Originally posted by Agenda:Wow, I can't even start on how ridiculously flawed your statements are.
1) Can you deny the fact that it is common for Singaporean Chinese ancestors to speak in a loud tone because they were from China? Can you deny that your very own ancestors does not speak in a loud tone? Just because you were brought up in a westernised education and were educated to believe that it is rude to speak loudly in public places or even at your own home, does that means you should start despising on the lifestyle of your own origin race? Chinese will still craved for rice for their meals and not potatoes regardless of how many times their generations were brainwashed by westerners....or should I say "the foreigners"?
I can't deny that my ancestors weren't loud speakers and neither can you prove that, but I'll give it the benefit of doubt. But just think, current Singapore, Singapore created by the so hated PAP following western styles instead of asian flavour. Is it not a fact that Singapore is a country with its own unique culture that it's not fully asian nor western?
I did not say I despise the China PRs who speak in a loud manner, so don't put words in my words. However, I can tell you that I dislike that alot. Do you speak loudly when you're in public areas over the phone like its the most important thing right now? Oblivious to everyone around you and do not have the courtesy to get off the train to carry on your commotion or lower your volume?
You do realise currently there is this distinction between CHINA CHINESE and OVERSEAS CHINESE right? Like the Chinese around the world would like to call ä¸å›½äººã€€and ä¸è�¯äºº
Speaking loudly is not a CHINESE culture, its a CHINA CHINESE culture.
Do you dare tell me in urbanized Taipei, the people are so rude they speak loudly on public grounds?
2) Spitting phlegm in public used to be a common habit shared by many Singaporean Chinese in Singapore. That is before the Singapore Government had no choice but to impose a hefty fine in order to educate Singaporeans to get rid of that habit. If it is happening to the PRC, why is it difficult for Singaporeans to give them a bit of our free understanding and room for improvement? Aren't they the same as us before?
Okay, let me give you an example.
I like eating on my bed and making a mess of it, I go to my friend's house and ask to do the same but he doesn't his room isn't the neatest, he eats on his own bed but don't drop the crumbs on it. Am I to respect his decision not to let me do it or do I still insist on doing it because I'm a guest of the house or simply because he should give me his free understanding and let me improve?
3) Hanging their national flags in foreign lands is a way of showing their patriotism for their own countries. It does not symbolise or carries any ill intentions towards the resident country. If Singapore were to pride itself for being a truly multi-racial and multi-cultural society, then why does educated Singaporeans have such low tolerance towards other race and citizens of other countries? I can tell you, this flag hanging thing happens in many democratic countries around the world...and not just in Singapore. And be mindful that it is not a crime to hang the flag of any legal countries in Singapore. Look elsewhere if that is not acceptable for you, but do you share the same patriotism as them and hang your own national flag overseas?
I'm not the greatest patriot of Singapore but I do have enough EQ not to hang another nation's flag in a foreign country. It's not a matter of educated or not, simple Emotional Quotation.
It's generally not a widely accepted social behaviour in Singapore and like I said, we're not fully westernised nor asianised. So I'm currently based in Japan, it's rude not to set your mobile phone to Manner Mode when you're sitted in the priority seats. So I decide not to do that and it just so happens my phone rings loudly.
This would be socially acceptable behaviour in Singapore but I don't do that in Japan because even though they are a democratic country, I respect their rules and the social mindset of the people.
Much like how women in Japan are expected to follow a set protocols to speaking.
4) If you were invited to work, live, educate in another country, would you not have the desire to also treat that country as your own? I believed it is a normal and necessary behaviour for all foreigners to treat their residing countries as their own to avoid homesick as it can really get very lonely and miserable when you are away from your own home country. Have you even experienced that kind of feeling before? Do you even understand that feeling?
I understand that feeling, when I first arrived in Japan, I started questioning myself why am I even here? I can't speak or understand Japanese to save my life. But instead of demanding the people here to speak English in order to communicate with me. I spend 4 hours each day studying Japanese and now I can communicate easily with my Japanese friends.
