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Any translation or translator?.....for those who can't read Chinese......
He is saiding that singapore from Lion become a dog.
pulling events happen few years back during 2002 as talking point
Originally posted by 4sg:Any translation or translator?.....for those who can't read Chinese......
I used to translate one topic in my former thread, but unluckily edited by the morderator, wasting my energy..
u may refer to this site:
while there may exist some fualts!
Para 13:
æ–°åŠ å�¡è¿‡åŽ»çš„ç¹�è�£æ˜¯å»ºç«‹åœ¨ä¸å›½è´«ç©·è�½å�Ž....?
hey hey.. we dun build our nation base on China fall back okie.
We base on some other countries fall back...
Originally posted by spycampers:He is saiding that singapore from Lion become a dog.
pulling events happen few years back during 2002 as talking point
R u a singaporean?
U dont good at neither English nor Chinese according ur posts
i am using Singlish..
heard about that...囧
ä¸å›½äººåœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡å�—æ§è§†çš„现象屡è§�ä¸�鲜。ä¸å›½å¥³è¿�åŠ¨å‘˜åˆ°æ–°åŠ å�¡æ—…游时集体 é�åˆ°å•†åº—åº—ä¸»æ— ç¼˜æ— æ•…çš„ä¾®è¾±å�Žï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æŠ¥åˆŠèˆ†è®ºä¸€å��“顾客是上å¸�”ã€�“顾客 永远æ£ç¡®”的商家原则,大肆贬低ã€�嘲讽ä¸å›½äººï¼Œä¸ºé‚£ä¸ªæµ�氓店主辩护。
maybe you will like to share with us th web link regard this topic...
ä½ å¤šå¤§æ²æ•¸äº†... 這種政治é�Šæˆ²é‚„這麼看ä¸�é–‹
æ–°åŠ å�¡æ—©å°±å£°ç§°ï¼Œè‡ªå·±è¦�当东å�—亚最å�Žä¸€ä¸ªè·Ÿä¸å›½å»ºäº¤çš„国家,建交å�Žä»�然 è·Ÿå�°æ¹¾ä¿�æŒ�军事å�ˆä½œå…³ç³»ã€‚而且说到å�šåˆ°ã€‚ ——æ�Žå…‰è€€ã€�å�´ä½œæ ‹åœ¨å�„ç§�场å�ˆçš„讲è¯�都喋喋ä¸�休æ��到ä¸å›½çš„增长是世界最大的 挑战,将æ�¥äºšæ´²çš„稳定å�–决于如何对待ä¸å›½çš„崛起之类的è¯�。æ�Žå…‰è€€æ›´è¯´è¿‡ï¼Œä½œ 为ä¸å›½äººçš„å�Žä»£ï¼Œä»–知é�“ä¸å›½äººçš„å¿�è€�力很强,但å�Œæ—¶çŸ¥é�“ä¸å›½äººçš„爆å�‘力也很 强,é�žå¸¸è®°ä»‡ã€‚东亚ã€�东å�—亚的国家在历å�²ä¸Šéƒ½å¾—罪过ä¸å›½ã€‚一旦ä¸å›½å¼ºå¤§ï¼Œè¿™ 些国家必然é�到ä¸å›½çš„猛烈报å¤�,所以必须让ä¸å›½æ°¸è¿œæˆ�为二æµ�国家。
if i remember correctly, in year 1996 or 1997.
Singapore government have already venture out to china.
trying to set up wat guan zhou projects or something..
can't really remember the detail much.
did any one said that??
Originally posted by Stevenson101:ä½ å¤šå¤§æ²æ•¸äº†... 這種政治é�Šæˆ²é‚„這麼看ä¸�é–‹
ur ä½ refer to who?
Originally posted by Huangxiangjiao:
I used to translate one topic in my former thread, but unluckily edited by the morderator, wasting my energy..u may refer to this:
while there may exist some fualts!
Originally posted by Stevenson101:ä½ å¤šå¤§æ²æ•¸äº†... 這種政治é�Šæˆ²é‚„這麼看ä¸�é–‹
I am still as young as a stundent..
but the ideas can be inscribed in my mind as I grow up..
Stop talking crap about the past and whatever ties that suits you for the moment. The past is gone. We are living in present, and we have to live and adapt to the present.
5 point reconcilliation demand
1. The China netizens apologise to the citizens of Singapore for their intemprete and harsh language directed to us, over an opinion anyone is free to make.
