Letter on PRC immigrants to Lee Kuan Yew
Republic of singapore
Attn: Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Prime Minister's Office
Istana Annexe, Orchard Road, Singapore 238823
Dear Mr. Lee,
I applaud your son's recent comment on SMRT's crowded train and SMRT's diligent move to increase trains schedule. But it is still a pack during non peak hours. It would be a good opportunity for your son to come and ride on the public buses and MRTs again. Perhaps your son may learn a thing or two on public image, from Taiwan> President Ma Ying Jeou by visiting neighbourhood retail shops, to witness another social isssue at hand. This time involving Chinese immigrants.
I no longer think it is a fluke when Chinese people in the service sector serve with a bad attitude.
I no longer think it is abnormal for Chinese people to be loud in public places. I no longer believe that I can live here with that for too long.
I no longer think that it's funny when an entire section of my BMT platoon consists of Chinese students. I no longer hold much regard for this pink IC, because at the end of the day anyone can get it by serving NS.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with Chinese people. I have a great Chinese buddy from BMT and I wish to visit his hometown some day.
I recognise that Chinese who come over are contributing to the economy. To what limit is there on emphasis on economy and to what extent will the govt bring in these people to artificially boost the economy and the population?
I cannot believe my eyes and my ears each day when I take the public transport everyday. To commoners like us, it is nothing like what you imagine we put up with.
Lee Kuan Yew, this is not just your country. Single-handedly, you have upheaved Singapore culture by banning dialects on television media.
But let's move on from there. 20 years on, when people are about to get settled, and Singapore is slowly beginning to form our own sense of identity and we're beginning to develop some feeling of our unique Singapore flavoured culture, you find the burning need to infuse hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, from an entirely different social conditioning and background, into Singapore society which was just beginning to take some shape.
In National Service, I raised the issue of why young Singapore males don't have a sense of belonging and are unwilling to fight for their country, to the then Chief of Defence, LTG Desmond Quek. He could only ask me back with a blank, "Is that really happening?"
I now know the answer to that question.
The Uniquely Singapore campaign that the government has been promoting of late? You can flush that down the drain.
I believe your grandson has just finished his national service, why don't you try asking what his peers think about this country now?
Why not try conducting a poll among young people to have a feel what is on the ground? But of course, I don't expect you to do that.
Anyway, it doesn't matter how we Singaporeans feel, lah. It's how the new Singaporeans feel that really matters.
Anyway, Singapore no longer feels like my country.
When people outside Singapore do ask, I will tell them it is a province in China.
Yours faithfully,
Teoh Tian Jing
Source: STOMP - Just Talk Lah - Letter on PRC immigrants to Lee Kuan Yew
(http://talkback.stomp.com.sg- Letter on PRC immigrants to Lee Kuan Yew - Talkback)
Singapore PRC PR Zhang Yuan Yuan Flashed Nric on Chinese TV and Proclaimed Loyalty to China Publicly.
Why singapore govt will want to mass import PRCs into singapore
1. Cheap labour , bring down cost of labour to attract more investment from foreigners
2. To further increase the chinese population and dilute the the races , chinese in sg birthrate is only 1.2 compared to another race which is 3+ ( u know who) , they are very worried about this increasing trend
3. If the PRCs chose to settle down here and become citizen , they will continue to vote for PAP in election as PAP are pro-foreigners
4. If the PRCs choose settle down here and continue to be PR , after working till 50 and beyond and F.O from our country , Singapore stand to reap the work they have contributed and the government don't have to take care of them when they are old
5. If they didn become PR or citizen at all , they are still contributing and helped to keep the cost of wage down ( those prc beer girl , road cleaners , construction worker etc )
6. When singapore population increase to say 6mil through mass migration, they earn more through tax and additional income ( electricity bills...phone bills...bus etc) as compared to when singapore native population is only 3mil
As you can see , it's a win-win-win-win-win situation for singapore govt as a whole , i have a better chance of winnning election , i have a better economy report card , i can earn more $$$
never forget the PAPs are a bunch of selfish people who only think of making more and more money , who cares about YOUR feeling? , how much per kg is your feeling worth compared to $$$$ and benefit i stand to reap if i mass import robots from PRC.
Source: http://flowerpod.com.sg/forums/Singapore-Prc-Pr-Zhang-Yuanyuan-Flashed-Nric-Chinese-Tv-Proclaimed-Loyalty-China-Publicly-t84645.html&st=80&start=80
18/10/2009 13:26:00
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Source: www.nanyangpost.com/forum