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why i am migrating

  • Berries tan

    Moderators in this forum are all very objective, they didn't delete the articles posted by me.


    Forumers in this forum are mostly highly educated Singapore citizen - most forumers tried to air their view.


    I am just an average Singapore citizen.


    I am not trying to create havoc, etc - by posting many political articles.


    I hope to see some "change".


    That's all.


    Take care and bye.




  • Hitman2


    getting an oz permanent resident isnt as easy as what it used to be.and the oz mindset in most places are still not evolved since 1950's for strange unknown reasons.if u were to come over to oz........the oz people would not accept you unless u become bruce lee.when u come over to oz.....dont give them a chance.......take their blonde hair most beautiful woman and make her your wife like bruce lee!!!make sure u check b4 u hoot her or your dna will also end up half criminal!

    go setup some kinda factory or dojo in oz to ensure u dont get runned over by their ang mo wannabes.most ang mos in oz are primitive .....think they can only have lower tech skills equal to the welders and labourers.when u give them a modern production line.........they will destroy it out of poor management ,lack of knowledge and lack of skills foundation in their so called apprenticeship system.what they learn in their 5 year apprenticeship system in oz would be equal to a 3 month on job training in spore.so they tend to be swollen headed tellin people they know plenty when they only have dust and crumbs for their technical knowledge.if spore had people like the aussies...spore would have collapsed a long time ago and not much industries built.

    so if u ever goto oz...make sure u are  an indian that looks like an ang mo........make sure u develope skills and expertise to setup your own industrial factory...........dont werk fer the ang mo if possible....they are so arrogant and pride themselves to the point of ridiculous imagination.only they can be the best.the germans ,japanese and hong kongers came over since ww2 and all have not went anywhere in oz.most left for another country after that.

    try taiwan or malaysia.......

    usa and new zealand have almost shut their doors to immigration.

    australia....hmm........dunno....im still tryin to figure out if they are nice people.


  • ☃®

    australians are nice peopl though, ut there are also ones there which harbour dangerous thoughts. But generally nice, much better than the SLS bengs

  • ☃®
    Originally posted by Hitman2:


    getting an oz permanent resident isnt as easy as what it used to be.and the oz mindset in most places are still not evolved since 1950's for strange unknown reasons.if u were to come over to oz........the oz people would not accept you unless u become bruce lee.when u come over to oz.....dont give them a chance.......take their blonde hair most beautiful woman and make her your wife like bruce lee!!!make sure u check b4 u hoot her or your dna will also end up half criminal!

    go setup some kinda factory or dojo in oz to ensure u dont get runned over by their ang mo wannabes.most ang mos in oz are primitive .....think they can only have lower tech skills equal to the welders and labourers.when u give them a modern production line.........they will destroy it out of poor management ,lack of knowledge and lack of skills foundation in their so called apprenticeship system.what they learn in their 5 year apprenticeship system in oz would be equal to a 3 month on job training in spore.so they tend to be swollen headed tellin people they know plenty when they only have dust and crumbs for their technical knowledge.if spore had people like the aussies...spore would have collapsed a long time ago and not much industries built.

    so if u ever goto oz...make sure u are  an indian that looks like an ang mo........make sure u develope skills and expertise to setup your own industrial factory...........dont werk fer the ang mo if possible....they are so arrogant and pride themselves to the point of ridiculous imagination.only they can be the best.the germans ,japanese and hong kongers came over since ww2 and all have not went anywhere in oz.most left for another country after that.

    try taiwan or malaysia.......

    usa and new zealand have almost shut their doors to immigration.

    australia....hmm........dunno....im still tryin to figure out if they are nice people.


    bro, dont jump to conclusion. There are also technology over there, offices, schools also employ technology to keep up with times. But for some reason, the average aussie is not keen on a career in IT or engineering. Most of them are more keen on typical christian jobs like bankers, accountants and managers. Well u can ginger point at people, but i can say is their SAF soldier proudly can claim they fight a war compared to out singapore soldiers who play around and fiddle with latest sate of the art gadget toys but have no war experience.

    But the important thing about their society is that they seem to be matured.

    and dont bring in japs, germans from WW2 plz. Germans and japs saw no strategic value from australia for their war plans. Its pretty isolated from the rest of the world with a huge sea in between.

  • angel7030

    Go, changi airport is open 24 hours, so close and yet never close. It better to have less dishonor citizens here than having honest ones.

