hahaha what a joke, don't take the people's money left right and center and put them into debt through their HDebtBoard policies good enough....
Cursed despot with a zombie just want to take public money no end to put into own, relatives and cronies' pockets and to gamble...
On my knees as Angel, forgive my Lord, for they dunno what they are doing. Merry X'mas my holy Father.
Originally posted by Atobe:
You can certainly depend on the instincts of your clitoris, as it will surely bring you success in your search for your golden orgasmic fix that will surely satiate yourself as the resident "Attention Seeking Whore".
Then what the fark are you? You are nothing but a piece of foreign shit who is not worthy of being called a Singaporean, let alone carry a pink IC. Angel7030 and Angel 3070 are both hums but you are nothing but a piece of shit who failed to create wealth for yourself. Even if SDP gets into power, you will still be a poor piece of shit with nothing to your name and not a shirt on your back.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
Then what the fark are you? You are nothing but a piece of foreign shit who is not worthy of being called a Singaporean, let alone carry a pink IC. Angel7030 and Angel 3070 are both hums but you are nothing but a piece of shit who failed to create wealth for yourself. Even if SDP gets into power, you will still be a poor piece of shit with nothing to your name and not a shirt on your back.
It is obvious that a "zwei-siao-Hog" too embarrassed of its country of origin, will strut on its toes as a psuedo-Bavarian Hog and divert attention from itself as a Turd from a Turd World Country of Turdistan.
Is it in any position to claim others to be not worth of being called a Singaporean - even as it will hog its role as a "zwei-siao-pseudo-Bavarian-HOG" in a Speaker's Corner ?
So much for its pseudo-pride in its pseudo-claims of its pseudo-interests for Singapore - and it is not a surprise that it will find some other Fraudsters to hang on to its trousers as both attempt to delude each other of their ass-pirations.
What does it matter to a "zwei-siao-Hog" if SDP "should gets into power" ?
Does it even know what should be coming its way, as long as the "zwei-siao-Hog" gets the swill that will still be gathered to be delivered to a special pen for "zwei-siao-Hogs" suffering from men-o-pause ?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
Then what the fark are you? You are nothing but a piece of foreign shit who is not worthy of being called a Singaporean, let alone carry a pink IC. Angel7030 and Angel 3070 are both hums but you are nothing but a piece of shit who failed to create wealth for yourself. Even if SDP gets into power, you will still be a poor piece of shit with nothing to your name and not a shirt on your back.
I am sure Atobe is a Singaporean who carry a pink IC and is proud of it n dare to speak out,
You however,judging from the forum name that u name yourself,seem more like a foreigner to me....(no offense,correct me if i am wrong)
Originally posted by Howlheje:I am sure Atobe is a Singaporean who carry a pink IC and is proud of it n dare to speak out,
You however,judging from the forum name that u name yourself,seem more like a foreigner to me....(no offense,correct me if i am wrong)
What pink IC does Aturdie carry? He doesn't even carry Singapore in his heart which he names Sinkapore.
So what if I used this forum nick, anyone who is Singaporean in my age group will know the meaning of this nick.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
What pink IC does Aturdie carry? He doesn't even carry Singapore in his heart which he names Sinkapore.So what if I used this forum nick, anyone who is Singaporean in my age group will know the meaning of this nick.
U think my Uncle Atobe is a Singaporean ar??? you must be damn cockeye boy. I hv doubt yur age group is only 3 yo...hehehe...
Originally posted by ☃®:like during our parents time they ammased wealth . But now Gen Y is bankrupt even before it started?
Of course, the world is different now, the older people's wealth grew " a lot" because they started from ZERO, we are not likely to have that kind of growth now. But there is a saying " the rich get richer, the poor get poorer". If your parents "ammased" wealth, surely they gave you a good start in life, no? Did you grow from the wealth that your parents "ammased"?
today, there are more people snatching from the pie, more competition, more people better than you, more people work harder than you, why do you think wealth should be given to you?
Originally posted by sgdiehard:Of course, the world is different now, the older people's wealth grew " a lot" because they started from ZERO, we are not likely to have that kind of growth now. But there is a saying " the rich get richer, the poor get poorer". If your parents "ammased" wealth, surely they gave you a good start in life, no? Did you grow from the wealth that your parents "ammased"?
today, there are more people snatching from the pie, more competition, more people better than you, more people work harder than you, why do you think wealth should be given to you?
Because like most Singaporeans do, he expects a silver platter with silver spoon infront of him all the time. Provided you ah kong is damn rich, you may have it now, otherwise, keep working and breathing.
