Originally posted by Georgetan884:
As for how China could convince the world it can rise peacefully, MM Lee suggested starting with a bit of branding. 'I would not use the word 'peaceful rise'. In Chinese it sounds okay, but in English it sounds like you are rising like a mushroom; you scare people. Why not call it a cultural renaissance?'
I don't see why cannot use "peaceful rise".
Why not call it a cultural renaissance?
Increasing power not culture renaissance wah.
What fucking cultural renaissance?
Old senile bastard dog talk rubbish on politics.
Bastard dog, why GIC lose 40 billion in investments?
GIC lose 40 billion diam diam keep quiet, don't dare talk, come and talk rubbish cock about China.
Fucking old bastard dog.
Old bastard dog, why GIC Suffer $41.6 Billion Loss?
Don't think you fucking keep quiet talk rubbish about China we will forget the losses.
Lose 40 billion then go talk cock about China.
Clever very clever.
GIC timed market moves well: Analysts
THE Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) has done well in the timing of its stock market moves given the size of its portfolio, said fund managers and analysts yesterday.
Old bastard dog, why GIC Suffer $41.6 Billion Loss?
Don't think you fucking keep quiet talk rubbish about China we will forget the losses.
Lose 40 billion then go talk cock about China.
Clever very clever.
GIC timed market moves well: Analysts
THE Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) has done well in the timing of its stock market moves given the size of its portfolio, said fund managers and analysts yesterday.
You lose the fucking 40 billion you better address the fucking issue, don't try and hide and come talk cock with me on China, fucking old bastard dog.
Originally posted by angel3070:You lose the fucking 40 billion you better address the fucking issue, don't try and hide and come talk cock with me on China, fucking old bastard dog.
there is no sure-win investment...u shld look at the overall long term performance of GIC and Temasek...
must have contingency plan
the us bank did not have sufficient corporate governance (did not audit that well)
very investment bound to risk
high risk high return
vice versa
what to the finance scholar miscalculate
Originally posted by Georgetan884:MM Lee: Treat young Chinese well
He want to treat chinese well !!!
Ask him to go Geylang !!!
Ask him every night go for 10 china chicken !!! That way he treating them super well - give them money and pleasure !!!
