Should one not be surprised that the X-rated Fraud will avoid answering the exposes written on its butt, and will prefer to find easy meat that it hope to impress with its syncophantic idiocy ?
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Just for a gentlemenly discussion sake between us, what do you specifically mean when you claim 'our' system hasn't really changed? Are you generalizing as well - something that you claim others are guilty of now? Worse still, isnt your claim unsupported by the evidences of changes within our system since self governance under the brits till today?
How can a X-rated Fraud know what "change" should be when its dull mind is contented with the comfort zone that it locks intself into ?
What changes to the "PAP System" has the X-rated Fraud seen with its deep set myopia when the "PAP system" has been governing Singapore since 1957 ?
Only a X-rated Fraud devoid of any scruples and values will be hypocritical to impose its values of debating with unsupported statements, by demanding others to produce supporting evidences.
Or are you seeking for a change just for the sake of changing - from the boiling pot into the frying pan?
With the displayed intellectual capacity of a X-rated Fraud, one can certainly expect changes that will bring itself to morph from being a X-rated Fraud into a X-rated Charlatan - in its attempt to be a pseudo-intellectual.
What deeper warning are you alluding to, other than the lack of warning betrayal of our ecomonic efforts by the Outlaw with his past blatant UNconstitional deeds now?
The wider audience wished for by the X-rated Fraud - can certainly depend on the expertise of the X-rated Fraud to exercise its pseudo-inttelect - to even leave out what the "UN-constitutional deeds" that its "outlawerly" was supposed to have committed.
By the standards of a X-rated Fraud - "civil obedience" is already "outlawlery" and is "Un-constitutional" as "Civil Obedience" IS AGAINST the Law.
Obviously, the X-rated Fraud will have its wider audience to believe that LKY and his PAP is Lawful in passing legislations that will affect and even change the basic meaning of the Singapore Constitution, which GUARANTEE the Citizens of the Rights that are so clearly stated.
Please do not close your eyes. There are many Berlin Walls that had already gone down than you realized. The internet was and still is one such almighty bulldozer that knocked down many a nation's iron or bamboo walls.
Unfortunately, the Berlin Wall with several more iron and bamboo walls have been built by LKY and the PAP to trap the mind of a X-rated Fraud.
LKY and his PAP will be immensely comforted to know that they have a xenophobic X-rated rabble rouser to cover their butts.
It is obvious that the X-rated Fraud is an expert in disrupting any honest efforts to expose the truth with its pseudo-intellectual ability to inject the specailly worked out 'truths' as the 'half-truths' with their specialist skills.
The X-rated Xenophobic Fraud is at its best when the syncophantic music of its PAPa begins to be played.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:
Actually it's the opposite, he practically has nothing left to lose.
Originally posted by Acx1688:Replied...
Originally posted by Atobe:
The Straits Times have shared their archive with the National Library, and it seems that you can access them from home by having an account with National Library.
It is a treasure trove of information of events that transpired in Singapore based on the PAP's version of political issues, and their preferred visions of anything to do with Singapore's position on social and cultural developments - other then factual events.
If you are overseas, you could make an effort to visit the British National Archive to search the released Official Records from its Colonial Office.
All along SG news have skewed towards the ruling elite and is more biased reporting and outright offensive, not doubt about that...
With regards to the BNA, can a non-citizen get in to view?Pls PM meBNA is linked Public Records Office, whose address given by Google is at Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1LR, UK - and should be open to the public.
You may wish to contact Tim Harper who was said to be teaching Southeast Asian History and the History of the British Empire at the University of Cambridge in London; and Greg Pulgrain, a Professor at Griffths University in Australia, who was said to be researching Southeast Asian History for more then 20 years.
Both names appeared in the article : “Lim Chin Siong vs Lee Kuan Yew : The true and shocking history – Part 1: Our man” (*1)
No one should bashed one's "own country" - and the skewed impression given to CSJ's call to Obama has been deliberated given a twist to suit the political agenda to sully his name further.
Is it not surreal that the syncophantic insistence continue to ignore the clear facts made to show the differences in what was published in the Temasek Review, with what the TS had printed ?
It is not a surprise that the xenophobic rabble rousers will double their efforts to stoke up the fire with more inflammotary efforts so as to light up their xenophobic heroism in seemingly defending Singapore, even as they hide their true work to cover the misdeeds of LKY and the PAP on Singapore and Singaporeans.
TS or ST?!
Not only the TS or ST - but also the xenophobic X-rated Fraud proven repeatedly to be an intellectual bankrupt but insist to display its pseudo-intellect in its characteristic grandstanding style.
Even if FOX is not independent and can be bias in favor of the Right Wing Politics, at least in the USA there is the immense opportunity for any other disgusted citizens to set up private capital to start a competing publication to counter the controlled bias.
Can this happen in Singapore ?
Afraid NOT when the ruling elite still holds rein parachuting desk bound jockeys to political positions and holding skewedviews that destroy our heritage/history in terms of progress[eg wet market]
Exactly, which explains the fraudulent claims of peace and progress for the more pragmatic path to disallow public views that create dissensions, and distraction to the purpose of national programs.
Such pragmatic views are no more then a call for Singaporeans to give LKY and the PAP a 'Blank Cheque' with the word 'TRUST ME' - while they hold themselves to be non-accountable, and the non-transparent actions to be explained as "for National Security and Interest".
Without an alternative and independent publications to offer alternative opportunities to those maligned by the State-controlled print and broadcast media - Singaporeans can only have their views and values moulded and "trained" in one direction.
Unfortunately, whatever his ideas are that have been reported are generally skewed by the local print and broadcast medias.
Can he be represented accurately by any local print and broadcast media ?
Can anyone count on the State controlled print and broadcast media to provide CSJ or any Politician from the Alternative Political Parties equal space and time to reach out to Singaporeans ?
Until Singaporeans believe that the PAP has no right to change the Singapore Constitution to give only themselves the Rights guaranteed and deny the same to Singaporeans - then nothing that Dr Chee does will be seen to be credible.
