PM Lee says two—party political model cannot work in Singapore
i think he gets confused over civil ministries vs political parties......
Originally posted by Arapahoe:i think he gets confused over civil ministries vs political parties......
He hasn't - they are already treated as one.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:i think he gets confused over civil ministries vs political parties......
He hasn't - they are already treated as one.
It simply shows the lack of challenge and political immaturity of the new breed of PAP "politicians" - accustomed to being sheltered by the bullying tactics of LKY to manage a population whose political apathy simply suit them fine.
Placed on the World Stage, the new breed of PAP "politicians" cannot compare with those who are truly tested in "real politiks" to reach their rightful positions supported by their communities.
It is obvious that PM LHL will propagate this false position, as he and his Old PAPA cannot tolerate any alternative views that challenge their political positions.
As PM LHL had so eloquently said in the 2006 elections, if there are more MPs from the Alternative Parties entering Parliament, they will bog him down, and he will have to spend more time to "fix" every single one of them.
Yes, certainly, it will bog LHL and his minions down lar - why?
cos, they would lose 'control' over so many things, also our lives (which is more like being herded like cattle n sheep) and not forgetting all that was and is mired in secrecy (add on ....) might be exposed - in other words, a can of worms!
He must have had a wet dream the night before he made that speech...
Peed in his pants when he dreamt that the PAP lost its 2/3 majority in the (next) GE.
actually, he's partially right..
there just isn't a "second party"
the MIW is just.. there.. damn them..
the bloody opposition idiots better get their goddamned acts together instead of fighting on the streets and pretending to be martyrs in their own delusions...
Originally posted by the Bear:actually, he's partially right..
there just isn't a "second party"
the MIW is just.. there.. damn them..
the bloody opposition idiots better get their goddamned acts together instead of fighting on the streets and pretending to be martyrs in their own delusions...
Were the opposition idiots "fighting on the streets" or were such drama part of a delusion of someone hung-up on a life-time of dramas ?
"pretending to be martyrs" - what possible drama can be extracted from any simple understanding of the word "martyr" ?
How prepared are you to make your sacrifices, or suffer as much in order to further your belief in a cause, or in a principle ?
If you are not to make even an iota of personal sacrifice, or to suffer on a point of principle - are you qualified to pass judgment on others ?
Clearly, your position will be judge as one who is without any backbone, as one who will not stand on your PRINCIPLES.
get a grip..
see the PKMS.. they were literally fighting in the streets!!
as for the martyrs without a cause.. simple.. no one wants the "martyr" (and i've not even mentioned names) because they have failed the most simple test in democracy.. the people rejected him..
sacrifices are for principles.. good for him if he did so.. but ultimately, people don't want him..
his principles keep ranting on and on about "democracy" but see his failure to win over the people..
do not blame the people if you do not win them over..
and if the opposition idiots who are not sitting in parliament cannot understand that, and keep blaming everything except themselves, they are an example of deluded failure..
now.. go chew on that..
back to the topic.. where are we going to find that second party given the current bunch of clowns can't even get their acts together?
Originally posted by the Bear:
get a grip..
see the PKMS.. they were literally fighting in the streets!!
How pathetic that you cannot even get a grip on life but will succumb to ‘excessive media publicity on PKMS fracas’ (*1) - which was no more then a storm in a tea cup ?
If there was a fight, why were nobody charged for rioting, or assault ?
Are you not a confirmed addict to drama ?
as for the martyrs without a cause.. simple.. no one wants the "martyr" (and i've not even mentioned names) because they have failed the most simple test in democracy.. the people rejected him..
sacrifices are for principles.. good for him if he did so.. but ultimately, people don't want him..
his principles keep ranting on and on about "democracy" but see his failure to win over the people..
do not blame the people if you do not win them over..
With your well publicised skewed prejudices, do you need to mention any name for the "Singapore Martyr" whom you despised with such deep psychopathic passion ?
It is obvious that democracy will fail with "fence sitters" like you, who will wait for others to create the setting, while you avoid playing any part in the unfolding Drama - even as you eagerly watch from the front pit of the stage - to form your own skewed conclusions as a cynical drama addict based on your pathetic standards.
It is easy to generalise, and make passing comments without statistics.
Comparing to the time when CST was leading the SDP, and to the SDP at this time - the fact is that the SDP is seeing an infusion of fresh, younger and better educated party activists - despite the harsh and desperate PAP treatment applied against CSJ and the SDP.
Even at the Public Forums organised by the SDP has seen a growing number of attendees, with the SDP cardres and Youth Wing playing a high profile role.
Are you being realistic or objective with your cynical views ?
Could CSJ stand a chance when after his first election outing in 1992, the heavy hand of the PAP machinery came into play to persecute him with petty charges from his workplace at the NUS, and from his Faculty Head who is a PAP stalwart ?
You must be a joke to expect CSJ to get any votes when after his first political outing, CSJ was nailed by a desperate and insecure LKY to prevent CSJ from succeeding in politics that will put stress on LHL as PM to have to fix CSJ all the time.
