Originally posted by Atobe:
Your cynicism towards politics is most pathetic, and it is amazing that you will even want to involve yourself with politics even in this Speaker's Corner.
Is you cynicism due to your own dismal performance in making things happen, or is it an admission of your own political impotence ?
Can you learn anything from History, when you prefer to stand on the side-lines, and prefer to be a seemingly impassionate observer ?
The French Revolution was an uprising of the common folks in the throes of a bankrupt royalty that had been self-indulgent in pomp and pageantry and neglected the country and the citizenry.
Can the French Revolution be of any relevance to the Singapore's circumstances in this day and age of the 21st Century, or is your cynical mind still as violent and volatile as a neglected village peasant ?
Did the Iranians overthrow the Shah of Iran in some spontaneous uprising without any leadership directive, and which allowed the Ayatollahs to take over the revolution subsequently ?
Or did you muddle the historical facts about the Iranian Revolution of 1979 – otherwise also known as the 1979 Islamic Revolution (*1) - to suit your own agenda in being negative towards political change in Singapore ?
Was it not a fact that the Shah of Iran was overthrown by a revolution that was long in the making and had its origin hatched from the Islamic pulpits in Iran - even when the venerable Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was exiled, and returned a hero ?
If Mao didn't have a clue and went on his Cultural and whatever revolutions - did LKY have any clue with his own failures in his revolutionary Family Planning Schemes and parallel activities at encouraged abortions (especially from those in the lower income families) - all of which had caused Singapore to still suffer from the effects of his failed policy of the late 1960s ?
What about GCT with his revolutionary fantasy of creating a SWISS Standard of Living for Singapore, which left Singapore with a SWISS Cost of Living by the end of his 14 year term ?
Is LHL any better with his economic blue prints for the future when it is developed around the IR schemes ?
What social and economic impact will this have for the future of Singapore, when calls for such IR facilities have been resisted since independence in 1965 ?
Are you encouraging that the despots in Cuba should continue to exist despite their failings towards Cuban Society ?
Are the present Cuba's economic failures due to its own incapablities, or is it not due more to the US economic and trade embargo placed over Cuba ?
How big is the African continent ?
Which parts of the African continent are you looking at when brushing indiscriminately with your generalised statement ?
Are there no success stories to quote, or is your superficial ignorance due to your fear in drawing on the success of those States that managed to be better in their new found political environment ?
It is easy to generalise by simply sitting on the fence, and it is similarly foolish to cut all those that exist on both sides of the fence - which had kept your fence upright.
Did anyone complain that building is hard or can be harder ?
The hard part is bringing the cynics who preferring to be inactive to even save itself, let alone the larger community, even as it knows that the ship is sinking.
The cynic will not even think of what its own contribution can be, but to blindly trust the captain -who himself has no clue and is experimenting as the situation develop - without anyone knowing what is being done or how bad the situation is developing.
Did CSJ and the late Jeyaratnam fail dismally due to the absence of any plan or clue of where to go after they "happen to defeat the MIW" ?
Was it not a fact that their failure was due to their inability to break the abusive grip of LKY and the PAP in manipulating the entire three branches of Government that was supposed to independently exist in a Democratic Society ?
Unless you are determined to be totally dishonest, and will prefer to ignore the facts that LKY had manipulated his own political position since entering politics in 1957 till this day, you may as live a lie as a disenchanted hermit on the moon.
It is obvious that your own prejudice towards the Alternative Political Parties have led you to close yourself from even reading their books on various subjects that range from social, economics, justice and politics.
Your statement that CSJ has no clue or plan has clearly showed either your deliberate dishonesty on this subject, or your complete complete ignorance of the many books that he had written about the very issues that you are seeking answers for.
Can you differentiate the Civil Service from your 'gabrament' ?
With LKY's method of politicising the Civil Service and every aspects of government in what LKY determine as "symbiosis" between the "mind" and the "body" - can one differentiate where the PAP begin and where it ends ?
It is this present set up that is stifling the development of alternative views - that if and when the PAP is removed from office - LKY has created a backdoor for the PAP to remain in control of the machinery and tools of government.
This is the legacy of built-in instability that LKY has deliberately put in place as an insurance of the continued monopoly of a monolithic political party that has its hand and fingers on every pulse of Singapore's heart beat.
As long as the present system that has been put in place by LKY and the PAP to ensure their narrow political interests, instead of the interests of Singaporeans - the voice of the Singapore Citizens will never be heard.
As long as the present PAP system that has been prepared as a Time Bomb that is to be remote controlled by the PAP in the event of their own irrelevance, the political future of Singapore will always be in jeopardy.