At this stage of the political development, it is retrogressive - as the generations that lived through the WW-2, the events of the 1950s till 1965, had the political space and knew what was political freedom.
The generations that grew from 1965 to 1975 saw the beginning of the political space; while the generations that were born from 1975 till the present have been nurtured to the values of the PAP that politics is for the Politicians, and that no one is more qualified than the elite talents appointed to political office.
The emphasis is on "appointed" - as LKY and the PAP believe that only they are the one qualified to select and annoint who should be in politics, and those that they cannot accept from their own political judgment to be their partner in politics will be mowed and shredded.
The older generation regreted their blatant support for the ruling elite only recently when they realised that policies are going against them and is more n more biased in terms of employment, housing, CPF
Should we wait till we become the future older generation and then begin to regret ?
As matters stand, CPF was supposed to be made available we retire at the age of 55, then it was pushed to 60, then 65.
Now instead of changing the delayed withdrawal age repeatedly, it is more convenient to change with one stroke of the pen.
The CPF is converted into a Life Long Old Age self-funded support scheme - with 3 plans designed to confuse, with the old being burdened to decide either to fend for itself only, or to leave some for its surviving offsprings.
While the PAP Government content themselves with milion dollar rewards from the success of what has been achieved by Singaporean's sacrifices for Singapore - they will insist the toughest of rules to be imposed on us.
While they will mindlessly invest US$100 Billions in dubious investments overseas that benefit foreign corporate executives, they will be miserly to Singaporeans with penny pinching program that demand more money to be paid before any equal amount is given to match.
The amount of US$100 Billion that was lost in 2008-2009 could have been used to establish a Trust Fund to help ALL Singaporeans into perpetuity.
It would have been the seed money for multiple programs that cover Health, Education, and Retirement of every Singaporean - young and old.
Generosity unfortunately did not begin at Home.
The other danger for Singapore is by the time MM move on from this world, how much more damage would have occurred for Singapore, when his ideas are set in concrete and become institutionalised - to be accepted as the Golden Rules even by majority of Singaporeans blinded by the false values created to entrench the PAP ?
When LKY dared to evoke the values of ancient Confucianism - which had basically stratified the roles of government and citizenry - simply to validate the relevance to his and his PAP style of benevolent autocratic politics, the majority of the older Chinese educated population lauded his wisdom, only to regret the political fallout from the decades of his autocratic rule without the much hoped for benevolence.
It is a surprise that you will hold the view to equate bashing the PAP Government as bashing Singapore ?
Dr Chee is insisting on breaking an UNLAWFUL Law - that goes against the grain of the Singapore Constitution which had guaranteed the Rights of All Singaporeans according to the simple words written.
Not all Singaporeans are pissed by his actions, although many feel his actions to be pitiable in that he is seen as butting his head on a Wall.
Then again, if there is no Dr Chee prepared to stand up - how many other indignant and concerned Singaporean will be prepared to stand up like him ?
Many will not even pick up the pen or even enter a forum to stand on his side, and will prefer to stand safely with the view of the majority - many of whom simply flow with the values that were moulded by the daily insinuations from print and broadcast medias.
Many have resigned themselve to their present fate that PAP is too strong, and things will change when LKY moved on.
Many have forgotten that LKY is a long term planner and has already put in place all the mechanism and preparatory works for the future.
The uncertain future after LKY - remains unspoken, and those prepared measures remain secret - but rest assured it will perpetuate and entrench the PAP further into the lives of Singapore - and Singaporeans will NOT have any say.
Thanks and my reply is in Blue
The truth is...YES! singapore needs opposition, but certainly, not Dr Chee, period.
Opposition for the people and by the people is 100% good.
Opposition that undermind the people is 100% shit
Chee kpkb everywhere will not change anything. The best way to settle this is for Chee to run for Tanjong Pagar against lky! Settle it once and for all before the old man report back to the source.
Originally posted by novelltie:as what i have posted intially, i believe that maybe, just maybe Dr. Chee acted upon the best interest for Singapore, to oust the "dictorship" that Singapore is facing, however, it might just, i stress again, it MIGHT just create some negative impact on Singapore instead.
this is what i'm afraid and if that happens, i don't think i'll be too happy with him then...
I understand and sympathise with your plight and concerns, even as that piece of shit attempts to deny me the right to sympathise with my fellow citizens over the current depredations of her beloved outlaw leader.
This is her habitude, as everyone already long know. Her concerns, if any, are to the manipulation of others with lies and half truths to serve her and her masters ambitions, and then to be discarded left to their own devices. I refuse to play her games. The facts of what happened speaks for itself.
But not to worry, There are many more who cares about our country. Our elected govt, the civil service, biz leaders, students and the common layperson will just have more to do, as if the financial and H1N1 crisis is not enough, to undo the dammage the outlaw had foistered upon us.
It is a heartless thing to do.
We can mostly take it if he succeeds, for we are responsible for not electing him to office, based solely on what he can offer, or the lack of it. But why must our children and their future be burned?????!!!!
IF the naive american public, the revenue seeking media, the protectionist lobby plays up the issue, our exports and efforts will go down the drain. We will be out of jobs, then who will feed our children? The treasury has alot, but it CANT feed EVERYONE over time!
Our children will then be reduced to scavenging the rubbish heaps for foods, instead of studying. Why them, for goodness sake, Why????!!!!!!
What the outlaw had done now is a heartless act....never to be forgotten, despite the white washing here....the truth and reality is self evident....
The much sought after audience has left the theatre that the X-rated Fraud has so much desired for its ever hopeful grandstanding performance.
All it has now is to rekindle interests in whoever it can seek that will be gullible enough to give it some time to entertain their boredom with its plagiarized verbiage.
I understand and sympathise with your plight and concerns, even as that piece of shit attempts to deny me the right to sympathise with my fellow citizens over the current depredations of her beloved outlaw leader.
Can a X-rated Fraud understand anything, or with its ability to cheat a government of 50 cent car park coupon not prove its nurtured instincts at being a determined X-rated Fraud cunning in the art of deception ?