but police now raid geylang ma. we offended lotsa future potential china politicans wife. LKY, time to ask police to stop arresting and make good peace with geyland pros. if not, next generation of china leaders wife is not happy ah!!
This is the major flaw of dictatorships.
The senile old bastards who run the repressive regime start to live in their own dreamworld when much of the world has already moved on.
And these bastards totally refuse to give up power.
That is when the tensions starts to rise between the ruling clique and the population.
When are fucking bastards like old dog lee going to die?
Just looking at his motherfucking face makes my blood boil.
MM Lee launches book by Infosys founder Murthy
Think this fellow should draw salary from China, sounds more and more that he is taking more and more care for the China Chinese than the locals. Ungrateful old scumbag.
Why this old bastard keep on talking about China?
talk talk talk china china china.
His GIC lost billions never talk, china keep on talk.
Like to suck china cock might as well fuck off to china.
anglo dog talk about china.
September 4, 2009 by Lee Chong
Filed under Chinese section
在一个纯属虚构和å��为『万Hub之æ¯�ã€�的国家,它的政府奖å¦é‡‘计划是如下è¿�作的。政府奖å¦é‡‘计划 (government scholarship) 最明显的目的是选拔è�ªæ…§çš„é�’年人。但该计划的其他目的并ä¸�是那么明显的。
这些è�ªæ…§çš„é�’å¹´äººå¯¹çŽ°æœ‰çš„æ”¿æ²»ä½“ç³»é€ æˆ�清晰和实在的å¨�å��ã€‚å› æ¤å¿…须有系统地对他们终身『处置 (managed)ã€�和『压制 (neutralized)ã€�。
用奖å¦é‡‘去鼓励并且诱导这些è�ªæ…§çš„é�’年人集ä¸ç²¾ç¥žä»Žäº‹å¦ä¸šã€�特别是科å¦å’Œå·¥ç¨‹å¦ã€‚å› ä¸ºè¿™äº›å¦ç§‘æ˜¯ä»¥äº‹å®žä¸ºæ ¹åŸºï¹�它们倾å�‘于å•è‚²æ›´åŠ 顺从政府的å¦ç”Ÿï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”ä¸�需è¦�è®ç»ƒä»–们作批判å¼�çš„æ€�考(critical thinking)。
政府å�Œæ—¶ä¸»åŠ¨åœ°ã€Žæ•´é¡¿(fix)ã€�那些需è¦�作批判å¼�æ€�考的å¦ç§‘例如﹕政治å¦ã€�历å�²å’Œå“²å¦ã€‚通过分派大批的弱ç‰å¦ç”ŸåŽ»ä¿®è¯»è¿™äº›è‰ºæœ¯å¦ç§‘ï¼Œå› è€Œæ‰“å‡»è¿™äº›å¦ç§‘的声誉使ä¸�å�—å¦ç”Ÿæ¬¢è¿Žã€‚
ä¸�管这些å¦è€…的能力和天分,政府å�‘ä»–ä»¬æ”¯ä»˜é«˜äºŽå¸‚åœºä»·æ ¼çš„è–ªé‡‘å’Œè¿…é€Ÿæ��拔他们å�‡ä»»é«˜è�Œã€‚并且鼓励他们结婚和生养许多å©å�。
当这些å¦è€…完æˆ�æœ�务政府的八年æ�Ÿç¼šæœŸä¹‹å�Žï¹�他们年介三å��出头。æ¤æ—¶ä»–们æ£åœ¨æ‹…当超乎他们能力的è�Œä½�并且收å�–æ— æ•Œçš„è–ªé‡‘ã€‚ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ä»–们忙于应付妻儿。å�¦ä¸€æ–¹é�¢ä¾§ç”±äºŽä½�房和汽车贷款而严é‡�地债å�°é«˜ç‘。å�Œæ—¶ä»–们也维æŒ�ç�€ä¸€ç§�昂贵的生活方å¼�,例如ç»�常出国远游和身为多间乡æ�‘俱ä¹�部的会员。如æ¤ç§�ç§�,这些å¦è€…å®žåœ¨å¤ªå¿™ç¢Œä»¥è‡´æ— æš‡æ€�考国事的是与é�žã€‚
他们å�—到了多数平民百姓的è—�视和怀疑,这些以å‰�的好高骛远之士(high-fliers)ç›®å‰�å·±ç»�æ— å¤„å�¯å½’。他们尚è¦�å�¿è¿˜å·¨å¤§çš„ä½�房和汽车贷款和维æŒ�ç�€ä¸€ç§�昂贵的生活方å¼�。他们的å©å�也在æ¤æ—¶æƒ³è¦�到美国的顶端大å¦ç•™å¦ï¼Œè¿™å°†èŠ±è´¹ä¸€åŒ¹ä¸ºæ•°ä¸�è�²çš„金钱。