"the rich get richer and poor get poorer" dun really apply in Singapore, i had seen a lot of poor people childrens graduated, work and become big bosses and of course rich, Singapore is a place of opportunities, that phrase or saying only suit some third world countries. In Singapore, if you dare, hardworking, smart, clever, educated and dare to take risk, you can go up and own a few bungalows, otherwise you can go on chanting the phrase of the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
What pink IC does Aturdie carry? He doesn't even carry Singapore in his heart which he names Sinkapore.So what if I used this forum nick, anyone who is Singaporean in my age group will know the meaning of this nick.
The desperation of a "zwei-siao-HOG" to score a hit is only more telling as it indulge with its deluded mind to make hollow statements that it cannot hope to substantiate - which is similar with its reckless claim that - "MALAYS are the original settlers in Singapore, and everyone else are migrants".
The pathetic "zwei-siao-HOG" suffering from its "men-o-pause" can only delude itself with the easiest method available, and that is to libel its perpetual tormentor - yours truly - to be the creator of ‘sinkapore’
The deceit continues as its impotence is helpless to sink the many other ‘sinkapore copy cats’ that exist in so many others forums.
Can everyone be similarly despicably disloyal in the eyes of a "zwei-siao-HOG" ?
Or is the hypocritical double standards of a pseudo-Singaporean not revealing its true origin as "son of the night soil" from a Turd World Country ?
The pathetic "zwei-siao-HOG" will find it hard to shake off the "zwei-siao" label that it will wear as a Gucci outfit that is fit for a "kuchi-kuchi kid".
Time to grow up and shape up - and turnover from being a "zwei-siao-HOG".
Originally posted by angel7030:
U think my Uncle Atobe is a Singaporean ar??? you must be damn cockeye boy. I hv doubt yur age group is only 3 yo...hehehe...
Why will the pathetic Taiwanese 'hum' want to "doubt the age group" of a "zwei-siao-HOG" to be not even a "3yo" ?
Does the 'hum' want to take on even a "zwei-siao" kid even with a younger "kuchi-kuchi" mentality ?
Originally posted by angel7030:Because like most Singaporeans do, he expects a silver platter with silver spoon infront of him all the time. Provided you ah kong is damn rich, you may have it now, otherwise, keep working and breathing.
"the rich get richer and poor get poorer" dun really apply in Singapore, i had seen a lot of poor people childrens graduated, work and become big bosses and of course rich, Singapore is a place of opportunities, that phrase or saying only suit some third world countries. In Singapore, if you dare, hardworking, smart, clever, educated and dare to take risk, you can go up and own a few bungalows, otherwise you can go on chanting the phrase of the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.
What is the number of Singaporean will the Taiwanese 'hum' include in the part that it consider "most Singaporeans do expect a silver platter with silver spoon" ?
If "the rich get richer and poor get poorer dun really apply in Singapore" - what is the number did the Taiwanese 'hum' has counted in the "a lot of poor people children graduated, work and become big bosses and of course rich" ?
If "Singapore is a place of opportunities" is "that phrase or saying only suit some third world countries" is the Taiwanese 'hum' suggesting that "Singapore is a third world country is a place of opportunities" for an "Attention Seeking Whore" in the flesh trade ?
Originally posted by Lionnosy:I agree with you here.
The prices of HDB apartments / Private Homes are in bubble territory.
When interest rate goes up... as it suerly will..
The balloon will burst and the party will be over..
Actually i would disagree.
There is very tight control on the HDB and the system discourages speculative buying so i see very little basis for a bubble to form. I believe it would only happen under the effects of multiple severe recessions and major unemployment.
And if it really happened, it's more of the effects of the recessions and unemployment not neccessarily a real esate bubble.
After all, it is in the interest of the government to make sure they could maximise the money they could get from us but not enough to cause mass poverty.
Private homes...maybe but i don't see it capable of forming a bubble big enough to ripple to the HDB market. Most of the population after all still lives in the HDB.
Now, what's happening in the China real estate would be a real bubble.
Singapore domestic economy dun bubbles, because before it goes bust, govt intervention is alway there, if not, employ them with so high paid for what??, they got great thinkers there, so dun worry.
What we worry is something beyong our control, and it happening every now and then, all because the world is not interconnected, we are in a global economy and therefore, subject to any global economy busting, which ultimately will tear us down, the only matter is big or small scale. And if you study singapore industrialisation, it is mostly external events that causes us to go into Recession. Therefore as an investors, businessmen, or simply a layman, we need to be wary of the external environment at all time.