  • Hitman2



    no japanese or german soldier.........what i mean is after ww2.the german immigrants came into oz trying to start life anew but were treated in hostile ways at werk tio breaking point.the japs after ww2 in democratic times in 1970s were not accepted till today in much of their societydue to ww2 reasons.

    but noone mentioned bout war here......just the timelines for reference.based on reason that they are able to take punishment ion their military and domestic lives.you catch one australian and force him to be a singaporean...chances are that he will freak out,,use 4 letter words every minute and die in no time within the bondaries of singapore in less than 6 months.if u put any oz citizen into battle......u might have to bring him home in a mental hospital.they have mates to keep each other sane in a battle.....like a crutch.

    the SAF soldier is able to fight in any war because he has as much mental strength as the aussies and better weapons than aussies.however thats not our fight if that doesnt impact us much!

  • Hitman2



    no japanese or german soldier.........what i mean is after ww2.the german immigrants came into oz trying to start life anew but were treated in hostile ways at werk tio breaking point.the japs after ww2 in democratic times in 1970s were not accepted till today in much of their societydue to ww2 reasons.

    but noone mentioned bout war here......just the timelines for reference.based on reason that they are able to take punishment ion their military and domestic lives.you catch one australian and force him to be a singaporean...chances are that he will freak out,,use 4 letter words every minute and die in no time within the bondaries of singapore in less than 6 months.if u put any oz citizen into battle......u might have to bring him home in a mental hospital.they have mates to keep each other sane in a battle.....like a crutch.

    the SAF soldier is able to fight in any war because he has as much mental strength as the aussies and better weapons than aussies.however thats not our fight if that doesnt impact us much!

  • Hitman2




  • kcockicht

    Okay guys. serious. you better check you have the money to migrate first. and also think about what you have to do to make a living and provide for a good living to your offsprings once over 'there'.


    you cannot even make a good living here so just giv an excuse to migrate. you want to go to a foreign land?



  • Stevenson101

    Well if he could think that 7 grand is small change, i don't think he's really middle class.

    That, or i'm considered improverished and have no idea that i am.

  • deepak.c
    Originally posted by Hitman2:





    Are you really really sure you want to do that? icon_lol.gif


    Orh Kui Po's breast, you not scared later kenna AIDS or STD? icon_lol.gif



  • Berries tan

    Singapore government policy is very simple:

    1) They will help the poorest amongst the poorest in
    Singapore but with a lot of conditions attached
    2) For ordinary citizens, they will say you got hands, you got legs, you got eyes so you can help yourself. If you cannot help yourself, then prepare to die...
    3) Smart and rich people will say to the government, to hell with you, I emigrate...bye bye...
    4) Smart but not so rich people will say, nabei, no choice must loon lah...

    End of the day, Spore is run like a corporation and you cannot expect corporations to look after their staff...They will look after their own pockets first...




  • angel3070

    It is due to Lee Kuan Yew.

  • Pentaxdude90


  • Berries tan
    新加å�¡æ¬²ä¸Šæµ·“抢人” å�Šå¯¼ä½“业首当其冲
    October 27, 2009 by Lee Chong
    Filed under Chinese section


    金èž�å�±æœºä»¥æ�¥çš„产业å�˜å±€æ­£ä¿ƒä½¿“人æ‰�战”å�‡æ¸©ã€‚最新的一个例è¯�是,新加å�¡æ”¿åºœä¸“程æ�¥ä¸­å›½æ‹›æ�½å�Šå¯¼ä½“等行业的 人æ‰�。

    CBN记者获悉,新加å�¡ç»�济å�‘展局 (Economic Development Board) 与人力部的è�”盟组织“è�”系新加å�¡”近日正在以上海为核心的å�Žä¸œé«˜æ ¡å®£è®²ï¼Œä¸ºè¯¥å›½å�Šå¯¼ä½“ã€�æ•°ç �ã€�动漫等行业进 行推广,招募人力。一ä½�å�‚加了推广活动的上海æŸ�è‘—å��通信芯片公å�¸å·¥ç¨‹å¸ˆç§°ï¼Œåº”募者众。

    è¿™ä¸�由让人想起2004年的一幕。那年,也是新加å�¡æ�¥ä¸­å›½“挖人”,仅中芯一家就被挖走160人,包括80 å��熟练工程师和80å��一般æ“�作员工。中芯总è£�å¼ æ±�京事å�Žç›´é™ˆï¼Œè¿™å¯¹ä¸­èŠ¯å›½é™…æ�¥è¯´æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªå¤±è´¥ã€‚


