Singapore civil servants can look forward to big pay rise and big year end bonuses.
"Consider reversing pay cuts: Gan Kim Yong - ST Discussion Board - 14 hours ago - Similar"
Giving the money to civil servants is still better than gambling with the money and benefiting the people of the USA and Britain.
The best of course is don't take unnecessarily Singaporeans' money.
Uncle, you dun take, PAP also take, might as well take first and talk later.
how did "consider reversing pay cuts" become pay raise for civil servants?
and somehow it becomes something to bash the MIW with?
please tell us?
i think the private and govt sectors are competing for the private sector will have to increase their pay ... just to remind u , there are many ex civil servants who resigned and went to private sector before..
Who is to "consider reversing pay cuts"?
Employers right?
Who is the biggest employer in Singapore?
Unless it is "some employers are more equal than other employers" and need not "reverse the pay cuts"?
... which mod changed the title to:
ministers are not civil servants
TS did not say ministers are civil servants, did he?
Therefore if civil servants do not get big bonuses and pay increases this year... the curses naturally will follow since the cursed despot and his Ho Jinx have the money to gamble and lose to benefit US and British people, and they do not reverse pay cuts for civil servants, as their own minister exhorted employers to do.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Who is to "consider reversing pay cuts"?
Employers right?
Who is the biggest employer in Singapore?
Unless it is "some employers are more equal than other employers" and need not "reverse the pay cuts"?
Uncle, u backdated liao, today 1+1 is not equal to 2, and 3+2 is not equal to 2 +3.
That's why you misunderstood the govt, what is so good about being the biggest employer in Singapore...they are the biggest laws and decision makers, better than being an employer.
"For the first time, Singapore civil servants
will not be paid their annual variable
component for an entire year." Friday November 27, 2009 today online
Take public money and gamble away bailing out the likes of Merrill Lynch.... cursed despot with a zombie wife...
Consider reversing pay cuts: Gan Kim Yong
Paired with the lack of a mid-year AVC
in June, this means salaries of civil servants
this year will see an 8- to 22-per-cent drop
Greedy Businessmen?
MLM Executives?
No... only poor civil servants...the rank and file ones that is...
Originally posted by greengoblin:No... only poor civil servants...the rank and file ones that is...
civil servants got poor ones meh??
Originally posted by angel7030:
civil servants got poor ones meh??
The poor ones are those whom the Taiwanese "hum" exploit in its flesh trade to become its servants - why will a Taiwanese "hum" make repeated appearance with its irrelevant and irreverent contributions, except to fulfill its needs as an "Attention Seeking Whore".
Originally posted by angel7030:
civil servants got poor ones meh??
Got. Those that you see everyday at the carpark checking parking coupons. Those policeman who patrol the streets on foot or bicycle.