Have u heard Chee Soon Juan mentioned JBJ before
JBJ dead?
I have not read Chee mentioning JBJ in SDP site in the few years
before JBJ dead.
to be fair,u can search
Jeyaretnam in SDP site.
Pl tell me if u get any news when he was still alive.
Now i understand why a man is more valuable after one
no longer around,at least in the eyes of Chee!!
I dunt know how the sons of JBJ feel when their father
is used as a tool in promoting Chee.
Tribute to J B Jeyaretnam by Dr Chee Soon Juan
what is chee soon juan working as? does he work for a living? this guy was sacked by NUS in the 90s for false claims.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
Have u heard Chee Soon Juan mentioned JBJ before
JBJ dead?
I have not read Chee mentioning JBJ in SDP site in the few years
before JBJ dead.
to be fair,u can search
Jeyaretnam in SDP site.
Pl tell me if u get any news when he was still alive.
Now i understand why a man is more valuable after one
no longer around,at least in the eyes of Chee!!
I dunt know how the sons of JBJ feel when their father
is used as a tool in promoting Chee.
Tribute to J B Jeyaretnam by Dr Chee Soon Juan
Could the noisy pussy hear above the loud echoes from the noise coming from the pussy living in a hole on the side of a mole hill ?
I have not read Chee mentioning JBJ in SDP site in the few years
before JBJ dead.
How could the noisy pussy be successful in proving himself wrong, when the pussy insist on tarnishing CSJ with such eager enthusiasm ?
‘How Newspapers in Singapore reported on the “Abolish ISA” Event’ – 16 January 2001 (*1)
Remember the "Abolish ISA" event held at Hong Lim Park last month on International Human Rights Day? Organised by Open Singapore Centre and Think Centre, it received coverage in the local news and papers apart from grabbing some attention at an international level. Needless to say, not all departments of the local media gave fair, unbiased or deserving reports. A month later, I re-read some of the news clippings in my personal archival, and decided to embark upon the task of doing a "contrast and compare" between our local newspapers, rating and awarding marks to every one of them based on their coverage of the event alone. After all, since our media plays judge so often, surely they won't mind if I do the same to them? Guess which paper top marks go to?
Read below for full extracts of the report followed by my comments and ratings: -
Singapore Chee runs marathon in demo
SINGAPORE Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan marked Human Rights Day yesterday by running a 42-km marathon from Whitley Road to Hong Lim Park, accompanied by his sister Siok Chin.
His route took him past the Istana, where he handed to security guards a letter, addressed to Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, protesting against the Internal Security Act.
Dr Chee explained to reporters why he had continued with the run despite police refusal last Wednesday to grant the Open Singapore Centre and Think Centre a permit for a marathon: 'It's to show our resolve. A demonstration doesn't have to be one where we hurl rocks and bottles.'
Activists from both organisations, including veteran opposition leader J.B. Jeyaretnam and political activist James Gomez, were at Speakers' Corner awaiting Dr Chee's arrival.
Wearing white T-shirts emblazoned with the words 'Abolish ISA' and holding up a large banner bearing the same words, they took turns to persuade the noon-day crowd at Speakers' Corner that the Government was denying Singaporeans their rights by keeping the ISA.
Photographs: NIL
Originally posted by Atobe:
Could the noisy pussy hear above the loud echoes from the noise coming from the pussy living in a hole on the side of a mole hill ?
How could the noisy pussy be successful in proving himself wrong, when the pussy insist on tarnishing CSJ with such eager enthusiasm ?
wat u quote IS NOT said by Chee Soon Juan.
Have CSJ mentioned or paid high regard to JBJ before the latter
passed away in his SDP web site,http://www.yoursdp.org/?
In this clip.
Tribute to J B Jeyaretnam by Dr Chee Soon Juan
how many % of time has CSJ paid tribute to JBJ?
CSJ spent most of the time to promote his own causes.
Poor JBJ was used as a pretext after death.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
wat u quote IS NOT said by Chee Soon Juan.
Have CSJ mentioned or paid high regard to JBJ before the latter
passed away in his SDP web site,http://www.yoursdp.org/?
In this clip.
Tribute to J B Jeyaretnam by Dr Chee Soon Juan
how many % of time has CSJ paid tribute to JBJ?
CSJ spent most of the time to promote his own causes.