    “è�”系新加å�¡”的主è¦�è�Œè´£æ˜¯ï¼Œå�¸å¼•å›½é™…人æ‰�到新加å�¡å·¥ä½œã€�投资å�Šç”Ÿæ´»ã€‚它在亚洲ã€�欧洲ã€�北美都设有办事处, 在中国è�˜æœ‰åŒ—京ã€�上海两个区域主任。

    在�日的一场宣讲会上,该机构带�两�在新加�工作的中国人。一��自英飞凌公�,�一��自高通公�。他 们现身说法,大讲在新加�工作�生活如何美好。

    英飞凌系统与固件开���许冰涛说,他15年�便去了新加�,此�任�IBM中国。他�陈,在IBM,他当 �拿2000多元,当年已是高薪,但新加�方�大约开出了6�的数字。

    �过,他说,�引他的还有新加��人社会下的中西文化氛围�全�视野,以�有利于孩�教育的� 语体制等。

    “这个多元化社会确实很å�¸å¼•æˆ‘,当然我也喜欢å°�试新东西,这是一个好玩的国家。”新加å�¡é«˜é€šæµ‹è¯•å·¥ç¨‹å¸ˆé«˜å¼º 则如此表示。他刚去两年。

    æ�®“è�”系新加å�¡”中国区域主任柯志声介ç»�,目å‰�几乎所有著å��å�Šå¯¼ä½“ä¼�业都在新加å�¡è®¾ç«‹äº†ç ”å�‘中心,大约有4 0家。而且,还有è�”电ã€�英特尔ã€�特许等14家å�Šå¯¼ä½“工厂ã€�20家å°�装测试工厂。许冰涛表示,从产业群è�šæ•ˆåº” 看,全ç�ƒè¿˜æ²¡æœ‰å“ªä¸ªåŒºåŸŸèƒ½åƒ�新加å�¡è¿™æ ·å®Œæ•´è€Œç´§å¯†ã€‚


    é�¢å¯¹å›½é™…å�Œè¡Œçš„æ­£é�¢ç«žäº‰ï¼Œå¼ æ±�京们当然ä¸�甘心å�šæ–°åŠ å�¡å�Šå¯¼ä½“ä¼�业的“培训机构”。

    中芯CFOå�´æ›¼å®�å�¦é™ˆï¼Œè¿‡åŽ»å‡ å¹´ï¼Œå…¬å�¸ç¡®æœ‰å‘˜å·¥æµ�失,去年英特尔还挖走ä¸�少人。但最新的趋势是,他们正从新 加å�¡å�Šå…¶ä»–地方“陆续回æ�¥”。

    她说,中芯目å‰�开出的薪水确实ä¸�是行业最高,新员工对此确实æ•�感,但æˆ�熟员工ã€�中高层人æ‰�的心ç�†å¹¶ä¸�一样。 “高薪越æ�¥è¶Šä¸�是唯一(的决定因素),它ä¸�太å�¯èƒ½ä¸€ç›´æŒ�续。”å�´æ›¼å®�说,公å�¸ä¸€å¹´æ�¥æ��高了研å�‘的投入,对于 人力培养也制定了相关的措施。

    中芯逻辑产�研�主管俎永熙表示,在一个�长型公�获得�就感�最��。他说,�将迎�10周年的中芯,已 是中国�导体产业�展的主力。

    �曼�与俎永熙都是中芯�立之�进�的。他们认为新加��行�中国招募,效应已大�如�。背�原因是,中国 正�为全��导体产业转移的中心,市场�研��生产环节都正处于布局高峰期,对人�的�纳力度 更大。

    “我们也有软实力。”俎永熙说,过去几年,中国地方政府在ä½�房ã€�员工å­�女入学å�Šå…¶ä»–补贴上å�‡æœ‰ä¼˜ 惠政策。

    å�Šå¯¼ä½“调研机构isuppli高级分æž�师顾文军则认为,中国å�Šå¯¼ä½“产业还没有走出“两头在外”模å¼�,长远看 ,新加å�¡çš„动作,å��而是中国的机会,å�Šå¯¼ä½“人æ‰�应该走出去,然å�Ž“å��哺”中国。


    Source: www.nanyangpost.com/forum

  • Seowlah
    Originally posted by Berries tan:

    Singapore government policy is very simple:

    1) They will help the poorest amongst the poorest in
    Singapore but with a lot of conditions attached
    2) For ordinary citizens, they will say you got hands, you got legs, you got eyes so you can help yourself. If you cannot help yourself, then prepare to die...
    3) Smart and rich people will say to the government, to hell with you, I emigrate...bye bye...
    4) Smart but not so rich people will say, nabei, no choice must loon lah...