As for Unemployment, we are doing good at the moment, even with hard hit recession, we are doing much better than most of the countries. What singapore is facing is 3 issue on unemployment which is not entirely the govt or the economy faults
1. structural unemployemtn, meaning that there are jobs, but peoples cannot match the jobs due to skill or education/knowledge lacking and yet they dun want to upgrade or go back to school to train to suit.
2. An ageing population and yet with no flexibility for changes. Many of our pioneer peoples who took on one skill and they expect to work forever with this set of skill, but as many jobs become redundancy, being old and depressed/demoralised, they somehow refused to take on another set of skill or upgrade to be valuable to the labour market again. Most ending up in kopi tiam complaining here and there, but do not realised that they are old and the world is changing ever faster.
3. Just like most forumers here, Pride and ego, most singaporeans like to keep their faces, reputation and pride, most refused to take on a lower class job which pay them lower with less benefits.
A flippant "one-liner" from a Taiwanese 'hum' is already bad, it is at its worst when it attempt to flood its lines with its stupidity at the best.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Singapore domestic economy dun bubbles, because before it goes bust, govt intervention is alway there, if not, employ them with so high paid for what??, they got great thinkers there, so dun worry.
What is the use of the great thinkers paid so high when they are cannot control the events that affect Singapore, and will depend on the USA, China and India to fix the fortunes of Singapore ?
What we worry is something beyong our control, and it happening every now and then, all because the world is not interconnected, we are in a global economy and therefore, subject to any global economy busting, which ultimately will tear us down, the only matter is big or small scale. And if you study singapore industrialisation, it is mostly external events that causes us to go into Recession. Therefore as an investors, businessmen, or simply a layman, we need to be wary of the external environment at all time.
Why will the Taiwanese 'hum' want to worry about "something beyong our control" ?
If the "world is not interconnected" - why should we worry about "something beyong our control" ?
If the "world is not interconnected" how does the Taiwanese 'hum' now will have us being "in a global economy and therefore, subject to any global economy busting" ?
Obviously the Taiwanese 'hum' will want a layman for its flesh trade and continue with propagating its verbiage in this forum.
As for Unemployment, we are doing good at the moment, even with hard hit recession, we are doing much better than most of the countries. What singapore is facing is 3 issue on unemployment which is not entirely the govt or the economy faults
1. structural unemployemtn, meaning that there are jobs, but peoples cannot match the jobs due to skill or education/knowledge lacking and yet they dun want to upgrade or go back to school to train to suit.
Of course Singapore is doing good at the moment with 5.2% unemployment, and it is expected more factories will close in 2010 as more factories will move to lower cost centres of lower labor, lower land cost, and lower recurring costs that are charged for essential services in doing businesses.
Are there people who "dun want to upgrade or go back to school to train to suit" ?
Or is it due to the great thinkers in the Singapore Government who created the current ‘structural unemployment in Singapore due to job mismatch’ ?
Are the ordinary people to be blamed as so easily finger pointed by a foreign Taiwanese 'hum' - who has no business to be here to criticise Singaporeans ?
Was this Structural Unemployment been a failure on the part of the "great thinkers" in bringing industries here without the proper manpower in place, and with more high value jobs created too early and too fast that see these jobs being taken by foreign talents - as Singaporeans are still under-going training ?
2. An ageing population and yet with no flexibility for changes. Many of our pioneer peoples who took on one skill and they expect to work forever with this set of skill, but as many jobs become redundancy, being old and depressed/demoralised, they somehow refused to take on another set of skill or upgrade to be valuable to the labour market again. Most ending up in kopi tiam complaining here and there, but do not realised that they are old and the world is changing ever faster.
Is the Taiwanese 'hum' qualified to comment about the ageing Singaporean population re-involvement with industries - when the familiarity of the Taiwanese 'hum' is with the Flesh Trade and its expertise is only tied to itself as an "Attention Seeking Whore" ?
With the aged Singaporeans being encouraged to work after age 55 and up to 62 or 65, can these experienced older folks be fairly paid at half their original salaries, and with equal work load as before ?
Are there fair and equal terms offered to the aged Singaporeans - when the hire and fire powers are arbitrarily held by the Employers with the NTUC approved short term 3 to 5 year employment contracts ?
Has it not been the situation that by the time even younger Singaporeans are pushed through the education system to graduate for the selected high value industry, the technology has been superceded by newer developments that require new issues and new training ?
3. Just like most forumers here, Pride and ego, most singaporeans like to keep their faces, reputation and pride, most refused to take on a lower class job which pay them lower with less benefits.
Pride and ego only - or has it not also been guided by Confucian morals that LKY and his PAP Government insist on hammering into Singaporeans to change their values ?
