"prostituted"--Mr Nair likes this word very much. I think this is very personal attack to
female judge, disregarding to her martial status. This word land him in trouble again.
i would wander if he used more vague words, police and/ or AGC can close
one eye.
What did Chee Soon Juan help Nair for this disciplinary proceeding?
updated Nov 30, 2009: Madan Assomull's telephone number is (65) 6339 4466
80. The trial of this disciplinary proceeding has been set for either Feb 22, 2010 to Feb 26, 2010 or March 08, 2010 to March 12, 2010 in Singapore . I have a right to appear and defend myself at trial but you can see the difficulty of this I am sure. Please note that as per your request in your letter dated Nov 4th 2009, the March dates are suitable.
Charge No 5
132. This charge is similar to the Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean charge. “You, in your blog post Singapore Dissident dated Nov 30, 2008 entitled “Justice Judith Prakash. Another Kangaroo Judge", did make the following offending statement insulting the judiciary of Singapore namely the "Honorable" Justice Judith Prakash: "Judge Judith Prakash of the Supreme Court Singapore has prostituted herself in her capacity as a judge hearing the Kangaroo T Shirt case on Nov 24, 2008 by being nothing more than an employee of Lee Kuan Yew and his son, whom he appointed Prime Minister. By her actions in sending these young men to prison and making them pay crippling court costs of $5,000.00 each, she has shamelessly disgraced herself, her office as a judge, disgraced the Constitution of Singapore and Singapore ."
133. This blog post was written by me after my return to California .
Why did SLS chase/charge Nair when he was living in USA and not
a SG lawyer?Why AGC is not the one who take action , after Nair
breached his promise?
Oh SLS has done some home work before bring Nair to court.
The Second Stage - The Inquiry Process - Composition of the Inquiry Committee
The members of the Inquiry Committee ('IC') are also appointed from the independent panel of persons appointed by the Chief Justice to carry out the inquiry function..
Recommendations an Inquiry Committee can make after an inquiry
If an IC finds a case of misconduct has been made out against a lawyer, the IC may recommend that the Society prosecute the complaint before a higher tribunal called a Disciplinary Tribunal
Sect 94 (3)
a penalty of not more than $20,000...
Application for order that solicitor be struck off roll, etc.
98. —(1) An application for an order that a solicitor —(a) be struck off the roll;
(b) be suspended from practice for a period not exceeding 5 years;
(c) pay a penalty of not more than $100,000;
(d) be censured;
(e) suffer the punishment referred to in paragraph (c) in addition to the punishment referred to in paragraph (b) or (d); or
(f) be required to answer allegations contained in an affidavit,
shall be made by originating summons.
Mr Nair is a little bit naive--he wants the followings on Dec 01 2009 blog-
3. Please note that we also require a gaurantee from you and your government that I will be given safe passage into and out of Singapore, that I will not be arrested or harmed while in Singapore and that I will be paid for my passage to and from Singapore as well as board and lodging expenses while in Singapore.
Does he has any outstandings issue with Law Society?
Mr Nair cc his mail to a lawyer in a mdeium/big size law firm.
Did he engage SG lawyer to defend for him?
Well .He should. I dunt know if he has any o/s issues with AGC and SLS(penalty).
Pl note i am not saying he has. I am just asking question.
Mr Nair advocates freedom of expression. I dunt think he will send me
a lawyer letter.
Amendments. My Defense to the Charges. Law Society of Singapore vs Gopalan Nair
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 3:31 AM
From: "Gopalan Nair"
To: [email protected],
[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]