Why do tiny Singapore needs 2 SM, 2 DPM, 1 MM and 3 Minister in PMO?
The errie sense of deja vu of cabinet of bygone years if take a close look at pmo.
2 reason i can think of:
the PAP is running out of talents now. they try to retain the services of the old folks as long as possible.
the old generation politicians cannot survive on their own, need govt money to pay for their lavish lifestyle.
This is what you call a circle within a circle of brotherhood...
Why do tiny Singapore needs 2 SM, 2 DPM, 1 MM and 3 Minister in PMO?
Eat more money lor.
One minister one year salary in millions leh.
let's take this one another step..
they're so inept that they need a LOT of mini-stars to do the work of one..
which begs the question: why the hell do they pay themselves so much, yet need so much "help" in the form of 2nd ministers, ministers of state, and whatnots?
they're not competitive.. which means they're not competent enough to handle the job without so much help right?
The reason they have this top heavy governance is similar to what I have seen when I was in NSF.
My unit had:
Two 2LT
2 Warrant Officers
3 Staff Sergeants
2 Sergeant
8 Corporals
11 Lance Corporals
1 Private
1 Recruit
At Division Level, they had:
1 Colonel
4 Lt Colonels
8 Majors
6 Captains
4 Lts
6 2Lts
2 Senior Warrants
2 Warrants
6 Staff Sergeants
11 Sergeants
28 Corporals
11 Lance Corporals
8 Privates
2 Recruits
As you can see its top heavy. This ensures redundancy in making decisions. Lots of pay. Those at the bootom know that they will become seniors, there is no competition.
We had some friends come over from Brunei once, and they had been Privates for 15-years and no way to become Lance Corporal anytime soon.
SO our government having...
1 PM
1 MM
2 SM
etc, are no different than what I had in the old days.
Simple Reason.
One old man want to travel around the world and paid by the people.
I dun think Ah Goh want to stay around cos he can go to england to enjoy his life with his family and his peanut wife.
As for the existing team, the whole lot of them can be fired cos they cannot handle a limping terrorist, a ping pong team in a mess, huge loss of reserves without any one responsible and huge increase in pigeon hole price but huge decrease in building quality.
As for the dragon son, I guess he is the reluctant person in power.
Originally posted by Medicated Oil:Simple Reason.
One old man want to travel around the world and paid by the people.
I dun think Ah Goh want to stay around cos he can go to england to enjoy his life with his family and his peanut wife.
As for the existing team, the whole lot of them can be fired cos they cannot handle a limping terrorist, a ping pong team in a mess, huge loss of reserves without any one responsible and huge increase in pigeon hole price but huge decrease in building quality.
As for the dragon son, I guess he is the reluctant person in power.
maybe the dragon son is reluctant..
goodness knows he's pretty useless.. knn, old man forced him to marry an ugly man and he did!!
Originally posted by the Bear:
maybe the dragon son is reluctant..goodness knows he's pretty useless.. knn, old man forced him to marry an ugly man and he did!!
Originally posted by Malestone7469:The reason they have this top heavy governance is similar to what I have seen when I was in NSF.
My unit had:
Two 2LT
2 Warrant Officers
3 Staff Sergeants
2 Sergeant
8 Corporals
11 Lance Corporals
1 Private
1 RecruitAt Division Level, they had:
1 Colonel
4 Lt Colonels
8 Majors
6 Captains
4 Lts
6 2Lts
2 Senior Warrants
2 Warrants
6 Staff Sergeants
11 Sergeants
28 Corporals
11 Lance Corporals
8 Privates
2 RecruitsAs you can see its top heavy. This ensures redundancy in making decisions. Lots of pay. Those at the bootom know that they will become seniors, there is no competition.
We had some friends come over from Brunei once, and they had been Privates for 15-years and no way to become Lance Corporal anytime soon.
SO our government having...
1 PM
1 MM
2 SMetc, are no different than what I had in the old days.
Isn't that the same for most if not all military hierarchy?
But you have never heard of supreme field marshall, mentor field marshall and senior field marshall have you?
need some many position so they can officially pay them what.. if not how?
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):need some many position so they can officially pay them what.. if not how?
It's all friends and family members.
Another simple reason.
Just ask Ah Bian in taiwan prison.
Study what he did to cover his ass when he is in power for 8 years.
Ah Bian also travel around the world.
Old man also travel around the world.