Can anyone trust a X-rated Fraud who will deceivingly attempt to deliberately create xenophobia, and now attempt to sooth the alarm with deceptive words of sympathy ?
This is her habitude, as everyone already long know. Her concerns, if any, are to the manipulation of others with lies and half truths to serve her and her masters ambitions, and then to be discarded left to their own devices. I refuse to play her games. The facts of what happened speaks for itself.
It is clear that the one with a bad habit is the X-rated Fraud with its chameleon acts to be xenophobic at one moment, and fill the empty space of its bankrupt mind with hot gas that it hope will calm the xenophobia that was made from the same hot gas that only the X-rated Fraud can produce.
It is not surprising that the bankrupt mind can so accurately spout the same words as the self-acclaimed talents of the PAP, as the X-rated Fraud has no other abilities but to blindly plagiarize the ideas and verbiage from the PAP.
Who else have the idiocy to claim that there truths are half-truths ?
Only a dumb ASS suffering from Attention Seeking Syndrome will need to pretend that by plagiarizing the words from the Talented, it will hope to be associated by its own act to be recogniszed as a "Talent".
Sadly, such talents are available in the general membership of the PAP at "a dime, a dozen" - which unfortunately cannot accept the X-rated Fraud for its fraudulent values.
But not to worry, There are many more who cares about our country. Our elected govt, the civil service, biz leaders, students and the common layperson will just have more to do, as if the financial and H1N1 crisis is not enough, to undo the dammage the outlaw had foistered upon us.
It is only typical that the X-rated Fraud will hope to be amongst the crowd who cares about our country, as it is desparate to find recognition after being exposed for its fraudulent acts of loyalty - even as it attempt to disguise its unequivocable personal syncophantic support to the PAP over the interests of Singapore and Singaporeans.
Why will the X-rated Fraud be so apologetic on behalf of the PAP Government as if it is a member of the establishment by mere words of association ?
Is the million dollar salaried Cabinet Ministers as incapable as the X-rated Fraud that they cannot cope with the present crisis, and need the X-rated Fraud to help ?
The writing is on the wall that the X-rated Fraud is no more then a pseudo-intellect that hope to find recognition for its grandstanding performance, but with its typical inability to be circumspect - it has placed its efforts in the wrong place.
It is a heartless thing to do.
We can mostly take it if he succeeds, for we are responsible for not electing him to office, based solely on what he can offer, or the lack of it. But why must our children and their future be burned?????!!!!
In the typical style of the X-rated pseudo-intellect, its verbiage that stems from its questionable language skills that will contradict its position in its attempts to impress with its imitative efforts to be someone, and plagiarizing the sentences without even knowing how to deliver with the same finesse nor clarity.
IF the naive american public, the revenue seeking media, the protectionist lobby plays up the issue, our exports and efforts will go down the drain. We will be out of jobs, then who will feed our children? The treasury has alot, but it CANT feed EVERYONE over time!
Only the X-rated Fraud will have Singaporeans believe that "The treasury has alot, but it CANT feed EVERYONE over time! " - even as no one can depend on its clear pseudo-intellect and a bankrupt mind with zilch quality in Financial knowledge.
It will conveniently have its wider audience to believe that even as the Treasury cannot fee EVERYONE over time, it X-rated deception prefer to overlook the fact that simply counting the entire million dollar wages put into a common pot - it would have been sufficient to look after the infirm, the aged, and the poorest of the poor in Singapore.
Our children will then be reduced to scavenging the rubbish heaps for foods, instead of studying. Why them, for goodness sake, Why????!!!!!!
Drama, and more drama -
Why them ? or Why then, for goodness sake, Why????!!!!!!
If it is not the typical dishonesty that drive a X-rated Fraud to distract from the facts that have been used to trash the X-rated Fraud - for its pseudo-intellect exposed, and which the X-rated Rat prefer to avoid making any direct reply.
What the outlaw had done now is a heartless act....never to be forgotten, despite the white washing here....the truth and reality is self evident....
Yes, it is heartless to claim the "outlawrely" to be acting against the Law, when he was only attempting to be "civil obedient".
Only a X-rated Fraud will attempt to have its wider audience in believing its kind of political values that to be "civil obedient" is to be against the Law
No wonder it has to end its response with three dumb faces to reflect the typical faces that it had shown in this Forum in his most remarkable ways - fraudulent, dishonest, deceptive.
Chee Soon Juan won't eat his buns
As matters stand, CPF was supposed to be made available we retire at the age of 55, then it was pushed to 60, then 65.
Now instead of changing the delayed withdrawal age repeatedly, it is more convenient to change with one stroke of the pen.
The CPF is converted into a Life Long Old Age self-funded support scheme - with 3 plans designed to confuse, with the old being burdened to decide either to fend for itself only, or to leave some for its surviving offsprings.
Extremely true words by Atobe.
That's why I do minimal retirement planning with CPF monies. Yes, I started planning at age 25...
Heck, you even need to pay interest to yourself for using your own CPF money to buy house or for education.... like huh????
But CSJ also too much la.... Go all the way to US... So far I prefer Worker's Party approach...
The next party to look out for is Reform Party...
The interviews are done from Singapore.
Chee Soon Juan is now in Singapore. He is bankrupted so cannot travel outside of Singapore.
So Chee is talking about Singapore with U.S news outlets in Singapore, not like Lee Kuan Yew go on TV show in U.S.
Since speaker's corner is open, why don't Dr Chee go there to speak about his plans for Singapore and let everyone here what he has to say!?
Just plain speak with questions that can be thrown from the public?!
His angst/confrontation tone should be toned down
His intellect will probably vowed the audience for those who have not heard him speak or read from biased reports from the local media...
[*i have only seen him selling his books but he is a bit uptight/drone/robotic-like, should loosen up when he speak though, my 2c worth]
Originally posted by Atobe:
BNA is linked Public Records Office, whose address given by Google is at Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1LR, UK - and should be open to the public.
