Originally posted by Atobe:
Can anyone beat the X-rated mind in producing lies and half-truths plagiarized from the true Outlaws holding the guns ?
What 66 per cent are you claiming - when half of the Singapore Electorate did not get to vote by the cunning design of a bloated constituency and sly changes made to the legislation to block any success by any other political parties except the PAP ?
Your myopic vision has stunted your brain, which explains for your frequent vision in a wall of text that you cannot discern simple English not arithmetic clearly printed.
We should commend the creativity of an infertile X-rated mind to always compare ourselves downwards with the worst countries in our neighborhood.
Have you no other originality except to plagiarized the PAP bogey-man stories of anarchy and destruction of states like Myanmar ?
Even if you take the negative view of Myanmar's anarchy - have you forgotten to add that the anarchy was caused by the ruthless acts of violence by the Military Junta to preserve their illegal hold on power ?
Obviously, it was inconvenient for the infertile X-rate mind of a kid attempting to wear an adult's shoe.
Were you born a few months before the entire cycle was complete ?
Are you certain of where you are heading when you are in such a hurry ?
The impotence of an X-rated mind will have to mix up the gender in his desparation to seek female company.
Those who are in the know has identified her as "longchinjohn" a failed male blogger who has been rejected in quite a few threads.
Here we have a X-rated pervert all mixxed up with your own needs and confused with who you are really dealing with.
Are you certain that your parents were given the right kid at the nursery ?
Seems like insults are all you are capable of.
And to think a few would call you 'aritculate?
Aritculate of insults, I suppose?
Repeated stock frustrations again, over the non-show of opposition figures to be elected, and you blame others?
If they opposition is so fed up as you claim, it oughtta throw up more figures and have not allowed 'walkovers'?
Where were they?
I am sure even you, pathetic as you and capable of only being voted the Village idiot for you cant lose, can certainly put on a circus act as you do often here.
But did you even attempt? Nope. Hot air.
C'mon tubby, get honest for once, will ya?
Originally posted by Atobe:
In the "Hokkien" dialect, calling you "swei-siao" is most apt.
Firstly, to associate humans as "gorillas and chimpanzees".
Secondly, wishing euthanesia on the elderlies and infirmed.
We can overlooked your attitude as a "Hog" for your inabilities and ignorance with CSJ ongoing battle with the PAP for more attention and direct help to be given to the aged, the infirmed, the destitutes.
Is his call more respectful than your "swei-siao" attitude to seek legalised suicide and euthenasia for those who are your elders and have fought the good fight to make what Singapore is today ?
Are you in such a hurry to get rid of those whom you are afraid will be taking too much from your full plates ?
And you will measure CSJ's "balls and guts" for simply not taking your stand as a social ingrate ?
Singaporeans do want a change in the system, CSJ has led the way by fighting for a level playing field, and by refusing to play by the rules set by LKY and his PAP that can only favor their game plan.
The level playing field can only be achieved when political rights are returned to Singaporeans, as this will reverse the LKY and PAP schemes that disenfranchised the populace for the last 52 years.
Singaporeans will need to be politically awakened and concious of their rights as guaranteed by the Singapore Constitution.
Unfortunately, ingrates and fence squatters such as the "swei-siao-Hog", the resident "Drama Queen" and the "X-rated Marvel" of this Speaker's Corner have all been doing their level best to undermine the efforts and reputation of CSJ and all the other Alternative Parties - when they have no game plans to offer, nor any honesty to express clear opinions that articulate their frustrations with the present system.
Without even putting any effort to understand, let alone to support in spirit, all these political loafers can do is to sabotage and vandalised with all the spiteful energy that can only parallel the efforts of the PAP to suppress CSJ and the SDP.
Oh, what the fark, you mean the dying cannot die with dignity? First place, with their nonsense attitude in politics, the gorillas and chimpanzees is not fit for governing human beings. CSJ is not leveling the playing field but playing upping the ante with the PAP which is extremely childish.
Originally posted by xtreyier:Seems like insults are all you are capable of.
And to think a few would call you 'aritculate?
Aritculate of insults, I suppose?
Repeated stock frustrations again, over the non-show of opposition figures to be elected, and you blame others?
If they opposition is so fed up as you claim, it oughtta throw up more figures and have not allowed 'walkovers'?
Where were they?
I am sure even you, pathetic as you and capable of only being voted the Village idiot for you cant lose, can certainly put on a circus act as you do often here.
But did you even attempt? Nope. Hot air.
C'mon tubby, get honest for once, will ya?
Why are you deviating from your 'uno-en-uno' proposal, and now dragging in the opposition parties ?
With your kind of X-rated quality display todate, and the dependence on plagiarizing the words from others to express yourself - I seriously will not hold too much value to your opinions.
You can have the last say if that satisfy your ego.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Why are you deviating from your 'uno-en-uno' proposal, and now dragging in the opposition parties ?
With your kind of X-rated quality display todate, and the dependence on plagiarizing the words from others to express yourself - I seriously will not hold too much value to your opinions.
You can have the last say if that satisfy your ego.
Tsk Tsk...to call me myopic. Another senseless charge, look at yourself. I am only a nobody, and a nobody has no ego. Havent the rounds between you and me taught you nothing at all?
Guess an old dog learns no new tricks I suppose. So much for your 'new changes' to better the lives of us Singaporeans.
