Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
Another farking drama queer!
Got no bola to take your own stance.
Originally posted by the Bear:
so.. you want it now but you don't want to work for it?ain't gonna happen..
i said it isn't easy.. things worth doing usually aren't..
If you cannot read what Reyes had posted, try brushing up on your English if you cannot be honest about the political facts that exist in Singapore.
The PAP has made it difficult for any private contributions to reach the Alternative Political Parties in Singapore, and besides the legislations that make things difficult for the Alternative Political Parties, the PAP has politicised every government agencies to block the growth of the Atlernative Political Parties and prevent any possibility to reach out to the Heartlanders.
While it is not the duty of the PAP to help the Alternative Political Parties, it is the duty of the PAP to protect and be true to the Singapore Constitution - which was written with the interests of every Singapore Citizens - who have given their lives and energy to do the same through National Service and other forms of services to the Nation.
Yet, we have the PAP bastardising the Singapore Constitution that make it difficult for Singaporean to participate in the Poltical Life of Singapore, and for other Political Parties to provide the check and balance to the PAP efforts to stay non-accountable to Singaporeans for all their actions.
as for atobe, i don't know what planet you were from... you go and find out what really happened.. you go ask CST what really happened.. because a whole generation who were there, hoping for a change when the surge of the opposition was abruptly brought to a screeching, stinking halt by CSJ, will never forget it...
ask yourself.. why the hell is CST out there now, away from a party which he created?
if you are unable to see further or deeper than that, i suggest you start looking properly...
your enemy's enemy may be your worst enemy...
With friends in our midst that resemble The Bear - do we need any enemies ?
Thankfully, The Bear is a different species from us Homo Sapiens - and we can only wonder if it can be coming from this Little Red Dot or even from this Planet.
The records stand true in print and on record in Wikipedia about the events that led to CST being thrown out of SDP by his own inconsiderate actions in not supporting his own party executive from being persecuted by the PAP.
If you want to listen to the groaning of an old CST about being maligned - no one is stopping you from recommending to CST to write to Wikipedia to make changes to what has been posted on their site and taken as facts.
CST could have taken legal actions against all accusations that claimed to be facts about CST being thrown out by his own actions.
Afterall, CST has the experience in regaining his reputation before, when he had been the only politician that won a legal case against the PAP Leadership, and there is nothing that will prevent him from doing the same again.
You will only damage your own credibility and reputation with your continued efforts at labelling CSJ as a back-stabber and an ingrate towards CST.
When CSJ was busy with his hunger strike at his own home, while the SDP was holding the CEC meeting with the General Membership at their Party HQ - could CSJ be a participant to move CST out of the SDP ?
In any case, could CST have any ability to groom any successor for his SDP ?
Without the SDP Chairman Ling Howe Doong, the SDP will have to suffer continued lacklustre performance in Parliament that will continue to drain its reputation.
It was to stop SDP from backsliding that CSJ was brought into the SDP, and it provided the SDP with a wild card that surprised the PAP leadership - when CSJ had rejected his Faculty's Head Dr Vasoo - a PAP senior cadre member - invitation to join the PAP.
It was CSJ's doctorate qualification that made the PAP desperate to ensure that CSJ will never succeed in politics, as it would have derailed LKY's master plan of having a smooth transition from GCT to LHL; and that during LHL's tenure as PM, there should not be any robust challenges that will aggravate LHL's cancer condition that was already in remission but open to recurrence when stressed.
This is repeated again - could CST have any ability to groom any successor ?
Even as CST has recently suffered a mild stroke, the SDA party that he now leads remains without any successor, and his party remains weak when compared to WP.
Is CST a capable politician ?
Is he representing his own political interests, or that of his Constituents, or even for Singaporeans ?
It is amazing that each time when either the SDP or CSJ names appear - you will appear without fail with your persistent and consistent performance at denigrating both in all your posts with skewed facts that are pure lies.
These are on record in this Speaker's Corner, the Polar Bear should thank you for your effort to blemish its otherwise good reputation as being a non-political animal.
Does the Polar Bear need any enemies with a friend like you ?
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:Consider that if the opposition had popular support, they would be in parliament already
The main Alternative Poltiical Parties do enjoy popular support, and they would have been in Parliament if not for the underhanded and dark undemocratic practices that were played out before, during and after the election process - as seen in every election since the First Referendum prior to Singapore gaining independence.
It is common knowledge that the PAP has politicized the entire Civil Service, Police Force, the Military and even the Justice System with safe appointees to run these branches of Government.
Despite the dissolution of Parliament, which effectively leaves behind a care taker Government during the election period, the PAP continue to manipulate these offices to their own political advantage and at the expense of the alternative parties - and at the expense of Singaporeans.