Will any Singaporean lower their pride and ego to participate in the Flesh Trade of a Taiwanese 'hum' ?
Obviously, the Taiwanese 'hum' will not perform the same Flesh Trade in its own place of origin in Taiwan, and will conduct its flesh trade in an anonymous country that it will now call to be home - even if it is a temporary one.
Obviously, no Singaporeans will want to take on a lower class job in the Flesh Trade, which the Taiwanese 'hum' will control the payout to be "lower with less benefits".
After dissecting the entire pile of garbage - what has the Taiwanese 'hum' achieved but another useless exercise with its ignorance to be provocatively disruptive to the flow of discussion in this thread.
Originally posted by angel7030:*snips off all nonsense"
a person such as the above exuding arrogance with ignorance, is the most pitiful of all.
Leave her be to indulge in her own fantasy world of knowing MPs, ministers, opening pubs, etc.
We all know it's all fabricated lies
lies or not is for people to judge and see for themselves, not for you to said bad about me whatever it is, i never personal attack you, or tell others about you etc etc. we are just having a healthy debate on a peaceful platform from a different school of thot, by indulging in personal attack on people show a very negative side of that person ya.
Originally posted by angel7030:lies or not is for people to judge and see for themselves, not for you to said bad about me whatever it is, i never personal attack you, or tell others about you etc etc. we are just having a healthy debate on a peaceful platform from a different school of thot, by indulging in personal attack on people show a very negative side of that person ya.
Does anyone need to judge a "lie" ?
A "lie" will always be a "lie" - can it be repackaged to be something else ?
Is the Taiwanese 'hum' intend to perform a X-rated trick to change a "lie" into a Half-Truth" ?
What "school of thot" did you come from to be able to produce a "half-Truth" from a "lie" ?
Producing garbage and spreading ignorance to deliberately drive a thread off-track can similarly "show a very negative side of that person" too - unless such values was not part of the school curriculum of a Taiwanese 'hum' ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
A flippant "one-liner" from a Taiwanese 'hum' is already bad, it is at its worst when it attempt to flood its lines with its stupidity at the best.
What is the use of the great thinkers paid so high when they are cannot control the events that affect Singapore, and will depend on the USA, China and India to fix the fortunes of Singapore ?
"world is not interconnected" - "something beyong our control" ?
Of course Singapore is doing good at the moment with 5.2% unemployment, and it is expected more factories will close in 2010 as more factories will move to lower cost centres of lower labor, lower land cost, and lower recurring costs that are charged for essential services in doing businesses.
Was this Structural Unemployment been a failure on the part of the "great thinkers" in bringing industries here without the proper manpower in place, and with more high value jobs created too early and too fast that see these jobs being taken by foreign talents - as Singaporeans are still under-going training ?
With the aged Singaporeans being encouraged to work after age 55 and up to 62 or 65, can these experienced older folks be fairly paid at half their original salaries, and with equal work load as before ?
Are there fair and equal terms offered to the aged Singaporeans - when the hire and fire powers are arbitrarily held by the Employers with the NTUC approved short term 3 to 5 year employment contracts ?
Has it not been the situation that by the time even younger Singaporeans are pushed through the education system to graduate for the selected high value industry, the technology has been superceded by newer developments that require new issues and new training ?
Pride and ego only - or has it not also been guided by Confucian morals that LKY and his PAP Government insist on hammering into Singaporeans to change their values ?
Will any Singaporean lower their pride and ego to participate in the Flesh Trade of a Taiwanese 'hum' ?
Obviously, no Singaporeans will want to take on a lower class job in the Flesh Trade, which the Taiwanese 'hum' will control the payout to be "lower with less benefits".
Sorry, mistake, thankyou teacher for correcting, the world should be interconnected, type to fast already. Didn't know teacher really read what i wrote.
oK, here is my answer for the rest of the question beside those hummmings.
In late 1960s, when our wise economy Minister, Mr Goh Keng Swee, decided to open up singapore into an industrial economy, we already knew that to do that we need Foreign Investment, as we lack resource and capability to provide ourselve a vibrant economy. Base on a bare thread domestic economy is not going to make what you and me are today. Thanks Mr Goh for his swee swee idea and plan, we enjoyed all these years of prosperity. But Mr Goh at that time, already warn that whatever happen, we depend on a global economy, there are risk in it, but the risk is worth taking, because the pros outweight the cons. We must serve the global market, if not, our dollars in your bank and our life will not be that strong and respected. As much as we can deviate from any risk as we employ thinkers, certain crisis can hit us hard on, but with thinkers as buffer, we expect only a great global economy failure that hit every countries can shake singapore economy, and that when economy rebounce, our thinkers will be the one to helps us bounce back fast and furious.
