I've read a few posts, complaints about the rising cost of living, the government and all that. And my opinion is that these posts maybe on the rise. "Singaporeans always complain de lar."
At this point in time Singapore is no longer the rare SEA nation (Hong Kong is another) that has industrialised/globalised whatever. In the 80's we were rare. But at this present point in time alot of otherwise "not as developed" nations in the 80's are emulating Singapore/Hong Kong's success.... attracting foreign investors and all that. Worst of all China is doing just that.
Back in the 80's Singaporeans would probably be the choice location for a foreign company to put its base in. Educated and cheaper than their western counterparts. Spoke English. Good port. So we were better off than our neighbours. Their population not having these attributes became the production line.
Times however have changed. Education is the norm these days. English? that too is becoming norm. In other words the foreign company is now spoilt for choice. In the 80's not alot of choice but this era is different.
What happens next is Singaporean labour cost drops price to compete.
Rising cost of living is partly due to Singapore not having alot of land and in part inflation but mostly if wages had moved along with inflation it would have been fine. However because Singapore now has to compete Singaporeans can no longer enjoy the standard of living they once had.
Singaporeans start to ship out to other countries since they want to continue the standard of living they are used to (i.e. Singapore standard of living going down bye bye). The government desperate to retain its growth "recruits" new Singaporeans. Singapore in this era probably wasn't their first choice but it was better than where they came from. What happens next is a wage battle.
They being used to a lower standard of living were happy in Singapore as it offered them a higher standard of living. The original Singaporeans were already upset with their standard of living dropping now had to contend with the new migrants being happy doing the same job for lower pay.
Can't think of more .... sorry for the rant. Stole ideas from everywhere and all but at this present point in time this is how I truly feel about Singapore. I'll add more in future when I feel like it.
Kind Regards