2. Forthwith, do not attempt to stifle any voices, for if you dont respect freedom of speech and its responsibilities, then you must be denied of it yourself, otherwise your intention is to bully others, which no country will tolerate,least of all its citizens, and futher no holds barred misundertandings, ignorantly or deliberated, will flow unceasingly, destroying any hope for better internatational relations and understanding. What you can do, others can freely do as well.
And in future, direct your comments more productively towards the CCP for their failure to elevate the lives of a billion people in the countrysides, or their horribe rule of law and total disregard for human rights issues.
3. Explain fully to all asian neighbours, the reason for your alarming intense re-armament, your intentions, and even looking to send armed weapons into the space, using funds meant for social funding on education, healthcare, etc for your people.
There is absolutely no reason for aircraft carriers for defensive and peaceful measures as your country claim, and no reason for a million strong armed forces. You must start to disarm, including your nukes if you are truly sincere about peace and redistribute your wealth to every chinese citizen.
Show to your citizens the true nature of your peaceful rise and economic hardwork with a 10 year plan towards free enfranchisment from the yoke of communism to democracy and freedom for your citizens.
4. Be humble and never presume your country is a bigshot or a superpower. It is not. Respect is mutual, and must be earned. Dont expect our republican citizens to bow to you. We will rather kick your ass espacially after this episode, because of your show of your pomposity.
As far as I am concern, your people and ours are equal, just as all of us humans are one equal race.
5. Idemify our country for the losses in investments we had made in your country, being cheated at all levels by your people for our goodfaith and goodwill to help modernise your country, including those your whores cheated our aged old folks, or the culprits be brought to fair justice ( not shot with a bullet bought on their own please!)
Tell you countrymen to agree to this peaceful and kind 5 point reconcilliation non-negotiable demand. Ensure that they do, Do not make me tell you what to do. It is shameful and reflects your lack of intelligence and culture, or we asians will make sure you will never be allowed to rise, be kept perpertually in poverty, and ensure Russia and US permanently maintain close ties with us.
Better you country be poor than to be rich, armed to the hilt and bully asian states as your country is silently attempting to do.
This is only my personal demand to you in my personal capacity as an asian human being. I am not acting on behalf of my countrymen, thus I am fully responsible for what I had written, and if any action be taken, must be directed to me and me alone.
If you value righteousness as our common chinese ancestors of 4000 year old history had taught us, you will personally see the righteousness of my demands. If not, then you are nothing more than a bully and an uneducated barbarian oaf my ancestors would be ashamed of.
Heed my words. I have no fear of your might. The pen is often mightier than your swords. And pens are dime a dozen, righteous asians in billions.
The X-rated pseudo-intellect has again shown its ineptitude and vanity in grabbing the smallest opportunity to satisfy its grand standing addiction.
The post is an attempt by a immature kid from China to make its myopic views known in a public forum, and it is not surprising that the resident X-rated pseudo-intellect will wish to engage the China kid with its own X-rated zenophobic views.
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Stop talking crap about the past and whatever ties that suits you for the moment. The past is gone. We are living in present, and we have to live and adapt to the present.
What else can we interprete in the value system of one who will wish to forget about the historical past and declare that "the past is gone" and live only for the present ?
5 point reconcilliation demand
1. The China netizens apologise to the citizens of Singapore for their intemprete and harsh language directed to us, over an opinion anyone is free to make.
If anyone is free to make an opinion, why will the X-rat impose its X-rated standards on others for making their opinions in whatever form they may wish to take ?
It is pure hypocrisy that the X-rated pseudo-intellect has learnt well from its PAPa's ways - to demand freedom to make any opinion that can be open to any intepretation, but will be miffed when others do the same.
2. Forthwith, do not attempt to stifle any voices, for if you dont respect freedom of speech and its responsibilities, then you must be denied of it yourself, otherwise your intention is to bully others, which no country will tolerate,least of all its citizens, and futher no holds barred misundertandings, ignorantly or deliberated, will flow unceasingly, destroying any hope for better internatational relations and understanding. What you can do, others can freely do as well.
Amazing that the X-rated pseudo-intellect has any understanding in the 'high fallutin' principles of "freedom of speech and its responsibilities" - considering that the experience in Singapore is tolerated by the X-rated Rat in accepting the positions taken by LKY and the PAP to stifle any alternative oppinions that are contrary to their positions on political, social, economic and cultural issues.
It is presumptions for the X-rated pseudo-intellect to believe that this exchange at a personal level has any ability to "destroy any hope for better international relations and understanding" - which reflects again its need to satisfy it grand standing needs.
