Should "new citizens" be tested on their knowledge of Singapore first?
If new citizens have no knowledge of the political system and how it works, would they able to vote responsibly as a citizen?
The PAP Government has no need for the New Citizens to know anything about the Singapore Political System nor the Political History of Singapore.
All it need the New Citizens to do - is to return the PAP to be next Government for at least another 5 years.
Without the influx of New Citizens, the PAP's prospects at the next election will surely be questionably dim, when one consider the ground swell of negative opinions from the Heartlands.
The sudden influx of New Citizens is part of the PAP's cowardly schemes for the next election as they know that there are far too many problems that they have created for themselves, and with themselves losing control on other issues that created problems for them in unexpected ways.
From the report dated 28 September 2009 - prepared by the Singapore Department of Statistics - during the last Election 2006, the ‘Total Population was 4,401,400+, with Residents numbering 3,525,900+’ (*1), and an ‘electoral roll registering a total of 2,147,840 citizens’ (*2)
From the same report, the Total Population in 2009 is now 4,987,600, with Residents numbering 3,733,900 and still growing (??) - what will the final count of citizens by the next Election to be held before Year 2011 ?
New citizens: a new support base for the PAP
August 31, 2009 by admin
Much has been written on the economic impact of the uncontrolled influx of foreigners into Singapore. Little is known about the underlying political implications.
While no studies have been conducted on the voting patterns of immigrants, it is likely that a majority of them will be pro-government, given that it is the government which gives them the opportunity to succeed in Singapore.
To a Chinese or Indian immigrant family completely clueless about Singapore’s political baggage or history, the PAP represents a sort of “savior” to them without which they will not be allowed to start life afresh here.
Furthermore, the PAP-controlled grassroots organizations have been actively reaching out to the new citizens through hosting a variety of activities to help them “integrate” into the community to the extent of giving them positions in the Residents Committees’.
With the number of new citizens arriving on Singapore’s shores increasing at a frentic rate, they will form an influential voting bloc in future elections and the PAP is well aware of it.
Besides the vote in their hands, new citizens also help to styme the development of the citizenry’s political awareness indirectly.
By keeping the median wages of the Singapore worker down and posing a constant threat to their livelihoods, it creates a siege mentality in Singaporeans that they will lose out in the rat race unless they continue working hard to earn a living.
With their attention and energies focused completely on economic survival, they will be apathetic towards current affairs and local politics.
There lies the ingenuity of the PAP. No matter how tough life is, it will ensure that nobody goes hungry in Singapore. Prices of foodstuff and living necessities are kept low to ensure that even the destitute and homeless get one basic meal a day.
The middle class, with their endless fixation on the materialistic pursuits in life, will have little motivation to join politics to create “trouble” for the government which explains why most Singaporeans are generally averse to politics.
A nonchalant and ignorant citizenry is a key to the continued hegemony of the PAP as recent events have shown. Despite widespread public disaffect towards the lossess suffered by Temasek and GIC, they are never really threatened.
Political dissatisfaction is limited chiefly to cyberspace where it exerts a negligible impact on the rest of the enslaved population which is still unaware of its inherent political rights.
All kinds of repressive laws were put in place to prevent the public expression of political dissent as it will have serious ramifications on the popularity and legitimacy of the regime.
A new aristocracy is emerging with the new citizens becoming increasingly part of the PAP’s core support base. In fact, some of them have already been co-opted into the regime and appointed as Members of Parliament.
With no foreseeable opposition in sight, the system which is specifically designed to perpetuate one-party rule, will continue to keep the PAP in power for a long time to come, elections being a 5 yearly necessary “nuisance” in order to keep its democratic pretensions alive.
Singaporeans can continue to complain for all they like. The power of their vote is being eroded gradually with each passing day as more and more foreigners take up Singapore citizenship.
Either they toe the official line or ship out altogether. As the feebled opposition continues its ignonimous journey into oblivion, the PAP is quietly rebuilding its power base, slowly but steadily.
With the new citizens firmly integrated into the PAP’s system followed by years of indoctrination by the state propaganda machinery, we will see another generation of brainwashed citizens who are eternally “grateful” to the PAP.
ARrrrrgh! yawn!!!....why still read the state times??? You believe what they said??? I rather read Uncle Atobe cut and paste article. As i said earlier, PAP had in a way, make the citizens struggling for social and status gain in return for a total ignorances in Politics, what a bliss!!!???. But that cannot fool an Angel like me. Because I am taiwan trained, in taiwan, there is no one in total control of politics, that auntie idolised Mr. Ma also have to do alots of hard work inorder to please its citizens and the congress, and they are willing to resign if they make a big flop in governing the country, however, there are many corruption, that doesn't mean the citizen had no said, Taiwan works within such system, the ever changing landscape of the politic arena in taiwan, be it change of parties, President or governor, bring about new ideas, new vision and new tomorrow. As Mr Mah said in his campaign, "you cannot keep eating the same dishes, it will be very boring", and he is also open to say that " even he needs to be change at a certain time".
Coming to singapore, the party never change, perhaps the line Minister may change, but the top echoleons still remain, they rule on a hard pound hand beneath a nice velvet glove. Therefore you see a nice picture out of it, but beneath it, they dictate the system. So, in a way, as chinese use to say, " Change the soup, but not the ingredients".
