The Straits Times. Dec 4, 2009
By Elena Chong, Courts Correspondent
A CHINESE national was jailed for nine weeks on Friday for throwing two lighted match sticks at her lover’s fish farm and caused damage of more than $200,000.
Cleaner Liu Gui Ling, 37, a Singapore permanent resident, admitted to mischief at the fish farm at sea off Pasir Ris at about 2am on April 9.
A Community Court heard that the night before, Liu and her lover, Mr Goh Khoon Heng, 53, the fish farm owner, had a dispute over some financial and personal matters.
At about 2am, she lighted two match sticks and threw them into the trash bags at the fish farm. Some structures of the fish farm caught fire, causing damage of between $220,000 and $230,000.
Liu, who surrendered herself to the police, told Judge Soh Tze Bian in between sobs that she had a two-year-old child with her lover, and that they planned to wed next year.
She could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined.
Karen Wong
Fri, Nov 02, 2007
The New Paper
SHE was his regular masseuse.
But when he stopped going to her, the China national began stalking him.
He claimed that she phoned him several times and showed up at his office and his home a few times. She even went to his office and refused to budge when she was asked to leave.
Another time, she stuck notices about her grievances against him on his car.
It got so bad that businessman Howe Jee Tian, 55, who is married with a 19-year-old daughter, took out a private summons against her.
Song Jing, who is now a Singapore PR, was found guilty of criminal trespass, mischief and using criminal force after a three-day hearing. The district court fined her a total of $1,000.
The court heard that Mr Howe, managing director of a building contracting company, got to know Song in 2003 at a massage parlour in Holland Road.
Song was his masseuse whenever he visited that parlour.
She later moved to another massage parlour at International Plaza in Tanjong Pagar and he continued to be her customer.
When he stopped going to her sometime last year, Song began to pester and stalk him.
In Singapore, there is no law against stalking and Song was taken to court for the offences she committed in the course of it.
The court heard that on 26 Aug last year , Song went to Mr Howe’s office at Gul Lane, burst into his room unannounced and interrupted a meeting he was having with his accounts manager. He asked her to leave, but she ignored him. She just sat on a chair, stayed silent and refused to budge.
He then called the police.
Still, she refused to leave until after the police arrived and spoke to her.
Three months later, at about 10am, one of Mr Howe’s employees noticed Song pasting pieces of paper on his car parked outside his office building.
The employee told Mr Howe what was happening and he went out to investigate.
He said he saw Song pasting notices listing her grievances about their relationship on his car. He snapped a photograph of her with his handphone camera and told her to stop.
She turned around, shouted at him and grabbed his collar. She continued shouting and refused to let go of his shirt.
Mr Howe’s foreman and two other workers saw the commotion and came to his aid.
He had to send his car for cleaning later, spending $175 to get all the glue marks removed.
One day during the trial in July, Song – who was representing herself – started laughing and crying. An ambulance had to be called for her and the trial was postponed to another day.
District Judge Eddy Tham found Song guilty of committing mischief, using criminal force by grabbing MrHowe, and trespass.
She pleaded for leniency saying that she had come from China in 2001 to work as a beautician and later a masseuse. She is married with one son.
She added that she was suffering from depression.
Judge Tham fined her $1,000 and ordered that she compensate Mr Howe the cost of cleaning his car.
He said: ‘There were no aggravating factors in the present case, but neither were there any exceptional mitigating circumstances.’
He noted that despite Song’s claim of depression, she could not show the court how her condition reduced her culpability.
He said: ‘She had continually harassed Howe despite Howe repelling her, time and again. She did not show any remorse for her actions.
‘She defiantly claimed trial even when there was not much of a defence….’
Judge Tham also noted that Song is not ‘impoverished’, as she is employed as a masseuse and could afford to pay a private investigator $5,000 to get information on Mr Howe.
She has filed an appeal against her sentence.
Mr Howe’s lawyer, Mrs Christine Sekhon from Sant Singh Partnership, declined to comment on the case, as the appeal is pending.