I try to adapt but I don't force the locals to adapt to my practise, it's against my own principles to eat loudly but whenever I have my meals at a noodle house, I eat as loud as I can and the Chef smiles at me.
Just imagine by yourself too.....how many silly Singaporeans actually went overseas and tried to look for Singaporean cuisine to dine? And it's so weird that I'm hearing things like this "if you were to move to some other countries, would you not start learning and picking up their cultures and fit in. Or would you insist on sticking to your own culture and hope that the locals adapt to you."
There's nothing wrong with giving people a bit of your understanding and room for improvement if we ourselves are also guilty of the same behaviour.
Singaporeans should behave like Singaporeans, and if Singaporeans felt the need to ditch and lose their own Singaporean behaviour in order to blend in or adapt into other cultures, then I can say truly Singaporeans have no identity or are even proud of being a Singaporeans.
And yet these Singaporeans demanded some form of respect from foreigners who are proud of their home countries when they themselves would not hesitate to betray and turn their back on their home countries and stop behaving like a Singaporeans when they are overseas or have lived overseas for a long period of time.
This is really what makes people from other parts of the world looked down upon overseas Singaporeans and this is also what gives Singaporeans a bad name overseas.
Regarding the above, Just read the rest of my reply and try to think a little. Just because some Singaporeans abandon their Citizenship, does it mean the rest of Singaporeans are to be despised and not given any rights to demand for anything?
Are you telling me that? Wow.
You want an answer, then you also give me the answer to my question. What is this Singaporean culture you were talking about?
Told you that it would be interesting to find out, cos I know you cannot produce the answer to my question.
By saying I can't produce anything abou Singapore Culture, are you inferring that Singapore do not have any culture? Because honestly Singlish itself it's a culture albeit substandard English.
Hmm....you really sounded like a sore loser if you cannot win this argument, right from the beginning when you mentioned my post is ridiculously flawed.
For someone who appears to welcome comments from others and would like to have a good argument, your attitude in your reply post already shows how ungracious you actually are.
Anyway, I'm not here to comment on the way you write your post or how flawed it is. It's the poor attitude that you have shown me in your reply that makes me feel like pointing it out to you. So hope you can take note of it and you can realise how unnecessary such comments really are.
1) Actually you're wrong to say Singapore culture is not fully asian or western. The educational system in Singapore does lean towards western than asian if you have failed to realise. The way which you have exercised your freedom of speech is a product of westernised education. Asian education produces people who are alot more reserved...examples are everywhere around you in Japan.
Do realise that there are Chinese in many countries around the world. Chinese in Taiwan do not represent the source or the origin of where Chinese came from. It's not a fair comparison if you really have to use Chinese in Taipei, then how about Chinese in other rural areas in Taiwan? If you have lived in Taiwan before, you would have also noted the huge difference between the Taiwanese people living in Taipei against other Taiwanese people NOT living in Taipei.
Singapore has prided itself being a nation of multi-racial and multi-cultural societies. Being a Singaporean and not able to have the tolerance towards other race or culture does indeed revealed your failure to behave as a Singaporean.
2) The examples which you have given me isn't relevant at all because the main point is spitting phlegm in PUBLIC. If you don't know what is the meaning of public, then please do not try to have an argument or conversation with me and your post was already meaningless right from the beginning.
Singapore will imposed a fine on ANYONE who spit phlegm in PUBLIC, regardless of where you come from or who you are!
3) Japan isn't a country that is tolerance towards foreigners like Singapore. Further to that, Japan isn't known for being a multi-racial and multi-cultural country like Singapore. You do realised that you NEED to speak JAPANESE in Japan and behave like a Japanese...regardless at work or school. But you don't have to do that in Singapore....or even speak Sing-lish.
4) It's your own problem if you wish to discard your own behaviour and stop being a Singaporean when you're in Japan. Whenever I goes to Japan, I don't even feel the need to eat my noodles loudly and the Chef still smiles at me even when I'm not eating noodles.
People who aren't proud to be a Singaporean would naturally stop being a Singaporean the moment they stepped out of Singapore, it's already a commonly known trend. I'm not surprised by what you did but that's your own choice.