Originally posted by Medicated Oil:Another simple reason.
Just ask Ah Bian in taiwan prison.
Study what he did to cover his ass when he is in power for 8 years.
Ah Bian also travel around the world.
Old man also travel around the world.
Just shoot down the plane he is on lar!!!!!
Problem solved
Earn money ma. If not you not fast as them
Of course even nonagenarians can contribute to the society in many ways but definitely not in the highest office of the government.
Hence the underlying issue is not ageism per se but the indefiniteness of the political tenure at the highest level is a cause for concern.
Originally posted by qpicanto:
As an ordinary citizen one would be taken aback by how MM fumbled on the date of US Constitution, in parliament, the correct date September 17, 1787, has become 1976 or 1977. How could US independence be in the ninety -seventies? It is the logic not merely forgetting the numbers.
The old man is 86 years old. He is senile. Watch him on TV, watch the way he speaks. He has trouble speaking and thinking.
It begs the question: why is an 86 year old senile freak in charge of GIC making billions of losses yearly?
This is Singapore for you, all fucking rubbish.
March 31, 2009 by admin
Filed under Chinese section
  æ�Žæ˜¾é¾™æ€»ç�†æ˜¨å¤©åœ¨æ€»ç»Ÿåºœä¼šè§�媒体,谈论内é˜�最新一轮改组时表示,éš�ç�€ç»�济体å�˜å¤§ï¼Œäººå�£å¢žåŠ ,国民è¦�求æ��é«˜ï¼ŒåŠ ä¸Šåˆ¶åº¦å�˜å¾—å¤�æ�‚,ä¸�管是国家å�‘展部,国防部,教育部或贸工部,部长的è�Œè´£éƒ½æ¯”过去ç¹�é‡�。
  他å�¯ä»¥ç¡®å®šçš„说,åƒ�贸工部,外交部,教育部和国防部,肯定需è¦�多å��政务部长或政务次长æ�¥å��助部长的工作。“我得说当ä¸å‡ 个较庞大的部门,其实需è¦�超过一å��å…¨è�Œéƒ¨é•¿ã€‚ä¸�过那是我们今å�Žå¿…须考虑的问题。”
  总ç�†ä¹ŸæŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œå°½ç®¡æ”¿åºœçš„工作比过去庞大和沉é‡�,但政府部门照旧维æŒ�在15个,包括总ç�†å…¬ç½² (Prime Minister’s Office)在内。ç»�过这轮改组,部长包括代部长的人数是21人,总人数也没有改å�˜ã€‚
