Originally posted by googoomuck:In that case, if Japan follows his suggestion, the Japanese will go the way of the dodo faster than rabbits mating.
It won't matter either way. Unlike us, it is a geninue problem that the Japanese are facing.
Short of allowing immigration i don't see how they're going to resolve their population and aging problem. Even if they make any breakthrough of robotics it's still going to be more profitable deploying it in China.
So either they're going to go the way of the panda ( eventually becoming irrelevant as an economic power, but kept on life support) or go the way of the dodo.
It's just going to be a matter of speed.
More on Lee Kuan Yew's rubbish views:
Central to the thesis propounded by Toynbee in A Study of History, was the
notion that societies and civilisations develop in response to certain challenges.
Toynbee argued that "civilizations come to birth in environments that are unusually
difficult and not unusually easy."
The Sinic Civilisation, wrote Toynbee, was nurtured in the north of China, where the climate was severe, and swamps and regular floods made agriculture difficult, and so it became a "hard" society. (48) Conversely, societies that were nurtured in easy environments, without challenges from people or nature are inherently weak.
In Volume I of Study, Toynbee repeated a parable originally told by Ellsworth Huntington in his Civilisation and Climate. It was the story of a group of savages from the tropics who travelled north into the colder climate. Upon the onset of the first winter, some returned to the tropics, "resumed the old life and their descendants are untutored Savages to this day."
All of the others perished except for one group which invented clothes,
constructed shelter, learned to dry meat and store it, and discovered how to make fire.
"And in the process of adjusting themselves to a hard environment they advanced by
enormous strides, leaving the tropical part of Mankind in the rear." (50) No one
should suggest that Lee, Toynbee or Huntington believed that this parable was
literally true.
The story does demonstrate, however, Toynbee's lesson of the importance of the challenge of climate and more generally, of the environment, whereby those people whose civilisations grew in the "soft" life of the tropics were left behind by their hardier cousins in harsher climates. Lee has taken Toynbee's arguments and used them to justify a dismissive attitude towards the Malayan and Indian Cultures. This logic explains the hierarchy of hardiness of the three women in Lee's parable.
The Southeast Asian died first because she came from an easy tropical climate.
The South Asian lived a little longer because the climate of the Subcontinent
is less amenable than that of tropical Southeast Asia.
The East Asian lived because she - or at least her ancestors - came from a very harsh climate which brought out tougher qualities in her people.
With a harsh climate go many challenges which develop a plethora of cultural and racial characteristics in a people.
In 1965, in an interview on Australian television, Lee discussed the differences
between the Malays and the Chinese in Malaysia: "One is the product of a civilisation which has gone through all its ups and downs, of floods and famine and pestilence, breeding a people with very intense culture, with a belief in high performance in sustained effort, in thrift and industry.
And the other people. more fortunately endowed by nature, with warm sunshine and bananas and coconuts, and therefore not with the same need to strive so hard. Now, these two societies really move at two different speeds. It's like the difference between a high- revolution engine and a low-revolution engine. I'm not saying that one is better or less good than the other.
But I'm just stating a fact that one was the product of another environment another
history, another civilisation, and the other is a product of another different climate,
different history."
Lee Kuan Yew's thesis:
The Southeast Asian died first because she came from an easy tropical climate.
The South Asian lived a little longer because the climate of the Subcontinent
is less amenable than that of tropical Southeast Asia.
The East Asian lived because she - or at least her ancestors - came from a very harsh climate which brought out tougher qualities in her people.
What sort of fuck thinking is that?
This moron Lee Kuan Yew!
Oh my god, this idiot Lee Kuan Yew.
Ungrateful Platoon Commander, Insensitive Leeder
Minister of Singapore!
“If we make it (NS and Reservist for PR) a requirement, we would not get the people we wanted. Secondly, if they did serve NS at 30, 40 and 50 years old. I would not like to be their platoon commander.”
If I have not learned to be cool, calm and collected from my guru, Wisdom, the first words that should come from my mouth would be: "KNNMCCB" or, "Fcuk you, man!"
So why am I so bloody mad?
I was released from the bondage of NS and reservists' in-camp training almost 20 years ago at age 40! It hurts me to know that having been considered over the hill as a NSman at 30, I was still asked to waste my time to serve certain platoon commanders who did not appreciate my service.
I do not know the context at which such stupid statement came from a statesman but to belittle the contributions and sacrifices of thousands of NSmen who serves till 40 is appallingly sick! It is so sad to know that Singapore citizens who recite the Singapore Aspiration (Pledge?) are lesser mortals in Singapore than PRs who spice up the lives of elite Singaporeans!
