Originally posted by Stevenson101:How do they grade these things anyway?
Don't see how women are doing so badly compared to men
its either too bias against man, or too bias against women.
I think singapore lose out is not because of the gender between boy and girl, but rather gay, we are not so advocated to a gay society, most on the top are european countries that allow gay activities in their bills. Therefore, for gender equality, gay should not be consider.
Today's understanding of gender differs from that of "sex." Sex refers to whether a person is male or female, and gender in today's context, man or woman.
Some post-modern arguments are that gender is a "social role" that a person puts on because of his sex. That gender is collection of norms that society expects of a certain sex. And how some homosexuals look at it, is that they are forced to put on that social role of being a man or woman regardless of how they really feel. Thus they question, why is it that they have to be a man if they are male, or a woman if they are female?
This also opens and links to arguments of gender equality. Being a woman in the past meant that they had no voting rights, or had a subservient role in society. A similar question is asked, why should a female be restricted to the social role of a woman which carries so much restriction and inequality.
So what is homosexuality? I think it has more to do with a person's perceived gender and social role that deviates from the sex-gender norms. An effeminate gay man, may be attracted to a very "manly" man, or "manly" woman. And if we consider this plausibility, then gender inequality has very much to do tolerance or acceptance of homosexuality.
I think there are certain features of homosexuality that appreciates the "qualities" of the other gender. Maybe being able to wear make up, or shop for lingeries... or being able to speak loudly and keep short hair? Maybe some of the social restrictions are more material? Such as glass ceilings for women's careers... preference for men in long term key positions because they wont have to take maternity leave etc etc. There could be a desire to be like the opposite gender because of such things.
Hence, there seems to be a correlation between greater gender inequality, and less tolerance for homosexuals. The reverse where there is lesser gender inequality, and greater tolerance for homosexuals may also be true.
Maybe that answers the question to why the most gender equal countries are seemingly also most tolerant to homosexuals.
Browsed through alittle. Personally finds it to have a feminist tone (as if guys are having it rosy). The euqlity report focuses too much on economic indicators and not on social sciences.
Equality will come when we transcend gender, race and culture.
When we see each other as our bethren.
When the idea of a gentleman and a lady vanishes.
When we accept that each of us are capable of thought and entitled to our opinions.
When we recognise everyone has different needs, desires and preferences.
Equality will come when we learn to respect each other's choices.
Equality will come when we play an advisory role and not force our opinions on others.
Equality will come when we see each other as an integral part of society and are not superior to one another.
Equality will come when we become free of prejudice.
Equality will come when we do not do to others what we want not others do to us.