Even the intellect of the retired Senior Civil Servant Ngiam Tong Dow has also made similar observations in several studies that appeared in the local press, one special feature was entitled : Is Singapore ‘bigger than PAP’ (*2)
Can the intellect of the Bear match Mr Ngiam's ?
Can a stupid piece of shit like ATurddy know about the suffering of the common people? I have no connection to whatever hogs, swine or pigs or even George Orwell, but I am one of the people of Singapore. I can only say to the disloyal, stupid piece of shit called ATurddy who blatantly disregard the feelings of the people that it is a slimy piece of shit.
What TheBear has said is true of politicians, that they are indeed self-serving, be the politicians be in power or the opposition. I have quoted the Golden Shoe Carpark incident as proof of how selfish is the SDP but look at how ATurddy divurged from the current topic and defended the christian taliban, Miracles&Prophecies, whom I accused being more loyal to a single person than his religious outlook in a previous thread.
CSJ and Jeyaratnam failed is because they have failed to consider whether their formulated policies agree with the masses and not a minority. Everybody wants to be rich, but then who wants to be poor? Taking from the rich to help the poor will only gain the support of the poor, but if given the chance to become rich by having a niche market and maximising their potiential, everybody gains according to their maximum capability.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
Can a stupid piece of shit like ATurddy know about the suffering of the common people? I have no connection to whatever hogs, swine or pigs or even George Orwell, but I am one of the people of Singapore. I can only say to the disloyal, stupid piece of shit called ATurddy who blatantly disregard the feelings of the people that it is a slimy piece of shit.What TheBear has said is true of politicians, that they are indeed self-serving, be the politicians be in power or the opposition. I have quoted the Golden Shoe Carpark incident as proof of how selfish is the SDP but look at how ATurddy divurged from the current topic and defended the christian taliban, Miracles&Prophecies, whom I accused being more loyal to a single person than his religious outlook in a previous thread.
CSJ and Jeyaratnam failed is because they have failed to consider whether their formulated policies agree with the masses and not a minority. Everybody wants to be rich, but then who wants to be poor? Taking from the rich to help the poor will only gain the support of the poor, but if given the chance to become rich by having a niche market and maximising their potiential, everybody gains according to their maximum capability.
This must be one of the more pathetic response from a "zwei-siao-Hog" to maintain its pompous form of "basic social skill" in public debate with the typical boorish verbal skills of a "Bavarian Hog" - as seen in the pretentious "Germanic" nick plagiarized from a kid's game.
Does the Bear need you to fend for his interests, while you prefer to avoid the shameful acts of "Fascist indecency" that disgrace even your "Germanic" pretense ?
Were you simply embarrassed by the Hog's truth of the situation revealed ?
For one who claim others for being skilled at mangling words, you seem to have overlooked your consistent maligning of religious analogies - linking worship of CSJ with Yaweh, and now Christian Taliban ?
Is there any more to come from the depths of a "Fascist boor" ?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:ATurdy, go suck on CSJ's dick since you like him so much. There are better alternatives than a chimpanzee and his fellow cronies or gorillas in white, and with much more human sense. CSJ and his cronies went to Golden Shoe carpark hawker centre and managed to irritate the lunch crowd away. The hawkers were very pissed as they depend on the lunch-hour crowd to earn their daily keep. It shows that the SDP are just paying lip service to democracy and service to the common people when they keep yelling about "democracy and knowing about the truth" at the top of their lungs and canvassing from table to table. The common people couldn't have their lunch and the hawkers lost their customers that day.
So you piece of shit, ATurdy, better wake up your idea and learn that SDP is just another self-serving party.
Surely the pretentious "zwei-siao-hog" has more 'Social Skill' to be expected with its pretentious 'Germanic' nick - when its "zwei-siao" mentality display some pure fiery vulgarity in its 'religiously Fascist fanatical' hostility towards CSJ and the SDP ?The "zwei-siao" Fascist hostility from a pretentious "Germanic" Hog has even taken on a religious tone in - "I know you worship CSJ and not yaweh." (*1)
Was it not due to the presence of the "religiously Fascist fanatical Hog" at the Golden Shoe carpark that drove away the crowd, and not CSJ or the SDP ?
Can a self-centered 'Hog' have any appreciation of 'human sense' - when it has no appreciation for even any "chimpanzees or gorillas" in its Animal Farm ?
We can certainly appreciate the "zwei-siao-Hog" for its well-researched character to give it the most pretentious and devious role in the Animal Farm.
Can the "zwei-siao-Hog" be trusted for its dubious opinions, when its ability to exaggerate is stupendously loud, even as its mousiness towards honest facts is paradoxically clear ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Another half-baked effort of the X-rated Kid attempting to plagiarize Shakespearan prose but cannot even get to lift off the ground.You must have been beaten silly when you have consistently avoided to give reply to each of my points that have shredded your response to reveal the hollowness behind all the pomp and pretentious verbiage.