If at all, the present attempt by the X-rated pseudo-intellect has merely aggravated the situation through its own acts of ignorant incompetence when reviewing the stupidity in the unnecessary condescending statements made.
And in future, direct your comments more productively towards the CCP for their failure to elevate the lives of a billion people in the countrysides, or their horribe rule of law and total disregard for human rights issues.
The comments concerning the CCP "failure to elevate the lives of a billion people in the counrtyside" clearly show the deep set ignorance of the X-rated pseudo-intellect in its understanding of the magnitude of governing a large country with a population that is larger then Singapore, and given the fact that China has been opened to the global market economy in less then twenty years, it is already a major achievement.
It is pathetic that the X-rated pseudo-intellect will ignore that the PAP still could not resolve the significant number stuck in the bottom strata of Singapore society - despite the fact that Singapore has only a fraction the size of China's population, and that Singapore is plugged into the World Economy since the early 1950s, and is supposedly to have arrived into First World Status in the late 1990s.
Is it not ironic that the X-rated pseudo-intellect will speak about "human rights issues" when the same are being ignored in its own Singapore ?
"If I have to shoot 200,000 students to save China from another 100 years of disorder, so be it."
- Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew evoking the ghost of Deng Xiaoping whilst endorsing the Tiananmen Square massacre, Straits Times, Aug 17, 2004"
China has not incarcerate anyone without trial for periods up to 32 years, and merely based on the whim of a National Leader.
3. Explain fully to all asian neighbours, the reason for your alarming intense re-armament, your intentions, and even looking to send armed weapons into the space, using funds meant for social funding on education, healthcare, etc for your people.
Is it not stupidity on the part of the X-rated pseudo-intellect to demand China should explain for its intense re-armament when Singapore's tiny size has made our own military having the biggest budget to purchase the biggest airforce, the most potent navy and army in Southeast Asia ?
Is it not the sovereign right of any nation to determine for itself its defense needs and tailor its own expenditures accordingly ?
Obviously, the ignorance of the X-rated pseudo-intellect is not aware that China's military force maybe large in size but it is antiquated in weapons, doctrines, and infrastructure - based on the old 'Soviet' style methods.
It is ironic that the X-rated pseudo-intellect will dare state that China should trim its military budget and redirect "funds meant for social funding on education, healthcare, etc for your people" - when Singapore's defense budget exceed any other budget allocated to education and healthcare that are charged to Singaporeans to recover the investments made, while China's education and healthcare do not bankrupt her citizens.
There is absolutely no reason for aircraft carriers for defensive and peaceful measures as your country claim, and no reason for a million strong armed forces. You must start to disarm, including your nukes if you are truly sincere about peace and redistribute your wealth to every chinese citizen.
Why has the X-rated pseudo-intellect not repeat its line - "redistribute your wealth to every chinese citizen" - to LKY and the PAP Singapore Government, and have the accumulated wealth redistribute to Singaporeans instead of wasting it on overseas investments by GIC and Temasek Holdings - (without mentioning the huge budget allocated for the SAF) ?
Obviously, the X-rated pseudo-intellect is ignorant to the continued need for balance of political strengths that require military strenght as well.
Obviously, the disinterest in history as stated by the X-rated pseudo-intellect is clearly seen in its ignorance to the need of China to balance any threat of a reawakened Japanese Right Wing sometime in the future - especially if the US cannot resolve its huge economic debt within the next ten years, and allow its military strength to be pared down.
China's need for an aircraft carrier to project its rights to protect its economic interests is similar to our need to build a multi-billion dollar steath frigate that allow us to have a "Blue Water Navy" to protect our economic life line.
If China is not allowed to have aircraft carriers - why will the same not be demanded by the X-rated pseudo-intellect on France, India, Italy Spain, UK and the USA ?
If China is not allowed to have nuclear weapons - why will the same not be demanded on France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, UK and the USA ?
Is it not the sovereign rights of any country to determine for itself the level of defense needs for itself ?
Show to your citizens the true nature of your peaceful rise and economic hardwork with a 10 year plan towards free enfranchisment from the yoke of communism to democracy and freedom for your citizens.
"free enfranchisment from the yoke of communism to democracy and freedom for your citizens" ?
Is this not a plagiarized line from the SDP ?
The nosy X-rated fraud is dumb to the fact that despite accusing so many Singapore Citizens to be Communists based on LKY's false accusation - it is easy to conclude that LKY and The PAP are the real Communist in Singapore, even as they will cleverly disguised themselve in the cloak of Capitalism
Since 1965, the "yoke of communism" as designed by LKY - has prevented true democracy to be enjoyed by Singaporeans
4. Be humble and never presume your country is a bigshot or a superpower. It is not. Respect is mutual, and must be earned. Dont expect our republican citizens to bow to you. We will rather kick your ass espacially after this episode, because of your show of your pomposity.