What had Singaporeans abandoning their citizenship got to do with the rest of the Singaporeans being despised? Who despised the rest of the Singaporean?
If you were talking about those Singaporeans who left, might possibly depised those Singaporeans who stayed ... then I think you shouldn't allow yourself to be affected by Singaporeans who cannot survive in Singapore but had to relocate themselves to Disneyland or Fairyland or Merryland.
Singaporeans having the rights to demand for anything is really ??? to me. What do you mean by having the rights to demand for anything? Since when you had any rights to demand for anything as a Singaporean? If you didn't, then why do you suddenly feel that you NEED to have some form of rights to demand for anything as a Singaporean?
Singlish itself is not a culture and yet you claimed it to be a culture. Do you know what culture really is or not?
And yes, Singapore does not have a culture and that's is precisely why I said you will not have an answer to my question.
Originally posted by parn:Hmm....you really sounded like a sore loser if you cannot win this argument, right from the beginning when you mentioned my post is ridiculously flawed.
For someone who appears to welcome comments from others and would like to have a good argument, your attitude in your reply post already shows how ungracious you actually are.
Anyway, I'm not here to comment on the way you write your post or how flawed it is. It's the poor attitude that you have shown me in your reply that makes me feel like pointing it out to you. So hope you can take note of it and you can realise how unnecessary such comments really are.
1) Actually you're wrong to say Singapore culture is not fully asian or western. The educational system in Singapore does lean towards western than asian if you have failed to realise. The way which you have exercised your freedom of speech is a product of westernised education. Asian education produces people who are alot more reserved...examples are everywhere around you in Japan.
Do realise that there are Chinese in many countries around the world. Chinese in Taiwan do not represent the source or the origin of where Chinese came from. It's not a fair comparison if you really have to use Chinese in Taipei, then how about Chinese in other rural areas in Taiwan? If you have lived in Taiwan before, you would have also noted the huge difference between the Taiwanese people living in Taipei against other Taiwanese people NOT living in Taipei.
Singapore has prided itself being a nation of multi-racial and multi-cultural societies. Being a Singaporean and not able to have the tolerance towards other race or culture does indeed revealed your failure to behave as a Singaporean.
2) The examples which you have given me isn't relevant at all because the main point is spitting phlegm in PUBLIC. If you don't know what is the meaning of public, then please do not try to have an argument or conversation with me and your post was already meaningless right from the beginning.
Singapore will imposed a fine on ANYONE who spit phlegm in PUBLIC, regardless of where you come from or who you are!
3) Japan isn't a country that is tolerance towards foreigners like Singapore. Further to that, Japan isn't known for being a multi-racial and multi-cultural country like Singapore. You do realised that you NEED to speak JAPANESE in Japan and behave like a Japanese...regardless at work or school. But you don't have to do that in Singapore....or even speak Sing-lish.
4) It's your own problem if you wish to discard your own behaviour and stop being a Singaporean when you're in Japan. Whenever I goes to Japan, I don't even feel the need to eat my noodles loudly and the Chef still smiles at me even when I'm not eating noodles.
People who aren't proud to be a Singaporean would naturally stop being a Singaporean the moment they stepped out of Singapore, it's already a commonly known trend. I'm not surprised by what you did but that's your own choice.
What had Singaporeans abandoning their citizenship got to do with the rest of the Singaporeans being despised? Who despised the rest of the Singaporean?
If you were talking about those Singaporeans who left, might possibly depised those Singaporeans who stayed ... then I think you shouldn't allow yourself to be affected by Singaporeans who cannot survive in Singapore but had to relocate themselves to Disneyland or Fairyland or Merryland.
Singaporeans having the rights to demand for anything is really ??? to me. What do you mean by having the rights to demand for anything? Since when you had any rights to demand for anything as a Singaporean? If you didn't, then why do you suddenly feel that you NEED to have some form of rights to demand for anything as a Singaporean?
Singlish itself is not a culture and yet you claimed it to be a culture. Do you know what culture really is or not?