Why such callous deed tears my guts out?
At this moment, my 18 month-old grand-daughter is yearning for her father. She is fatherless for 3 weeks because her 35 year-old dad (who is my son) is out of Singapore in some godforsaken jungle somewhere doing reservist training which his Platoon Commander (if he were PM Lee) does not appreciate because he's too old to be in NS.
It's all well and good when careless politician speaks of buying votes and fixing oppositions [Link] but to callously deride the sacrifices of so many true blue Singaporean NSmen is really asking for trouble.
NSmen and reservists are already disillusioned by ministers who make a mockery of nation serving by paying themselves millions; the 'white horse' classification of NSmen and the disadvantage they face in equal employment opportunity [Link].
Mr Prime Minister, why rock the boat further with such insensitivity?
Under the current economic and social condition in Singapore,
A grateful heart
A touch of kindness
A sense of solidarity
A caring demeanour
is what we expect from a leader.
A high falutin ingrate is furthest from our minds!
I think Lee Kuan Yew better go and real proper and more up to date books you know and stop spreading filthy ideas.
So embarrassing to read such filth from Lee Kuan Yew. He has very backward ideas on development of people and societies that is very painful to read.
Feel so disgraced to have such an ignorant person as leader.
"Incentive to invent" is sometimes difficult for students to grasp because they assume that all societies are equally inventive, or that "necessity is the mother of invention," or that invention is somehow related to innate, hereditary biological talent (so that there are "inventive races" and "noninventive races").
None of these things is true.
Some societies, like Mesopotamian civilization or our own Western civilization, are very inventive. Others, like many primitive tribes, or civilizations like the Egyptian, are very uninventive. Nor does "necessity" have much to do with inventiveness.
If it did, those peoples who are pressed down upon the subsistence level, or even below it, in their standards of living, like some of the Indian tribes of the Matto Grosso, would be very inventive, which they are not. Or, if invention were in any way related to necessity, the povertystricken fellahin of Egypt or Trans-Jordan or the equally hard-pressed coolies of China or the peasants of India would have devised some new and helpful methods for exploiting their available resources. This is far from being the case.
Or, again, if biologically inherited talent had anything to do with inventiveness we would not have seen the great decrease in invention by the Chinese in the last thousand years, or the decrease in inventiveness among Anglo-Saxon Americans in the last hundred years, or the sudden appearance of inventiveness among noninventive peoples of eastern European stock when they migrated to America.
Inventiveness depends very largely on the way a society is organized.
Some societies have powerful incentives to invent, because they are organized in such a way that innovation is encouraged and rewarded. This was true of Mesopotamian civilization before 2700 B.C., of Chinese civilizations before A.D. 1200, and of Western civilization during much of its history.
On the other hand, many societies are organized so that they have very weak incentives to invent. Suppose that a primitive tribe believes that its social organization was established by a deity who went away leaving strict instructions that nothing be changed.
Such a society would invent very little. Egyptian civilization was something like this. Or any society that had ancestor worship would probably have weak incentives to invent.
Or a society whose productive system was based on slavery would probably be uninventive, because the slaves, who knew the productive process most intimately, would have little incentive to devise new methods since these would be unlikely to benefit themselves, while the slaveowners would have only a distant acquaintance with the productive processes and would be reluctant to invent any new methods that might well require the ending of slavery for their successful exploitation.
For these reasons, slave societies, such as Classical civilization or the Southern states of the United States in the period before 1860, have been notoriously uninventive.
No major inventions in the field of production came from either of these cultures. The significance of this can be realized when we recall that at the very time that the South was inventing so little, the North, and especially the people of the Connecticut River Valley, were passing through one of the greatest periods of invention in history (cotton gin, mass production and interchangeable parts, steamboat, screw propeller, revolver, electric motor, vulcanizing rubber, sewing machine, anesthesia, and so forth)...
“If we make it (NS and Reservist for PR) a requirement, we would not get the people we wanted. Secondly, if they did serve NS at 30, 40 and 50 years old. I would not like to be their platoon commander.”
What the Minister meant by the highlighted red?
angel 3070
hi bro, no pt scolding him
so old already
waste your energy
Rear-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean [top] is Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Brigadier-General (NS) George Yeo [front left] is Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. Lieutenant-General (NS) Lim Hng Kiang [centre] is Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry.
Lee has taken Toynbee's arguments and used them to justify a dismissive attitude towards the Malayan and Indian Cultures. This logic explains the hierarchy of hardiness of the three women in Lee's parable.
On the whole, the division into seven stages is largely my own except that I have used Toynbee's ideas, if not his nomenclature, with reference to the last four or five stages.
