Basically this movie is about a fictional history in which tyrannical rulers were overthrown by new leaders who proved to be just as bad.
In an unnamed place and time, an idealistic soldier named Joe strikes up an illicit friendship with a political prisoner named Thorne, who eventually recruits him into a bloody coup d'etat. After Thorne comes to power, Joe realises that Thorne is
just like the previous tyrannical rulers. The 2 men are brought into bitter conflict spiraling downward into madness until Thorne and his regime conclude that they must erase him from history.
Its a powerful and disturbing movie about the universal evil of all - Greed for power. All men no matter how intelligent they are, have one common weakness , which is greed for power. It will haunt yr mind long after u watched it
In this film, a mythical country is beset by an endless array of despots. These despots show character traits mankind has witnessed in real life, such as Pol Pot, Mussolini, Louis XVI/Marie Antoinette, Peron, Ayatollah Khoumeni, and Kim Jong Il
This is a grim tale about how totalitarian regimes try to ban the free spirit out of the minds of their citizens.
I do believe in the end the man who closes one eye becomes the best ruler. you can never please everyone. Might as well please the majority and the rest can all go suck thumb and bitch about it on online forums
Originally posted by ☃®:
Basically this movie is about a fictional history in which tyrannical rulers were overthrown by new leaders who proved to be just as bad.
In an unnamed place and time, an idealistic soldier named Joe strikes up an illicit friendship with a political prisoner named Thorne, who eventually recruits him into a bloody coup d'etat. After Thorne comes to power, Joe realises that Thorne is
just like the previous tyrannical rulers. The 2 men are brought into bitter conflict spiraling downward into madness until Thorne and his regime conclude that they must erase him from history.
Its a powerful and disturbing movie about the universal evil of all - Greed for power. All men no matter how intelligent they are, have one common weakness , which is greed for power. It will haunt yr mind long after u watched it
I'm thinking you don't really read history much if that's all it takes to haunt your mind
yes..............power like that shuld never be given to a few men for such a long time.........power corrupts.........and millions will suffer needlessly again and again thru time.
best get a robot with software to do simple decisions in a fort knox guarded by 3 armies from 3 different factions.dat way no one will be able to manipulate system to their selfish whims.
guy with dog trademark is a never heard of such evil stuff.
I never had actually seen anything like this movie before. Closest is V for Vendeta but thats an action film.
Originally posted by ☃®:I never had actually seen anything like this movie before. Closest is V for Vendeta but thats an action film.
that's because the main audience(or at least the companies handling the PR) in America do not like movies which aren't clear cut. I'n sure it's pretty obvious that most american flicks these days pretty much have the same cookie cutter formula.
Underdog hero meets damsel that needs saving but don't want to admit that, villian which is pure evil, mandatory sex/nude/striping scene, sudden plot twist, hero fights villain valiantly, almost losing then winning at the last moment..etc
It's pretty common in Indian/Chinese movies/dramas though if you're in for movies with alittle more depth.
its indeed a disturbing and shocking thriller, especially the part where Ralp Fiennes own daughter ends up as a child prostitute to very person he helped to gain power