    End of the day, Spore is run like a corporation and you cannot expect corporations to look after their staff...They will look after their own pockets first...




    So, you mean all those who stay in Singapore are stupid lah.

    Come on, in all countries, there are something good and something not so good.

    If you really think that Singapore is a lot more bads than goods, you would have leave Singapore by now. If you cannot migrate to Switzerland, US, UK the developed countries, you can always migrate to other under-developed countries eg Indonesia or even some African countries if you really think that Singapore is really the worst place in Earth to live in.

    In life, one always face with many setbacks, one should learn how to overcome these setbacks and not take the easy way out and blame this and blame that.


  • Berries tan
    Originally posted by Seowlah:

    So, you mean all those who stay in Singapore are stupid lah.

    Come on, in all countries, there are something good and something not so good.

    If you really think that Singapore is a lot more bads than goods, you would have leave Singapore by now. If you cannot migrate to Switzerland, US, UK the developed countries, you can always migrate to other under-developed countries eg Indonesia or even some African countries if you really think that Singapore is really the worst place in Earth to live in.

    In life, one always face with many setbacks, one should learn how to overcome these setbacks and not take the easy way out and blame this and blame that.



    When did i mentioned/indirectly hinted anything that Singaporean being stupid or anything about migrating to another country.


    Did i state/blame the government.


    Please don't anyhow jump to conclusion.


    I just want the government to provide more social assistance to the needy Singaporean only.




  • Hitman3

    blames the world!  blames china,india and all those countries who came to rob me of my decent paid job in spore!.....bllames my neighbours..........blames the spore supermarket for having expensive food,,,,,.blames pamela anderson for getting married!

    what i buy when i goto supermarket in spore with my meagre salary in spore:

    1)2 small packets pork

    2)2 packets instant noodle

    3)2 bottles coca cola

    4)1 canned corned beef made in china

    5)leftover lamb bones frozen until 70% taste no more on lamb bone

    6)prawns....maybe cheese

    7)1 canned drink

    8)5kg rice

    9)japanese tuna rice seasonin from jap food section

    total weight= 11kg


    what i bought in oz wirth my salary working or not working;

    1)3 packs lamb meat prime choice and tender fresh

    2)1 giant roll of pork or equivalent of 7 packets of pork

    3) 4 kinds of soft drinks and pepsi  in bottles

    4)1 packet of pork rind

    5)i giant pack of sour cream potato chips

    6)stuffed pitted olives with anchovies ina large jar

    7)2 cans of whole corn kernel

    8)1 large bag of onions

    9)2 small  1kg pack of jasmine rice

    10)1 can of soft drink

    11)1 large cucumber

    12)500grams of macaroni

    total weight=  19kg

  • deepak.c
    Originally posted by Seowlah:

    So, you mean all those who stay in Singapore are stupid lah.

    Come on, in all countries, there are something good and something not so good.

    If you really think that Singapore is a lot more bads than goods, you would have leave Singapore by now. If you cannot migrate to Switzerland, US, UK the developed countries, you can always migrate to other under-developed countries eg Indonesia or even some African countries if you really think that Singapore is really the worst place in Earth to live in.

    In life, one always face with many setbacks, one should learn how to overcome these setbacks and not take the easy way out and blame this and blame that.



    You think everybody has afew millions dollars or a university degree?icon_lol.gif


    Switzerland, Norway, Denmark are not like Singapore with extremely liberal immigration policies, they protect their citizens from outsiders. icon_lol.gif


    It's natural that people move to higher developed economies to enjoy higher standards of living, but what you are suggesting is pure stupidity. icon_lol.gif


    人�上爬, 水往下�。icon_lol.gif


  • Seowlah
    Originally posted by deepak.c:


    You think everybody has afew millions dollars or a university degree?icon_lol.gif


    Switzerland, Norway, Denmark are not like Singapore with extremely liberal immigration policies, they protect their citizens from outsiders. icon_lol.gif


    It's natural that people move to higher developed economies to enjoy higher standards of living, but what you are suggesting is pure stupidity. icon_lol.gif


    人�上爬, 水往下�。icon_lol.gif


    You have misread or misinterpret my post.

    Please read the post again.

