.... =) Karma coming soon
Originally posted by Ionlytalknoaction:angel7030 curse people to be in IMH, wait till you got karma.
So U are going to curse people who are disabled and handicapped also?
You have no heart to associated the IMH patients or disabled and handicapped in your name callings.
I hope you become 1 of them soon.... =) Karma coming soon
It is normal for it to curse on people who don't agree with the ways of PAP.
Aunty, you got lots of clones leh...me blur blur liao
Originally posted by angel7030:That was the said nos during the seminar, whatever they really employed i do not know, maybe next time, i have breakfast with their HR director than i may ask him, but i hated him, he took our staffs away.
You are at your best when 'talking cock and singing your useless song' - who are you attempting to impress with all your useless crap to associate your worthless self at every level of society.
Your goal in every thread in this Speaker's Corner is to drive the thread off-track - with nothing of any value being added to the discussions except for your verbiage.
Stay out of Singapore's politics - which are only for Singaporeans, not Taiwanese 'hum' acting as pseudo-Singaporeans.
Originally posted by angel7030:Aunty, you got lots of clones leh...me blur blur liao
You simply love to abuse words.
Don't act a little girl here when you are a old granny
If you can't win these gentlemen then shoo off
hey, i come only, speaker corner nos moved up ok...u should thanks me for keeping you company
without you SC is better off.
We all know you are here to disrupt discussion with your filth.
Originally posted by angel7030:hey, i come only, speaker corner nos moved up ok...u should thanks me for keeping you company
Listen to your PAPa LKY -
Singapore Politics are not for Foreigners.
Stay out of Singapore Politics'
Taiwanese 'hum' are not welcome here, and should return to Taiwan and act out your role as an Attention Seeking Whore in Taiwan.
U also disrupt my discussion mah, come in only scolded me liao, how to talk.
Let mod be the judge, woei!!! mod, koon ar??? bloody hell, got problem, go sleep
Originally posted by angel7030:U also disrupt my discussion mah, come in only scolded me liao, how to talk.
Let mod be the judge, woei!!! mod, koon ar??? bloody hell, got problem, go sleep
Tsk tsk tsk, you really bo kar see!
Originally posted by angel7030:U also disrupt my discussion mah, come in only scolded me liao, how to talk.
Let mod be the judge, woei!!! mod, koon ar??? bloody hell, got problem, go sleep
Stay out of this Speaker's Corner when all you can contribute is your daily garbage of driving every thread off-track.
Your interest here is to be a troll - by injecting your stoooopidity into every thread and make it controversial to drive the thread off track.
You have been repeatedly told to return to Taiwan to get your daily orgasmic fix needed by your ego as an 'Attention Seeking Whore'.
Stay out of Singapore Politics.