Poor JBJ was used as a pretext after death.
Does the noisy pussy never fail to use every gram for anything creative ?
If CSJ is see to be using JBJ's death to his own advantage by singing praises about JBJ, is LHL's insincere letter of condolence any better to salvage some good for LKY and the PAP ?
This is the lowest that a bankrupt thinking that only a pussy can produce.
If CSJ is seen to praise JBJ at every single opportunity, would the noisy pussy then slant CSJ's actions to accuse CSJ of polishing JBJ's apples, lean on the goodwill given to JBJ and then milk some of the goodwill for CSJ' s own benefit ?
At a SDP organised ‘Reform the Election System on 20 Jan 2008 - Moderated by the chairman of Singapore Democratic Party, Gandhi Ambalam, the four panellists were Chia Ti Lik, J.B. Jeyaretnam, Jufrie Mahmood and Chee Soon Juan (*1) - what can you possibly think CSJ will speak about the emminent JBJ - who made his first public appearance at a political event after being released from bankruptcy ?
Perhaps the noisy pussy will expect CSJ to ridicule, condemn, and speak ill of JBJ at this public forum ?
Why does the pussy not ask for attention to the paucity of information about what is said by the politicians from the Alternative Political Parties - and more so by CSJ ?
Is this not a fact that the police - acting on PAP's instructions - has denied giving any approvals for any public speeches to be made by even MEMBERS of Parliament from the Alternative Political Parties ?
The noisy pussy should have better ways to spend its idle time to appreciate what is more relevant to its own life instead of attempting to make a living hawking the petty ideas from its pussy.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Does the noisy pussy never fail to use every gram for anything creative ?
If CSJ is see to be using JBJ's death to his own advantage by singing praises about JBJ, is LHL's insincere letter of condolence any better to salvage some good for LKY and the PAP ?
This is the lowest that a bankrupt thinking that only a pussy can produce.
If CSJ is seen to praise JBJ at every single opportunity, would the noisy pussy then slant CSJ's actions to accuse CSJ of polishing JBJ's apples, lean on the goodwill given to JBJ and then milk some of the goodwill for CSJ' s own benefit ?
At a SDP organised ‘Reform the Election System on 20 Jan 2008 - Moderated by the chairman of Singapore Democratic Party, Gandhi Ambalam, the four panellists were Chia Ti Lik, J.B. Jeyaretnam, Jufrie Mahmood and Chee Soon Juan (*1) - what can you possibly think CSJ will speak about the emminent JBJ - who made his first public appearance at a political event after being released from bankruptcy ?
Perhaps the noisy pussy will expect CSJ to ridicule, condemn, and speak ill of JBJ at this public forum ?
Why does the pussy not ask for attention to the paucity of information about what is said by the politicians from the Alternative Political Parties - and more so by CSJ ?
Is this not a fact that the police - acting on PAP's instructions - has denied giving any approvals for any public speeches to be made by even MEMBERS of Parliament from the Alternative Political Parties ?
The noisy pussy should have better ways to spend its idle time to appreciate what is more relevant to its own life instead of attempting to make a living hawking the petty ideas from its pussy.
If u read my opening posting again,i am asking
Have u heard Chee Soon Juan mentioned JBJ before JBJ dead?
paying one ounce tribute to the one you respect before
he dies,is much better than u pay one ton of respect after he dies.
I must admit i forget to emphasis have u read CSJ mentioned JBJ in his
SDP web site?If CSJ placed JBJ in a very high regard,why did i not
read about JBJ news in SDP site?
CSJ just reported every news of himself,big or small,no matter how remote,
in SDP site.
Pl tell me when did Chee Soon Juan mention JBJ in SDP site
before JBJ passed away.Full stop.then we proceed to talk.
Chee used two third of clip paying tribute to JBJ
This is very kind of him lah....
I dunt know how sincere he is when he blended his agenda into the clip--
he said---
Originally posted by lionnoisy:If u read my opening posting again,i am asking
Have u heard Chee Soon Juan mentioned JBJ before JBJ dead?
paying one ounce tribute to the one you respect before
he dies,is much better than u pay one ton of respect after he dies.
I must admit i forget to emphasis have u read CSJ mentioned JBJ in his
SDP web site?If CSJ placed JBJ in a very high regard,why did i not
read about JBJ news in SDP site?