It takes the devious mind of a X-rated Kid to configure "Lies" into "Half-Truths", and skew the "Truth" by weaving "Lies" to make your kind of X-rated Truth.
For all your bravado, what have you left to display except childish taunts and kiddie's call to a match that you persistently walk away.
Did you lose your gloves ?
Or were they used to hide the bruises that were trashed onto your X-rated bottom ?
As much as I would like to leave you with a special thought to help you cope with your pathetic X-rated abilities displayed, but considering the regressive state that you are trashed into - will you know where to place it ?
Maybe you should go for another brain transplant and pray that the brain will accept you this time - considering that there is no medicine to prevent sheer stupidity
Good Atobe! You will make an obedient dog yet. Guess I will have to thank you as I would equally appreciate the efforts of a good dog.
Yet to taste your bite. Offered you a chance to seriously and objectively talk about meaty issues, yet you refused with lame excuses..... A dog barks most of the time and does nothing else except eat sleep and shit. Just like you I suppose, if not for your hidden wolfish agenda.
Originally posted by xtreyier:Good Atobe! You will make an obedient dog yet. Guess I will have to thank you as I would equally appreciate the efforts of a good dog.
Yet to taste your bite. Offered you a chance to seriously and objectively talk about meaty issues, yet you refused with lame excuses..... A dog barks most of the time and does nothing else except eat sleep and shit. Just like you I suppose, if not for your hidden wolfish agenda.
Hello Kid, this is quite unbecoming of your usual X-rated efforts.
Are you attempting to sink lower to get your Triple X-Ranking ?
Your expertise with the barking types must have come from your being bred as one by the MIW, have you finally found some sound to make ?
Have you given up the idea of using your pompous gloves ?
No matter how you try to turn the table around, you must be dumb to realise that the issues are still on the table waiting for you to pick-up.
Are you not being childishly greedy to ask for more to be put on the table, when you have barely touched those that are waiting there for you ?
Being alone by yourself is certainly bad company for you.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Hello Kid, this is quite unbecoming of your usual X-rated efforts.Are you attempting to sink lower to get your Triple X-Ranking ?
Your expertise with the barking types must have come from your being bred as one by the MIW, have you finally found some sound to make ?
Have you given up the idea of using your pompous gloves ?
No matter how you try to turn the table around, you must be dumb to realise that the issues are still on the table waiting for you to pick-up.
Are you not being childishly greedy to ask for more to be put on the table, when you have barely touched those that are waiting there for you ?
Being alone by yourself is certainly bad company for you.
Bark and Bark, that's all you are capable of, it seems...
Originally posted by xtreyier:Bark and Bark, that's all you are capable of, it seems...
hello doggie,
you do bark ?
have some X-rated biskets.
will give you some X-rated chewie later to get your teeth growing
Originally posted by Atobe:
hello doggie,you do bark ?
have some X-rated biskets.
will give you some X-rated chewie later to get your teeth growing
lol! have to stoop to copying my style for insults? Did say you were never creative. So much for the 'change' you crap so much about. Who country would you copy IF and a fantastic if at that, you manage to fool everyone and install your outlaw Dr Chee on the throne? Timor Leste?
Atobe vs. Gazelle all over again.
Originally posted by Atobe:
This must be one of the more pathetic response from a "zwei-siao-Hog" to maintain its pompous form of "basic social skill" in public debate with the typical boorish verbal skills of a "Bavarian Hog" - as seen in the pretentious "Germanic" nick plagiarized from a kid's game.
Does the Bear need you to fend for his interests, while you prefer to avoid the shameful acts of "Fascist indecency" that disgrace even your "Germanic" pretense ?
Were you simply embarrassed by the Hog's truth of the situation revealed ?
For one who claim others for being skilled at mangling words, you seem to have overlooked your consistent maligning of religious analogies - linking worship of CSJ with Yaweh, and now Christian Taliban ?
Is there any more to come from the depths of a "Fascist boor" ?
What about you? You neo-nazi piece of turd? TheBear and I share similar views but you are just like to suck on CSJ's dick. Miracles&Prophecies is a well-known christian taliban and your pathetic attempts to defend him sounds like you are one yourself. Go do your neo-nazi salute elsewhere, Singapore doesn't need your type.
Mudslinging session now.
Originally posted by xtreyier:lol! have to stoop to copying my style for insults? Did say you were never creative. So much for the 'change' you crap so much about. Who country would you copy IF and a fantastic if at that, you manage to fool everyone and install your outlaw Dr Chee on the throne? Timor Leste?