In earlier 90s, when i was schooling, i already heard about structural unemployment from LKY, his foresight is good, he said that "we cannot go on making bata shoes, soap, shampoo, "A" brand plastic wares etc etc, we cannot go on making lower grade jobs that depend on lower skill, our neighbours are catching up with us , and with a seniority base wage system, high cost of land and property, we can never compete with them, i said (he adjusted his trouser, his usual trademark and very seriously said) we must take on a knowledge economy"
Uncle, i agreed with you that we had moved too fast that most people failed to catch the bus that is alway moving forward, as i said many times, Singaporeans should be bosses if they are able to take on the words of LKY earlier or at least an owner of certain big property and business. The main failure here is to what i see, is education, we failed miserably to educate our people to be bosses and shrew entrepreneurs, instead we churned working class people, good working class people, so to speak. As much as the school reformed itself, I would say it is still not enuf to give the that niche of innovation and business class.
I quote my taiwan experience, in school, they are given business project to complete, they got entrepreneur club and lesson to fulfill, they are taught on ownership and private property, having said that, because taiwan had so much people, the opportunity greatly reduced, but you can rest assure taiwanese are more daring and willing to take risk. By 40s to 50s, taiwanese enrolled themselve to study business rather than working skill, the taiwanese come out with a rule of 45/38, 45yo being for man and 38yo being for woman. It is said that by 45yo, as man, if you want to study, you should study business, and for 38yo woman, it is the same. Turn your working skill into business, for eg, if you are good a good Machinist, learn how to open a machine shop and run it as boss, if you are good in sowing, by 38 yo, you should learn how to start up a clothing business.
Originally posted by angel7030:Because like most Singaporeans do, he expects a silver platter with silver spoon infront of him all the time. Provided you ah kong is damn rich, you may have it now, otherwise, keep working and breathing.
"the rich get richer and poor get poorer" dun really apply in Singapore, i had seen a lot of poor people childrens graduated, work and become big bosses and of course rich, Singapore is a place of opportunities, that phrase or saying only suit some third world countries. In Singapore, if you dare, hardworking, smart, clever, educated and dare to take risk, you can go up and own a few bungalows, otherwise you can go on chanting the phrase of the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.
All children rich or poor, have equal opportunity for education here, and in most other places, up to a certain level. Not all have the opportunity for overseas university education if their parents can't afford, many have to forego university to work to relieve their fathers who are sole bread winners. On the other hand, many don't have to give a cent of their salary to their parents because their parents are rich. Some who are very fortunate will probably inherit a house from their parents so all their money can go to investment to make more money, in fact, if they are the only son of the family, everythings that belong to their parents will be theirs,....and there are still some who have pocket money to buy shares when they are still undergrads....
Hardwork, smart, clever, educated,....are necessary, but that's not all. It is easy to say how others can own bungalow, the fact is if you are starting from scratch, it will be a long while before you can smell a bungalow.
If I have money, I have a headstart, even if you think you are smarter.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:All children rich or poor, have equal opportunity for education here, and in most other places, up to a certain level. Not all have the opportunity for overseas university education if their parents can't afford, many have to forego university to work to relieve their fathers who are sole bread winners. On the other hand, many don't have to give a cent of their salary to their parents because their parents are rich. Some who are very fortunate will probably inherit a house from their parents so all their money can go to investment to make more money, in fact, if they are the only son of the family, everythings that belong to their parents will be theirs,....and there are still some who have pocket money to buy shares when they are still undergrads....
Hardwork, smart, clever, educated,....are necessary, but that's not all. It is easy to say how others can own bungalow, the fact is if you are starting from scratch, it will be a long while before you can smell a bungalow.
If I have money, I have a headstart, even if you think you are smarter.
To become Rich and stable, Struggle and suffering is inevitable, my grandfather leave behind a wealth that may last 3 generations, that is what most chinese of those years suffering and struggling said, if 3 generations of your remain rich, you are rich. And wait for a stupid wasteful playboy son to siphone it and declare yourself bankrupt, what you struggled now, may not reap now, it is your future generation that grip your wealth and hopefully carry on to expand the richness in whatever business in their endeavour. If you dun headstart, when i u going to headstart. If you notice singapore true rich people 50% are not from well educated people, and because of less education, they tend to dare to take risk, die die nevermind, nothing to loose, but if you ask a graduate to venture into a business, he will start calculating the risks and fears, and of the other 50% are from rich grandfather, ah kong money.
No risk , no gain
is always applied in Sg one
and No Gain, No Fun
and No sex, No son