这些å¦è€…æ— å¤„å�¯é€ƒã€‚他们并ä¸�拥有在『真实世界ã€�内å�¯ä»¥è°‹ç”Ÿçš„真æ£æŠ€èƒ½ã€‚å› ä¸ºåœ¨æœ�务政府åˆ�期,他们太迅速被æ��å�‡è€Œé”™è¿‡äº†å¦ä¹ 在政府基层如何实际工作去å�–å¾—æˆ�果。å†�者,在事业åˆ�期由于ç»�常轮æ�¢æ”¿åºœå²—ä½�,他们现在年介四å��æ�¥å²�æ‰�å�‘现没有基层知识或者专门技能。
å› æ¤è¿™äº›å¼€å§‹é†’觉的å¦è€…没有选择,å�ªå¥½é—嘴和顺从政府的政ç–。他们自已也å�˜æˆ�了他们在二ã€�三å��å²�时曾ç»�è—�è§†çš„é‚£äº›æ— èƒ½çš„æ”¿åºœé›‡å‘˜ä¸€æ ·ã€‚
当他们年介五å��æ�¥å²�之时,这些å‰�å¦è€…将轻轻地从政府体系ä¸è¢«é€�æ¥æ·˜æ±°ï¼Œè€Œè¢«è°ƒæ´¾è‡³å¯¹æ”¿åºœæ— 害的『é�žæ”¿åºœç»„织(NGOs)ã€�的高层领异ä½�置,使他们ä¿�æŒ�忙碌和令政府ä¸�招麻烦。但是甚而这些NGOs也是特别的机构。他们实际上是商业界组织的NGOs和政府本身组织的NGOs。
August 5, 2009 by admin
Filed under Chinese section
� ��娴
æ–°å¦æœŸå�ˆå¼€å§‹äº†ï¼Œæ²‰å¯‚了一个å�‡æœŸçš„æ ¡å›å�ˆç¹�忙起æ�¥ã€‚笔者作为一å��ä¸å›½ç•™å¦ç”Ÿï¼Œå�‘çŽ°æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„高ç‰é™¢æ ¡ä¸æœ‰å¾ˆå¤šæ‹¿æ”¿åºœå¥–å¦é‡‘ (government scholarship) å‰�æ�¥å°±è¯»çš„外国å¦ç”Ÿã€‚他们有的是教育部直接在ä¸å›½ï¼Œå�°åº¦ç‰å›½å®¶é€‰æ‹”而æ�¥ï¼Œæœ‰äº›æ˜¯è‡ªå·±ç”³è¯·å‰�æ�¥ï¼Œè¿˜æœ‰ä¸€äº›æ˜¯åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡å¿µä¸å¦å’Œåˆ�级å¦é™¢çš„,与本地å¦ç”Ÿä¸€èµ·å�‚åŠ “A”水准考试而进入本地大å¦ã€‚
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Source: Zaobao.com
May 17, 2009 by Lee Chong
Filed under Chinese section
Original blog by Lucky Tan HERE
ç»�æµŽå¥½æ™¯æ—¶ï¼Œä»·æ ¼ä¸Šå�‡ï¼Œéƒ¨é•¿å’Œå…¶ä»–精英(elites)è¶�æœºå¢žåŠ ä»–ä»¬è‡ªå·±çš„è–ªæ°´é«˜è¾¾ä¹�宵云外。 ä½†å¯¹æ–°åŠ å�¡å·¥äººæœ‰ä»€ä¹ˆå¾—益呢?在好景和物价高涨时他们己ç»�è¦�挣扎求å˜ï¼Œä½†åœ¨ç»�济转å��时他们å�ˆæ��惧失业。 他们为了支付公共房屋而挣扎,担心能ä¸�能适当地退休 (retire),并且忧虑必须应付上涨的医è�¯ä¿�å�¥è´¹ç”¨ã€‚ è®¸å¤šæ–°åŠ å�¡äººå¼€å§‹æ€€ç–‘:挣扎究竟是为了什么呢? 从超级竞争性的å¦æ ¡çŽ¯å¢ƒåˆ°æ›´å¯Œç«žäº‰æ€§çš„å·¥ä½œçŽ¯å¢ƒï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡äººä¸�æ–地艰苦工作渡过难关,但这å�šè‹¦å·¥ä½œæ˜¯å�¦å¸¦æ�¥æ›´ç¾Žå¥½çš„生活呢?é�¢å¯¹æœ‰é™�的和分é…�基于市场定价的资æº�,例如:土地和ä½�房,竞争的æ„�义是您è¦�更艰苦地工作而获得更少报酬:我们居所的é�¢ç§¯çš„确是ä¸�æ–收缩,å�³ä½¿è¿™å±…所已消耗了我们收入的更大的百分比(%)作为按æ�还款。我的一ä½�朋å�‹åŽ»å¹´é€šçŸ¥æˆ‘他很高兴å�¯ä»¥ ‘最终买到’ (å•Š…è¦�借钱去买?) 他的梦想家居,这是ç»�过了他的8年艰苦工作任è�Œä¸ºä¸€å��工程师。我å�‚观å�Žå¾—悉,这朋å�‹çš„居所还å°�过我父亲è´ä¹°çš„第一所4房组屋,而我父亲当时å�ªæ˜¯ä¸€å��技工。我的朋å�‹èº«ä¸ºä¸€ä½�工程师对未æ�¥ä»�ç„¶æœ‰æ‰€ç›¼æœ›ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯åœ¨ä»Šå¤©æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„ç»�济环境之下,一å��技工å�ˆæœ‰ä½•ç›¼æœ›å‘¢ï¼Ÿ …
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这系统似乎在æŸ�些地方出了错。 æ•´ä½“ä¸Šï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡ç»�济在兴旺期间是个制å�šé‡‘钱的机器。 问题是如何分é…�。 在过去二å��年,盈利(profits)作为国民生产总值(GDP)的百分比(%)å·±ç»�å¢žé•¿è‡³ç ´è®°å½•çš„æ°´å¹³ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”å�ŒæœŸé—´æ”¶å…¥å·®è·�(income gap)ä¹Ÿè¿…é€Ÿå¢žåŠ …这收入差è·�也渗入ä¸äº§é˜¶çº§å®¶åºå’Œä¸“业人员。然而领导人还敦促工人更艰苦和更长期地工作,但财富分é…�是这么ä¸�公平,那么我们有什么得益呢?
