The state comes above all citizens or foreigners.
When they first heard about this GDP thing, it was "crew expendable". The next time they brought in foreigners - they were expendable too. What makes you think they're gonna care about a bunch of lifers who found solace at some forums like this one? You really think they're gonna let you interfere with their plans? They think we're - we're crud. And they don't give a f*ck about one friend of yours that's - that's died. Not one.
get that in yr f$cking head numskulls
U think its some kind of paradise here. I am sorry for u, there is no paradise on earth, just that some "look" more paradise than others.
Everyone of your threads are locked. I wonder...
I sympathise with your plight... however if you would like to voice an opinion you have to first be coherent to gain listening ears.
Once you lose the respect of your "ears" it all becomes noise.
So far I can surmise that you have an issue with the ruling party that is all.
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