  他ä¸�认为15个政府部门和21ä½�éƒ¨é•¿å’Œä»£éƒ¨é•¿äººæ•°è¿‡å¤šï¼Œå› ä¸ºæ”¿åºœçš„å·¥ä½œå®žé™…ä¸Šå·²å�˜å¾—æ›´ç¹�é‡�。
  总ç�†è¯´ï¼Œç›®å‰�21ä½�部长ä¸ï¼Œå½“ä¸æœ‰10人也就是一å�Šï¼Œæ˜¯åœ¨è¿‡åŽ»ä¸‰å±Šå¤§é€‰å�³1997å¹´ã€�2001å¹´å’Œ2006年的大选ä¸é€‰å‡ºæ�¥çš„。这些年轻部长以活力和新想法,主导政府决ç–。年龄较大资深部长,则å‡ç�€ä¸°å¯Œç»�验和阅历,在国家é�¢ä¸´å�±æœºæ—¶æ��出å�„ç§�å¿ å‘Šã€‚
  身为总ç�†ï¼Œä»–çš„è�Œè´£æ˜¯ç»„织一批全é�¢ã€�能有效è¿�作的领导团队,确ä¿�æ¯�ä½�部长ã€�政务部长ã€�政务次长都有一定分é‡�,都能有所贡献,虽然大家未必å�šå�Œæ ·çš„事。他说,ä¸�是æ¯�一个人都在è�‰æ‹Ÿæ”¿ç–,也ä¸�是æ¯�一个人都在æ�žåŸºå±‚,å�ˆæˆ–者以咨询者的角色自居,但æ¯�个人都有特定责任和分é‡�。
  总ç�†è¯´ï¼Œè¿™æ ·çš„工作比20å¹´å‰�ã€�甚至10å¹´å‰�密集和ç¹�é‡�很多å€�。我们虽是个å°�国,但è¦�æ±‚è¿˜æ˜¯ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œæ‹…å�å�ªæœ‰æ¯”过去沉é‡�,å�¯æ˜¯æˆ‘们还是维æŒ�å�Œä¸€æ•°é‡�的部门。
当问å�Šæ”¿åºœæœ€è¿‘物色新人是å�¦æ›´å›°éš¾æ—¶ï¼Œæ�Žæ€»ç�†ç¨�é�¢æœ‰éš¾è‰²è¯´ï¼Œä»–ä¸�æ„¿è¯´è¿™ä¸ªè¿‡ç¨‹æ›´è‰°éš¾ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæ”¿åºœè¿‡åŽ»ç¡®å®žå¼•è¿›ä¸�少优秀的人选。ä¸�过在上届大选ä¸ç¡®å®žæœ‰äº›äººé€‰å› 为自觉还没准备好,所以没å�‚选。“我想ç§�人ä¼�业现在有更多机会,人æ‰�也更分散,所以è¦�å�¬é›†å’Œè¯´æœ�他们会更困难。例如一å��出色的科å¦å®¶æˆ–ç ”ç©¶å‘˜ï¼Œæˆ‘å¿…é¡»æŽ¨æ–他是å�¦é€‚å�ˆä»Žå®žéªŒå®¤çš„工作转到亲å�»å©´å„¿å’Œæ‰“ç�†ä¸€ä¸ªéƒ¨é—¨ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯å¾ˆå¤§çš„转å�˜ä¹Ÿæœ‰é£Žé™©……人们现在会觉得点头ç”应是更困难的事。”
  �总�也指出,副总�出任国务资政的作法其实早有先例,已故建国元勋拉惹勒�最早在1984年�下第二副总��务�,便担任总�公署高级部长(英文�衔�为Senior Minister)。�过,�副总�陈庆炎退休�便回返�人界,没有出任国务资政。
  “这都得视情况而定,å�ªè¦�他们能继ç»ä¸ºå†…é˜�å›¢é˜Ÿå’Œæ–°åŠ å�¡ä½œå‡ºè´¡çŒ®ï¼Œæˆ‘认为是值得把他们留下的。”
  政府内é˜�将有三ä½�资政,分别是内é˜�资政æ�Žå…‰è€€ã€�国务资政å�´ä½œæ ‹å�Šå�³å°†è½¬ä»»å›½åŠ¡èµ„政的贾å�¤çŽ›ã€‚æ�Žå…‰è€€æ˜¯åœ¨1990å¹´å�¸ä¸‹æ€»ç�†è�ŒåŠ¡å�Žå‡ºä»»å†…é˜�资政;å�´ä½œæ ‹åˆ™æ˜¯åœ¨2004年将总ç�†æ£’å�交给æ�Žæ˜¾é¾™å�Žå‡ºä»»å›½åŠ¡èµ„政。
  贾å�¤çŽ›ä»Žæ”¿å‰�æ›¾æ˜¯æ–°åŠ å�¡å¤§å¦çš„法律系院长,在1980年大选ä¸å½“选å�Žï¼Œéš”年获擢å�‡å‡ºä»»å¾‹æ”¿éƒ¨å’Œå†…政部政务部长,1984å¹´æ£å¼�å�‡ä»»ä¸ºåŠ³å·¥éƒ¨é•¿ã€�内政部å�Šå¾‹æ”¿éƒ¨ç¬¬äºŒéƒ¨é•¿ï¼Œè‡³ä»Šå·²æœ‰è¿‘30年的从政ç»�验。