You may wish to contact Tim Harper who was said to be teaching Southeast Asian History and the History of the British Empire at the University of Cambridge in London; and Greg Pulgrain, a Professor at Griffths University in Australia, who was said to be researching Southeast Asian History for more then 20 years.
Both names appeared in the article : “Lim Chin Siong vs Lee Kuan Yew : The true and shocking history – Part 1: Our man” (*1)
I will look for it when i return to London...
Exactly, which explains the fraudulent claims of peace and progress for the more pragmatic path to disallow public views that create dissensions, and distraction to the purpose of national programs.
If you did notice, ALL so called "NATIONAL PROGRAMS" have failed miserably... Courtesy campaign!? We are too engrossed in the rat race to be constantly number one
Such pragmatic views are no more then a call for Singaporeans to give LKY and the PAP a 'Blank Cheque' with the word 'TRUST ME' - while they hold themselves to be non-accountable, and the non-transparent actions to be explained as "for National Security and Interest".The blank cheque is still given due to the GRCs system which no opposition has been able to crack so far. In any "democratic society", all are able to vote, UNIQUELY SINGAPORE apparently does not belong to this category
Without an alternative and independent publications to offer alternative opportunities to those maligned by the State-controlled print and broadcast media - Singaporeans can only have their views and values moulded and "trained" in one direction.
Which explains why when something happens, most SGreans will turn to the ruling elite to give them a mandate to impose their "strong-willed"[often repackaged] policies to the "cant be bothered" SGreans
Should we wait till we become the future older generation and then begin to regret ?
As matters stand, CPF was supposed to be made available we retire at the age of 55, then it was pushed to 60, then 65.
Now instead of changing the delayed withdrawal age repeatedly, it is more convenient to change with one stroke of the pen.
The CPF is converted into a Life Long Old Age self-funded support scheme - with 3 plans designed to confuse, with the old being burdened to decide either to fend for itself only, or to leave some for its surviving offsprings.
While the PAP Government content themselves with milion dollar rewards from the success of what has been achieved by Singaporean's sacrifices for Singapore - they will insist the toughest of rules to be imposed on us.
While they will mindlessly invest US$100 Billions in dubious investments overseas that benefit foreign corporate executives, they will be miserly to Singaporeans with penny pinching program that demand more money to be paid before any equal amount is given to match.
The amount of US$100 Billion that was lost in 2008-2009 could have been used to establish a Trust Fund to help ALL Singaporeans into perpetuity.
It would have been the seed money for multiple programs that cover Health, Education, and Retirement of every Singaporean - young and old.
Generosity unfortunately did not begin at Home.
It's an obvious ploy to get all Singaporeans to get keep their monies in so that it will be used by a particular SWF to use it and get "better returns" even though it has proven otherwise... Are the scholars in these elite SWFs doing it base on gut instinct or they actually scrutinise the buy in to other listed companies in the world?!
Replied in red
70. Singapore’s judiciary is highly regarded internationally for its independence and administration of justice. In the WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Singapore was ranked nineteenth out of 133 countries on the independence of the judiciary from political influences, ahead of many leading developed countries such as Japan, United States and France. In the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2009, Singapore was ranked thirteenth out of 57 countries for the fair administration of justice.71. The PERC, which rates Asian countries on their business and legal environments, consistently rates the Singapore judiciary highly. In 2006 and 2007, the PERC Asian Intelligence Reports ranked Singapore second in Asia (after Hong Kong) for the level of confidence in Asian judicial systems. In 2008 and 2009, the PERC Asian Intelligence Reports ranked Singapore second in Asia (after Hong Kong) on expatriate perceptions of the quality of its judicial system.
Trust who?
Actually the opposition should just ready themselves and present their manifesto to the public.
Dr Chee/opposition members should get close to the ground and listen/address to the concerns to the SG public and come out with something
in i am not wrong the concerns would be
rising housing costs,
smaller public housing units at increased price
increase public transport cost
reduced transport efficiency due to increased population
increase in cost of living
less leisure time
increase stress of living in singapore
environment issues
increase in childcare/child raising costs
mental work being of a singaporean
health care costs
imported inflation and the lists goes on...
What the oppoistion should do now is to ll sit down together n cast away their egos and tink of plans on how/wat should be done assuming they capture a GRC, more than 4 single seats
Should they come together in terms of economies of scale for town council activities like block painting, S&C areas?
lift rescue operations, cleanliness of blocks
one should not wait till they have won a seat then decide what to do
Opposittion parties should tell their constituents[even though the electoral boundaries are not yet known]
that these are the plans they have for their estate when they are voted in...
everything will just resume if not improve upon what the ruling elite has promised them...
Once these plans are in place, residents will willingly place their vote of confidence in them rather than hot air talk when election comes near.Oppostion parties need to set their election machinery to a higher gear n get ready to battle as there is no time to waSte and delay!
Dr Chee and his people should not overdo their protests and get arrested as it serves no purpose wic also plays into the hands of the ruling elite
my 2c worth
Originally posted by Acx1688:Actually the opposition should just ready themselves and present their manifesto to the public.
Dr Chee/opposition members should get close to the ground and listen/address to the concerns to the SG public and come out with something
in i am not wrong the concerns would be
rising housing costs,
smaller public housing units at increased price
increase public transport cost
reduced transport efficiency due to increased population
increase in cost of living
less leisure time
increase stress of living in singapore
environment issues
increase in childcare/child raising costs
mental work being of a singaporean
health care costs
imported inflation and the lists goes on...
What the oppoistion should do now is to ll sit down together n cast away their egos and tink of plans on how/wat should be done assuming they capture a GRC, more than 4 single seats
Should they come together in terms of economies of scale for town council activities like block painting, S&C areas?
lift rescue operations, cleanliness of blocks
one should not wait till they have won a seat then decide what to do
Opposittion parties should tell their constituents[even though the electoral boundaries are not yet known]
that these are the plans they have for their estate when they are voted in...
everything will just resume if not improve upon what the ruling elite has promised them...