    My post says that if TS is so unhappy to live in Singapore and TS does not have the means to move to the developed countries, TS can always move to the under-developed countries which TS could do so since TS is so unhappy with Singapore.


  • lionnoisy
    Originally posted by Berries tan:

    Originally Posted by germ_boi

    When I'm bored, I write articles, hahaha... Anyone has writing jobs for me?

    good writers must be objective.

    Anyway, it's just a personal view of mine..but if i have a choice i will not want my son to serve NS. Yes, boy become men there but patriotism aside, it's really unfair to Singaporean boys.

    1. you lag TWO bloody years behind your Malaysia PR friend.
    Singapore government subsidies them to study, they come out and compete for jobs with you and THEY COMPLAIN WHEN YOUR SALARY IS $150 HIGHER THAN THEM. Totally disgusted.

    2. Your boss gives that dream project u want to do to someone b/c you got reservist for ONE BLOODY MONTH.

    3. two years is really a hell'uva time to be taken away. Our education system is already slow with a redundant A level system, an university curriculum that is way too long and inflexible and government still want us to have more kids...By the time we graduate, we are already 25-26....With HDB flats that sell for 500K....can you imagine the kind of stress ??

    4. Oh yes, i do have a fantastic $1.5K rebate off my taxable income due to having served NS. FANTASTIC....it work out to about $50/yr...MIGHT AS WELL DUN GIVE?

    5. Still it has taken them bloody long when PM came up with " oh , we think we need to make the difference between PR and citizen sharper " recently....Have you guys been sticking your head in the sand for the last 10 years ignoring the problem hoping it will go away?

    It's really sad.
    Singapore is not bad a place to live in. I feel safe, my taxes are low...but, i feel that i am better off being a malaysian who come to singapore to study and work instead. I earn 5K here, go back JB become 12K...oh, and that gov let me study for 5K/year as uni school fees ( way cheap, you cannot find this ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD) ...infact, IF i cannot find a job, they will even try to match me up with some job.oh yes, I DUN HAVE TO SERVE NS.

    which is why i am apply for Auzzie PR.

    I think i am not alone in feeling this frustration. This country treat foreigners better than their own sons in a bid to attract what they call talents.... Come on, i scored my 4As in A level, what are you trying to do to retain me? With a $50 yearly tax rebate + taking away 2 years of my time? I can't even defer my NS to purse my interest.....

    I dun buy into the having talent will create more job crap. Firstly, if the man is truly such a talent, you think that if you attract him to come here, he will not be attracted to somewhere else more favorable ?? ( EVERYwhere will seem favorable if his son dun have to do NS....lol)





    When I'm bored, I write articles, hahaha... Anyone has writing jobs for me?


    Today marks my 1 year as a soldier in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the time I should have commissioned as an officer, but did not due to my lack of determination. However, this article is not about me, but it’s about you, the officers of the Singapore Armed Forces.

    I reckoned that in my 1 year stint, I have been to many places, having served as a recruit, officer cadet, signaler as well as a civilian working for the army! I would like to think my time with officers of these different vocations as a good learning experience.

    There are many reasons why many people outside think that officers have the better end of the stick. They are given trust to handle their own matters, awarded higher respect by superiors, receive better pay and viewed by the public as more reliable. It’s almost like a textbook example of Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

    However, to my own calculative mind, I cannot help but think officers have gotten the shorter end. Like most conundrums, the paradoxical response is often the truth. In the 2 years NSF career, an officer would receive a total of approximately $20,000 while a Man would receive $13,000.

    This makes it a difference of $7,000, which a single trade on the stock market would negate or increase. Think of it as small change once you start working in the civilian world.

    Most Officers endure arduous training in their 9 months in Officer Cadet School (OCS) and finally after much blood, sweat and tears, commission. Having been in there, I can attest to each day being a constant struggle, and no one really knows if he will even commission. It’s a mental and physical challenge everyday. Why did I write ‘most officers”? Because the officers at ALTI (Army Logistics Training Institute) hardly chiong-sua during their Pro Term!

    After they commission, most are sent to units to become platoon commanders, staff officers and so forth. Being an officer is a badge of honor, but like most badges, it is also a magnet for work assignments.

    Unlike a man, who can nonchalantly say he does not know to do it (tah bodoh), most officers have to accept work thrown at them by senior officers or warrant officers. The term “act blur, live longer” does not apply to an officer.