  “就拿去年的白ç¤�案件æ�¥è¯´ï¼Œå¾ˆå°‘有人(åƒ�ä»–é‚£æ ·ï¼‰å¯¹ä¸€ä¸ªå»¶ç»é•¿è¾¾30年的问题了如指掌,并一开始便ç�€æ‰‹å¤„ç�†è¿™ä¸ªé—®é¢˜ã€�直到它解决为æ¢ã€‚è´¾å�¤çŽ›ç ”究白ç¤�争端的起æº�并亲自在国际法院è�†å�¬æ³•å®˜æ‰€å�šçš„è£�决。”
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  æ�Žæ€»ç�†æ˜¨å¤©å›žç”记者有关他的å�¥åº·çŠ¶å†µé—®é¢˜æ—¶è¯´ï¼Œä»–çš„å�¥åº·æƒ…å†µè‰¯å¥½ï¼Œå¦‚æžœæœ‰äººè§‰å¾—ä»–çœ‹ä¼¼ç˜¦äº†ï¼Œé‚£æ˜¯å› ä¸ºä»–çš„èº«ä½“è´¨é‡�指数(BMI)超过ç�†æƒ³æ°´å¹³ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥åŒ»ç”Ÿå˜±å’�ä»–è¦�å‡�é‡�。
  总ç�†è¯´ï¼Œä»–æ¯�年定期å�šå�¥åº·æ£€æŸ¥ï¼ŒåŒ»ç”Ÿä¼šä»”细检查,目å‰�为æ¢ä»–çš„èº«ä½“æ— æ�™ã€‚“现在我的å�¥åº·æ²¡é—®é¢˜ï¼Œä¸�è¿‡äººç”Ÿæ— å¸¸ï¼Œä½ èƒ½å�šçš„也å�ªæœ‰å¥½å¥½ç…§é¡¾èº«ä½“,其他的顺其自然。但在这å�Œæ—¶ï¼Œæˆ‘也è¦�ç¡®ä¿�整个团队的实力是雄厚的,就是说整个领导团队ä¸�是å�ªé� 一个人è¿�作。”
Source: Zaobao.com
March 28, 2009 by admin
Filed under Chinese section
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Translated by Tan Lee Chong, Chinese Correspondent
(Original article by Fang Zhi Yuan HERE)
昨晚(2009å¹´3月20æ—¥)åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡å›½ç«‹å¤§å¦(NUS)æ ¡å�‹ä¸å¿ƒå¼€å¹•ç¤¼æ—¶ï¼Œæ�Žå…‰è€€èµ„政说他ä¸�相信我国的少人å�£å�¯ä»¥æ‰¿å�—å¾—èµ·ä¸€ä¸ªä¸¤å…šçš„æ”¿æ²»ç³»ç»Ÿï¼Œå› ä¸ºPAPå·²ç»�‘èµ°é��了全国å�‘掘出我们现有的人æ‰�’。(这里读全文)
‘您需è¦�å“�æ ¼ã€�承诺ã€�活力和有能力与人民相通。这是一个é�žå¸¸å›°éš¾çš„工作’,他如æ¤è¯´ã€‚
1.æ— è®ºæ˜¯ä¸€å…šåˆ¶æˆ–ä¸¤å…šåˆ¶çš„å›½å®¶ï¼Œå›½å®¶äººå�£å’Œæ”¿æ²»ç³»ç»Ÿä¹‹é—´æ˜¯æ²¡æœ‰äº¤äº’作用的 (no correlation)。丹麦ã€�芬兰ã€�新西兰和å�¢æ£®å ¡æ˜¯å�¯ä¸Žæ–°åŠ å�¡ç›¸æ¯”的少人å�£å›½å®¶ï¼Œä½†è¿™äº›ä¾‹å�å°�国拥有两个或多个政党在他们的议会ä¸ã€‚
2.为什么PAP“必须走é��全国”å�‘掘人æ‰�æ�¥ä»Žäº‹å…¬è�Œå‘¢ï¼Ÿåœ¨ä¸€ä¸ªçœŸæ£æ°‘主国家,抱有æœ�务人民的激情的公民将会挺身而出作为ä¸�å�Œæ”¿å…šæ——下的候选人去å�‚åŠ ç«žé€‰ã€‚
PAP现在的迷罔困境主è¦�æ˜¯å®ƒæœ¬èº«ä¸€æ‰‹æ‰€é€ æˆ�的。多年æ�¥PAP滥用诽谤讼和国家治安工具,é‡�手地去镇压那些å��对它管治的ä¸�å�Œæ”¿è§�者,引致现在它本身å�—ç�€æ„�想ä¸�到的å�Žæžœã€‚