Once these plans are in place, residents will willingly place their vote of confidence in them rather than hot air talk when election comes near.Oppostion parties need to set their election machinery to a higher gear n get ready to battle as there is no time to waSte and delay!
Dr Chee and his people should not overdo their protests and get arrested as it serves no purpose wic also plays into the hands of the ruling elite
my 2c worth
All that is "Step 2" or "Step 3"
Step 1 is expose the world to the despicable and dishonorable acts of the cursed despot with a zombie wife.
Traditionally, when you have a despot in a country, (think Aung San of Burma or Dalai Lama of China/Tibet), you ask the rest of the world for help
In any country where you have a cursed despot with a zombie wife and a bunch of asslicking running dogs hoping to pick up scraps that fall off his table, the first order of business is to do all you can to ensure there is fair play.
It is like telling competitors against Ben Johnson (runner taking performance enhancing drugs to compete) to practice more and train harder. That is just stupid. The first order of business is to get help to ensure fair play
Originally posted by Acx1688:Since speaker's corner is open, why don't Dr Chee go there to speak about his plans for Singapore and let everyone here what he has to say!?
Just plain speak with questions that can be thrown from the public?!
His angst/confrontation tone should be toned down
His intellect will probably vowed the audience for those who have not heard him speak or read from biased reports from the local media...
[*i have only seen him selling his books but he is a bit uptight/drone/robotic-like, should loosen up when he speak though, my 2c worth]
The Speaker's Corner at Hong Lim Park, Singapore is managed by the National Parks that is a part of the PAP controlled Government.
Do you think that it is so easy for anyone from the Alternative Political Parties to take advantage of the Speakers' Corner to reach out to ordinary Singaporeans ?
Take a peek at the ‘Terms and Conditions of Approval for events and activities carried out at Speakers’ Corner, Hong Lim Park’ (*1) - and even when such permits are approved by NP, its authority can be over-ridden by a PAP Minister.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
70. Singapore’s judiciary is highly regarded internationally for its independence and administration of justice. In the WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Singapore was ranked nineteenth out of 133 countries on the independence of the judiciary from political influences, ahead of many leading developed countries such as Japan, United States and France. In the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2009, Singapore was ranked thirteenth out of 57 countries for the fair administration of justice.71. The PERC, which rates Asian countries on their business and legal environments, consistently rates the Singapore judiciary highly. In 2006 and 2007, the PERC Asian Intelligence Reports ranked Singapore second in Asia (after Hong Kong) for the level of confidence in Asian judicial systems. In 2008 and 2009, the PERC Asian Intelligence Reports ranked Singapore second in Asia (after Hong Kong) on expatriate perceptions of the quality of its judicial system.
Nineteenth out of 133 countries on the independence of the Judiciary from political influences ?
Thirteenth out of 57 Countries for the fair administration of justice ?
Singapore second in Asia (after Hong Kong) for the level of confidence in Asian Judicial Systems ?
What happened to the desire of being the Best of the Very Best ?
What ever happened to PAP's ambitions to be the HUB and - or the Center of Health, Medicine, Education, Research & Development, Finance, Dispute Arbitration, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. ?
If our Judiciary is independent - why will the former Singapore Solicitor-General - Francis T Seow write such a damning article titled : ‘The Politics of Judicial Institutions in Singapore’ (*1) ?
If our Judiciary is as clear as the X-rated Fraud so proudly claimed, why will a Singapore lady write such a damning report titled ‘Singapore Justice’ (*2) on her blog site - ‘Escape from Paradise’ (*3) ?
Originally posted by Acx1688:Actually the opposition should just ready themselves and present their manifesto to the public.
Dr Chee/opposition members should get close to the ground and listen/address to the concerns to the SG public and come out with something
in i am not wrong the concerns would be
rising housing costs,
smaller public housing units at increased price
increase public transport cost
reduced transport efficiency due to increased population
increase in cost of living
less leisure time
increase stress of living in singapore
environment issues
increase in childcare/child raising costs
mental work being of a singaporean
health care costs
imported inflation and the lists goes on...
What the oppoistion should do now is to ll sit down together n cast away their egos and tink of plans on how/wat should be done assuming they capture a GRC, more than 4 single seats
Should they come together in terms of economies of scale for town council activities like block painting, S&C areas?
lift rescue operations, cleanliness of blocks
one should not wait till they have won a seat then decide what to do
Opposittion parties should tell their constituents[even though the electoral boundaries are not yet known]
that these are the plans they have for their estate when they are voted in...
everything will just resume if not improve upon what the ruling elite has promised them...
Once these plans are in place, residents will willingly place their vote of confidence in them rather than hot air talk when election comes near.Oppostion parties need to set their election machinery to a higher gear n get ready to battle as there is no time to waSte and delay!
Dr Chee and his people should not overdo their protests and get arrested as it serves no purpose wic also plays into the hands of the ruling elite
my 2c worth
I agree with your views, and would gladly pay you more than 2cts for your rational analysis. It puts our citizens interest first, which is the most important prerequisite a wannabe politician should do.
However, I would strongly disagree on only 1 point you raised and that is opposition political parties should team up ( simply put if that is what you mean, I apologise here and now if i had mis-interpretated your meaning)
One or two here may presume that I am from the ruling party, but nothing can be more further from the truth from that statement. I am not, never was, nor have the ambition to be a politician, even with the opposition. I am only a simply ordinary guy, eking out a living, as everyone is. I doubt if they, with their high capabilities need the simple me, let alone be here in this forsaken site politicians had long given up.
I respect politicians, the good ones for their courage in facing up to moral dilemmas, but doing the right thing for all, and not for selfish ambitions. That however does not mean I do not have such courage of my own, in equal measure with some brave souls here. as proven by my and their daily battles with rabid opposition followers and unworthy opponents here, standing up to their lies, half truths and manipulative whitewashing nonsense.