And yes, Singapore does not have a culture and that's is precisely why I said you will not have an answer to my question.
别讲鸟�. 谢谢.
If u are in others country, obey their rules and behaviour.
Just like you go JB, if you talk loud and yayapapaya, pple (johorean) will not like you too.
Simple logic.
Originally posted by Smokingman:
别讲鸟�. 谢谢.
If u are in others country, obey their rules and behaviour.
Just like you go JB, if you talk loud and yayapapaya, pple (johorean) will not like you too.
Simple logic.
Originally posted by parn:
Our culture.
Maybe someone here can go to jb and talk loudly.see the reaction from the johoreans. Tio bo?
Originally posted by likeyou:If u are in others country, obey their rules and behaviour.
Just like you go JB, if you talk loud and yayapapaya, pple (johorean) will not like you too.
Simple logic.
Yes, Singaporeans were educated to obey this and obey that.
Afterall, Singaporeans are best at obeying everything until it becomes part of their simple logic.
Keep obeying lor......keep obeying cos your simple logic doesn't allow you to think outside of your simple logic box.
No wonder Singaporeans are afraid to step outside of the box because they are afraid to fail if they disobey.
Please go and empty your cup if it's full of your obeying simple logic.
Originally posted by likeyou:Maybe someone here can go to jb and talk loudly.see the reaction from the johoreans. Tio bo?
I can see you are a frightened little Singaporean boy ....
Johoreans are so friendly and well-mannered even if you talk loudly to them, see their excellent customer service from their gentlemenly Johorean DVD retailer ah bengs.
Originally posted by noahnoah:Don't queue so close to me!
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FOR 22-year-old Chinese National Tang Yi, adjusting to life to Singapore involved a few culture shocks that resulted in sometimes unpleasant experiences.
One such cultural misunderstanding arose from queueing to draw money from the ATM.
Recalling his bad encounter, Tang Yi, who has been working in Singapore for two years now, told RazorTV: 'In China, we are so used to standing very close to one another when queueing up for the ATM. Usually, even if you bump into someone, you just apologise and the person will smile and say it is okay.'
'But that time, there was an auntie in front of me, maybe because I was in a rush...I took a step forward and bumped into her. I immediately said 'oh so sorry, so sorry!', but she still gave me a nasty stare.'
It took a while for Tang Yi to understand that queueing too close to another person, especially at an ATM, was considered rude behaviour by Singaporeans. On hindsight, Tang Yi told RazorTV, he wished someone had taken the time to stop and explain why he should not have stood so close.
To hear what Tang Yi had to say, and to find out what Singaporeans think of the issue, catch RazorTV's miniseries 'Different Cultures, One Home'
1 thing - too much assumption from him
Originally posted by parn:
I can see you are a frightened little Singaporean boy ....Johoreans are so friendly and well-mannered even if you talk loudly to them, see their excellent customer service from their gentlemenly Johorean DVD retailer ah bengs.
Yea, I am little boy, u so clever.
Next time, you go other countries and talk loudly lor.
It is your mouth, not mine.
Since you say jb is nice and friendly, by all means lor.
Maybe you still never meet any incidents yet.
But, 1 word from my the little boy, be humble and dont act papaya in foreign countries or states.
Btw, gonna help my son to pick choose a wedding date later in the afternoon, btw, I am just a sporean boy, dont know how to pick the date. Do you? Uncle?
æ²‰é»˜æ˜¯é‡‘ï¼ˆå¼ å›½è�£ï¼‰
Silent is golden
i would "called" low profile - like that "nobody" "monitored and interested" in you
otherwise, gonna rob/beaten up for nothing, etc - every where the same - one word - be humble and with a smiling face - confirm safe and sound!
Originally posted by John Penn:æ²‰é»˜æ˜¯é‡‘ï¼ˆå¼ å›½è�£ï¼‰
Silent is golden
i would "called" low profile - like that "nobody" "monitored and interested" in you
otherwise, gonna robber/beaten up for nothing, etc - every where the same - one word - be humble and with a smiling face and confirm safety!
