Arapahoe thank you
because my el p/l
now i understand what you and Stevenson101
this is my own interpretation (don't know i misinterpreted or not)
system and the power distribution is centralized - monetary reward is the only source that attract and retain talent (scholars)
under paid mean perform without any yardstick/std & procedure (just any how make decision) even at the expense of the country reserve
is centralized to a few is already created a state of limbo and cannot be objectives (meant that i entered civil service, my salary must be this high - otherwise might as well join the private sector)
eg leader salary 3 bags of gold , followers salary 2 bags of gold. if followers 1 bags of gold (task would be done it a sloppy way - any how do, as long as i did my work can - can't be bother attitude)
also impossible for leaders salary to have half a bag of gold. it would be nice and appropriate.
when the followers take 2 bags of gold, it would be not in proportion to their leader salary
that mean he must around to act as watchdog, guide, advise his followers, make sure everything is in proper procedure (not hay wire)
so in short term, it operat like corporate sector (business)
he can just simply recieve all his annual salary and donate to the needy/charities
he can still practice his authority (do free - still hold power) - he already so affluent
might be i am just idealistics
Originally posted by angel3070:Argument for what?
I envy u sometimes, it must be nice to have such a 1 sided view of the world.
Originally posted by Georgetan884:Arapahoe thank you
because my el p/l
now i understand what you and Stevenson101
this is my own interpretation (don't know i misinterpreted or not)
system and the power distribution is centralized - monetary reward is the only source that attract and retain talent (scholars)
under paid mean perform without any yardstick/std & procedure (just any how make decision) even at the expense of the country reserve
is centralized to a few is already created a state of limbo and cannot be objectives (meant that i entered civil service, my salary must be this high - otherwise might as well join the private sector)
eg leader salary 3 bags of gold , followers salary 2 bags of gold. if followers 1 bags of gold (task would be done it a sloppy way - any how do, as long as i did my work can - can't be bother attitude)
also impossible for leaders salary to have half a bag of gold. it would be nice and appropriate.
when the followers take 2 bags of gold, it would be not in proportion to their leader salary
that mean he must around to act as watchdog, guide, advise his followers, make sure everything is in proper procedure (not hay wire)
so in short term, it operat like corporate sector (business)
he can just simply recieve all his annual salary and donate to the needy/charities
he can still practice his authority (do free - still hold power) - he already so affluent
Eh.....i can't really get what you're trying to say here. You might want to rephrase yourself.
But personally i find that if a leader is charitable and capable that is a bonus, but being charitable is not a criteria i demand of a leader.
Originally posted by charlize:I would argue that high salaries in this case actually "unmotivates" the person.
After all, if I can get so much money without doing much work (thereby reducing the chances of screwups, notwithstanding the fact that screwups are always not your fault anyways), why bother working so hard?
This is similar to the backward bending supply curve of labour in economics - salary is so high that you are not motivated to work harder but instead choose to take more hours of leisure.
That doesn't quite make sense to me. How would putting a person in a position of high power and responsibility but a lower pay's supposed to motivate him ? Wouldn't it instead motivate him to take some on the side?
Like what i stated, the carrot must be used with the stick in order for the system to function properly. If the person is given a high salary and power, then it is understood he would be removed should he, or the people under him failed to perform or made a big hooha.
However, that system is dysfunctional now.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:
I envy u sometimes, it must be nice to have such a 1 sided view of the world.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:
That doesn't quite make sense to me. How would putting a person in a position of high power and responsibility but a lower pay's supposed to motivate him ? Wouldn't it instead motivate him to take some on the side?Like what i stated, the carrot must be used with the stick in order for the system to function properly. If the person is given a high salary and power, then it is understood he would be removed should he, or the people under him failed to perform or made a big hooha.
However, that system is dysfunctional now.
That's where the idea that people you choose to be ministers or leaders have to be people of high moral character and ethics. If they can be tempted, then you cannot consider them to be of high moral standing in the first place.
Nobody is saying that they should be paid a low salary. But since they are always telling us to have a sense of proportion, some people have suggested they peg their salaries instead to leaders in other developed countries with similar responsibilities. I wouldn't mind if their salaries are higher than the US president or the UK primie minister slightly, making our ministers the highest paid in the world even. But it should not be so much higher that it blows away this sense of proportion.
I do agree with you that carrot must be used with the stick - but do you see that happening in sg? So if you assume that ministers are always to be protected and no fault will ever lie with them in case of a screw up, then I say you just pay them enough (as above) if you want to have this "unwritten" clause for taking up the minister job - because in the private sector, any screw up means dismissal or other penalties.
