Written by our Correspondent
In a rare public admission of his mistake, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said his insistence on bilingualism in the early days of education policy was “wrong” which caused many students to give up learning the Chinese language.
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said his insistence on bilingualism in the early years of education policy was “wrong”. Instead it caused generations of students to be put off the Chinese language.
During a speech made at the official opening of the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, MM Lee said:
“We started the wrong way. We insisted on ting xie (listening), mo xie (dictation) – madness! We had teachers who were teaching in completely-Chinese schools. And they did not want to use any English to teach English-speaking children Chinese and that turned them off completely.”
Following the rise of China in the 1980s, Singapore has embarked on a nationwide effort to promote the study of the Chinese language in schools.
The Republic has established close trading links with China in recent years and Chinese is becoming more important as a language to build bridges with the Chinese-speaking world including China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
During the early days of Singapore’s independence, many Chinese schools were closed down on suspicions of being breeding ground for communism.
Though they were later re-opened, English had replaced Chinese as the medium of education leading to a decline in the standard of Chinese in Singapore schools over the years.
While most ethnic Singaporean Chinese can read and write in Chinese, English remains the lingua franca used in work. Many are also ignorant of Chinese culture, history and literature.
Besides the language policy, Lee had made a few notable mistakes during the course of his political career such as the “Stop at Two” policy in the 1970s which contributed partly to Singapore’s declining birth rate today.
Another controversial policy was the “graduate mother scheme” to encourage graduate women to bear more children. A strong proponent of eugenics, Lee thought (and still think) that offsprings of graduate women will be smarter and of “better stock”.
The scheme was quietly dropped in the aftermath of the 1984 elections which saw the PAP lost a significant percentage of the votes cast.
At 86 years of age, Lee is the oldest and probably the longest-serving MP in the world. He appears in the papers almost daily, more frequently than his son, the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong.
Lee said lately that he could have earned more money in the private sector if he was not a minister. His annual salary is more than five times that of U.S. President Barack Obama.
With more and more mainland Chinese flocking to work and live in Singapore, English-educated Singaporeans may have to relearn the language in order to communicate with these newcomers and to “re-integrate” into Singapore society.
Source: The Temasek Review
I'm OK with that. Rather than knowing but still keep silent. It's for the benefit for the next generation. Let's hope that whatever measure that is taken will be the best one.
This fucking bastard finally admits that his bilingual education policy is complete bullshit.
And I was trained under that fucking bullshit system.
Wow, when it comes to social policies, this Lee Kuan Yew and PAP really really really FUCKED things up.
They are really incompetent in social policies.
Their bullshit rubbish social policies really messed things up in our society.
Now their latest crap is to flood our society with foreign aliens.
This motherfucking bastard Lee Kuan Yew, this fucking PAP must go.
Wow, Lee Kuan Yew your social policies really messed up a lot of things in our society.
You are really incompetent in making social policies.
You are quite worthless as a leader in my view.
You are also a political coward, don't dare to debate openly policies with your critics, but want to sue them to hell.
You cannot win if you debate social policies with your critics, Lee Kuan Yew.
Because all of your policies are all FULL OF SHIT.
Originally posted by angel3070:Berries tan, next time you start thread just use Lee Kuan Yew, don't use "mm Lee".Some foreigners here don't know who the fuck is "mm Lee.""mm Lee" also sounds like some fucking nick that some fucker uses in forums. It's not a real name real people use.So, your thread should be:Lee Kuan Yew admits “mistake” made in his education policy
November 10, 2009 by Lee Chong
Filed under Chinese section
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Source; The Temasek Review
November 5, 2009 by Lee Chong
Filed under Chinese section
å�¸é©¬æ‡¿å’Œä»–çš„å„¿å�å�¸é©¬æ˜æƒ³ç¯¡ä½�,这是路人尽知的事,å�¯æ˜¯è¿™æ ·å¤§é€†ä¸�é�“的事是决ä¸�说出å�£ï¼Œæ€Žä¹ˆä¼šæ�žåˆ°è·¯äººçš†çŸ¥è¿™æ ·çš„地æ¥å‘¢ï¼Œå½“然是观察他们的行为,而ä¸�å�ªæ˜¯è¢«è¨€è¯æ‰€è’™è”½ã€‚å�Žæ�¥è™½ç„¶å�¸é©¬æ˜æŠŠæ›¹é«¦ç»™æ�€äº†ï¼Œä¹Ÿä¸�æ•¢å��上皇å¸�ä½�,而是扶æŒ�曹奂æ�¥å�šå„¿çš‡å¸�。直到å�¸é©¬æ˜ä¹‹å�å�¸é©¬ç‚Žæ‰�æ£å¼�称å¸�,国å�·æ™‹ï¼Œå®šéƒ½æ´›é˜³ã€‚所以å�曰:“视其所以,观其所由,察其所安。人焉廋哉?人焉廋哉?”——这是必然的一é�¢
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既然ä¸å›½å…±äº§å…šçš„最高领导都“承诺”和平崛起,牙齿当金使,这就和PAP白衣白裤“承诺”è´¤äººæ”¿æ²»æ˜¯ä¸€æ ·çš„é�“ç�†ï¼Œå†�怀疑岂ä¸�是å°�人之心了å�—?而æ�Žå…‰è€€è¯·æ±‚美国ä¸�能在亚洲缺å¸ï¼Œè¯´æ˜Žä»–其实ä¸�ç›¸ä¿¡æ”¿æ²»æ‰¿è¯ºï¼Œè¿™ä¸€ç‚¹ä»–å¾ˆæœ‰è‡ªçŸ¥ä¹‹æ˜Žï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–è‡ªå·±å°±æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªè§�风转舵的政客。
Source; The Temasek Review
å�¸é©¬æ‡¿å’Œä»–çš„å„¿å�å�¸é©¬æ˜æƒ³ç¯¡ä½�,这是路人尽知的事, - Romance of The Three Kingdom - Cao Cao (He Bei) , Liu Bei (Si Chuan) & Sun Quan (Hu Bei - Guan Dong)
æ–°åŠ å�¡ã€Œæ•™çˆ¶ã€�æ�Žå…‰è€€
Feel like vomiting blood.