Witness the past methods employed to persecute the leading politicians from the Alternative Political Parties during and after the election period, it leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that the PAP intend to grind any challengers into dust - to preserve their own political interests, as well as to serve as warning to the general population.
As the saying goes - their action is like "killing the chicken, to scare the monkeys".
Why is it that after 52 years of independence, Singaporeans still feel that they have no control of their own lives nor their own political future ?
Why is it that after half-a-century of independence, Singaporeans feel insecure and afraid, preferring to be politically circumspect about their views ?
Is it not pathetic that as much as Israel is under daily threat of violence from her neighbors, the Israelis enjoy more political freedom and choice than Singaporeans ?
Originally posted by ray245:Wake me up when the opposition has an legitimate issue with the direction of the nation beyond "we need more opposition!".
In many aspect, the opposition shares the same political stand as the PAP, in regards to how should we run the nation.
The momment they realise that the campaign slogan " We need more opposition" is a freaking stupid idea, and actually try tell the general public in what aspect are they different from the PAP in regards to national policies, they might win some votes.
Right now, the opposition parties is essentially the same as the PAP, except for the fact that they are not called PAP, and has an active interest in gaining more political power.
I am just curious, is this a fact or perception to you?
Given that all our papers are state-controlled, its hard to hear about ideas from the opposition. Most times, you see only one short sentence in the papers being mentioned about opposition MPs in the parliament.
Originally posted by Atobe:
The main Alternative Poltiical Parties do enjoy popular support, and they would have been in Parliament if not for the underhanded and dark undemocratic practices that were played out before, during and after the election process - as seen in every election since the First Referendum prior to Singapore gaining independence.It is common knowledge that the PAP has politicized the entire Civil Service, Police Force, the Military and even the Justice System with safe appointees to run these branches of Government.
Despite the dissolution of Parliament, which effectively leaves behind a care taker Government during the election period, the PAP continue to manipulate these offices to their own political advantage and at the expense of the alternative parties - and at the expense of Singaporeans.
Witness the past methods employed to persecute the leading politicians from the Alternative Political Parties during and after the election period, it leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that the PAP intend to grind any challengers into dust - to preserve their own political interests, as well as to serve as warning to the general population.
As the saying goes - their action is like "killing the chicken, to scare the monkeys".
Why is it that after 52 years of independence, Singaporeans still feel that they have no control of their own lives nor their own political future ?
Why is it that after half-a-century of independence, Singaporeans feel insecure and afraid, preferring to be politically circumspect about their views ?
Is it not pathetic that as much as Israel is under daily threat of violence from her neighbors, the Israelis enjoy more political freedom and choice than Singaporeans ?
Atobe, you are really kind to share with us the insights that we dun normally read from the media...please carry on...Please enlighten us what really happen within the opposition parties especially the relation betwen CST & CSJ.....rather than always hear from PAP.
Originally posted by charlize:
No, I was genuinely interested to know the truth.
Can you handle the truth?
Originally posted by ray245:
So the opposition should not fight to win seats, and should expects seats to be handed to them as a free gift?
Are you seriously saying we are voting people in based on how kind they look as opposed to the actual public policies enacted by them?
If this is the mentality the opposition parties supporters have, Singapore is fucked.
please mind your words on a lady here...
Instead of fight, opposition should say and adopt a consultational approach, instead of argueing for the sake of argueing, opposition should do good and act on the goodness instead of talking only.
We are no opposition supporters, frankly 80% of we youngs one btw 16 to 25yo also dunno what or who are the oppositions, we have yet to see them face to face.
Originally posted by Singmarine:Atobe, you are really kind to share with us the insights that we dun normally read from the media...please carry on...Please enlighten us what really happen within the opposition parties especially the relation betwen CST & CSJ.....rather than always hear from PAP.
look like you are a potiential opposition in the making...from singmarine..hmmm i remember, i din with your MD before.
I support Workers' Party
Long live Low Thia Kiang and his members.
Andrew, I promise if I am given the chance to vote I will vote for the opposition coz I very desperate for change. I don't care who the opposition is i will just vote.
I tak boleh tahan the way we are treated by the ruling party.
Originally posted by angel7030:
please mind your words on a lady here...
Instead of fight, opposition should say and adopt a consultational approach, instead of argueing for the sake of argueing, opposition should do good and act on the goodness instead of talking only.
We are no opposition supporters, frankly 80% of we youngs one btw 16 to 25yo also dunno what or who are the oppositions, we have yet to see them face to face.
I think it is advisable you speak for yourself rather than in general. There are many who support the oppositions. By saying such sweeping statement you are challenging people to "hoot" you.
Got house got food got savings. When these are taken away, then vote the opposition
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:Got house got food got savings. When these are taken away, then vote the opposition
Like that, by then too late liao. May be these are taken away immediately after election , then it means u gotta wait for another few years to vote for oppositions
Try opposition in 2011.
