Recently, if you have been checking out other forums, occassionally you will find that even ardent supporters are starting to become a little disgruntled by the policies and happenings of the past few years.
Most start of by saying they supported the incumbent party years before but are starting to shake their heads at the direction the country is heading. They recognize that the country doesn't look like the Singapore they once knew.
And mind you, they are quite articulate in their postings, meaning they are likely quite educated. Not like some of the crazy rantings you get in sgforums.
Some feel disillusioned enough to suggest that they will want to migrate.
Haiz, more brain drain from the locals in the future I guess.
Originally posted by charlize:Recently, if you have been checking out other forums, occassionally you will find that even ardent supporters are starting to become a little disgruntled by the policies and happenings of the past few years.
Most start of by saying they supported the incumbent party years before but are starting to shake their heads at the direction the country is heading. They recognize that the country doesn't look like the Singapore they once knew.
And mind you, they are quite articulate in their postings, meaning they are likely quite educated. Not like some of the crazy rantings you get in sgforums.
Some feel disillusioned enough to suggest that they will want to migrate.
Haiz, more brain drain from the locals in the future I guess.
With the brain drain, it's going to make it easier for the ruling elites, it's easier to trick stupid people. All you need is to give them some ang pow package just before the election and they will vote for you, it's easier.
Maybe that is the intention of the ruling elites, to increase the number of stupids, so it's easier to manage. Ever wonder why Qing Shi Huang and Mao ZeDong burn books and purge the intellectuals?
So sad.
This thread on the speech didn't even make it past page 2 as at this point in time.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
if you wanna point fingers, make sure you get your facts right. By disregarding the facts you make yourself no credibility.
which part of "leading healthy lives lower health costs" was not factual?
tui niu dan qing!
be it living healthy lifestyle or not they will still continue to increase health care costs
Does not mean everyone who lives healthy lifestyle will not fall sick. my neighbour takes very good care of the health but still suffers from cancer.
do not impose your view on me.
Brings back memories of Wong Kang Seng, he went on the news to say, Mas Selamat Kastari could either be in Singapore, or outside of Singapore.
it is fine for the men in white, whatever they are saying, implementing, they seems not subject to any accountability. They are the heaven above sg. They are gods of sg.
Originally posted by Fantagf:tui niu dan qing!
be it living healthy lifestyle or not they will still continue to increase health care costs
Does not mean everyone who lives healthy lifestyle will not fall sick. my neighbour takes very good care of the health but still suffers from cancer.
do not impose your view on me.
like I also mentioned, healthy people seemed to just drop dead during a physical activity for no reason
That definitely reduces healthcare costs :) Don't need to go hospital, just drop dead straightaway and save all the $$$ :)
Originally posted by soul_rage:haha
like I also mentioned, healthy people seemed to just drop dead during a physical activity for no reason
That definitely reduces healthcare costs :) Don't need to go hospital, just drop dead straightaway and save all the $$$ :)
hahahhaha, you really have a valid point in what you stated above. Ha hahah. To save healthcare costs death is the best way. hahahhaha. pathetic. That is why many people in singapore say that can die but not go to hospital.
REmember two years back, lhl stated not to waste time, money and resources to prolong life. Why is he now prolonging the life of his mum?
more exp to stay in hospital then in hotels..
Originally posted by noahnoah:
more exp to stay in hospital then in hotels..
You are right. and in hospital the food sucks.