9 weeks jail for causing 200k of damages. that is abit too lenient
Cleaner and masseuse?
Aiyo, I thought they said they screen PR applications very stringently?
Looks like anybody can get PR as long as they can fill up an application form.
application form for PR
is in chinese or english de ar
Originally posted by noahnoah:
application form for PR
is in chinese or english de ar
But on a serious note, this really throws up a lot of questions.
How come so many unskilled foreigners can get PRship so easily?
Originally posted by charlize:But on a serious note, this really throws up a lot of questions.
How come so many unskilled foreigners can get PRship so easily?
depend on wat skill,
talking very loud also consider a skill?
littering also consider a skill?
This Liu Gui Ling and Goh Khoon Heng must have very good times
doing it under the twingling stars and swirling fishes
If PRship so easy to get, then sg citizenship how?
Same thing as just filling up an application form?
A foreigner needs to acquire a Employment Pass before he/she is eligible to apply for PR
An EP requires around a monthly 2500 salary in order to have.
The government assumes that if your CPF contribution rate is 25%(my memory's kinda bad on the actual percentage) of 2500, then you are eligible for EP. The ministry don't bother checking on the employer or employee on whether 2500 has really exchanged hands.
So some foreigner could cheat the system by contributing more of their actual salary into the CPF, giving the illusion that he/she is earning 2500 and above.
I'm assuming this is how this women became PR. And since the only requirement for a PR to become citizen is to be a PR for 2 years, becoming a PR is pretty much a guranteed citizenship.
my acquaintances from Egypt told me;' it 's easy to get pr in singapore
i came here 5 years ago as a business man (computer shop) set up my own business
pay gahment 5 years income tax
later purposely wind it up
that guy only diploma in computer in Egypt
sorry to said this - their are still many loop holes in our system
these buggers just played along
Originally posted by Stevenson101:A foreigner needs to acquire a Employment Pass before he/she is eligible to apply for PR
An EP requires around a monthly 2500 salary in order to have.
The government assumes that if your CPF contribution rate is 25%(my memory's kinda bad on the actual percentage) of 2500, then you are eligible for EP. The ministry don't bother checking on the employer or employee on whether 2500 has really exchanged hands.
So some foreigner could cheat the system by contributing more of their actual salary into the CPF, giving the illusion that he/she is earning 2500 and above.
I'm assuming this is how this women became PR. And since the only requirement for a PR to become citizen is to be a PR for 2 years, becoming a PR is pretty much a guranteed citizenship.
you are right
Originally posted by Stevenson101:A foreigner needs to acquire a Employment Pass before he/she is eligible to apply for PR
An EP requires around a monthly 2500 salary in order to have.
The government assumes that if your CPF contribution rate is 25%(my memory's kinda bad on the actual percentage) of 2500, then you are eligible for EP. The ministry don't bother checking on the employer or employee on whether 2500 has really exchanged hands.
So some foreigner could cheat the system by contributing more of their actual salary into the CPF, giving the illusion that he/she is earning 2500 and above.
I'm assuming this is how this women became PR. And since the only requirement for a PR to become citizen is to be a PR for 2 years, becoming a PR is pretty much a guranteed citizenship.
I guess it benefits both parties when this happens.
Government gets money into the CPF, foreigner gets easy PR.
I'm assuming this is how this women became PR. And since the only requirement for a PR to become citizen is to be a PR for 2 years, becoming a PR is pretty much a guranteed citizenship.
You mean citizenship not as in permanent resident but as in pink ID with full and equal voting right?
Originally posted by charlize:Cleaner and masseuse?
Aiyo, I thought they said they screen PR applications very stringently?
Looks like anybody can get PR as long as they can fill up an application form.
Must trust Wong Kan Seng's judgement.
He knows better than us...
Masseuse skill is highly sought after...
IR opening soon, so if no masseuse, how to attract people to casinos ??
Gamblers also must have relaxation time mah...