The great advantage that my seven stages provides over Toynbee's recognition of the last five of them rests in my insistence that any division into stages must be based on analysis of the process of "rise and fall" that is being discussed.
It is not sufficient merely to describe and to devise name tags for stages based on such description. This is what Toynbee has done, and this is why Toynbee is so
notably unsatisfactory in dealing with the earlier stages of any civilization's evolution.
Toynbee's process of "Challenge and Response" explains nothing, is based on a mistaken Darwinian biological analogy, and provides no technique for analyzing a society or for communication with others about it. It is true that societies are challenged and either do or do not respond to these challenges. This is so true as to be quite unhelpful.
The important point is why a society responds or fails to respond, how we can judge the likelihood of either beforehand, and what is the consequence of either
Moreover, Toynbee's failure, already sufficiently emphasized, to correlate his process with his division into stages is a major weakness.
Toynbee's failure to provide a satisfactory analysis of process explains his failure to understand, or to provide stages for, the first part of a civilization's existence.
The whole process of mixture, gestation, and incipient expansion is of vital concern to us today when the buffer fringe between the Western and the Soviet blocs, from Morocco to Indonesia, offers a real challenge in this very regard. Here Toynbee has almost nothing to offer, either to the peoples of those areas who are struggling to establish viable societies or to us who are trying to understand what is happening there...
Originally posted by light 123:
Rear-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean [top] is Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister.
His family quite famous in Singapore.
Teo Eng Hock (1871 - 1957)
Teo Eng Hock, a Teochew, was involved in the rubber trade. He invested
in rubber plantations and started a factory producing rubber shoes. In
the early 1900, Tan Kah Kee and Teo monopolised Singapore's rubber
shoes manufacturing industry. On securing his foothold in this
industry, Teo embarked on his revolutionary career. In the final years
of the Qing Dynasty, Teo Eng Hock had supported the Constitutional
Reform movement and was a member of the reform's "Learning Society". He
embraced Dr Sun's cause in later years.
![]() |
(From left) Teo Eng Hock, Sun Yat Sen, and Tan Chor Nam |
In 1904, he started the Thoe Lam Jit Poh with Tan Chor Nam and was its editor. The paper ended 2 years later.
In 1906, Teo Eng Hock offered his villa, Wan Qing Yuan, to Dr Sun for
his stay. In February 1906, Dr Sun established the Singapore branch of
the Revolutionary Alliance. Teo was the vice chairman.
In June 1906, Dr Sun came to Singapore from Japan to reorganise the Revolutionary Alliance. Teo was elected the chairman.
In July 1907, The Chong Shing Press was founded by Teo, Tan Chor Nam
and Lim Nee Soon. They started the Tong Teck Books & Newspapers
Association that year. Teo was the president of the association.
In February 1912, after the founding of the republic, the Kuomintang
(Chinese Nationalist Party) established a branch office in Singapore to
replace the Revolutionary Alliance. Teo was the honorary chairman. The
British colonial government forced the office to close in 1926.
In 1932, Teo Eng Hock returned to China and became Mayor of Shantou,
Commissioner of overseas Chinese affairs, and Branch President of the
Central Bank of China (Shantou). Due to his displeasure with the
communists, he became an ally of Wang Jingwei.
After the war, Teo returned to Singapore. He died in Hong Kong in 1957.
His daughter, Teo Soon Kim, was Singapore's first female lawyer. His
great-grandnephew, Rear Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean is presently the
Minister for Education.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:It won't matter either way. Unlike us, it is a geninue problem that the Japanese are facing.
Short of allowing immigration i don't see how they're going to resolve their population and aging problem. Even if they make any breakthrough of robotics it's still going to be more profitable deploying it in China.
So either they're going to go the way of the panda ( eventually becoming irrelevant as an economic power, but kept on life support) or go the way of the dodo.
It's just going to be a matter of speed.
What exactly do you think that Japan is short of? Toilet engineers? Road sweepers? coffee shop assistants? Dishwashers? Garang guni men?
They pride themselves as a homogeneous society and they have great pride in being Japanese and their country's economic status.
BTW, Japan does open its door to foreign workers but not open so wide like old fart does.
Oh, one more thing, Japan doesn't issue PR and citizenship like cheap toilet paper.
angel 3070
many suffer in his iron fist, why
free education to the f****** foreigners
bring in so many ft for f*** so many people rice bowl affected/retrenched/sacked
no wonder so low birth rate - due to fear and stress
school children, adult and senior all stress up
hdb go up, everything goes up
salary f*****
This Lee Kuan Yew, I go and read his ideas on politics, culture, history and development of societies, read also want to vomit blood.