Stevenson101 thanks again for being patience with my interpretation
he can continued to be a king, just donate his annual salary voluntary to charity.
he's already so affluent and care for singaporean
the king still hold authority and power to supervise his advisers action and decision making (make sure every one obey him)
his advisers can still draw their high annual salary
that mean his advisers chose to serve him and not the corporate sector
so they must draw high annual salary to prevent them from making wrong decision
carrots = monetary rewards , donkeys = his advisers - otherwise his advisers would rather work in private sector
like that it is pathetic - no difference from bsuinessman or businesswoman
like what charlize, it is pointless for them (the minister) to come into politics already
the advisers might as well focus on the corporate sector become eg queen's counsellor (if i am not wrong - payment calcaulate by time)
By Raja Petra Kamarrudin from Malaysia Today
Most Malaysians don’t think twice about the level of corruption in this country. Some even welcome it. How many times have you illegally parked your car or dashed through a red light and paid the policeman a bribe of RM50 or RM100 to save paying a RM300 fine if you are issued a summons?
And that is cheap, mind you. In the police lockup, we have to pay the policemen RM100 for a three-minute local phone call and RM10 for a stick of cigarette. So that comes to RM200 per packet. I paid RM200 for one night’s ‘protection’. For RM200 I was placed in a ‘special’ lockup where a detainee awaiting trial for murder took me under his wing so that the others could not get at me. He even threw in a cigarette as part of the ‘package’.
And it costs RM250,000 for a drug dealer to escape the gallows.
My wife, who in 2001 was detained overnight in the women’s section of the police lockup, the same night I was arrested, spoke to one Indonesian woman who was on her second drug dealing arrest. The first time she and her husband were arrested they had to pay RM500,000 for both of them to get released. They were trying to arrange another RM500,000 to get out of this second arrest. So that came to RM1 million for two arrests. Imagine how much they must be making dealing in drugs. More importantly, imagine how much the police are making each time they get arrested.
I spoke to many of my Chinese businessmen friends and they admitted that it is easier to do business when corruption is involved. This saves time since you can bypass the normal requirements and get your applications approved much faster by just bribing the government officers. Sometimes, when you are not ‘eligible’, you can become eligible by paying bribes. So bribes actually help when faced with certain obstacles — and there are definitely many ‘obstacles’ when dealing with governments in third world countries like Malaysia.
When corruption does not affect you directly you are not too concerned about it. It is like crime. As long as the robbers do not break into your home to rob you and rape your wife or daughter then who bothers too much about the high level of crime? It is when it is you that is hit that you become outraged about the high crime rate and the low level of police enforcement and lack of effort to combat crime.
Is it not those who suffer or suffered from cancer, or have lost a loved one to cancer, who gets involved in anti-cancer movements or associations? How many of us who never had to face cancer would want to donate generously to the anti-cancer effort? We never bother about something that does not affect us. And the same goes for other things as well, such as corruption and whatnot.
But corruption does affect us, contrary to what many may be thinking. Sometimes it affects us directly. Most times, indirectly.
An average of ten people die each day on Malaysian roads. Many more are seriously injured or maimed, sometimes resulting in them no longer being able to work and earn a living. The main reason for this is that Malaysians do not know how to drive.
Now, let there not be any confusion over this statement. Malaysians may have a valid driving licence. But Malaysians do not know how to drive. Do you know that in some European countries you can exchange your Singapore driving licence for a driving licence of your host country? But they will not accept a Malaysian driving licence. Malaysian driving licences tak laku (have no value).
I know someone, now deceased, who had a driving licence but could not even reverse her car out of the driveway. How in heaven’s name did she pass her driving test and get a licence if she can’t even reverse her car? And for sure she can’t drive.
Well, she told me. The driving school has two schemes. One is the ‘guaranteed to pass your driving test’ scheme — which means you will pass your driving test and get a driving licence even if you can’t drive. The other scheme involves you taking the driving test and passing it all on your own.
The trouble with this legitimate scheme, though, is that even if you know how to drive they will still fail you as ‘punishment’ for refusing to participate in the ‘guaranteed to pass’ scheme. So it is better to pay, even if you can drive, and especially if you can’t, to be assured off a driving licence.
So, about ten people a day die on Malaysian roads because most of them have a driving licence but do not know how to drive. And those who die could be you, a family member, an office colleague, or a close friend. In short, that person who died in the traffic accident could be someone you know or someone close to you.
Therefore, corruption does affect you when you lose someone because of corruption — or if it is you who dies. If this person were forced to learn how to drive properly before being given a licence then maybe he or she would still be alive today. I have personally lost scores of friends and relatives due to traffic accidents over the last 50 years or so. Sometimes it is their fault. The sad part is when the accident is someone else’s fault and you are a victim of reckless or inconsiderate drivers who have absolutely no road sense whatsoever.
I have also lost people dear to me due to poor medical facilities. There are not enough hospital beds in the intensive care unit or not enough dialysis machines or whatever, which results in poor medical facilities. And these people had to die because of this.
