Hi. I am a Sec 3 student from a government school. In my school, we have this thing called "Values Education" (many schools have it) where they teach us 'morals' , 'ethics', and so on. There have been numerous lessons about race, and racial harmony. We had to complete a worksheet once, and there was one question: "What can we do to maintain racial harmony?" I wrote "Ignore ethnicity." When the worksheet was returned to me, my teacher had written "Cannot really ignore. How about accept and embrace?"
Cannot really ignore? Why? I have been ignoring race for as long as I can remember. When I meet someone, I do not even regard their ethnicity. I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.
My teacher's idea of 'accepting and embracing' will never work. The day there is no more racism, is when people stop talking about race.
Dear Fish,
The agenda of the study is not geared towards the locals, but towards the foreigners.
Think deeper and you understand what is the objective.
You know, i think the day when we can sit together with someone from another race in front of a TV and just laugh hysterically as we watch someone of another race bash our races is the day where racism is eliminated.
Criticise the policy in front of your teacher and see how your teacher response.
It is just like the yellow ribbon project.
If they cannot forget it themselves, why promote it ?
Originally posted by Medicated Oil:Dear Fish,
The agenda of the study is not geared towards the locals, but towards the foreigners.
Think deeper and you understand what is the objective.
What are you talking about?
Uraniumfish, how politicised is your class?
Originally posted by angel3070:Uraniumfish, how politicised is your class?
Not very. We do not talk much about politics as a class, but within my group of closer friends, we always talk about politics. With the teacher, we do not discuss any politics at all.(Obviously, since it is not part of the system)
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:Not very. We do not talk much about politics as a class, but within my group of closer friends, we always talk about politics. With the teacher, we do not discuss any politics at all.(Obviously, since it is not part of the system)
Feel free to post any political questions here. You should develop your political knowledge more.
There are some indian political activists in Singapore too:
What are your areas of interest?
Avoid state media propaganda, all of it is designed to brainwash you to support PAP.
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:Hi. I am a Sec 3 student from a government school. In my school, we have this thing called "Values Education" (many schools have it) where they teach us 'morals' , 'ethics', and so on. There have been numerous lessons about race, and racial harmony. We had to complete a worksheet once, and there was one question: "What can we do to maintain racial harmony?" I wrote "Ignore ethnicity." When the worksheet was returned to me, my teacher had written "Cannot really ignore. How about accept and embrace?"
Cannot really ignore? Why? I have been ignoring race for as long as I can remember. When I meet someone, I do not even regard their ethnicity. I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.
My teacher's idea of 'accepting and embracing' will never work. The day there is no more racism, is when people stop talking about race.
as long as we, the human beings, since born, have different skin colours...
how to "ignore"...
so your teacher is correct to say that you are, in fact, actually in practice accept and embracing different races already...
u r just using the wrong word of the English language, thus u should better go back to school...
U say : 'I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.' U are being wise. Conform to what is in school to get ur grades, but hopefully u dont lose what u are.
Eg, if one sees oneself as x race or one never transcends that - one may socialize but it is only superficial.
However, if one understands, accepts and most of all is cognizant of the face that on is conscious of one's race, when one is relating to/socializing with another one would know that it merely superficial - in that very knowing one would soon transcend race.
It is sad, all these lessons in school about morality, ethics n even racial harmony!
It would augur well if parents are attuned to these ... otherwise it is sorry merry-go-round
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:Hi. I am a Sec 3 student from a government school. In my school, we have this thing called "Values Education" (many schools have it) where they teach us 'morals' , 'ethics', and so on. There have been numerous lessons about race, and racial harmony. We had to complete a worksheet once, and there was one question: "What can we do to maintain racial harmony?" I wrote "Ignore ethnicity." When the worksheet was returned to me, my teacher had written "Cannot really ignore. How about accept and embrace?"
Cannot really ignore? Why? I have been ignoring race for as long as I can remember. When I meet someone, I do not even regard their ethnicity. I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.
