The figures have said it. Looks like the US President really has to live his life many times over just to earn as much as a local minister.. say they work for the same duration.
if they are not.. then i dunno what is overpaid already...
Hey, you really want some fun? Work out the figures per capita. It's gobstopping how fat Singapore's masters have gotten on the backs of working men.
The US President will preside over a US Economy that has the nominal Gross Domestic Product estimated at US$14.4 Trillion in 2008 (*2)
The salary of Singapore’s PM is approximately US$2.2 Million a year (*3) and he manages a Singapore economy with a Gross Domestic Product of US$235.6 Billion - where 60 per cent of the GDP is from State Owned and Controlled firms. (*4)
It is utterly pathetic that the elitist talent of the Singapore PM - paid an annual salary of US$2.2 Million has little room to move, and is totally dependent on the performance of the US President earning a salary of US$400,000 per year.