CSJ just reported every news of himself,big or small,no matter how remote,
in SDP site.
Pl tell me when did Chee Soon Juan mention JBJ in SDP site
before JBJ passed away.Full stop.then we proceed to talk.
Chee used two third of clip paying tribute to JBJ
This is very kind of him lah....
I dunt know how sincere he is when he blended his agenda into the clip--
he said---
Only a pussy bankrupt of any moral values will be able to think of ways that one can use JBJ's death to make political capital for oneself.
How much lower do you want to sink your brain ?
Are you thinking with your brain below the level of a pussy ?
Cut, dice, splice and split - how many ways should one see the noise that a pussy can be interpreted ?
Do you think everyone has morals like your pussy that makes all the hopeless noise without any cause ?
Are you hoping to reach an orgasmic pitch by having someone to step on your tail ?
If you believe yourself to be a noisy lion, stop acting like a petty pussy - and get into more serious stuff.
Are you capable of any ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Only a pussy bankrupt of any moral values will be able to think of ways that one can use JBJ's death to make political capital for oneself.
How much lower do you want to sink your brain ?
Are you thinking with your brain below the level of a pussy ?
Cut, dice, splice and split - how many ways should one see the noise that a pussy can be interpreted ?
Do you think everyone has morals like your pussy that makes all the hopeless noise without any cause ?
Are you hoping to reach an orgasmic pitch by having someone to step on your tail ?
If you believe yourself to be a noisy lion, stop acting like a petty pussy - and get into more serious stuff.
Are you capable of any ?
Eh, tubby, having PMS again?
Cant take stress that you need to vent your frus on someone else, or is the way you believe 'change' should be for Singapore citizens - to be thrashed by the pathetic likes of you?
Originally posted by xtreyier:Eh, tubby, having PMS again?
Cant take stress that you need to vent your frus on someone else, or is the way you believe 'change' should be for Singapore citizens - to be thrashed by the pathetic likes of you?
It is fun to have pussies and X-rated kid with a X-rated short-comings that have been continously exposed by honest truth.
Have you forgotten your early "cheerio" and avoidance to engage by a "wall of honest text" ?
It is pathetic that you will want to call my bluff but got your own bluff called instead.
Go back and nurse your X-rated feelings before your pants get pulled down again, and the whole world will see your X-rated shortness.
Originally posted by Atobe:
It is fun to have pussies and X-rated kid with a X-rated short-comings that have been continously exposed by honest truth.Have you forgotten your early "cheerio" and avoidance to engage by a "wall of honest text" ?
It is pathetic that you will want to call my bluff but got your own bluff called instead.
Go back and nurse your X-rated feelings before your pants get pulled down again, and the whole world will see your X-rated shortness.
Tsk tsk, below the belt now, are we? You like cheerios? Sure, I will give you one when you finally stop your rebel rousing and twisting of facts so as to get your tyrannical agenda to replace our constition.
But unlike you, I will not ask you to go back to where you came from, only that you continue. You only dig your own grave and cause even deeper for all eyes to see. I would gladly assit you but you sure are doing fine on your own.
Originally posted by xtreyier:Tsk tsk, below the belt now, are we? You like cheerios? Sure, I will give you one when you finally stop your rebel rousing and twisting of facts so as to get your tyrannical agenda to replace our constition.
But unlike you, I will not ask you to go back to where you came from, only that you continue. You only dig your own grave and cause even deeper for all eyes to see. I would gladly assit you but you sure are doing fine on your own.
You dare talking about our Constitution that have been bastardised beyond recognition and you will approve of the present product ?
Do you need more belts to hold your pants any higher up your waist - perhaps to hide your face in the pants ?
Try to wear the right size shoes for your head before you think of attempting to help bury your feet in anyone's grave.
That grave may turn out to be yours for the keeping.
Have you not decide to say an early "cheerio", or are you waiting for the next wall of honest text that may well collapse on your little X-rated self ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
You dare talking about our Constitution that have been bastardised beyond recognition and you will approve of the present product ?Do you need more belts to hold your pants any higher up your waist - perhaps to hide your face in the pants ?
Try to wear the right size shoes for your head before you think of attempting to help bury your feet in anyone's grave.
That grave may turn out to be yours for the keeping.
Have you not decide to say an early "cheerio", or are you waiting for the next wall of honest text that may well collapse on your little X-rated self ?
