Originally posted by angel7030:that is the culture...someone, not me hor, will alway sway the topics to somewhere else, no wonder speaker's corner is rank nos 4 now
It is because of your presence here that SC is ranked No 4. YOu simply make use of this forum to bootlick your beloved despots, so don't point fingers, longinchjohn.
Longinchjohn aka angel7030!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Atobe:
A "faker" will always fake - what else can Taiwanese be good at ?Faking to be a "true blue Singaporean"..
faking to know everything and anything about LKY and his PAP...
faking to know about life at every strata of Singapore Society...
This is the true quality of a Taiwanese 'faker'.
When "fakes" behave like an "ass" to impose its unwelcomed presence by spreading its ignorance in this Speaker's Corner - so as to simply satisfy its demands as an "attention seeking whore" - should anyone be surprised that 'speaker's corner is rank nos 4 now' ?
She/he is a Taiwanese by nationality???? I doubt, when I first talked to this fellow, she he said he she was born in Singapore and mother was a Taiwanese. His her credibility is questionable.
Originally posted by Atobe:
A "faker" will always fake - what else can Taiwanese be good at ?Faking to be a "true blue Singaporean"..
faking to know everything and anything about LKY and his PAP...
faking to know about life at every strata of Singapore Society...
This is the true quality of a Taiwanese 'faker'.
When "fakes" behave like an "ass" to impose its unwelcomed presence by spreading its ignorance in this Speaker's Corner - so as to simply satisfy its demands as an "attention seeking whore" - should anyone be surprised that 'speaker's corner is rank nos 4 now' ?
Running dog of CSJ calling running dog of LKY evil= pot calling the kettle black.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:Running dog of CSJ calling running dog of LKY evil= pot calling the kettle black.
The "zwei-siao-Hog" never fails to malign CSJ at every opportunity even when CSJ is politically neutered as long as he stay a bankrupt.
Obviously the "zwei-siao-Hog" frustration with its own impotence is manifested in its complete dark myopic hang-up with CSJ constantly.
Singapore is bigger then LKY or CSJ, if only the "zwei-siao-Hog" learn to stop faking as a Germanic hog and live life as a loyal Singaporean Dog.
Now, we are really out of the topic..it is alway those Aunties and Uncles who like to call people names with no purpose at all, well, so be it.
Originally posted by angel7030:Now, we are really out of the topic..it is alway those Aunties and Uncles who like to call people names with no purpose at all, well, so be it.
Don't act young when you are not. Look yourself in the mirror, you were cursing people on the other thread by bootlicking PAP. So shut up
Originally posted by angel7030:Now, we are really out of the topic..it is alway those Aunties and Uncles who like to call people names with no purpose at all, well, so be it.
Just like to call you by one name 'DELIRIOUS'
Case closed. Lock it.
sorry, forget to bring the keys...bailiff!!
nothing is free in this world la. even a ceramonial president is woirth few millions dollars. zuo bo lan also earn few millions. we work our stocks out only to earn few thousands. this is politics in singapore!
now you know why CSJ still in the business. why WKS dispite the big screw up still a minister of home teams. they cant get a job in the private sector this kinda of pay!
Originally posted by Atobe:
The "zwei-siao-Hog" never fails to malign CSJ at every opportunity even when CSJ is politically neutered as long as he stay a bankrupt.Obviously the "zwei-siao-Hog" frustration with its own impotence is manifested in its complete dark myopic hang-up with CSJ constantly.
Singapore is bigger then LKY or CSJ, if only the "zwei-siao-Hog" learn to stop faking as a Germanic hog and live life as a loyal Singaporean Dog.
At least I can state the truth, can you say the same of yourself?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
At least I can state the truth, can you say the same of yourself?
What can possibly be "the Truth" to a pseudo-Bavarian Hog that is "zwei-siao" to itself as a Singaporean ?
Is CSJ a representative of all Singaporeans Opposition Parties ?
CSJ is only himself - CSJ in character, demanding justice for himself for being maligned by the PAP - and in the process demanding similar justice for Singaporeans.
Your position about CSJ is insulting the minds of Singaporeans - who supports the Alternative Political Parties, and to those who are courageous to stand up and be nominated as candidates on the side of the Alternative Political Parties.
Good idea..... Corruption should be punished with the death penalty..... Not a Higher Salary to stop Corruption...
Originally posted by Atobe:
What can possibly be "the Truth" to a pseudo-Bavarian Hog that is "zwei-siao" to itself as a Singaporean ?
Is CSJ a representative of all Singaporeans Opposition Parties ?
CSJ is only himself - CSJ in character, demanding justice for himself for being maligned by the PAP - and in the process demanding similar justice for Singaporeans.