Your senseless remark on "martyrs without a cause" - simply reflect an ingrate in you, who has no substance to apprecate the sacrifices made by others with the ignorance clearly being part of your character.
Can your pathetic existence measure to the likes of those martyrs who sacrificed their lives to challenge LKY and the PAP, to change political environment that had allowed the PAP to takeover the political controls from the hands of Singaporeans ?
Those martyrs will include J.B.Jeyaretnam, Francis Seow, Tan Liang Hong, those social activists falsely accused as Marxist Conspirators in the Catholic Church, Tan Wah Piow, Chia Thye Poh, Lim Chin Siong - can you hold a candle near them ?
and if the opposition idiots who are not sitting in parliament cannot understand that, and keep blaming everything except themselves, they are an example of deluded failure..
now.. go chew on that..
From the arrogant ignorance seen in these statements, it is obvious you have not learnt to chew and digest the more important lessons in life.
Is it not pathetic that you will dare say that "the opposition idiots will blame everything except themselves" - when it is your own delusion with your own failures that have prevented yourself from seeing your own role in the entire drama ?
In the politics of Singapore, are you not claiming your own role for your own political future, or are you surrendering your politcal rights to the PAP, who have dominated politics in Singapore for 52 years since 1957 ?
Are you disclaiming your resposibility to yourself and your future generations - to play your part in the unfolding political drama in Singapore ?
One can only wonder if you are truly keeping a fine balance sitting on a narrow fence, or if your butt is truly so small to keep a tight balance act ?
Despite your claims of being a fence sitter, your small butt is surely leaning on the side of the PAP, as you are contented with the two ineffective MP from the Alternative Parties - even when both are subjected to the monolithic weight of the PAP, that prevent these two MPs from even conducting their political duties as Elected MPs in their own respective constituencies let alone in Parliament.
Can you chew and digest the fact that you have as much a political responsibility for your own political future, even when you expect others to do the job for you ?
back to the topic.. where are we going to find that second party given the current bunch of clowns can't even get their acts together?
Can we believe your concern in the question asked has any ioata in sincerity, coming from an ingrate, who cannot appreciate the personal sacrifices made by others from the politics of Singapore ?
Have you forgotten to ask yourself - what you have done to change the status quo ?
Or are you contented to being part of the circus act - as a cynical clown strutting your own stuff at the edge of the main circus ring that you claim NOT to be part of the act ?
I think they will want a 2 party system should they get voted out in the future.
Ironically, they will be using all the same arguments and reasons that the opposition parties are using now - as a check and balance, competition of ideas etc.
If the party doesn’t work, if something goes wrong with the party, you can be sure new parties will come, new contests will come. People will spring up to take on the government in no time at all.
Japan is a special case. The only country in Asia with a long and institutionised democratic system. A system that is akin to its ancient samurai system of revolving leaders assuming the role of a unifying figurehead.
Japanese's socio-culture, people and political system are subconciously and mentally prepared for a failed or revolving leadership.
If a rogue Singapore PM or political leader takes over and runs Singapore, will he concede defeat in an election? easily or ever?
Will he not change the political system to ensure his staying power? Will he not vote buy? or rig the polling result? or use corruption or underworld tactic to ensure his staying power and to silence his rival?
As in LHL own words, something would have already gone wrong.
If Singaporeans never, ever experience change of political party or ever experience a multi-party system setting, how are they capable of rising up to a rogue oppressor?.
LHL over-simplified thing. So over-simplified that it, sort of insults the intelligence of Singaporeans.
This present batch and the previous batch of ministers have never been exposed to a two party system.
So, how can you conclude that the two party system does not work in Singapore.
Have the singapore people improve their standard of living ?
Is the present batch of government clean and good ?
When was the last time the PM talk to the people without the interference of the servants around ?
Or does he really care ?
Singapore like China, Cuba, Burma and North Korea, can only have a one party government.
Originally posted by 4sg:If the party doesn’t work, if something goes wrong with the party, you can be sure new parties will come, new contests will come. People will spring up to take on the government in no time at all.
Japan is a special case. The only country in Asia with a long and institutionised democratic system. A system that is akind to its ancient samurai system of revolving leaders assuming the role of a unifying figurehead.
Japanese's social-culture, people and political system are subconciously and mentally prepared for a failed or revolving leadership.If a rogue Singapore PM or political leader takes over and runs Singapore, will he concede defeat in an election? easily or ever?
Will he not change the political system to ensure his staying power? Will he not vote buy? or rig the polling result? or use corruption or underworld tactic to ensure his staying power and to silence his rival?
As in LHL own words, something would have already gone wrong.If Singaporean never, ever experience change of political party or ever experience a multi-party system setting, how are they capable of rising to a rogue oppressor?.
LHL over-simplified thing. So over-simplified that it, sort of insults the intelligence of Singaporean.