所有以上境况是ä¸�è¶³ä¸ºå¥‡çš„ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæˆ‘ä»¬çš„é¢†å¯¼äººæ˜¯é”™è¯¯åœ°è¢«é¼“åŠ±(misincentivised)。 我们的领导人把他们自己的薪金与那些最高收入阶层挂了鈎。试想一想:把现时这个系统维æŒ�下去是符å�ˆä»–们利益的…..,而您则æ¯�一年è¦�更艰苦地挣扎。
更新:曾阅读一个评论关于PAPé¢†å¯¼äººæ€Žæ ·ä½¿æ™®é€šäººæ°‘ç«žäº‰ï¼Œè€Œè¾¨è§£ä»–ä»¬çš„å…šæ— éœ€ç«žäº‰ã€‚è¿™æ��醒了我昨天å�¬è§�BBC采访Stephen S. Roach [注:Morgan Stanley的高级行政人员链接] 的一侧新闻。 他说民主是社会ç»�济ç¦�祉(well being)çš„å…³é”®å› æ•°ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ç”±äºŽæ”¿æ²»é¢†å¯¼äººå¿…éœ€å�‚与开放的竞选æ‰�能ä¿�è¯�人民的利益得到照顾。
April 24, 2009 by Lee Chong
Filed under Chinese section
Comments Off
Original blog by Feed-Me-To-The-Fish HERE
(译者注: 本文作者笔å��为“拿我去喂鱼” ,æ„�å�³ä»–去世後è¦�海葬。)
您曾患有淋巴瘤肿病(lymphoma),而我则曾�心�病�作和患有心室纤维性乱缩症(ventricular fibrillation)。
您现时关注您æ¯�亲的å�¥åº·ã€‚我以å‰�曾照顾我父亲(如果他今天还活ç�€çš„è¯�ï¼Œå°±è±¡æ‚¨çˆ¶äº²ä¸€æ ·å¹´çºª) 直至他由于退化疾病而去世,这使我对生命的脆弱和æ»äº¡çš„必然有了最深刻的ç�†è§£ã€‚
å½“æ‚¨åœ¨å®½å¤§ä½†ç ´æ—§çš„Oxley Riseä½�å®…(您的妹妹如æ¤è¯´[阅æ¤æ–‡])里长大作为一ä½�总ç�†çš„å„¿å�时,我与其他8ä½�兄弟å§�妹在月租$25元的一室寒èˆ�里长大作为一ä½�STC (Singapore Traction Company) 巴士售票员的儿å�,而且家父è¦�å…¼è�Œå½“æ— ç‰Œå¾·å£«å�¸æœºï¼Œä½¿æˆ‘家能维æŒ�生计。
æ‚¨åˆ°å“ˆä½›å’Œå‰‘æ¡¥æ·±é€ ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”é€‰è¯»ä»»ä½•æ‚¨æƒ³è¦�读的课程,而我最佳的å¦åŽ†å�ªæ˜¯å‰‘桥资深è¯�书(相当于今天的‘O水准’)。
今天您赚得三百七å��万元($3.7 million)是全世界年薪最高的政客(这尚未计算您的陆军准将 (BG) 退休金和国家总ç�†åœ¨55å²�以å�Žçš„退休金) 。我出å�–我的技能作为自雇人士(self employed)而æ¯�年仅凑得大约$24,000çš„å…¥æ�¯ã€‚ æˆ‘æ²¡æœ‰é€€ä¼‘é‡‘ï¼Œæˆ‘å¹¶ä¸”æ²¡æœ‰èµ„æ ¼é¢†å�–您PAP党在æ¯�次竞选和预算案声明时那么ç»�常æŒé¢‚的任何津贴或救济金。 ä¸�è¦�æ��醒我关于GST回扣,它是令人æ�¶å¿ƒçš„ï¼Œå› ä¸ºéƒ¨åˆ†GST也是用了去支付您的薪金。
ä¸�è¦�误会,我并ä¸�是对我现在的境况有所抱怨。富有和愉快是å˜åœ¨äºŽæ‚¨çš„脑袋之ä¸ï¼Œå¹¶é�žå˜åœ¨äºŽæ‚¨èƒ½å�žå� 其他人拥有的东西! 我的å©å�能照顾他们自己,我和妻å�æ¯�月$2000å…¥æ�¯å·²æ˜¯è¶³å¤Ÿåº”付一个简å�•è€Œèˆ’适的生活了。我和家人己感到上天ä¿�佑而满足于我们现有的一切!