Originally posted by angel3070:Feel like vomiting blood.
æ–°åŠ å�¡ã€Œæ•™çˆ¶ã€�æ�Žå…‰è€€
It is the content of the report that made me had this conclusion - Tyrant, saviour, etc.
It's up to people to figure it up themselves!
Originally posted by Berries tan:
With more and more mainland Chinese flocking to work and live in Singapore, English-educated Singaporeans may have to relearn the language in order to communicate with these newcomers and to “re-integrate” into Singapore society.
Source: The Temasek Review
So which is the Singapore Society?
Are not the english-educated Singaporeans make up the Singapore Society?
It would be more fitting to say for the singapore society to re-integrate into China Society?
Originally posted by huzane89:
So which is the Singapore Society?Are not the english-educated Singaporeans make up the Singapore Society?
It would be more fitting to say for the singapore society to re-integrate into China Society?
No, Singapore Society is not made up of the english educated Singaporeans only, there are the chinese educated, the malay educated, the tamil educated. The fact that these people speak a few words of english for simple communication doesn't change their thinking.
There never was, and never will be a China Society in Singapore, only the Chinese Society, used to be overseas Chinese, now Singaporen Chinese.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:
There never was, and never will be a China Society in Singapore, only the Chinese Society, used to be overseas Chinese, now Singaporen Chinese.
There is a PRC society in Singapore.
Originally posted by angel3070:There is a PRC society in Singapore.
we call it community, in Singapore, there is also a european community, a thai community, a burnese community, a large malaysian community, a very large indian, bangladeshi, pakistan community (can't tell the difference), a sizable korean community, this is a cospomolitan society.
you chinese? prc, singaporean, taiwanese, hongkong or overseas?
Originally posted by sgdiehard:we call it community, in Singapore, there is also a european community, a thai community, a burnese community, a large malaysian community, a very large indian, bangladeshi, pakistan community (can't tell the difference), a sizable korean community, this is a cospomolitan society.
Singapore is now flooded with these foreign aliens.
Does LKY need to make any admission on specific issues to have anyone feel better that he had admitted his wrong doings ?
From the very beginning, LKY had imposed his will onto Singaporeans even by the most dishonest methods at a high profile public event as a REFERENDUM - when such an exercise is normally conducted to gather the honest views of Singaporeans on important issues that affect our lives - (as is the practise in Switzerland).
He had to make sure that the one and only Referendum ever conducted in Singapore will produce the results that his ambitions needed, and skewed the referendum with three choices that were worded differently but will produce the same end - Merger with Malaysia.
His ambitions of merging with Malaysia went against those who knew better those minds filled with political intrigues that characterise the Peninsular Malay Political Leadership, even as LKY was ignorant to the many political demands and accomodations that the Malays imposed onto the other ethnic groups.
Still he forced his own ambitions in a skewed Referendum, and even arranged for Operation Cold Store to arrest his own Singaporean Politicians - whom he pretended to befriend - as shown in the information made available from the released archives of the British Colonial Office and from recent memoirs.
After being booted out of Malaysia, his personal doubts about Singapore's future with a population of less then 1.6 million gave him nightmares of jobless graduates who will challenge his political position, even as he had already incarcerated hundreds from those who dared to oppose him - conveniently branding all to be communist, when the British Colonial Government had found no evidence and referred to them as Nationalists.
To stem the population growth, LKY insisted on population control - to STOP at TWO - so as to allow himself more time to manage Singapore's Future.
To stem the potential challenges from jobless graduates, LKY had an unheard of system implemented - when all countries will encourages the young to pursue higher learning - instead LKY had all applicants to Tertiary Educational Institution to apply for a special "Suitability Certificate" that is issued after background checks were made by the ISD.