A piece of plagiarist work is purely public property.
Is there any copyrights to the works of a plagiarist ?
What does it matter to a X-rated Kid if Dr Chee succeed in his political actions ?
Does it make the X-rated Kid score any bigger prize for failure ?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:What about you? You neo-nazi piece of turd? TheBear and I share similar views but you are just like to suck on CSJ's dick. Miracles&Prophecies is a well-known christian taliban and your pathetic attempts to defend him sounds like you are one yourself. Go do your neo-nazi salute elsewhere, Singapore doesn't need your type.
What else can we expect from the turd that only a pretentious "Bavarian Fascist Hog" can only be familiar with ?
Only a "zwei-siao-Hog" will understand and know so much about "turd" and spoken with the pretentious authority of a "Germanic Hog".
Can the Talibans outperform the "Fascist Social Skills" of a "Fascist Hog" ?
Beware of Yaweh's revelation to the sinful "Fascist Hog".
Originally posted by Atobe:
What else can we expect from the turd that only a pretentious "Bavarian Fascist Hog" can only be familiar with ?
Only a "zwei-siao-Hog" will understand and know so much about "turd" and spoken with the pretentious authority of a "Germanic Hog".
Can the Talibans outperform the "Fascist Social Skills" of a "Fascist Hog" ?
Beware of Yaweh's revelation to the sinful "Fascist Hog".
Turd...oops...Tobe, calling yourself a "Bavarian Fascist Hog" ??? from a dog to a hog now????
I know you to be an anarchist, now you imply you are taliban as well?
Originally posted by xtreyier:
Turd...oops...Tobe, calling yourself a "Bavarian Fascist Hog" ??? from a dog to a hog now????I know you to be an anarchist, now you imply you are taliban as well?
Surely you are not always so stupid, or is this moment a special occassion ?
Is this how pathetically unchallenged the X-rat kid has turned out to become when left alone for too long ?
With your confirmed bankrupt ability at critical thinking, surely you condition have not deteriorated to affect even your reading abilities ?
Did you upset yourself at the other thread and lost your cool over there, only to return here with your eyes all fiery and blurred that affected your reading ?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Well said. But don't expect cursed despots to quit, they rather put the citizens of the country in jail or kill them first.
If that is the case,i have to congratz those despots.They have sucessfully bought a straight ticket to Hell after their death!!!
Originally posted by Atobe:
Surely you are not always so stupid, or is this moment a special occassion ?Is this how pathetically unchallenged the X-rat kid has turned out to become when left alone for too long ?
With your confirmed bankrupt ability at critical thinking, surely you condition have not deteriorated to affect even your reading abilities ?
Did you upset yourself at the other thread and lost your cool over there, only to return here with your eyes all fiery and blurred that affected your reading ?
Hey piece of turd, is barking all you can do?
I'm getting bored.
Is there really nothing that you are capable of other than barking? I remind you, this is speakers corner, not doggie forum, though your lapdogs seem to find it a home here.
haha wth. now we've got mudslinging huh.
whenever someone points out that politicians are basically scum of the earth and that CSJ and SDP is no different, and show why it is, their fanboys and worshippers will come in and start slinging mud
somehow, they cannot reconcile the fact that those who detest people like CSJ can also detest the MIW...
and to them, people like CSJ are better than god, they are more than perfect, and their shit don't stink...
and if MIW does anything right (no matter how rare that is) it must be slagged off even if they have to lie about it...
frankly, they do a grave disservice to the hardworking opposition people out there who actually try to serve the people and better the lot of their precinct.. who would lump the good work with the attention-whoring of CSJ and PKMS..
sad huh?
I don't like MIW and CSJ
Originally posted by Rock^Star:haha wth. now we've got mudslinging huh.
All very free mah
Last time I busy, I used little words lure Gazelle to expend his free time to type longer posts.
I mean, it's charity to help pple with too much free time while it away.
doesnt the exchange above sound like kiddy talk lol....except that the words are more sophisticated.
Originally posted by Rock^Star:doesnt the exchange above sound like kiddy talk lol....except that the words are more sophisticated.
The good thing about it though when people fight in here they leave their wall of texts at home
What is the full name for RP here? Is it a new party?
Seriously i prefer WP or SDA. When is the legal age to vote? 18 or 21?
Originally posted by swee_heng:What is the full name for RP here? Is it a new party?
Seriously i prefer WP or SDA. When is the legal age to vote? 18 or 21?
If I am not wrong it stands for Reform Party. It is started by the son of the late Mr Jeyarathnam.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
If I am not wrong it stands for Reform Party. It is started by the son of the late Mr Jeyarathnam.
Was founded by JB Jeyaratnam, but when he passed on, his son a LSE graduate took over.