Repeatitions of presumed insults. Where is the 'languauge above us' and 'well researched info' that you had been kindly lauded with by someone else?
Need any help? But no, you bastardised your own perceptions pretty well for all to see here.
Did you realized you had stop praising your beloved oulaw already? I would like to take credit for that change in you! I never thought it was possible!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Rooney9:what is chee soon juan working as? does he work for a living? this guy was sacked by NUS in the 90s for false claims.
The claim was itself false.
CSJ's claims for taxi-fare and postage was approved by his Faculty Head - Dr Vassoo - a PAP stalwart - BEFORE the election of 1997.
When CSJ was invited by his Faculty Head to join the PAP - he declined, and had instead stood as a SDP candidate.
After the elections, those claims were dug up and charges were made that CSJ had claimed a S$1 or S$2 extra for taxi fare - as the taxi route from Point A to Point B should be S$XX.00.
Everyone knows that from Point A to Point B - the charges will be different depending on the route that a taxi driver take, especially if detours are made to avoid traffic situation, then also on different times of the day, and on different days of the week, the same route can have differing traffic conditions.
The other charge concerns the postage claims that CSJ had made, which was approved, dug up, and charges made against CSJ that CJS had included the research work of his wife into the parcel that was sent to the overseas university for examination.
CSJ had claimed that this was made known to his Faculty Head that his wife's work is to be included as part of his dissertation for his PhD examination, and which already was accepted by the overseas examining university.
Unfortunately, it remains a puzzle as to how the Faculty Head will know of the contents of the parcel already posted - when he had claimed that he was not told by CSJ of the inclusion of his wife's research papers in the parcel.
More importantly, why were these petty sums amounting to no more then S$200 should be used to nail CSJ - when these have already been approved prior to CSJ participating as a candidate in the 1997 Election ?
Originally posted by xtreyier:Repeatitions of presumed insults. Where is the 'languauge above us' and 'well researched info' that you had been kindly lauded with by someone else?
Need any help? But no, you bastardised your own perceptions pretty well for all to see here.
Did you realized you had stop praising your beloved oulaw already? I would like to take credit for that change in you! I never thought it was possible!!!!!!!
Do we need to research into the activities of a X-rated Kid who acts of political dishonesty is clearly seen in each post ?
If at all, your hopeless efforts at bastardising everyone's senses has been clearly established, otherwise why will you opt out using a weak excuse of a "wall of text" and bid a hurried "cheerio" ?
Try holding your pants together as you unzip yourself.
We do not wish to see the pathetic X-rated size that you are getting yourself into.
You need me, an insignificant nobody, someone whom you had wanted to thrash, to remind you of your destructive and blind loyalty to your beloved leader, enough that you accepted my words and obediently wrote it out as a reply????!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For this i take FULL credit, not that i will get anything out of it, no prize, nothing, except to show that you are so easily manipulated, just as your outlaw is manipulating you and attempting to manipulate others.
Excuse him for his flaws all you want. There is a difference between an allowable claims and dishonest claims, even for a buck. Excusable for humans, for who is without flaws, but inexcusable for someone who seeks high office to lead.
These are not simple mistakes, but a deeper pyschological disorder, amongst his many other flaws over the years seen and witnessed by all, which you hide it in the hope that others may know not know. Such flaws cannot be condone in one who seeks to lead.
Very despical of you to do that, but hey, I am only an insignificant nobody. I am sure my other more intelligent fellow citizens will realized those duplicities you hid.
Such is the animal whom you seeks to elevate above all of us.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Do we need to research into the activities of a X-rated Kid who acts of political dishonesty is clearly seen in each post ?If at all, your hopeless efforts at bastardising everyone's senses has been clearly established, otherwise why will you opt out using a weak excuse of a "wall of text" and bid a hurried "cheerio" ?
Try holding your pants together as you unzip yourself.
We do not wish to see the pathetic X-rated size that you are getting yourself into.
Still going on and on about my pants and cheerios? At least in the above reply i see no wall of text, as you are obediently following my instructions not to. I guess change is possible in you.
Try some more original insults. It's getting boring, like a tired old gramophone you are playing. Your hands would be tired, let alone others here getting bored with your diabolical antics.
Originally posted by xtreyier:ROFL!!!!!