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
请您告诉我� :)
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
虽然我们大致年龄相å�Œï¼Œä½†æˆ‘们的æˆ�长背景则ä¸�ä¸€æ ·ã€‚ 我猜想我们唯一共å�Œä¹‹å¤„æ˜¯æˆ‘ä»¬éƒ½å‡ºç”ŸäºŽæ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œæˆ‘们å�Œæ˜¯æ–°åŠ å�¡äººã€‚
当我们çƒçˆ±ç”Ÿå‘½ï¼Œå½“我们真实地去关心,和自愿如æ¤ï¼Œè€Œä¸�å�—到è�Œä½�,æ�ƒåŠ›ï¼Œå’Œé�¢å�的妨ç¢�,我们就永远自由了。 . . . . . . . 我们甚至å�¯ä»¥å†™å�šå®¢(blog)直到被æ�•ä¸ºæ¢
我æ�³åˆ‡åœ°å¸Œæœ›æ‚¨çŽ°åœ¨çš„工作是您çƒçˆ±çš„工作,而ä¸�æ˜¯æ‚¨çˆ¶äº²æˆ–å…¶ä»–äººå¼ºåŠ äºŽä½ çš„ã€‚
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
虽然我从认识您的那些人之ä¸å¾—悉您并ä¸�是åƒ�您表é�¢ä¸Šçœ‹æ�¥çš„æ— ç”¨ (å› æ‚¨è‡ªå·±æ”¯ä»˜äº†ä¸�å�¯æ€�议的薪金,所以人们期待了ä¸�å�¯æ€�议的表现) å’Œæ— æƒ…ï¼Œä½†æˆ‘ä»�然有我的疑惑。
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
从您的优良血统(您爸爸将喜欢å†�笑我这个é’�汉连大å¦æ•™è‚²ä¹Ÿæ²¡æœ‰[阅æ¤æ–‡]) 之å�£ä¸ï¼Œæˆ‘å�¬æ‚¨è¯´äº†“ç±³ç¼�æ— è›¤”(mee siam mai hum),和“整肃å��对党并且收买选票”(fix opposition and buy votes) 而感到震惊。 哪个æ�¶é”使您å�‘表了这些言论?
当Mas Selamat 逃狱时,您沈默了许多天。
å½“æ–°åŠ å�¡äººå�—到Lehman的彻底失败和毒性财ç»�产å“�所伤害时,您沈默了许多天。
当市镇议会(Town Councils)也为了Lehman而烧伤他们自己时,您沈默了许多天。
我从未写信给政客特别是部长级高官,我知é�“我写的东西对他们æ�¥è¯´ä¸�值一文。 . . å�ªæ˜¯åœ¨åŽŸé‡Žä¸å�¦ä¸€å¾®å°�的声音å�§äº†ã€‚
然而,在我æ»äºŽä¸‹æ¬¡å¿ƒè„�ç—…å�‘作之å‰�ï¼Œæˆ‘çŽ°åœ¨æ‹…å½“èµ·æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„è´£ä»»è€Œå†™ä¿¡ç»™ä½ ã€‚
是啊,在我被喂鱼(海葬)之å‰�,我希望作为宇宙上工资最高的总ç�†ï¼Œæ‚¨å°†å�šä»¶æœ‰ä½“é�¢çš„事,调查一下为什么您的PAP 议员王世丰医生(Dr Ong Seh Hong)在ä»�æ…ˆ(Ren Ci) 医院å‰�主管(CEO)明义(Ming Yi) 法师的事件ä¸æ�žå¾—è¿™æ ·æ‹–æ³¥å¸¦æ°´ã€‚
æ²ˆé»˜ä¹Ÿè®¸æ˜¯é‡‘ï¼Œä½†æ‚¨å¯¹æœ€è¿‘åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡å�‘ç”Ÿçš„å…³é”®äº‹ä»¶çš„æ— è¨€è¯„è®ºï¼Œå¯¹æ‚¨çš„å·¥ä½œå¹¶æ²¡æœ‰å¸®åŠ©ã€‚ä¹Ÿä¸�帮助人民“团结å‰�è¿›” (Staying Together Moving Ahead) ,这将使您的PAP竞选宣言å�˜æˆ�笑è¯�。 如果您是困惑ä¸�解而ä¸�知é�“è¦�说些什么è¯�ï¼Œé‚£ä¹ˆæ–°åŠ å�¡äººä¾¿æƒ³çŸ¥é�“: “他究竟在干什么工作?”