By my belief that 'opposition parties should not work together', some will still intentionally cast aspersion on my integrity, as it disagrees and destroys their own selfish ambitions and manipulations, as some form of devious 'divide and conquer' attempts practised by the brits and monarchs of long past. It does not apply here to our republic, home of educated equals.
Politics had often been about personal beliefs and methods to serve a nation. No 2 men has the same view. Differences and methodologies abound. Nothing can be more different than the current mainstream opposition parties. WP had always been a much more matured and sincere party, and I am deeply impressed with Sylvia Lim, though i personally wish her to improve on her public image with a less confrontational stances to appeal to the minds and hearts of voters.
Each opposition party must draw on their own strengths, to formulate credible and practical plans for our people, recruit the best and brightest just as the ruling party does, reach out to as many people as possible and help our citizens with their woes.
This would be how they will be able to win hearts and minds, and espacially votes. Singaporeans are not europeans or middle easterners. We hate confrontations. It is in our blood and genes, long hurt by the brutal chaos suffered by our ancestors throughout 4000 years of history.
Patience, time and efforts, difficult as it will be, but necessary changes are never easy, nor should one take the short term dangerous view, will rather see a change that some are seeking for, regardless if it comes from the opposition party or evolution within the ruling party. A pace, all is prepared and understand so that none will be left behind, at least the majority.
The enemy of my enemy may NOT be my friend. Barisan and the commies of the 60s found that out too late in the hands of the 60s PAP team. as well as the fortunate MP Chiam found out too recently within the party he so hardworkingly built up.
Furthermore, look at the capabilities of some of the opposition parties - outright traitors, greedy property fights, etc. This will only tarnish the image of the opposition should they combine. Whose still to align with some who had shown their propensities for unconstitutional means - ousting leaders, breaking laws, denying others the right to freedom of expression, etc, even practised by their rabid followers.
Therefore, best each and different opposition party develope their styles and be allowed to stand on their own merit, than to be used and abused later, just as every political party should do, which the ruling party too is subject to such 'market' laws, in order that our people be better served.
My 1 cts worth and only my objective opinion as a solution for the opposition hopes, which no one else need to agree with nor consider if they have no wish to.
When will the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA takeover
Originally posted by xtreyier:I agree with your views, and would gladly pay you more than 2cts for your rational analysis. It puts our citizens interest first, which is the most important prerequisite a wannabe politician should do.
i agree but it is lacking in some of our politicians in the ruling elite[GRCs entrenched MPs] and the oppositionHowever, I would strongly disagree on only 1 point you raised and that is opposition political parties should team up ( simply put if that is what you mean, I apologise here and now if i had mis-interpretated your meaning)
i think you have mis intepretated and probably i did not put in clearly. Team up for Town Council activities for economies of scale but each party have their own agenda for the betterment/advancement of a more plural.democratic society
One or two here may presume that I am from the ruling party, but nothing can be more further from the truth from that statement. I am not, never was, nor have the ambition to be a politician, even with the opposition. I am only a simply ordinary guy, eking out a living, as everyone is. I doubt if they, with their high capabilities need the simple me, let alone be here in this forsaken site politicians had long given up.I respect politicians, the good ones for their courage in facing up to moral dilemmas, but doing the right thing for all, and not for selfish ambitions. That however does not mean I do not have such courage of my own, in equal measure with some brave souls here. as proven by my and their daily battles with rabid opposition followers and unworthy opponents here, standing up to their lies, half truths and manipulative whitewashing nonsense.
By my belief that 'opposition parties should not work together', some will still intentionally cast aspersion on my integrity, as it disagrees and destroys their own selfish ambitions and manipulations, as some form of devious 'divide and conquer' attempts practised by the brits and monarchs of long past. It does not apply here to our republic, home of educated equals.
Politics had often been about personal beliefs and methods to serve a nation. No 2 men has the same view. Differences and methodologies abound. Nothing can be more different than the current mainstream opposition parties. WP had always been a much more matured and sincere party, and I am deeply impressed with Sylvia Lim, though i personally wish her to improve on her public image with a less confrontational stances to appeal to the minds and hearts of voters.
i am waiting patiently for the Reform party/WP to throw up their manifesto on how to advance better the lifes of Singaporeans before the ruling elite throw theirs
Each opposition party must draw on their own strengths, to formulate credible and practical plans for our people, recruit the best and brightest just as the ruling party does, reach out to as many people as possible and help our citizens with their woes.This would be how they will be able to win hearts and minds, and espacially votes. Singaporeans are not europeans or middle easterners. We hate confrontations. It is in our blood and genes, long hurt by the brutal chaos suffered by our ancestors throughout 4000 years of history.
Patience, time and efforts, difficult as it will be, but necessary changes are never easy, nor should one take the short term dangerous view, will rather see a change that some are seeking for, regardless if it comes from the opposition party or evolution within the ruling party. A pace, all is prepared and understand so that none will be left behind, at least the majority.
The enemy of my enemy may NOT be my friend. Barisan and the commies of the 60s found that out too late in the hands of the 60s PAP team. as well as the fortunate MP Chiam found out too recently within the party he so hardworkingly built up.
Furthermore, look at the capabilities of some of the opposition parties - outright traitors, greedy property fights, etc. This will only tarnish the image of the opposition should they combine. Whose still to align with some who had shown their propensities for unconstitutional means - ousting leaders, breaking laws, denying others the right to freedom of expression, etc, even practised by their rabid followers.
Therefore, best each and different opposition party develope their styles and be allowed to stand on their own merit, than to be used and abused later, just as every political party should do, which the ruling party too is subject to such 'market' laws, in order that our people be better served.
My 1 cts worth and only my objective opinion as a solution for the opposition hopes, which no one else need to agree with nor consider if they have no wish to.
Thank you for replying and my reply in red...
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
All that is "Step 2" or "Step 3"
Step 1 is expose the world to the despicable and dishonorable acts of the cursed despot with a zombie wife.