æ–°åŠ å�¡äººä¸€èˆ¬æ˜¯æˆ˜æˆ˜æƒŠæƒŠçš„和对政治有æ��惧感的。è�ªæ…§çš„年轻男女å®�å�¯èŠ±è´¹æ—¶é—´å�‘展他们的事业和积蓄财富,比起在政界弄è„�他们的å�Œæ‰‹æ›´ä½³ã€‚所以å��对派和PAP在最近å�‘现越æ�¥è¶Šéš¾å�¸æ”¶å…·æœ‰èµ„æ ¼çš„äººæ°‘å�šä»–ä»¬çš„å…šå‘˜ï¼Œè™½ç„¶æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„识å—率是世界上最高之一。
虽然我们人å�£å°‘,但我们50%的公民拥有大å¦å¦ä½�或文å‡ã€‚ä»–ä»¬ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆæ— å…´è¶£åŠ å…¥æ”¿ç•Œå‘¢ï¼Ÿ
多党的政治和活跃å�‚ä¸Žçš„å…¨ä½“å…¬æ°‘åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡æˆ�é•¿å’Œå�‘展的主è¦�绊脚石,是在于æ�Žèµ„政所鼓å�¹å’Œé•¿æœŸæŽ¨è¡Œçš„“官僚化”(mandarinate)系统。
PAP是个å�Œä¸€æ ·çš„个体,它紧紧被控制在一人的手下。PAP议员们仅仅是这系统的“官僚”(mandarins)。他们的任务是æœ�务党的利益和执行“皇å¸�”的命令。
æ–°åŠ å�¡å……满有天份的人æ‰�从事å�„è¡Œå�„业,例如:法律ã€�医å¦ã€�工程或者财务。有è°�æ„¿æ„�在å�‚åŠ äº†ä¸€ä¸ªæ”¿å…šä»¥å�Žï¼Œå�ªæ˜¯ç›²ç›®è·Ÿéš�党上级的命令,而没有自由和机会去充分地显示自己的能力和实施自己的想法和主动性呢?
æˆ‘ä»¬æ— éœ€çœ‹å¾—å¤ªè¿œæ�¥ä¸ºæˆ‘们的困境寻找ç”案。å�ªéœ€ç»†å¿ƒå¯Ÿè§†åœ¨è®®ä¼šä¸82个PAP议员的表现便å�¯æ‰¾åˆ°ç”案。他们是å�¦æ–°åŠ å�¡å¿…é¡»æ��供的真棓优质人æ‰�”æ£å¦‚æ�Žèµ„政那么骄傲地宣告大众呢?
除é�žPAP本身ç»�过改é�©å’Œå®¹è®¸å®ƒçš„干部更多å�‚与党的决ç–过程,å�¦åˆ™å®ƒå¿…需满æ„�å�ªèƒ½æ‰¾åˆ°“第二级平凡”的人æ‰�ã€‚å› ä¸ºä¸–ç•Œç¬¬ä¸€çº§å¤©æ‰�本身是领导人,他们出生就è¦�带领他人,而ä¸�是跟éš�å’Œæœ�从他人。
由于他ä¸�喜欢å��对声音å�‘他挑战,æŸ�一个人的自ç§�å¿—å�‘å·²ç»�æ•°å��å¹´æ�¥é˜»æ¢äº†çœŸæ£çš„ï¼Œå……æ»¡æ´»åŠ›çš„å’Œä¸¥è°¨çš„è®®ä¼šæ°‘ä¸»åˆ¶åº¦åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡è¯žç”Ÿã€‚ä»–è¦�任由自己所喜欢而去统治,ä¸�å�—任何疑问或å��抗。所有他的å�Œäº‹å’Œä¸‹çº§ä»…仅是ä¹�队ä¸çš„音ä¹�家æ£åœ¨æ¼”å¥�他所喜欢的ä¹�声å�§äº†ã€‚
æ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‰è¶³å¤Ÿçš„天æ‰�组æˆ�ä¸�仅是两个ã€�但是三个或者多个政党,ä¿�è¯�在议会ä¸æ‰€æœ‰æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„å¿—å�‘得以充份代表和å��影出æ�¥ã€‚
1. 废除GRC系统,并且å…�è®¸åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡æ‰€æœ‰84个选区举行一对一竞赛。
2. 拒絶使用诽谤诉讼去催�PAP的对手,如果有需�使用诽谤诉讼,�制�伤补��能少于$10,000。
3. �许媒介完全自由报导国内政治,��任何干涉。
æ�Žèµ„政在他这把年å²�是å�¦æœ‰é›„心进行一次真æ£çš„政治竞斗呢?或者他是å�¦æœ‰æ„�虚伪地掩è—�在他政党的å�Žé�¢ï¼Œä»�然继ç»ç»Ÿæ²»æ–°åŠ å�¡å¥½åƒ�统治他的个人å°�åœ°ä¸€æ ·å‘¢ï¼Ÿ