Agreed John.
I ever nearly robbed (daylight), about more than 20 yrs ago in JB. Reason is my friend told big and loud and also talk proud.
Unknowly, get offended by a group of pple. Was cornered and demand $$ from us, luckily, jb policemen pass by, we quickly went back spore.
Originally posted by likeyou:
Yea, I am little boy, u so clever.Next time, you go other countries and talk loudly lor.
It is your mouth, not mine.
Since you say jb is nice and friendly, by all means lor.
Maybe you still never meet any incidents yet.
But, 1 word from my the little boy, be humble and dont act papaya in foreign countries or states.
Btw, gonna help my son to pick choose a wedding date later in the afternoon, btw, I am just a sporean boy, dont know how to pick the date. Do you? Uncle?
So what will happen if I don't take your word?
I don't mind if you treat me like a Johorean.
Originally posted by parn:
So what will happen if I don't take your word?I don't mind if you treat me like a Johorean.
Uncle, I am just a small boy a you stated.
You may treat my post as a joke lor.
Afterall, I am just a small boy lazing around at home doing nothing but talk cock.
Uncle you know how to pick asuspicious date for wedding? Me little boy dont know how.
Can teach me or not?
Originally posted by likeyou:
Agreed John.I ever nearly robbed (daylight), about more than 20 yrs ago in JB. Reason is my friend told big and loud and also talk proud.
Unknowly, get offended by a group of pple. Was cornered and demand $$ from us, luckily, jb policemen pass by, we quickly went back spore.
20 jb against 3 singaporean in jb M fastfood restaurant
Originally posted by likeyou:
Agreed John.I ever nearly robbed (daylight), about more than 20 yrs ago in JB. Reason is my friend told big and loud and also talk proud.
Unknowly, get offended by a group of pple. Was cornered and demand $$ from us, luckily, jb policemen pass by, we quickly went back spore.
So.....are you saying that national service isn't useful in that situation 20 years ago?
Wait...I should ask you if you had national service or not first.
Maybe national service will be useful in such situations?
Originally posted by parn:
So.....are you saying that national service isn't useful in that situation 20 years ago?Wait...I should ask you if you had national service or not first.
Maybe national service will be useful in such situations?
Why bring in NS?
Change topic?
Told you liao, I am just a small boy lah.
Me, havent do ns. What is ns?
Can eat or not?
You uncle should know well lah.
Dont ask me, I am just a small boy.
Know nothing but talk cock in this forum.
Even my son told me go overseas holiday, be humble and smile and dont argue and talk big and loud. You will enjoy your trip.
Originally posted by likeyou:
Uncle, I am just a small boy a you stated.You may treat my post as a joke lor.
Afterall, I am just a small boy lazing around at home doing nothing but talk cock.
Uncle you know how to pick asuspicious date for wedding? Me little boy dont know how.
Can teach me or not?
Why you uncle want to come to sgforum and act little boy?
Originally posted by parn:
Why you uncle want to come to sgforum and act little boy?
I can see you are a frightened little Singaporean boy ....
Wow, must get permission from you to some here?
Want tumb print or not? I dont know how to signature.
Act little boy? You say frightened little sporean boy, now act little boy? Ok lah, u win lah, dont argue anymore, being a pleasure to chat with u.
Originally posted by John Penn:
20 jb against 3 singaporean in jb M fastfood restaurant
OMG, I'm so scared right now.....they got 20 people and yet they still asked for money 'politely'.
But why they ask when they had 20 people 20 years ago? Are they trying to be polite?
I think so.
Originally posted by parn:
OMG, I'm so scared right now.....they got 20 people and yet they still asked for money 'politely'.
But why they ask when they had 20 people 20 years ago? Are they trying to be polite?
I think so.
20 pple? Who arh?
Originally posted by parn:
OMG, I'm so scared right now.....they got 20 people and yet they still asked for money 'politely'.
But why they ask when they had 20 people 20 years ago? Are they trying to be polite?
I think so.
you win lah can!