ä¸ºäº†æ‰€æœ‰æ–°åŠ å�¡äººèƒ½æ˜Žç™½æ¤äº‹ï¼Œè¯·ä½ 说一些值得您的薪金和è�Œä½�çš„è¯�,觧释关于ä»�慈医院和王世丰医生之间的问题。
å�³ä½¿æ‚¨å°†å‘Šè¯‰æˆ‘们“è¿™äº‹ä»¶æ ¹æœ¬ä¸�是问题,在他清还了贷款之å�Žï¼Œä»–æ‰�æˆ�为比白色更æ´�白的议员”,这比起您å†�次ä¿�æŒ�沈默更好,我们ä»�然ä¹�於一å�¬ã€‚
我们盼望能å�¬åˆ°ä½ 的回音。
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
April 2, 2009 by admin
Filed under Chinese section
� �永欣
一å��æ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‹å�‹åœ¨å¹¿å·žå·¥ä½œä¸€å¹´å¤šå�Žå†³å®šè¾žè�Œï¼Œä¸‹å‘¨å›žå›½ã€‚大伙儿决定明晚为她æ�žä¸ªæ¬¢é€�会,主题为“广州”。除了将到粤è�œé¤�馆å�ƒé¥ï¼Œå¤§å®¶ä¹Ÿå¿…须以广州人的装扮出å¸ï¼Œä¸�这么å�šçš„人将负责“ä¹°å�•”。
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ã€€ã€€æ–°åŠ å�¡å¹´è½»äººå¿…须懂得如何虚心地与ä¸å›½äººæŽ¥è§¦ï¼Œæ¯•ç«Ÿæ–°åŠ å�¡è¿‡åŽ»çš„æˆ�就是先辈的,今å�Žçš„表现则得看我们这一代人。
  明天出å¸æ¬¢é€�会时,我ä¸�会刻æ„�è£…æ‰®ï¼Œå› ä¸ºå¹¿å·žäººçš„ç©¿ç�€ç¡®å®žå°±è·Ÿæˆ‘ä»¬ä¸€æ ·ã€‚
Source: Zaobao.com
I REFER to yesterday’s reports, ‘PM signals a slower intake of immigrants’ and ‘A tip to students: Be driven about causes’.
I am a student at the National University of Singapore. I agree with what Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that bringing in foreigners will help ‘raise our standards and create a stimulating environment’.I enjoy working with people from various cultures, having been exposed to them since Secondary 3, which is when the Ministry of Education brings in scholars from China and Asean.However, at university level, there are sometimes too many foreign students competing for Singaporeans’ space to grow.
For instance, in a mathematics lecture I attended, almost three-quarters of the class comprised foreigners. During in- lecture quizzes, it was obvious that the foreigners were better than the Singaporeans, and so ’stimulated’ the learning environment.
However, it has come to a point where the competition has become stifling and stressful. This is because, in most cases, the foreign students have already learnt lower-level maths and science in their home country. Hence, Singaporeans are at a disadvantage in studying the same subject together with them.
Besides, universities here should give higher priority in offering places to Singaporean students from polytechnics and junior colleges. It is like giving your own children priority in education instead of those of a stranger.
Why should we give priority to foreign students at the expense of Singaporeans? I feel sorry for Singaporeans who have no university place because of this.
Singaporeans should be given more opportunities to learn and grow. Otherwise, many of those who cannot secure a place in a university here will go elsewhere.
Colin Tan
Source: ST Forum, 17 Sept 2009
From our Correspondent
Below is a scanned copy of a flyer emailed to us by a reader:
Dear admin,
I live in a HDB flat & I received this piece of note slipped under the door recently.
I couldn’t paste it on your webpage so I decided to email it to you instead as you may be interested in it.
I’ve erased the telephone number course I don’t want the person to receive any prank call. I believe this is no fault of the PRs or foreigners but rather the problem lies with the government policies.
The question is, how can we ever hope to have affordable HDB flats when we have foreigners who are distributing flyers saying they are “willing to give higher price..” to buy the same HDB flats we are living in??
With the Singapore government being the largest landlord and property developer at the same time, there is no free market in Singapore as it is able to fix the housing prices as it wishes due to its complete monopoly.
The prices of HDB flats are rising due to the following artificial factors created by the government:
1. Constant and ready demand for HDB flats as they are a basic necessity in Singapore. If Singaporeans and PRs do not purchase HDB flats, they will have no where to stay unless they opt for rental.
2. Increasing demand by allowing an increasing number of foreigners to become PRs and to purchase flats. As PRs usually hold a decent-paying job, they will have few problems paying for a resale flat. Besides, since some may not settle down in Singapore, they do not mind paying more now as they can always sell them at a profit later on when they leave.