As far as I am concern, your people and ours are equal, just as all of us humans are one equal race.
Can respect and equality come from ignorance of history, skewed personal views, and deliberate zenophobia ?
If at all, it will be misdirected zenophobic nationalistic pride that will result in tragic misunderstanding that is totally unnecessary and worsen by the arrogance that stem from the basic insecurity and inferiority.
Quiet confidence serves the strong better then any grandstanding efforts of those who needs loud attention to demand respect and recognition.
5. Idemify our country for the losses in investments we had made in your country, being cheated at all levels by your people for our goodfaith and goodwill to help modernise your country, including those your whores cheated our aged old folks, or the culprits be brought to fair justice ( not shot with a bullet bought on their own please
Is it not churlish of a poor loser who is stupid enough to walk into a trap that it so willingly set for itself ?
In any business venture, does the losers always demand reimbursement for the losses incurred due to their poor personal business acumen ?
If you are referring to the Singapore Government's investment in the Suzhou Project - there were other Singaporean Private Investors already in Suzhou then, and had their own private industrial parks running long before the Singapore Government had intended to impart to the Mainland Chinese their supposed talent and experience.
It was these Singaporean private small scale investments that gave the Singapore Government the idea that a bigger scaled model can be achieved with the typical Singapore style input - and with the approval sought only from the Central Government while ignoring the authority of the Provincial Government.
It was the typical arrogant style of the PAP in dealing only with those in power that led to the failure of the Suzhou Industrial Park.
Tell you countrymen to agree to this peaceful and kind 5 point reconcilliation non-negotiable demand. Ensure that they do, Do not make me tell you what to do. It is shameful and reflects your lack of intelligence and culture, or we asians will make sure you will never be allowed to rise, be kept perpertually in poverty, and ensure Russia and US permanently maintain close ties with us.
Can the X-rated pseudo-intellect have any ability to recognise intelligence when it is staring into its face ?
Can one whom the X-rated pseudo-intellect has claimed to be lacking in intelligence be in any position to "ensure" to "Tell you countrymen to agree to this peaceful and kind 5 point reconcilliation non-negotiable demand" ?
With China forming a large contributor to the Singapore trade index, can Singapore afford to antagnonise and isolate China - when we are already in hostile waters with our immediate neighbors ?
The X-rated pseudo-intellect should be commended for its stupendous ability to create more troubles then it is worth.
Better you country be poor than to be rich, armed to the hilt and bully asian states as your country is silently attempting to do.
What else can be expected from the bankrupt mind of a X-rated pseudo-intellect that is an expert in the 'zero-sum' game ?
This is only my personal demand to you in my personal capacity as an asian human being. I am not acting on behalf of my countrymen, thus I am fully responsible for what I had written, and if any action be taken, must be directed to me and me alone.
If you value righteousness as our common chinese ancestors of 4000 year old history had taught us, you will personally see the righteousness of my demands. If not, then you are nothing more than a bully and an uneducated barbarian oaf my ancestors would be ashamed of.
Heed my words. I have no fear of your might. The pen is often mightier than your swords. And pens are dime a dozen, righteous asians in billions.
Singaporeans should be thankful that the X-rated pseudo-intellect has only a pen to plagiarized the ideas and politics for its insatiable vain hunger at grandstanding itself with any opportunity that it can find for itself.
Only the X-rated pseudo-intellect will believe that "its pen-is mightier than swords" and obviously it has been chopped a few time previously, that require it to assert its X-rated verbage to compensate for its insecurity.
Dun ever forget when the communist were creating havoc, it was USA's and the Western MNCs investment that allowed us to develop.
I think the post is more of trying to use nationalistic feeling to stir up emotion in cardboard (The Communist has done lots of evil things in Tibet & Xinjiang, even their National Day dun even allow ppl to see and they know, so use anti USA or whatever to deflect domestic problem)
Thing is, can China be stable?
Originally posted by sbst275:
Dun ever forget when the communist were creating havoc, it was USA's and the Western MNCs investment that allowed us to develop.
You mean communists caused havoc in Singapore?
Originally posted by angel3070:You mean communists caused havoc in Singapore?
Wasn't it back in the 1950s and 1960s those era?
Even by the late 60s the threat wasn't tat big, dun forget abt CR
I don't think in the history of Singapore, communists have caused any great trouble.