Your position about CSJ is insulting the minds of Singaporeans - who supports the Alternative Political Parties, and to those who are courageous to stand up and be nominated as candidates on the side of the Alternative Political Parties.
You stated that the only viable and capable politician in Singapore is CSJ. Why push blame on others? At least most Singaporeans are smart enough to see through your ploy.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:You stated that the only viable and capable politician in Singapore is CSJ. Why push blame on others? At least most Singaporeans are smart enough to see through your ploy.
Why will you wish to push your "zwei-siao" character onto others ?
Is your word as good as your "zwei-siao" persona ?
My ploy ?
Just from the "say so" of a "zwei-siao" character who claims that a PAP grassroot operator is good enough to stand-in for Chiam See Tong - if Chiam is not available ?
Surely, the Bavarians have not sunk so low before they become bankrupt as a Nation - or has the bankrupt "zwei-siao-Hog" behave in its usual dishonest ways ?
me eat popcorns and drink coke...
me eat popcorns and drink coke...
I think mod should lock this thread as it serve no purposes in debating as the above mention topic.
Lock the thread, the one from pub brothel will have one less thread to troll.
Originally posted by As romanista2001:what cock are you talking......................there's corruption in any case...........they just make it ''official'' so clean corruption.................just like their super-high pay.............
the president has no power at all...................even Ah Meng has more clout...............
hello, first of all, i got no cock to talk about, you can cockerel whatever you like, but dun critise the hen ya, because it is the hen that lay you.
Define Clean corruption, i have never heard such word before...corruption is corruption, nothing about dirty or clean, who dun corrupt, the only matter is whether you get caught or not, if get caught, you are deem corrupted, if not, you are clever.
Originally posted by angel7030:hello, first of all, i got no cock to talk about, you can cockerel whatever you like, but dun critise the hen ya, because it is the hen that lay you.
Define Clean corruption, i have never heard such word before...corruption is corruption, nothing about dirty or clean, who dun corrupt, the only matter is whether you get caught or not, if get caught, you are deem corrupted, if not, you are clever.
who dun corrupt, the only matter is whether you get caught or not, if get caught, you are deem corrupted, if not, you are clever ---> Don't drag everyone with you if you corrupt. Stupid and selfish of you to make such sweeping statement.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
who dun corrupt, the only matter is whether you get caught or not, if get caught, you are deem corrupted, if not, you are clever ---> Don't drag everyone with you if you corrupt. Stupid and selfish of you to make such sweeping statement.
u need a doctor, fast
Originally posted by angel7030:hello, first of all, i got no cock to talk about, you can cockerel whatever you like, but dun critise the hen ya, because it is the hen that lay you.
Define Clean corruption, i have never heard such word before...corruption is corruption, nothing about dirty or clean, who dun corrupt, the only matter is whether you get caught or not, if get caught, you are deem corrupted, if not, you are clever.
Does a Taiwanese 'hum' have any "cock to talk about" ?
If it has a "cock to talk about" and keep its 'hum' buzy, will the Taiwanese 'hum' still appear in the Speaker's Corner to be an 'Attention Seeking Whore' after burning the candle all night at PAPa's useless sleazy Bar ?
It is obvious that the boast of receiving "some training as a lawyer" is nothing more then the usual "talking cock" from the Taiwanese 'hum'.
If it has received "some training as a lawyer" - it would have been clear that "clean corruption" is sanitized corruption - which is corruption sanitized by legislation.
Corruption made legal - or appear to be legitimate.
Yes, corruption is corruption. Sleaze is sleaze.
Is there any difference between corruption and sleaze ?
Is it any wonder that the Taiwanese 'hum' admire LKY and the PAP so much ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Does a Taiwanese 'hum' have any "cock to talk about" ?If it has a "cock to talk about" and keep its 'hum' buzy, will the Taiwanese 'hum' still appear in the Speaker's Corner to be an 'Attention Seeking Whore' after burning the candle all night at PAPa's useless sleazy Bar ?
It is obvious that the boast of receiving "some training as a lawyer" is nothing more then the usual "talking cock" from the Taiwanese 'hum'.
If it has received "some training as a lawyer" - it would have been clear that "clean corruption" is sanitized corruption - which is corruption sanitized by legislation.
Corruption made legal - or appear to be legitimate.
Yes, corruption is corruption. Sleaze is sleaze.
Is there any difference between corruption and sleaze ?
Is it any wonder that the Taiwanese 'hum' admire LKY and the PAP so much ?
Aiyo, howcome from corruption become Sleaze??
The human brain is make to corrupt, it is own thru discipline and civilisation, that one refrain one from being corrupted.
Still no lock in this thread?
Where is the mod?
Should rename the title as : Corruption within the govt body.