It is not that Malaysia does not have enough money to improve its medical facilities. It is that Malaysia spends the money for the wrong reasons — and spends too much on top of that because there are kickbacks and commissions involved in every project and procurement. So medical facilities take a back seat and many of us have lost friends, colleagues and relatives because they were denied prompt or proper medical treatment.
If the money had not been wasted and had instead been spent for the right purposes — medical and education being the two most important — then Malaysia would be a much better place. As it is, our medical and educational facilities are below the so-called first world infrastructure that we are so proud of.
We have the best weapons. We have fantastic bridges, buildings and roads. Heck, we even have submarines now. But we are extremely lacking when it comes to medical and educational facilities. And health and education are far more important than all those white elephants and monuments that swallow billions but bring no income to the country, as would most white elephants and monuments.
Cars cost a lot in Malaysia. That, again, is due to corruption. If the government allowed a free-for-all in the car industry then cars would cost much cheaper than they do now. But they can’t allow a free-for-all. They can’t because cronies of those who walk in the corridors of power are making a lot of money from the car import permits and whatnot. So Malaysians have to pay double what they should actually be paying for their cars. But their salaries are not double what they should be.
So you end up a slave of your car instead of the car being your slave. You work for your car when your car should instead be working for you. And because of the sorry state of public transport you have no choice but to own a car. You just can’t get around without a car like you can in so many other countries.
After paying for your car what do you have left at the end of the day? Most times, because of your car, you can’t afford a decent home. Malaysians are actually very poor. The cost of living is so high while the salaries are very low. And corruption keeps Malaysians poor.
So perish the thought if you thought corruption does not affect you. It does, in more ways than you realise. And only naïve people would believe that corruption does not personally affect them or is actually beneficial to business. Malaysians are paying a heavy price for corruption. And the worse thing is we do not even realise we are paying.
Read rest of article on Malaysia Today:
From our Correspondent
Below is a scanned copy of a flyer emailed to us by a reader:
Dear admin,
I live in a HDB flat & I received this piece of note slipped under the door recently.
I couldn’t paste it on your webpage so I decided to email it to you instead as you may be interested in it.
I’ve erased the telephone number course I don’t want the person to receive any prank call. I believe this is no fault of the PRs or foreigners but rather the problem lies with the government policies.
The question is, how can we ever hope to have affordable HDB flats when we have foreigners who are distributing flyers saying they are “willing to give higher price..” to buy the same HDB flats we are living in??
With the Singapore government being the largest landlord and property developer at the same time, there is no free market in Singapore as it is able to fix the housing prices as it wishes due to its complete monopoly.
The prices of HDB flats are rising due to the following artificial factors created by the government:
1. Constant and ready demand for HDB flats as they are a basic necessity in Singapore. If Singaporeans and PRs do not purchase HDB flats, they will have no where to stay unless they opt for rental.
2. Increasing demand by allowing an increasing number of foreigners to become PRs and to purchase flats. As PRs usually hold a decent-paying job, they will have few problems paying for a resale flat. Besides, since some may not settle down in Singapore, they do not mind paying more now as they can always sell them at a profit later on when they leave.
3. Limiting supply by capping the number of new flats built: With few completed subsidized flats in the market, Singaporeans will have no choice but to compete for flats with the PRs in the resale market thereby causing the prices to go up. The number of flats built in the last few years are considerably less than that in the 1990s. (HDB Infoweb)
4. Complete monopoly over the public housing sector: With virtually no competitors, HDB is able to sell its flats at any prices as it wishes as there is no pressure on them to bring down the prices.
5. Since there are PRs like the above couple who are willing to “spoil the market” to secure a flat in their desired location, sellers will naturally jack up the COVs to make a “killing”. This will eventually lead to higher COVs in the long run. Already we are seeing ridiculously high COVs like the $70,000 paid for a 3-room resale flat in Toa Payoh (Lianhe Wanbao, 14 September 2009)
Have you guys noticed lately in the state-owned newspapers, there is a disproportionate numbers of awards coming from president office given to pro-pap loyalists working at the grassroots level.
The president should be a unifying force for a country, by not giving due recognition to opposition parties efforts to build a better, more democratic Singapore, it is divisive isnt it?
The Japanese Gun on display in the Istana compound
Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:
this is legal corruption
Let me see you buy a jaguar for the head of state or even loan him one. Nah bei, when Singapore became free from the British, we don't even have a proper vehicle for the head of state and had to loan one from a civilian.
Originally posted by qpicanto:Have you guys noticed lately in the state-owned newspapers, there is a disproportionate numbers of awards coming from president office given to pro-pap loyalists working at the grassroots level.
The president should be a unifying force for a country, by not giving due recognition to opposition parties efforts to build a better, more democratic Singapore, it is divisive isnt it?