Don't you know cleaners are just as important in massage biz ??
If not for them, who will clean the room after Gambler massaged by masseuse ??
Granting PRs / S'pore Citizenships to cleaners / masseuse is t'for important for Singapore's future.
If not, how to grow GDP ??
MIW Ministers know better than us.
That's why they are paid Million $$$$ salary mah.
as long as their diamond rice bowl is not affected
why must i bother
“Please, get out of my elite uncaring face.”
Originally posted by tan reborn:as long as their diamond rice bowl is not affected
why must i bother
“Please, get out of my elite uncaring face.”
"If you're not good enough, life will kick you in the balls."
when ge is near by
they come and shake your hand
after ge - mia
still 66.6% trust and voted for them
Originally posted by tan reborn:when ge is near by
they come and shake your hand
after ge - mia
still 66.6% trust and voted for them
Maybe next election, the % will go up to 75%.
All the new citizens will add a good 10% of support votes.
Originally posted by charlize:Maybe next election, the % will go up to 75%.
All the new citizens will add a good 10% of support votes.
you are right
Singapore PRC PR Zhang Yuan Yuan Flashed Nric on Chinese TV and Proclaimed Loyalty to China Publicly.
Why singapore govt will want to mass import PRCs into singapore
1. Cheap labour , bring down cost of labour to attract more investment from foreigners
2. To further increase the chinese population and dilute the the races , chinese in sg birthrate is only 1.2 compared to another race which is 3+ ( u know who) , they are very worried about this increasing trend
3. If the PRCs chose to settle down here and become citizen , they will continue to vote for PAP in election as PAP are pro-foreigners
4. If the PRCs choose settle down here and continue to be PR , after working till 50 and beyond and F.O from our country , Singapore stand to reap the work they have contributed and the government don't have to take care of them when they are old
5. If they didn become PR or citizen at all , they are still contributing and helped to keep the cost of wage down ( those prc beer girl , road cleaners , construction worker etc )
6. When singapore population increase to say 6mil through mass migration, they earn more through tax and additional income ( electricity bills...bus etc) as compared to when singapore native population is only 3mil
As you can see , it's a win-win-win-win-win situation for singapore govt as a whole , i have a better chance of winnning election , i have a better economy report card , i can earn more $$$
never forget the PAPs are a bunch of selfish people who only think of making more and more money , who cares about YOUR feeling? , how much per kg is your feeling worth compared to $$$$ and benefit i stand to reap if i mass import robots from PRC.
tan reborn
If you look around, not only the China Chinese but also other races. Particularly, the Pinoy and Pinay.
I stay in a location where 20 yrs ago one hardly find Indian but recently the proportion of india Indian in supermarket and shopping centres are more than the Singapore Malay that I am seeing around.
æ–°åŠ å�¡è®¯ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡å‰�总ç�†ã€�内é˜�资政æ�Žå…‰è€€æ˜ŸæœŸå››è¦å‘Šæ–°åŠ å�¡äººï¼Œå…³é—外æ�¥äººæ‰�的大门是å�±é™©çš„。
æ�Žå…‰è€€åœ¨ä¸€ä¸ªæ¼”讲ä¸è¯´ï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰äº†å�—è¿‡è‰¯å¥½æ•™è‚²çš„å¤–å›½å±…æ°‘ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡å°±ä¼šé�¢ä¸´ç»�济下滑的å�±é™©ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯å› 为劳动力ä¸�够。
他说,外æ�¥ç§»æ°‘å¼¥è¡¥äº†æ–°åŠ å�¡ç”Ÿè‚²çŽ‡ä½Žé€ æˆ�的人å�£ä¸�足。
