Originally posted by Fantagf:Yes, there is constant rise in the resentment towards the PAP. They ask for it.
Paying themselves world class salary but they don't seem to know their work. The pinky loon just stated that unemployment rate decrease from 3% to 5%. Gan said that unemployment increase to 5.5%.
Now you see them so eager to spread more good news to garner more votes for themselves for the election. I hope the citizens are smart not to be taken in by that. paint beautiful pictures before election, when they win - after election is another different "scenery" from the painting.
They used recycle paint. After GE, they wash out the paint.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
What do you mean I can't have all the PAP members out of parliament???? I believe this will happen one day, this may not be our generation. PAP members for building up this country? Please get your facts right . It is MM LEE and some of the old PAP members together with the people of Singapore that credit be given in building the country. So did I deny ??? Please don't point fingers and put words into my mouth, be mature to know what is going on. So childish. You are just one of the many kiasu kiasi Singaporeans. With people like you, PAP will behave worse than now and before if they get voted in again.For your info, don't accuse me for peeking at your PC, perhaps the place you need to be in is IMH not Speakers' Corner.
Woot,i am surprised u are getting soooo excited by my reply post,which after i re-read my post,i find that i didnt in any way offended u.
Seriously,have u taken your medicine?
And for ur info,Fantagf,i am just stating the fact.If compare to the fuking Communist China,which i dont know why u are so fond of them,the PAP is more humanlike.
I dont like what the PAP is behaving now,thats why i keep stressing there should be enough Opposition party members in the parliament.Whats wrong with that?
And also,if the PAP allow the opposition party members to enter the parliament n share power with them,why should we "eliminate" them?This show that they are reproaching n have a big heart to share power n no longer so obstinate n narrow-minded.So u tell me,why should they be "eliminated"?
P.S.Of coz,the bottomline is,if the PAP allow the opposition parties to share power with them.If the PAP cant do that,n eventually get kicked out by the public through force etc,then it would be a totally different story already.
PAP SDP all just names in my opinion.. to my knowledge they pretty much stand for nothing.. Its just a matter of choosing the lesser of the two evils, the less crazy of the madmen, the least power hungry of the lot, the smartest idiot
If i have a choice i'd vote for extremely minimal government; police, army, legislation, bare minimum
Strange,i was labelled as kiasu kiasi,if i really kiasu kiasi,i wouldnt come to this forum n criticise the PAP already.LOL Fantagf,what the hell are u trying to tell me?Siao Lang...
Originally posted by Howlheje:And for ur info,Fantagf,i am just stating the fact.If compare to the fuking Communist China,which i dont know why u are so fond of them,the PAP is more humanlike.
I dont like what the PAP is behaving now,thats why i keep stressing there should be enough Opposition party members in the parliament.Whats wrong with that?
And also,if the PAP allow the opposition party members to enter the parliament n share power with them,why should we "eliminate" them?This show that they are reproaching n have a big heart to share power n no longer so obstinate n narrow-minded.So u tell me,why should they be "eliminated"?
P.S.Of coz,the bottomline is,if the PAP allow the opposition parties to share power with them.If the PAP cant do that,n eventually get kicked out by the public through force etc,then it would be a totally different story already.
Good for your, continue to flip your prata. I am sure nobody will buy prata from you. Go beg PAP buy from you.
Go take your medicine, you belong to IMH not Speakers' Corner.
Originally posted by Howlheje:Strange,i was labelled as kiasu kiasi,if i really kiasu kiasi,i wouldnt come to this forum n criticise the PAP already.LOL Fantagf,what the hell are u trying to tell me?Siao Lang...
not happy, go sell your prata to PAP.
Originally posted by likeyou:
They used recycle paint. After GE, they wash out the paint.
Where did they get recycled paint? hahahah! u so humorous
Originally posted by Fantagf:
not happy, go sell your prata to PAP.
You know,Fantagf,i have a feeling that once u chase away the PAP,n if u are in power,u will act more dictatorial than those PAP ministers.Just like the Pig in "Animal Farm",who after chasing away human,they themselves treated other animals worse than human.
Hope u are not in power if PAP get chase away.You are the last person i hope to see in our politics.
And u can say all u want now,u are ignore btw.
Originally posted by Howlheje:You know,Fantagf,i have a feeling that once u chase away the PAP,n if u are in power,u will act more dictatorial than those PAP ministers.Just like the Pig in "Animal Farm",who after chasing away human,they themselves treated other animals worse than human.
Hope u are not in power if PAP get chase away.You are the last person i hope to see in our politics.
So now you change words ah, you don't know me personally to speak this way. YOu have such a small brain, wahahhahah! If I ever take over, i kick your ass
don;t blame people for responding to you when you keeps flipping. one moment speak ill of PAP, next moment you get agitated, feels negative when people post negative of PAP. YOU don't have a mind to decide. tsk tsk tsk
Originally posted by Howlheje:And u can say all u want now,u are ignore btw.
If truly I am ignored as you claim, don't reply to my post. Be a man and mean what you said
I think voting out the PAP is the start of all our problems. I mean no one knows & has as much as they do. Sure they aren't perfect but I think Singapore is faring pretty well (best ASEAN economy, anybody?).And honestly I don't see very credible/able opposition right now.
Okay sure, we all want some change right? But unfortunately the majority of the populace actually want a stable & economically prosperous country - which we currently enjoy.
So stick to the status quo, thass the way to go (Y)
Agreed with 30quid.....opposition party are loosly form. And not really have a very strong support from the public at all. It was scattered all over spore, and come to vote, it will do no harm to pap.
Originally posted by likeyou:Agreed with 30quid.....opposition party are loosly form. And not really have a very strong support from the public at all. It was scattered all over spore, and come to vote, it will do no harm to pap.
YOU can go write to PM and lky to suggest to convert to monarchy then save you the effort and worry to think about oppositions. Oppositions are redundant , isn't it?
flip flip flip, prata, anyone?
SIANZ LA How to start a revolution if people think like that? If people were like this Che Guevara would have vomitted blood and shouted KNNBCCB just before he died.
That is why singapore is stuck with the beloved PAP. Singaporeans the ks ks type love to live within the fence, bo pian leh
Not to belittle the opposition lah.
Originally posted by likeyou:Not to belittle the opposition lah.
Who who belittle the opposition?
Not to say opp no good lah.
Still not strong enough to fight agains thunder lighting.
Give me 2 prata kosong. Plse.
If opps not given chance to govern at all how we expect them to be strong, to prove they are better than the ruling party
REmember, no venture no gain
Originally posted by likeyou:Not to say opp no good lah.
Still not strong enough to fight agains thunder lighting.
just don't go vote for oppositions which have no credibility. In Singapore, we do have opposition with credibility, good eg is Chiam's party
Originally posted by likeyou:Not to say opp no good lah.
Still not strong enough to fight agains thunder lighting.
A word of advice:
A man of no stand is a man wasted.
That would solve one problem, but create more. We cannot do that unless our we've already groomed people with strong cognitive thinking skills to step up to the plate. Unfortunately, most Singaporeans are so mentally beaten-down that we can't imagine even going into politics.. it's so black-and-white that we think of it as "for or against" PAP.
Our political climate has resulted in the mass exodus of talented locals who possess this ability. It's important to draw and welcome these overseas Singapore back to this country and share what they've learned.
When we start to ask the right questions, we'll start to find the right answers :-)