Hundreds from families with doubtful "Communist" links, or to "Red China" - were given the lowest clearance, and with this policy intended to root out any Communist ideas from infiltrating into the tertiary institutions of learning.
To confront any likelihood of Malaysia's Tunku from changing his mind and return to arrest LKY and Cabinet and retake Singapore, and also to prepare for Indonesia's Sukarno changing his fickle mind to re-open Konfrontasi campaign - National Service was introduced for those born from 1949 onwards.
"Mexicans" from the Middle-east were brought in to train the first batch of NS men, and those born before 1949 working in the Civil Service - were recruited to provide the mature leadership role and to be trained by these "Mexicans".
The trainees that endured the "torturous training" under the "Mexicans" were tasked to train the later batches of NS Singaporeans, and served their own form of "Mexican torture" onto the early batches.
Despite the best of intentions given the rush to build up a credible defense force, many amongst the early batches that began training in 1967 to 1970 - had endured the garbage that LKY and his cabinet dished out as they prosyletized to justify for their actions taken seemingly for the benefit of Singapore and Singaporeans, when the real beneficiaries of a strong defense force were to protect themselves.
Even as LKY admitted his mistake, did he forgot to tell the truth for his insistence on Bilingualism to be imposed on Singaporeans ?
It looks better when the reasons given are said to be in preparation for the rise of the China Dragon - as it enhances LKY's image as a wise man with foresight.
Unfortunately, Singapore was burdened with a Second Language that had no use in the 1980s, and which was poorly thought through in its implementation, and executed by a bunch of technocrats interested in time lines then the finer art of teaching.
When the truth is told it will make the entire Bilingualism exercise as no more then a personal event in idiocy that caused tears and anguish to thousand in at least three generations.
If only LKY had relived his speech about the necessesity of Bilingualism as a result of the poor dialect skills of LKY's own daughter working as a trainee doctor in SGH - when she could only speak Mandarin, the patient a Cantonese, and the Nurse was a Hokkien - so it was a confused state of affairs as he had once related - as if there could not be a Cantonese speaking nurse in the ward.
How many more admissions of mistakes will Singaporeans get to hear before his lights dimmed ?
It seems that he admitted his mistake to arrange for the passing of the Charter that protected Women's Rights, and regretted that this had affected the continued success of strong family genes - when ‘LKY express views on polygamy’ (*1).
not only chinese, there are also mistakes made over english.
Singaporean have to learn to communicate with these newcomers and re-integrate into SIngapore society???!!!
wtf..LKY should start to re-integrate with Singapore society. wad an old shit.
Originally posted by laURanaBabe:
wtf..LKY should start to re-integrate with Singapore society. wad an old shit.
Lee Kuan Yew is not dialect chinese, Lee Kuan Yew is not malay, Lee Kuan Yew is not tamil.
Lee Kuan Yew is not from any of the main ethnic groups of Singapore.
That is why he prefers to import foreign culture and to westernise Singapore society.
Lee Kuan Yew is an anglo dog.
Originally posted by angel3070:Lee Kuan Yew is not dialect chinese, Lee Kuan Yew is not malay, Lee Kuan Yew is not tamil.
Lee Kuan Yew is not from any of the main ethnic groups of Singapore.
That is why he prefers to import foreign culture and to westernise Singapore society.
Lee Kuan Yew is an anglo dog.
hey just curious, did any of your family or relatives ever got jailed before for political persecution last time? if not why everytime see you railed against LKY one lol. always see you call him dog or whatever one lol.
Originally posted by Rooney9:always see you call him dog or whatever one lol.
Just stating facts that's all.
If Lee Kuan Yew doesn't behave like an anglo dog, I would have no grounds whatsoever to call him that.
But the fact of the matter is that Lee Kuan Yew IS an anglo dog.
“Lee is like a banana –yellow of skin, white
-Zhou Enlai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, at the
Bandung Conference (1955)
“Harry, you’re the best bloody Englishman east of
- George Brown, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom
he admits he screwed up chinese education policies in SG after these decades.
what will he admit next???!?!!
这大逆ä¸�é�“的奸贼⋯⋯如果有æœ�一日我办的到的è¯�,我一定会把他尸骨挖出æ�¥ï¼Œéžå°¸ä¸‰ç™¾ï¼Œæ�Žå®¶å�Žäººï¼Œä¸–代ä¸�得拥产为官。æ�Žè´¼ä¸�过是个墙头è�‰ï¼Œè°�强就é� ç�€è°�。
that time who was the education minister? as the PM, he has to stop the buck.
This fucking bastard Lee Kuan Yew must pay for his filthy rubbish policies and his torture of political prisoners.
Cause so much trouble for the people of Singapore, all due to his motherfucking repression and don't know what brain dead rubbish junk policies.
Fucking cocksucker of the british.
All the hate and anger...
why not look at the positive side of things. lol
the bright side is that sg has succeed without any natural resources. we succeeded despite being rejected by malaysia. we succeeded despite all the odds.