Leaving already? So soon?
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:Oh, what the fark, you mean the dying cannot die with dignity? First place, with their nonsense attitude in politics, the gorillas and chimpanzees is not fit for governing human beings. CSJ is not leveling the playing field but playing upping the ante with the PAP which is extremely childish.
Should we doubt your expertise as a "swei-siao-hog" to know the minds of your fellow travellers from the Animal Farm ?
All that has been said about the efforts made by the SDP and CSJ - at levelling the playing field - is there to be seen, and read :-
‘Why the SDP do what they do’ (*2)
‘Manifesto – Political System’ (*3)
‘Manifesto – The Economy’ (*4)
Why will you want to dispute with your own inaccurate creations ?
Up the ante at the table - when the dice is loaded in favor of the Casino ?
Are you being clever as the Hog in the Animal Farm, or simply vindicating my opinion of your "swei-siao" position as a Hog ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Should we doubt your expertise as a "swei-siao-hog" to know the minds of your fellow travellers from the Animal Farm ?
All that has been said about the efforts made by the SDP and CSJ - at levelling the playing field - is there to be seen, and read :-
‘Why the SDP do what they do’ (*2)
‘Manifesto – Political System’ (*3)
‘Manifesto – The Economy’ (*4)
Why will you want to dispute with your own inaccurate creations ?
Up the ante at the table - when the dice is loaded in favor of the Casino ?
Are you being clever as the Hog in the Animal Farm, or simply vindicating my opinion of your "swei-siao" position as a Hog ?
Hey hoggish Atobe, thanks for insulting yourself but please do not drag the rest of Singapore into the mudpit with you.
If anyone has read the SDP webpage, what it is trying to do doesn't always has the welfare of the nation at heart. Protests, sit-ins, boycotts and strikes always hit the pockets of the common Singaporeans first and create an artificial image that Singapore is not socially stable. Secondly, SDP has never tried to engage the common citizens in bread and butter issues but to bring up the past screwups of the PAP. Social issues like euthanesia were never brought up to be discussed and how SDP will do better than the PAP in these areas.
So in the end, what SDP and PAP end up playing up the ante with each other's past disgraces. So the only vindcation is that Atobe is a bloody political hogwash.
Damn, where had she gone?
Get Big Brother's help, I guess. What a dweep!
Manifesto? Even Karl Mark could write out one, let alone some outlaw. And how did The Communist Manifesto turned out? Filled with idealism of a better world but corrupted by the flaw of humanity, as seen in the trajedy of USSR.
And who is better known for not only human flaws, which is excusable for ordinary laymen, but terrible for one whom seeks to rule, than Dr.Chee?
Hope I dont have to wait too long for her, I'm getting bored from waiting for her tired old vinyl record complaints to thrash.
Opposition infighting?Really?.....Who cares!!!
My only concern is when PAP will fall.
Do not believe in everything the press and media put out these days especially in SG,they're controlled.
The PKMS saga could be stageup and blown out of proportion in the local press.It could be a small scuffle among some pple at the vicinity of the PKMS office and was exploited by others who took the opportunity to discredit any oppositions and especially the the PKMS.
And there are "elements" who'll go around seeking the slightest opportunity to rig troubles and sow seeds of discords among oppositions.
Originally posted by Howlheje:Opposition infighting?Really?.....Who cares!!!
My only concern is when PAP will fall.
Your concern is well noted and understood, Go on, keep concerning, and on behalf of PAP, thanks for your concern.
Originally posted by Tsh2005:Do not believe in everything the press and media put out these days especially in SG,they're controlled.
The PKMS saga could be stageup and blown out of proportion in the local press.It could be a small scuffle among some pple at the vicinity of the PKMS office and was exploited by others who took the opportunity to discredit any oppositions and especially the the PKMS.
And there are "elements" who'll go around seeking the slightest opportunity to rig troubles and sow seeds of discords among oppositions.
Really?? the press and media are controlled?? Then why you all like alway like to refer to it, report about it, read it and post it?? Dun read and buy lah.
Originally posted by Tsh2005:Do not believe in everything the press and media put out these days especially in SG,they're controlled.
It is controlled to brainwash people into supporting PAP and to sell government propaganda.
My advises to those intellectual Uncles who are not in flavor of PAP here, leave this country, work from outside in instead of inside out in here. U all can go do teaching and lecturing in any part of the world, sell the bad about PAP like Uncle Francis does. And as more and more of our youngs are having exchange programmes and overseas education, they will hear all these bad governance situation in Singapore from their overseas classmates. By and by, we may see changes.
But if you will to remain here and keep saying throw the govt, change the govt, or F the govt...u are getting no where ya.
Originally posted by angel7030:My advises to those intellectual Uncles who are not in flavor of PAP here, leave this country, work from outside in instead of inside out in here. U all can go do teaching and lecturing in any part of the world, sell the bad about PAP like Uncle Francis does. And as more and more of our youngs are having exchange programmes and overseas education, they will hear all these bad governance situation in Singapore from their overseas classmates. By and by, we may see changes.
But if you will to remain here and keep saying throw the govt, change the govt, or F the govt...u are getting no where ya.
angie's opposition bashing again? omg ...
Originally posted by 4sg:angie's opposition bashing again? omg ...
not bashing ya, but just giving them another alternative, so far all voices only, not even one action. Really pity them.