All nothing but fucking crap.
Still dare to come social engineer Singapore and turn it into a mess with his filth.
Looking back at all the failures of social policies in Singapore, all the rubbish policies, it's all due to this imbecile Lee Kuan Yew.
Such filth.
The Japanese are already learning from Singapore.
That is why they won't be flooding their country with anybody and everybody.
he's coming to 87 yrs
hope don't need to suffer under his iron fist anymore
enough is enough
After studying the expressed thoughts of the Stalinist-Autocrat, it is clear that it is a racist all the way from inside out.
I am extremely disturbed by Lee Kuan Yew's racist beliefs.
Around this time you were discussing the succession to PM Lee?
Lee Kuan Yew had been discussing this since about 1983. At that time, the second echelon was Tony Tan, S. Dhanabalan, Goh Chok Tong and myself.
Were you a candidate for the top job?
I was considered as a member of the group. At that time, we did not know who would be the successor to Lee. We finally made the decision to pick Goh Chok Tong. He agreed on condition that I agreed to be his number two. So I was the second DPM; he was the first DPM. In 1988, Lee asked Goh to take over, but he was not ready. He said: two more years. So two years later, he took the job.
Lee did not agree with your decision to pick Goh.
No, he did not disagree. He said he would leave it to us. His own first choice was Tony Tan. Goh Chok Tong was his second choice. I was his third choice because he said my English was not good enough. He said Dhanabalan was not right because Singapore was not ready for an Indian prime minister. That upset the Indian community. There was quite a bit of adverse reaction to what he said. But he speaks his mind.
He is the only one who can get away with it.
Why Singapore not ready for indian prime minister?
David Marshall was a jew, he was the first chief minister of Singapore, We had two indian Presidents, Devan Nair and the current Nathan and also JBJ as opposition MP.
I have no problems whatsoever if JBJ was prime minister.
I am completely ready for JBJ as prime minister.
And come mon lah, Lee Kuan Yew, you are also from peranakan minority group.
What right do you have to go and judge other minority groups?
Are you from chinese majority group?
No wah.
You are from peranakan minority group.
Still want to go and judge other minority groups as if you are from chinese majority group.
What the fuck is that Lee Kuan Yew?
Just what the fuck is all this?
What the motherfucking fuck is all this fucking racial shit about Lee Kuan Yew?
Lee Kuan Yew: Race, Culture and Genes
...This article has described in detail the character of Lee
Kuan Yew's racial views
substantially using his own words as evidence.
After a lifetime of being circumspect on the question of race, Lee has finally spoken openly, revealing himself as doctrinaire racist.
Yet it would be a mistake to condemn Lee as a hard line racist in every sense of the word. Such a characterisation of his views would be a distortion of both his logic and his natural disposition.
There can be no doubt that Lee is a racist in the sense that he believes that some races and some ethnically-based cultures are inherently superior to others. His own words leave no doubt about this assertion, though it should be recognised that this in itself hardly makes him remarkable in Asia.
He is also a racist in the sense that he has integrated his racial views into his political agenda and he has created a regime which accentuates racial categorisation.
Where did Singapore got its ideas from?
No, Cuba
Dun play play, LKY can lecture the Japanses hor. And furthermore, he was invited.
Originally posted by angel7030:No, Cuba
Dun play play, LKY can lecture the Japanses hor. And furthermore, he was invited.
The Taiwanese 'hum' never fail to inject more hot gas into its over inflated idol that will meet its urges for a slave driver hiding within the Stalinist-Autocrat.
It will cleverly "play play" with LKY and polish his apples with its tampon removed from the tight strings that prevent its clitoris from flapping.
Or is this made up story to get its needed attention to satisfy its urge for another orgasmic fix as an "Attention Seeking Whore" ?
dun worry lah, your morning medicines, newpapers, kopi and Roti will be prepare soon, without PAP, you think you can have all these ar??? think lah, dun bite the hand who feed you ya.
Originally posted by light 123:angel 3070
hi bro, no pt scolding him
so old already
waste your energy
Rear-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean [top] is Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Brigadier-General (NS) George Yeo [front left] is Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. Lieutenant-General (NS) Lim Hng Kiang [centre] is Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry.
Who is the fourth guy and what became of him?
Originally posted by angel7030:dun worry lah, your morning medicines, newpapers, kopi and Roti will be prepare soon, without PAP, you think you can have all these ar??? think lah, dun bite the hand who feed you ya.
The room at the Institute of Miscreant Hum is waiting for the return of the Taiwanese 'hum' to get its daily sleep after a heavy night of flapping its clitoris without success in getting an attention to itself as an "Attention Seeking Whore".