My teacher's idea of 'accepting and embracing' will never work. The day there is no more racism, is when people stop talking about race.
its funny how last time in the 90s and 80s no such studies, but now?
Eg, if one sees oneself as x race one never transcends that - one may socialize but it is only superficial.
However, if one understands, accepts and most of all is cognizant of the face that one is conscious of one's race, especially when one is relating to/socializing with another/others one would know that it is merely superficial - in that very knowing one would soon transcend race.
It is sad, all these lessons in school about morality, ethics n even racial harmony!
It would augur well if parents are attuned to these ... otherwise it is sorry merry-go-round
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:Hi. I am a Sec 3 student from a government school. In my school, we have this thing called "Values Education" (many schools have it) where they teach us 'morals' , 'ethics', and so on. There have been numerous lessons about race, and racial harmony. We had to complete a worksheet once, and there was one question: "What can we do to maintain racial harmony?" I wrote "Ignore ethnicity." When the worksheet was returned to me, my teacher had written "Cannot really ignore. How about accept and embrace?"
Cannot really ignore? Why? I have been ignoring race for as long as I can remember. When I meet someone, I do not even regard their ethnicity. I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.
My teacher's idea of 'accepting and embracing' will never work. The day there is no more racism, is when people stop talking about race.
How can you ignore "ethinicity"? The Malays are proud of being Malays, with their own culture, especially religion. You accept them as they are, but not ignoring them, thinking they are like you.
There are Chinese who speak only their own dialects, and not a word of english, can you embrace them as one of your own?
There are also Indians who came from the small villages in India, can you accept their different body odour?
When sharing table with muslim in a crowded hawker center, do you think you should be sensitive enough not to order bak kut teh or you think they should respect your choice of food?
There is more to racial harmony that can be ignored.
And please DO NOT ACCEPT this as a politically issue!
There are Chinese, Malays, Indians, .....among those who are for and against the government. We need all races to accept one another to maintain racial harmony, regardless who is in power. and the most despicable politicians are the ones who would use racial conflict for their own agenda.
But I think you are smarter that.
Selamat Hari Raya to my Malay Muslim Brethrens! You guys are the gifted ones with Special special privileges endorsed by MM Lee, "Singapore Malays Hold Special Position".
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:Hi. I am a Sec 3 student from a government school. In my school, we have this thing called "Values Education" (many schools have it) where they teach us 'morals' , 'ethics', and so on. There have been numerous lessons about race, and racial harmony. We had to complete a worksheet once, and there was one question: "What can we do to maintain racial harmony?" I wrote "Ignore ethnicity." When the worksheet was returned to me, my teacher had written "Cannot really ignore. How about accept and embrace?"
Cannot really ignore? Why? I have been ignoring race for as long as I can remember. When I meet someone, I do not even regard their ethnicity. I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.
My teacher's idea of 'accepting and embracing' will never work. The day there is no more racism, is when people stop talking about race.
yo, u sec 3 already can post very well, if go JC, try to use this on your GP, sure get good grade ya.
Anyway, all blood run red in color, in our small n fragile multi racial society, racial harmony is the last thing that we should embrace, funny how, we are an envision of most country, eg, when i am in Taiwan, where the population is homogenous, they do not understand why and how can people of different races live together, an indian to them is like a black skinned man, good for low job only.
Originally posted by angel7030:
yo, u sec 3 already can post very well, if go JC, try to use this on your GP, sure get good grade ya.
Anyway, all blood run red in color, in our small n fragile multi racial society, racial harmony is the last thing that we should embrace, funny how, we are an envision of most country, eg, when i am in Taiwan, where the population is homogenous, they do not understand why and how can people of different races live together, an indian to them is like a black skinned man, good for low job only.
Can the blood of a dumb "hum" from Taiwan be red, or is it not like the deep an dark maroon color that require the F1 size inserts to absorb ?