You need me, an insignificant nobody, someone whom you had wanted to thrash, to remind you of your destructive and blind loyalty to your beloved leader, enough that you accepted my words and obediently wrote it out as a reply????!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For this i take FULL credit, not that i will get anything out of it, no prize, nothing, except to show that you are so easily manipulated, just as your outlaw is manipulating you and attempting to manipulate others.
Excuse him for his flaws all you want. There is a difference between an allowable claims and dishonest claims, even for a buck. Excusable for humans, for who is without flaws, but inexcusable for someone who seeks high office to lead.
These are not simple mistakes, but a deeper pyschological disorder, amongst his many other flaws over the years seen and witnessed by all, which you hide it in the hope that others may know not know. Such flaws cannot be condone in one who seeks to lead.
Very despical of you to do that, but hey, I am only an insignificant nobody. I am sure my other more intelligent fellow citizens will realized those duplicities you hid.
Such is the animal whom you seeks to elevate above all of us.
Is the X-rated kid so desperate for the few miserable opporunities that come its ways to grab accolades for itself ?
Times must be really hard, and no surprise that you will want to abandon the other thread when you were exposed for your own hypocrisy.
Have you stop attempting to give any rating to the government in the other thread ?
Still grinding your teeth and pretending to laugh ?
Originally posted by xtreyier:Still going on and on about my pants and cheerios? At least in the above reply i see no wall of text, as you are obediently following my instructions not to. I guess change is possible in you.
Try some more original insults. It's getting boring, like a tired old gramophone you are playing. Your hands would be tired, let alone others here getting bored with your diabolical antics.
Well with the X-rated pants being pulled again at the government rated thread - we may as well make the most out of it for the remaining time of the day.
Or are you too embarrassed and frustrated with the continued slip up that you hopelessly make ?
Can an X-rated kid appreciate any new insults ?
The pace has been slackened to test the outspoken ability of a X-rated Kid if it has any originality when half the time it depends on plagiarizing the words, phrases, ideas, and statements from others.
The truth is clearly seen by the bored attitude of a X-rated kid when nothing serious is discussed, and there is nothing that can be plagiarized to show its expertise.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Is the X-rated kid so desperate for the few miserable opporunities that come its ways to grab accolades for itself ?
Times must be really hard, and no surprise that you will want to abandon the other thread when you were exposed for your own hypocrisy.
Have you stop attempting to give any rating to the government in the other thread ?
Still grinding your teeth and pretending to laugh ?
Well with the X-rated pants being pulled again at the government rated thread - we may as well make the most out of it for the remaining time of the day.
Or are you too embarrassed and frustrated with the continued slip up that you hopelessly make ?
Can an X-rated kid appreciate any new insults ?
The pace has been slackened to test the outspoken ability of a X-rated Kid if it has any originality when half the time it depends on plagiarizing the words, phrases, ideas, and statements from others.
The truth is clearly seen by the bored attitude of a X-rated kid when nothing serious is discussed, and there is nothing that can be plagiarized to show its expertise.
Not good enough. Now be a good little person, and come with something new. You are yet again using old insults which actually insults you.
I am getting bored, who wouldnt, with your nonsensical personal attacks when you run out of serious issues to hit out at others.
If you run out of insults, tell me. I can wait till you gather your wits, as I often had. I am still the gentlemanly one here. Run along now, and come back. If it suits me, I will consider playing with you again, in my own time and at my choosing, to play you as you play and decieve others.
Cheerios! ( only if you listen to me obediently as before, if not, i await)
Originally posted by xtreyier:Not good enough. Now be a good little person, and come with something new. You are yet again using old insults which actually insults you.
I am getting bored, who wouldnt, with your nonsensical personal attacks when you run out of serious issues to hit out at others.
If you run out of insults, tell me. I can wait till you gather your wits, as I often had. I am still the gentlemanly one here. Run along now, and come back. If it suits me, I will consider playing with you again, in my own time and at my choosing, to play you as you play and decieve others.
Cheerios! ( only if you listen to me obediently as before, if not, i await)
Is that the best that you can do ?
It is simply pathetic that you will need to be goaded into a quick goodbye.
Try returning to the other thread that you have avoided being embarrassed.
The government is still waiting for you to rate it between 1 to 10.
Do you need some inspiration before you get into another fit ?