The Japanese Gun on display in the Istana compound
The president is definitely a unifying force but he is not going to listen to a screwball Chee Soon Juan or any other screwball on redistributing wealth by making the rich pay the poor for nothing.
I said alot of time already.... just give mi 3 bowl of plain rice with luncheon meat everyday and i will come back work for the people... president or PM also can.... but till now no one offer mi anything leh.. knn
we are not a welfare society
Originally posted by Georgetan884:Tags:
PR giving out flyers offering to pay “higher price” for HDB flats
From our Correspondent
Below is a scanned copy of a flyer emailed to us by a reader:
Dear admin,
I live in a HDB flat & I received this piece of note slipped under the door recently.
I couldn’t paste it on your webpage so I decided to email it to you instead as you may be interested in it.
I’ve erased the telephone number course I don’t want the person to receive any prank call. I believe this is no fault of the PRs or foreigners but rather the problem lies with the government policies.
The question is, how can we ever hope to have affordable HDB flats when we have foreigners who are distributing flyers saying they are “willing to give higher price..” to buy the same HDB flats we are living in??
With the Singapore government being the largest landlord and property developer at the same time, there is no free market in Singapore as it is able to fix the housing prices as it wishes due to its complete monopoly.
The prices of HDB flats are rising due to the following artificial factors created by the government:
1. Constant and ready demand for HDB flats as they are a basic necessity in Singapore. If Singaporeans and PRs do not purchase HDB flats, they will have no where to stay unless they opt for rental.
2. Increasing demand by allowing an increasing number of foreigners to become PRs and to purchase flats. As PRs usually hold a decent-paying job, they will have few problems paying for a resale flat. Besides, since some may not settle down in Singapore, they do not mind paying more now as they can always sell them at a profit later on when they leave.
3. Limiting supply by capping the number of new flats built: With few completed subsidized flats in the market, Singaporeans will have no choice but to compete for flats with the PRs in the resale market thereby causing the prices to go up. The number of flats built in the last few years are considerably less than that in the 1990s. (HDB Infoweb)
4. Complete monopoly over the public housing sector: With virtually no competitors, HDB is able to sell its flats at any prices as it wishes as there is no pressure on them to bring down the prices.
5. Since there are PRs like the above couple who are willing to “spoil the market” to secure a flat in their desired location, sellers will naturally jack up the COVs to make a “killing”. This will eventually lead to higher COVs in the long run. Already we are seeing ridiculously high COVs like the $70,000 paid for a 3-room resale flat in Toa Payoh (Lianhe Wanbao, 14 September 2009)
Uncle Lau Tan, i am surprise that a person of your intellect can believe in a piece of shit in your letter post, these are Singaporean housing agents desparate to get customers, and if you believe that your HDB can fetch a good price, think twice, they still follow the market value. They just want a contact, if someone is interested, call them, they will hook you on, and with people like you around, no wonder they are so successful.
If i am living in HDB and see this type of notes, i will throw it away even without a glance in it. As simple as that ya.
So, what is wrong if your flat prices goes up! aren't you happy?? Can sell it, rent a studio flat and live happily everafter,...if you know how to live by your mean.
Originally posted by qpicanto:Have you guys noticed lately in the state-owned newspapers, there is a disproportionate numbers of awards coming from president office given to pro-pap loyalists working at the grassroots level.
The president should be a unifying force for a country, by not giving due recognition to opposition parties efforts to build a better, more democratic Singapore, it is divisive isnt it?
The Japanese Gun on display in the Istana compound
The name Grassroot already tell you that it is the root of success, be it ginseng root or tuka Ali root power, you have to respect them. Let me tell you that the ability for PAP to hold on to power is all because of Grassroot, be it in NTUC or CC or School or other public Community, the base alone already won them 50% of the votes. So, as what Lim Swee Swee use to say, Dun play play hor.
Next year, need to increase GST.
Our dear ministers need a pay raise.
Originally posted by John Penn:we are not a welfare society
We can be welfare if we wanted, but if we do that, most will be fishing or sitting at kopi tiam, so rather than giving welfare, we give you the rod and teach you how to fish, the rest is up to you.
Originally posted by likeyou:Next year, need to increase GST.
Our dear ministers need a pay raise.
if by next year, you dun get a pay raise, then something is wrong with you
Originally posted by angel7030:
if by next year, you dun get a pay raise, then something is wrong with you
Freeze....stagnant. Bills up and up....
Originally posted by likeyou:
Freeze....stagnant. Bills up and up....
when everything is up and you dun get the ups, they something must be wrong with you, start to do some soul searching ya, if not you may die in the warm well.
Originally posted by angel7030:
when everything is up and you dun get the ups, they something must be wrong with you, start to do some soul searching ya, if not you may die in the warm well.
Nothing wrong with me. Angel.
Most of the workers are in this situation. And dont need to do any soul searching ya. Company not earning profits, etc...