As for the foreigner becoming citizens, those criterias are bullshit, if this is the true result, that is borderline result, i would said that the foreigners do not give damn about Singapore culture or build history, their objectives is to make as much money as possible, pure sg dollars, and also the evade their own country poor condition, nothing else. And they may move on to green pasture if they find it here unsuitable for them or if there is greener pasture elsewhere. For loyalty, i can say, it is below sub-zero condition. I had many third world places, and if am foreigner coming here from a 3rd world condition, this is disneyland for me, but who built this disenyland???? Poor singaporeans paying taxes to build beautiful parks, roads, houses, shopping places etc etc just to hand it opening for others to enjoy. Is that Fair.
To me, on a neutral perspectives on all things, all other question are irrelevant or not that important other than one question that can qualify a foreigner to be citizen, which state media will definitely not declare it, simply put it, the question will be "If I give you citizenship of Singapore, will you vote for PAP" if the answer is Yes, you get your citizens on a federal express speed.
Why does the real "Attention Seeking Whore" bother to display its "clitoris" as a daily routine, when all it needs to do is hang it at the door of its Taiwanese "hum" shell ?
Are you waiting for your clitoris to get clipped ?
Originally posted by Shotgun:Should "new citizens" be tested on their knowledge of Singapore first?
If new citizens have no knowledge of the political system and how it works, would they able to vote responsibly as a citizen?
Shotgun, I agree that they should have knowledge of Singapore first.
Most of these new citizens arent fools but educated people. Only idiots, fools and manipulative snakes like that piece of self admitted shit will think the new ctizens such.
They, like us, want only the best for their families and friends. Whomsoever that is working on behalf of society, will win over their votes.
New citizens are level playing field for all political parties to woo. If the opposition are too lazy to make the rounds, instead whine and make excuses, or worse - to cast these new citizens whom are like our immigrant forefathers once but more educated derogatively, then it is their loss.
One thing for sure, they will learn to hate what the Outlaw CSJ and his followers here had done by their unconstitutional acts against their own party, to the opposition cause, and espacially to the law abiding and hardworking citizens of Singapore, when these new citizens get to comprehend our political system better.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Shotgun, I agree that they should have knowledge of Singapore first.
Most of these new citizens arent fools but educated people. Only idiots, fools and manipulative snakes like that piece of self admitted shit will think the new ctizens such.
The X-rated Fraud will expectedly perform according to cue to behave like the doggone dog that never fail to jump to protect its Master's Tail whenever that damn tail get stepped on.
It will not be a surprise that that doggone dog in the X-rated Fraud will not be bothered if no one will look after its own tail nor its butt - which it will let its Master to beat the shit to have it well trained.
They, like us, want only the best for their families and friends. Whomsoever that is working on behalf of society, will win over their votes.
Does the X-rated Fraud ever work - when it is supposed to be well fed to guard the Master's Tail ?
Can the X-rated Fraud want the best for families and friends, when it will care less if its Master will pay for the insurance to look after families and friends when any one of their sons or daughters die in service of the Nation ?
Can our families and friends be looked after when its useless Master is known for its abhorrence to social welfare, nor does it have any principles to look after the aged, and will even break its promise to release the CPF at the age of 55 years and to repeatedly delay the release until age 85 when it will salivate to grab the CPF that is poorly planned to be left for the surviving family members ?
It is to be expected that the X-rated Fraud will delude its families and friends with its own pseudo-intellect to obfuscate the real issues with its own ignorance.
New citizens are level playing field for all political parties to woo. If the opposition are too lazy to make the rounds, instead whine and make excuses, or worse - to cast these new citizens whom are like our immigrant forefathers once but more educated derogatively, then it is their loss.
The hypocrisy of the X-rated Fraud reveals itself again when it sees - "Most of these new citizens arent fools but educated people" - but will treat them as no more then "level playing field for all political parties to woo".
Are new citizens to be treated as a sporting items and to be trampled on like a football field ?
It will even deride "our immigrant forefathers" by comparing the new citizens to be "like our forefathers once but more educated derogatively" - what does the pseudo-intellect in the X-rate Fraud have in mind to mean that the new citizens are more educated than our forefathers in some "derogative ways" ?
One thing for sure, they will learn to hate what the Outlaw CSJ and his followers here had done by their unconstitutional acts against their own party, to the opposition cause, and espacially to the law abiding and hardworking citizens of Singapore, when these new citizens get to comprehend our political system better.
With the respect given to the New Citizens by the pseudo-intellect in a X-rated Fraud - considering that they are said not to be "fools and are educated" - it is amazing that the X-rated Fraud will believe that these New Citizens will be as ignorant or fraudulent or as deceitful as are the characteristics of the resident X-rated Fraud ?
The pathetic bankrupt mind of a pseudo-intellect cannot accept that in Singapore there exist a Stalinist Autocrat that decides what the Law is and how it is to be read - as afterall it was suppose to have a Tripos award for its legal studies in Cambridge.
Who else has the authority to instruct - ‘The Attorney General to be disingenuous to have the legal words clearly written in a legislation to be circumvented - by claiming that the PAP incumbents cannot be said to be near the Polling Station, as they were INSIDE the station, and hence they did not infringe the law. (*1)
Obviously, it is not to be expected for the X-rated Fraud to bite its Master's Tail, or the Master will bugger the butt of the doggone life of the X-rated Fraud