Must go door-to-door to distribute flyers and pamphlets.
Hold an exhibition or roadshow in Orchard Rd to promote its well-being.
Originally posted by soul_rage:I am just curious, is this a fact or perception to you?
Given that all our papers are state-controlled, its hard to hear about ideas from the opposition. Most times, you see only one short sentence in the papers being mentioned about opposition MPs in the parliament.
Take a look at their Party's manifestoand the policy they seek to propose on their websites.
Can you really say that their political philosophy differs greatly from the PAP?( P.S. I'm not talking about what they think about the fairness of the election here, I'm talking about the things they seek to do if they are in power)
Originally posted by Fantagf:I think it is advisable you speak for yourself rather than in general. There are many who support the oppositions. By saying such sweeping statement you are challenging people to "hoot" you.
well, if oppositions really want a young generation feedback, i provided the clearest feedback to them, advertise yourself!! dun hide oneside and keep complaining.
If they can move the youngs now, who are the future leaders and owners of Singapore, even if they failed now, they will leave a mark for the next one..but for the last 4 to 5 years, it seems like we got no opposition at all.
Originally posted by ray245:
Take a look at their Party's manifestoand the policy they seek to propose on their websites.
Can you really say that their political philosophy differs greatly from the PAP?( P.S. I'm not talking about what they think about the fairness of the election here, I'm talking about the things they seek to do if they are in power)
That I acknowledged in your point. But have you ever gotten the full extracts of arguments made by some of our opposition MPs in parliament?
I have ever read the full arguments before, and its far more than what our papers like to report (in 1 sentence).
I have seen those, and I feel that they are worth much more than the PAP MPs whom are sworn in parliament, whom are much more inclined to agree with the ministers, than to really question.
Originally posted by angel7030:
well, if oppositions really want a young generation feedback, i provided the clearest feedback to them, advertise yourself!! dun hide oneside and keep complaining.
If they can move the youngs now, who are the future leaders and owners of Singapore, even if they failed now, they will leave a mark for the next one..but for the last 4 to 5 years, it seems like we got no opposition at all.
eh, u think so easy for them to advertise so freely ???? There is the ruling party after them. Already your lau hero said no fair game for oppositions.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
eh, u think so easy for them to advertise so freely ???? There is the ruling party after them. Already your lau hero said no fair game for oppositions.
True, in a battle field or game, where got fair game?? The opposition are the underdogs, they need to put in more than double effort of what a PAP MP does inorder to outrun them and make themselves visible to the public, for most of us, we are the first time voter, it is very essential to not only leaving a good mark but also to constantly engage the youngs, be creative and do the differences.
PAP strategy is very simple, they wait for you to make a wrong move, and catch you on your words, defame you, totally abolish, so dun fall into their traps, talks out of the box issue, bring in new ideals that appeal the youngs, try not to challenge the ruling party with condemnation words, instead use their policies and find way to improve it so that we can see the better side of it.
Originally posted by angel7030:True, in a battle field or game, where got fair game?? The opposition are the underdogs, they need to put in more than double effort of what a PAP MP does inorder to outrun them and make themselves visible to the public, for most of us, we are the first time voter, it is very essential to not only leaving a good mark but also to constantly engage the youngs, be creative and do the differences.
PAP strategy is very simple, they wait for you to make a wrong move, and catch you on your words, defame you, totally abolish, so dun fall into their traps, talks out of the box issue, bring in new ideals that appeal the youngs, try not to challenge the ruling party with condemnation words, instead use their policies and find way to improve it so that we can see the better side of it.
i pity the oppositions in sg
oppositions in sg pretty weak one
dun have much funds also
how to fight wiht thunder party le
Originally posted by noahnoah:
oppositions in sg pretty weak one
dun have much funds also
how to fight wiht thunder party le
They are not rich, so sad!
Originally posted by Fantagf:i pity the oppositions in sg
Just like MR Low of Hougang, how he won his seat??? My Dad told me he do the different, instead of head on with his opposite PAP candidates, he visited every funnerals of all race to pay respect to the old, their relatives and the death,...it bring emotion and praise from the townfolks, and he won. This is a clear example of doing the differences and stop challenging the PAP which will be another sad story.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Just like MR Low of Hougang, how he won his seat??? My Dad told me he do the different, instead of head on with his opposite PAP candidates, he visited every funnerals of all race to pay respect to the old, their relatives and the death,...it bring emotion and praise from the townfolks, and he won. This is a clear example of doing the differences and stop challenging the PAP which will be another sad story.
I heard about him doing this but I am not sure how true.
just by looking at the logo of thunder party
the thunder so power liao
one strike one kill liao
thats why when me attended kindergarden
that time .. i saw the thunder logo
my teacher told me
u saw that?
if u dun study hard enought.. u will tio strike by it~!
better obey it from young till u old