Only the Han's in Taiwan believe that the population is homogeneous, when they ignore the native tribes from the highlands.
Is it any wonder that the arrogance of the "hum" had led to its forced departure from Taiwan to land on Singapore ?
Has the racist attitude not persisted in the Taiwanese "hum" pretending to be a Singapore Citizen ?
Why have you not recruited your own Taiwan "hums" but will denigrate the women from the Philippines and Thailand, and Vietnam by recruiting them to your Bar ?
"racial harmony is the last thing that we should embrace"
Can a Taiwanese "hum" be an assimilated Singaporean ?
Originally posted by Uraniumfish:Hi. I am a Sec 3 student from a government school. In my school, we have this thing called "Values Education" (many schools have it) where they teach us 'morals' , 'ethics', and so on. There have been numerous lessons about race, and racial harmony. We had to complete a worksheet once, and there was one question: "What can we do to maintain racial harmony?" I wrote "Ignore ethnicity." When the worksheet was returned to me, my teacher had written "Cannot really ignore. How about accept and embrace?"
Cannot really ignore? Why? I have been ignoring race for as long as I can remember. When I meet someone, I do not even regard their ethnicity. I see them as individuals, I do not generalise or whatever.
My teacher's idea of 'accepting and embracing' will never work. The day there is no more racism, is when people stop talking about race.
The truth is........Your teacher memorized her teacher's guide book and whatever you said was not what she learned.
Originally posted by angel7030:
eg, when i am in Taiwan, where the population is homogenous, they do not understand why and how can people of different races live together, an indian to them is like a black skinned man, good for low job only.
Stop Peeing your shit in every forum GO READ B4 writing here other than spreading sterotype about Indians.........You can't even make a basic correct statement about indigenous Taiwanese.......U sure you are from Taiwan???
Have you ever visited the South EASTERN Part of Taiwan?? I bet I walked more miles in Taiwan than you do....
Originally posted by ahtansh:Selamat Hari Raya to my Malay Muslim Brethrens! You guys are the gifted ones with Special special privileges endorsed by MM Lee, "Singapore Malays Hold Special Position".
on to malay brethren ar??? how about our Muslim sista?? so bais...gender discrimination!
OF course now we must talk about race wat
Singtel invested so much
So must talk abour race lar
Originally posted by Arapahoe:
Stop Peeing your shit in every forum GO READ B4 writing here other than spreading sterotype about Indians.........You can't even make a basic correct statement about indigenous Taiwanese.......U sure you are from Taiwan???Have you ever visited the South EASTERN Part of Taiwan?? I bet I walked more miles in Taiwan than you do....
who ask u to walk,...me take jeep to visit my Sisters at Alisan...can u stop coming here or not??? u small taiwan sausage.
why must read so much, because you read too much and get psycho by those propangandas, become nerdy and alway like to refer to books and papers, Cannot even think for yourself..chay!
singtel grid gals will be there too
Originally posted by Arapahoe:The truth is........Your teacher memorized her teacher's guide book and whatever you said was not what she learned.
if the teacher dun memorize, she/he may be out of job
Originally posted by angel7030:
who ask u to walk,...me take jeep to visit my Sisters at Alisan...can u stop coming here or not??? u small taiwan sausage.
why must read so much, because you read too much and get psycho by those propangandas, become nerdy and alway like to refer to books and papers, Cannot even think for yourself..chay!
With the Taiwan "hum" using size F1 inserts, everything else must feel like a small Taiwan sausage.
Originally posted by angel7030:singtel grid gals will be there too
Thank God that the Taiwan "hum" will not be able to compete with the grid girls.
It is better for the Taiwan "hum" to stay locked in the "nutshell".
Originally posted by angel7030:
if the teacher dun memorize, she/he may be out of job
Can the ignorant "hum" to memorize anything to get through its blur brain ?
Do we need a Taiwan "hum" to teach Singaporeans to cope with the out-of-job syndrome ?