Traditionally, when you have a despot in a country, (think Aung San of Burma or Dalai Lama of China/Tibet), you ask the rest of the world for help
In any country where you have a cursed despot with a zombie wife and a bunch of asslicking running dogs hoping to pick up scraps that fall off his table, the first order of business is to do all you can to ensure there is fair play.
It is like telling competitors against Ben Johnson (runner taking performance enhancing drugs to compete) to practice more and train harder. That is just stupid. The first order of business is to get help to ensure fair play
Thank you Mr Yap for replying,
But If step 1 of showing how residents/constituents are not shown/given how their town councils will be run, no one will listen even if you have the best manifesto you ever made.
Win the hearts of the constituents 1st, get into parliament, then the debate begins.
Do note that MNCs are here due to the stabilising MM presence.
If Dr Chee can show that he is not so confrontational and instead present a rational thinking mind, the 2 party system will evolve and more companies will come into SG to create more jobs for residents here.
Dr Chee should change tack...
Focus on getting in parliament 1st, provide THE alternative and answers SGreans questions.
Legislation to prevent pregnant women[which lead to increase childbirth and less dependance on foreigners] is the 1st way to go.
Get the female vote, it will bring in more votes if you should that you actually care, dun forget the female voice![That's how politicians get their swing]
*Ah to clarify, i am a male but strong advocate for equal female rights in the workplace w/o discrimination
It is not amazing that the resident X-rated Fraud will persist with its deception in planting its plagiarized ideas in its practised "Art of Misinformation" - to advance its own delusion of believing itself to be a Spokesperson for the Government, or Singaporeans, or Singapore.
Can it possibly achieve its deluded goals with its appetite for grandstanding acts ?
Cut up its entire verbiage and unravelling its efforts by the paragraph - the entire effort cannot stand-up to any critical review, which will prove again that its stand is as hollow as the hot gas that it never fail to spout.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
I agree with your views, and would gladly pay you more than 2cts for your rational analysis. It puts our citizens interest first, which is the most important prerequisite a wannabe politician should do.
What possibly can a "wannabe politician" achieved when the meanings of the term is no more then an ambitious nobody pretending to be somebody and imitate all the acts of the more successful politician ?
Is there not someone that is so anxious to inisist on its presence and its ability to wear Size-XXX shoes ?
If putting the "interests of citizens" first is the most important prerequisite for a "wannabe politician" - what can be said about the PAP pragmatism in putting its own Party interests first (which it conveniently equates as Singapore's interests) before that of any or all Singaporeans ?
However, I would strongly disagree on only 1 point you raised and that is opposition political parties should team up ( simply put if that is what you mean, I apologise here and now if i had mis-interpretated your meaning)
The brilliance of the X-rated Fraud reveals its idiocy to strongly disagree on the only single point raised, but offer no reasons for its insufferable disagreement, only to apologiise for any mis-interpretation to the meaning in the sentence - "opposition political parties should team up".
How many brilliant ways can the sentence be re-interpreted ?
One or two here may presume that I am from the ruling party, but nothing can be more further from the truth from that statement. I am not, never was, nor have the ambition to be a politician, even with the opposition. I am only a simply ordinary guy, eking out a living, as everyone is. I respect politicians, the good ones for their courage in facing up to moral dilemmas, but doing the right thing for all, and not for selfish ambitions.
The X-rated Fraud never fail to be ever over presumptuous in believing that anyone can possibly think that the Ruling Party will lower their Standards to accept X-rated Frauds that will even cheat on a 50 cent car park coupon and willing to admit to such a cheap act only when actually caught.
It is not a surprise that it will smoke its way to achieve credibility with its disingenious backdoor methods of claiming to be "only a simply ordinary guy, eking out a living, as everyone is" - so as to nudge itself into the crowd, and to subvert the community from within as a planted 'Fifth Columnist'.
By my belief that 'opposition parties should not work together', some will still intentionally cast aspersion on my integrity, as it disagrees and destroys their own selfish ambitions and manipulations, as some form of devious 'divide and conquer' attempts practised by the brits and monarchs of long past.
The pseudo-intellect of a X-rated Fraud can clearly be seen in this questionable reason offered for its belief that "opposition parties should not work together" - "as it disagrees and destroys their own selfish ambitions and manipulations".
Is it not obvious that when opposition parties work together it will be expected that they should "destroy" their independent "selfish ambitions and manipulations" - that are typically in the interests of their respective parties - and to achieve this for sake of succeeding in their collaborative efforts to benefit Singapore and Singaporeans ?
Can there be any truth in the claim of the X-rated Fraud that it is "divide and conquer attempts practised by the brits and monarchs of long past" - when the respective political parties suppress their respective "selfish ambitions and manipulations" - so as to "successfully team up" to confront the PAP in the next election ?
This is the convulted ways of the X-rated Fraud in its dark art at deception with its well practised pseudo-intellect that has been consistently exposed.
Only the idiocy of a pseudo-intellect will see the collaborative efforts of Opposition Parties teaming up as "divide and conquer attempts".
Politics had often been about personal beliefs and methods to serve a nation. No 2 men has the same view. Differences and methodologies abound. Nothing can be more different than the current mainstream opposition parties. WP had always been a much more matured and sincere party, and I am deeply impressed with Sylvia Lim, though i personally wish her to improve on her public image with a less confrontational stances to appeal to the minds and hearts of voters.
If "men has the same view" - how did the X-rated Fraud contradict itself by claiming that "Differences" abound, even as it is a fact that "methodologies" are varied ?
One can only wonder what possibly can its understanding of "methodologies" to mean - when one consider its stupendous language skills ?
For one who has not done much to be even successful to maintain its own image in this Forum, it is again presumptuous for the X-rated Fraud to even dare to criticise Sylvia Lim's public image.
It is obvious that this is the dark deception of a subversive social saboteur to deceive with a praise towards Sylvia Lim, and only to surreptiously cut her image down with an innocuous move.
This confirms again the dark politics of the X-rated Fraud that pretend to lurk as an ordinary person but is no more then the pathetic "dog in sheep's wool" - as befitting the pseudo-intellect of a deceptive X-rated Fraud, with its despicable acts that do not qualify the "dog" to be a descendant of the more cunning Wolf.