    Being an officer also brings about added responsibilities, and there are many things which only an officer is able to handle, as deemed by the upper echelons of SAF. Many times, men in unit would sit around stare into blank space while the officers can be seen running around handling matters. At the same time, officers also do not trust men to do things other than the most menial of matters. (lucky me I say!)

    Finally, as an NSF Officer, you have to handle regular specialists, who view you with disdain because you have lesser experience, but are of a higher rank than them. If you’re unlucky and pair with a WO who is unfriendly, good luck with your 1 year stint in the unit.

    As if there is not enough grievances they quietly face, officers have to serve their reservist till they hit 50 years old while man and specialists end theirs at 40 years old. Trust me, when you see reservists men ambling around in my unit, you don’t want to be in their shoes. Rounded, and less fit in their later years, every moment in green is not pleasure. This applies to everyone.

    In operation / war, officers must plan and execute. It is no mean feat to plan and think of battle formations in the sweltering heat while caring for your men’s welfare. Men just loll around and eat their muesli bars after setting up the command posts waiting for orders. Every moment is a wayang moment. Even if you’re tired, you cannot show it to your men or risk losing their morale and confidence.

    Now tell me, for seven grand, is it worth it to put in such a sacrifice for a government that doesn’t care for the people’s general welfare? It plainly isn’t.

    Therefore, to my platoon mates who just commissioned, and to the many more officers before and after me, I salute you, for your dedication to the country, to our parents (I remember LTC Fred Chung’s speech), and for your ability to look beyond the dollars and sense.

    Thank you for your sacrifice.

    Ode to Love, Ode to Officers.


    Source: my posting first appear here....






    Peace has not come to the Earth, yet.

    therefore, SG has to prepare to fight a small or big bloody war.

    A Malaysian politician, during the water price crisis,

    described even baby in SG is armed. He is true to certain extend.

    If u ask SG Minister of defence, he may probably tell u SG prepare to pay

    a high price to knock any invader's head , their front line army as well as

    their cities, including the captial.

    U will ask wat if there are very high causlty.

    Can I ask u wat if the flag in Istana is changed to other flag, like during

    Jap occupation. Both version of history is not pleasant .

    We have to make a choice.

    2.If u have a group of softy heart leaders, they will say "No war".

    But wat is the price?

    3.U willl be naive if u say Uncle Sam or UN army will say SG ass.

    Ha ha. R u kidding?


  • 4sg

    This country treat foreigners better than their own sons in a bid to attract what they call talents....

    A very fair and true statement indeed.

    Come on, i scored my 4As in A level, what are you trying to do to retain me?

    I sincerely hope that the younger generation can inspires beyond the thing called 'dollar and cent' when comes to self and nation.

    As if there is not enough grievances they quietly face, officers have to serve their reservist till they hit 50 years old while man and specialists end theirs at 40 years old. Trust me, when you see reservists men ambling around in my unit, you don’t want to be in their shoes. Rounded, and less fit in their later years, every moment in green is not pleasure. This applies to everyone.

    An accurate statement seeing officer and men turning rounder, heavier, fatter and clumpsier as the days go by.

    In operation / war, officers must plan and execute. It is no mean feat to plan and think of battle formations in the sweltering heat while caring for your men’s welfare. Men just loll around and eat their muesli bars after setting up the command posts waiting for orders. Every moment is a wayang moment. Even if you’re tired, you cannot show it to your men or risk losing their morale and confidence.

    Now tell me, for seven grand, is it worth it to put in such a sacrifice for a government that doesn’t care for the people’s general welfare? It plainly isn’t.

    Therefore, to my platoon mates who just commissioned, and to the many more officers before and after me, I salute you, for your dedication to the country, to our parents (I remember LTC Fred Chung’s speech), and for your ability to look beyond the dollars and sense.

    An Officer and a soldier who have live thru the moment. We have lost a son of Singapore. 

  • Hitman3

    as humans we think,calculate.anticipate,estimate,judge and recalculate and recheck everything.

    i have yet to see a human following orders from a zombie or swallowevery single orders from undeserving leaders at the top.

    if your computer is slow or faulty.....  fix it yerself  from motherboard to software which woulod be  cheaper......or buy newer one which is more costly!

    because if u dont fix yer computer today.......you wont be able to even do a simple boot up to surf the internet quickly.while your neighbours,relatives.frends n enemies are able to surf n do online business...u would be in time lagging behind due to various problems with your computers from booting itself for no reason suddenly to total power loss when surfing the internet etc etc etc.

    same to what singaporeans are experiencing in spore!