3. Limiting supply by capping the number of new flats built: With few completed subsidized flats in the market, Singaporeans will have no choice but to compete for flats with the PRs in the resale market thereby causing the prices to go up. The number of flats built in the last few years are considerably less than that in the 1990s. (HDB Infoweb)
4. Complete monopoly over the public housing sector: With virtually no competitors, HDB is able to sell its flats at any prices as it wishes as there is no pressure on them to bring down the prices.
5. Since there are PRs like the above couple who are willing to “spoil the market” to secure a flat in their desired location, sellers will naturally jack up the COVs to make a “killing”. This will eventually lead to higher COVs in the long run. Already we are seeing ridiculously high COVs like the $70,000 paid for a 3-room resale flat in Toa Payoh (Lianhe Wanbao, 14 September 2009)
By Hardwarezone forumer Ixnay
You voted for PAP, and you get to pay 7% GST instead of 5%.
You voted for PAP, and they peg power to the price of oil even when
80% of Singapore’s power comes from natural gas.
You voted for PAP and your CPF money gets lock up for another 3 years
more than the original.
You voted for PAP, and your ministers demanded a 85% pay raises.
You voted for PAP, and your job went to a foreigner.
You voted for PAP, and your neighbors become foreigners.
You voted for PAP, and your elderly gets to enjoy the dignity of
employment by cleaning toilets, scavenging trash bins for aluminum
cans and selling tissue papers.
You voted for PAP, and your minsters tell you it is your fault that
Mas Selemat escaped.
You voted for PAP, and your government would rather lose millions at
sinking foreign banks rather than to save you from starvation.
You voted for PAP, and not only do your ministers literally spit on
you, but their scions tell you to “get out of their elite uncaring
You voted for PAP, and you are amply rewarded with ERPs at your doorstep.
You voted for PAP, and Lee Hsien Loong pledged to fix the oppositions.
You voted for PAP, and you got a Division 3 Prime Minister who needs 2
mentors to hold his hand.
You voted for PAP, and you got a large serving of Mee Siam Mai Hum, at
your own expense.
You voted for PAP, and your salary stayed stagnant for more than a
decade while the cost of living shoot sky high.
You voted for PAP, and you see the foreign kids get a place in school
while you child get zilch.
You voted for PAP, and you find that your public transport is no
longer “public”.
You voted for PAP, and your ministers want to house 1,500 foreign
workers right smacked in the middle of a peaceful neighborhood without
any concerns for you.
You voted for PAP, and the government readily reward your men with
more hookers than they can ever poked in Geylang.
You voted for PAP, and your government happily demands $5000 ang pao
from you when your maid runaway or get pregnant even though you had
nothing to do with it.
You voted for PAP, and your government glorify themselves with Olympic
sized banners of their ghastly faces to scare away ghosts during the
Chinese 7th month, courtesy of your S&C contribution to your town
councils which is suppose to go toward making life in your
neighborhood better.
You voted for PAP, and they protect the interests of the petrol
companies by making you pump 3/4 tank before you cross the causeway.
You voted for PAP, and they see nothing wrong with fining you for
driving a foreign registered car into Singapore.
You voted for PAP, and you discover that world-class super talented
multi-million dollar minister with all the state resources and
manpowers cannot even catch a limping man in this tiny island state
after more than half a year.
You voted for PAP, and you realise that your MP’s job is not to speak
out for you in parliament, but to tell you to tighten the belt, bite
the bullet, eat lesser and work longer.
You voted for PAP, and your kids have to stay with you till 40 years
old, as they cannot afford the cheapest “public” housing.
You voted for PAP, and your government tells you that their
interpretation of subsidies is the profit that they forgo making,
instead of actually paying part of the cost.
You voted for PAP, and everyone in Singapore suddenly got elevated to
Swiss standard of living, except you, and everyone around you.
You voted for PAP, and your neighbors can sell your home for you
(en-block), whether you like it or not.
You voted for PAP, and your organs automatically belongs to the
government (HOTA).
You voted for PAP, and you have to pay administration fee to use your
own money when you are sick (Medisave).
You voted for PAP, and your sons get to spend 2 or more years as free
labour in National Service and 13 more years as reservists, so that
the foreigners can have a safe country to work in.
You voted for PAP, and you found out that each of your son is worth
$30k, because that is what you are going to get if your son die while
serving the foreigners.
You voted for PAP, and you get a grand party every year on 9th August
celebrating more salaries for PAP.Not everyone is invited though, you
will still have to ballot for it.
You voted for PAP, and they tell you that there is a corner called
Hong Lim Park where you can go to talk all you want, other than that,
shut up unless you have something nice to say.
You voted for PAP, and you get a world-bottom “nation-building” press
serving you the latest propagandas, regardless of truth.