ä¸�过,æ�Žå…‰è€€ä¹Ÿå�‘æ–°åŠ å�¡äººä¿�è¯�ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æ”¿åºœé�žå¸¸æ¸…楚è¦�ä¿�æŠ¤æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„利益。
他在丹绒巴葛集选区的国庆晚宴上告诉700å��基层领袖和居民,外国居民的数é‡�将会得到å°�心的控制,以维æŒ�æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„å“�质和价值。
æ�Žå…‰è€€åœ¨æ¼”讲ä¸ä¹ŸæŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œè™½ç„¶ä¸è‹±å�Œè¯çš„人æ‰�å�¯ä»¥æœ‰ç�†äºŽå’Œä¸å›½æ‰“交é�“,但这并é�žè¦�牺牲英è¯ï¼Œè‹±è¯ä¾�ç„¶æ˜¯æ‰€æœ‰æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„å…±å�Œè¯è¨€ã€‚
ç›®å‰�ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‰å¤§çº¦168万外国人。
æ�Žå…‰è€€è¯´ï¼Œå…¶ä¸70%是临时居ä½�åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„,他们æŒ�有的是需è¦�æ›´æ–°çš„ç¾è¯�,主è¦�是就业准è¯�ã€�S-准è¯�和工作准è¯�。其余的是永久居民。
å¤–å›½äººå¤ªå¤šå¯¼è‡´äº†æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„ä¸�满。
但æ�Žå…‰è€€è¯´ï¼š“我们å�ªæŽ¥å�—那些能æ��å�‡æ–°åŠ å�¡äººæŠ€èƒ½æ°´å¹³çš„移民。”“他们必须有技能,至少是ä¸å¦å’Œé«˜ç‰æ•™è‚²çš„人。”
æ¤å¤–,æ�Žå…‰è€€ä¹ŸæŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œæ–°å…¬æ°‘和永久居民和本地人的整å�ˆæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæŒ‘战。这个过程的快慢,å�–å†³äºŽæœ¬åœŸæ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„开放程度,以å�Šæ–°å…¬æ°‘适应并æˆ�ä¸ºæ–°åŠ å�¡ç¤¾ä¼šä¸€éƒ¨åˆ†çš„æ„�愿。
overheard from a conversation between me and 2 American and Japanese colleagues that my company is bringing in more ppl via the Landed PR Scheme. So out of curiosity, googled it and found it to be almost like a express road to PR. The foriegners apply for the PR even before they reach Singapore and as long as they find a job within 12 months, their PR status can be granted in double time! Another policy from the MIW!
Before the falla comes here, the Sg govt already lelong PR. From SMC website
Landed Permanent Residence (LPR) Scheme
If you have acceptable professional or tertiary qualifications and are interested in relocating to Singapore but are not yet working in Singapore, you can apply for LPR under this scheme. Successful applicants have ONE (1) year to find a job or relocate their families to Singapore, upon which permanent residence will be granted.
Originally posted by 4sg:overheard from a conversation between me and 2 American and Japanese colleagues that my company is bringing in more ppl via the Landed PR Scheme. So out of curiosity, googled it and found it to be almost like a express road to PR. The foriegners apply for the PR even before they reach Singapore and as long as they find a job within 12 months, their PR status can be granted in double time! Another policy from the MIW!
Before the falla comes here, the Sg govt already lelong PR. From SMC website
yes you are right
the problem is we LL had to accept their iron fist policy
have a look at
Originally posted by tan reborn:as long as their diamond rice bowl is not affected
why must i bother
“Please, get out of my elite uncaring face.”
Wise words...
.. but must at least try to do something about it as a responsible citizen leh.
O'wise, those elite uncaring faces will increase their own salaries by 60 p/c after the next GE, just as they did AFTER the 2006 General Elections.
Those elite uncaring faces are self-serving and calculative people, you know...
They won't have any qualms, or conscience, to add more diamonds into their own pockets if they think they can get away with it.
In fact, they will tell you that they are doing you a favor as they actually deserve more than what they are paid... (between 2 - 5 times more than Barrack Obama).
Yes, governing Singapore is definitely more difficult than governing the USA, France, Germany, U K, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan... et al.
That's why being paid 2 - 5 times the salary of Barrack Obama is not enough for them...