Each opposition party must draw on their own strengths, to formulate credible and practical plans for our people, recruit the best and brightest just as the ruling party does, reach out to as many people as possible and help our citizens with their woes.
The truth of the deception slowly emerges in the fraudulent concerns declared by the X-rated Fraud that claimed its primary interest is for the citizens.
When it is clear that "opposition political parties should team up" and suppress their "selfish ambitions and manipulations" to compete against each other - so as to overcome the strength accumulated by the PAP's long years of manipulation and oppressive dominance - it is amazing that the X-rated Fraud should object and give its own fraudulent ideas that is not even worth the piece of rubble that it hope to form its worthless currency.
This is the bankrupt capacity of the mind of a X-rated Fraud with its pseudo-intellect that has now again been exposed in the upcoming passages.
This would be how they will be able to win hearts and minds, and espacially votes. Singaporeans are not europeans or middle easterners. We hate confrontations. It is in our blood and genes, long hurt by the brutal chaos suffered by our ancestors throughout 4000 years of history.
Is there any credibility in the fraudulent claims by the X-rated Fraud that "We hate confrontations" - when its objections to the idea that "opposition political parties should team up" will mean that they will have to compete with each other against the PAP ?
This is characteristic Double-XX thinking that is hypocrisy personified in the resident X-rated Fraud.
What does the X-rated Faud intend to insinuate by claiming that "Singaporeans are not Europeans" and claiming that "We hate confrontations" ?
Is the X-rated Fraud implying that Singaporeans are less capable than the Europeans in handling our mental capacities in being able to discern the arguments and reasons that will surface from vigorous and robust debate ?
It is obvious that the pseudo-intellect of the X-rated Fraud will revive the ghosts of the "riots and destruction" of the 1950s and '60s - the supposed deaths and destructions - but will NOT admit that those were found to be ignited by the politicians desparate to hang on to their insecure positions.
By now, the X-rated Fraud can surely be taken to task for its efforts to sabotage the election results in favor of the PAP by having the various Opposition Parties to work in 3-corner fights, dilute the combined resources of the Opposition Parties, and have them fight each other instead of working together.
Patience, time and efforts, difficult as it will be, but necessary changes are never easy, nor should one take the short term dangerous view, will rather see a change that some are seeking for, regardless if it comes from the opposition party or evolution within the ruling party. A pace, all is prepared and understand so that none will be left behind, at least the majority.
It is again, obvious that the X-rated Fraud is writing for the interest of the PAP - to delay any changes that must happen.
It is even despicable for its bankrupt mind to even dare to treat its imaginary wider audience to be fools by spouting a fraudulently soft message - that is deceiving in itself - that change in "the short term" is "dangerous view".
It is crystal clear that the message is plagiarized and regurgitated for the status quo to remain in favor of the PAP, even as it pretend to suggest that change can happen - "regardless if it comes from the opposition party or evolution within the ruling party".
After 42 years of continous PAP rule - with its characteristic arrogance to dispense favors to Singaporeans, who are made to feel that such dispensation are privileges and not our birthrights - it is amazing that the X-rated Fraud will call for : "A pace, all is prepared and understand so that none will be left behind, at least the majority".
"none will be left behind, at least the majority" ?
Is the majority of Singaporeans not already left behind when the elitist policy of LKY and the PAP has created a wide divide between the Super-Rich, the Rich and the hard pressed Middle Income, the Poor, and the very Poorest of the Poor ?
What further insufferable idiocy is the X-rated Fraud intend to spread with its imbecilic pseudo-intellect to propagate the deceptive messages in favor of the PAP ?
The enemy of my enemy may NOT be my friend. Barisan and the commies of the 60s found that out too late in the hands of the 60s PAP team. Furthermore, look at the capabilities of some of the opposition parties - outright traitors, greedy property fights, etc. This will only tarnish the image of the opposition should they combine. Whose still to align with some who had shown their propensities for unconstitutional means - ousting leaders, breaking laws, denying others the right to freedom of expression, etc, even practised by their rabid followers.
With pretentious Singaporeans in the form of a deceiving X-rated Fraud that attempt to pass itself as a concerned party with the interest for Singaporeans - does any Singaporean or Singapore need any Enemies ?
With its skills in subverting the truth of events in Singapore, and its remarkable efforts to re-engineer historical events in Singapore, one can only what drives the shameless masochist to return repeatedly to be trashed for its dishonesty, its crude deceptions, and its clear pseudo-intellect.
Therefore, best each and different opposition party develope their styles and be allowed to stand on their own merit, than to be used and abused later, just as every political party should do, which the ruling party too is subject to such 'market' laws, in order that our people be better served.
We can certainly leave the bankrupt mind of a X-rated Fraud to exercise its proven pseudo-intelligence to spout further bankrupt ideas that will only enhance the chances of the PAP to succeed in the next elections, and for the Opposition Parties to be knotted up with its different agendas.
My 1 cts worth and only my objective opinion as a solution for the opposition hopes, which no one else need to agree with nor consider if they have no wish to.
Are these all there is - that is supposed to help Singaporeans ?
If at all the bankrupt ideas have been unwrapped, exposed, cut up, diced up, sliced thin, and examined in detail - and the single bone of contention with the bankrupt idea of the X-rated Fraud is that - it is here to subvert any effort by Singaporeans to stand and have our own independent views from that of the PAP.
Is there any other simple words to describe the acts of such a fifth columnist that snuggle its way into our midst, and to subvert our thinking with its supposedly innocent and innocuous words and ideas ?
The only simple and honest words used by our fore-fathers for such a character is true and straight to the point - "running dog".
From a pseudo-intellect to a X-rated Fraud, and to a X-rated Rat.
It must be quite an achievement to be recognised as a "Runing Dog".
Originally posted by Uncle4edgar:When will the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA takeover
Sure, u no eyes to see ar??? some part of singapore is already taken by People's Republic of China gals.