You voted for PAP, and in order to buy a car, you have to first pay
for a piece of paper that cost more than the car itself.
You voted for PAP, and you must vote for PAP! You cannot even think
about not voting for PAP. Because a certain inaccurate old man said
that he will call in the army if you don’t.
So vote for PAP. Read the list above again, and vote for PAP. Go
ahead, vote for PAP. More good years eh? Vote for PAP. For Swiss
standard of living. Vote for PAP. Mee Siam Mai Hum ok?
Source: Hardwarezone Forum
December 26, 2008 by admin
Filed under Archives, Selected reads
Produced by The Enquirer TV, The Singapore Enquirer
(Also watch the video interview with Mr Chua’s wife in the thread below)
69 year old Mr Chua used to work as a construction laborer in the past. He is still healthy and able to work, but nobody wants to employ him, citing age as a concern.
As he does not qualify for the Public Assistance scheme, he is only given a monthly allowance of $150 which he supplements by borrowing from his friends.
Excerpts of interview translated from Hokkien:
SG Enquirer: Do you go to look for work ?
Mr Chua: Yes, I cycled everywhere from Geylang to Whampoa, but they say I am too old and refuse to employ me…..I told my friends like this die already I have no job to do, no job no money. If this house has to be paid by me, then I really die.
SG Enquirer: How much did the government give you a month ?
Mr Chua (crying): S$150 only. They open a bank account for me and deposit the money into it every month.
SG Enquirer: Is it enough ?
Mr Chua: Not enough. The water bills is already a couple of dollars…..in 2, 3 or at most 4 days, the money is gone.
SG Enquirer: Are food prices high now ?
Mr Chua: Yes, very expensive ! When I go out to look for job, I dare not drink coffee at coffeeshop. I ordered hot water instead, no money what to eat ? Can only drink water.
SG Enquirer: Did you ask your MP to help you look for job.
Mr Chua: Yes, they gave me a job as a sweeper at ….don’t know where, offered me S$300 monthly, but the transport fares cost a hundred plus dollars already.
SG Enquirer: Did you ever go hungry ?
Mr Chua: When we are hungry, just take some roti (bread).
SG Enquirer: Do you still have CPF ?
Mr Chua: No.
SG Enquirer: Are you upset with your predicament ?
Mr Chua: Yes, but what to do ? When we run out of money, I have to go around to borrow from my friends and when the S$150 is deposited on every 3rd of the month, I will use it to repay them.
January 4, 2009 by admin
Filed under Archives, Selected reads
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Video produced by The Enquirer TV, The Singapore Enquirer
70 year old Madam Tan has 9 children who gives her $500 – $700 monthly on average for living expenses. Yet she continues to collect used cardboards to sell in her neighborhood. She claimed she does not need the money and is doing so to keep herself healthy.
Excerpts of interview:
SG Enquirer: “How much cardboards do you collect daily ?”
Madam Tan: “Not a lot, just a few – look over there.”
SG Enquirer: “How much do you learn from selling them ?”
Madam Tan: “Now times are bad, about S$1.50 after 3 days, at most S$3.00″
SG Enquirer: “Do you have any children ?”
Madam Tan: “Yes, 9 of them. They give me money for my monthly expenses.”
SG Enquirer: “Then why are you still working ?”
Madam Tan: “To keep myself healthy lor, my legs are very weak, so I need to exercise.”
SG Enquirer: “Why don’t you rest at home ?”
Madam Tan: “Nothing better to do lah, keep staying at home will go mad.”
SG Enquirer: “Are you happy with your present life ?”
Madam Tan: “Okay lah, in life most important must take things easy, don’t brood over problems, eat well, sleep well, I live a simple life.”
In November 2008, we published a story from a reader about a 74 year old Madam Neo who has been picking cardboards for a living for the past 10 years (read the article here). We were indeed surprised that there are actually elderly around who are in this “trade” to keep themselves fit.
Madam Tan appeared to be cheerful throughout the interview. Unfortunately, she belonged to the minority. For every Madam Tan, there will be at least a dozen Madam Neos who need to collect used cardboards in their twilight years to feed themselves.
If the current price for used cardboards as quoted by Madam Tan above is true, this means that many elderly who are dependent on the “cardboard industry” to make a living will have to starve every other day as S$3.00 can hardly buy enough food for a day.
EDITORS’ NOTE: Tomorrow, we will bring a series of exclusive interviews with Singaporeans on the most pressing question on our readers’ mind: who will you vote for if an election is held this year, the PAP or the opposition ? Stay tuned to this blog for more exciting and ground-breaking news.