Questions for Dr Chee,
(1) How do you try to win over the voters in your targetted constituency or
Do you go down to the constituency or GRC weekly to talk to the residents
and shop-owners on how you can make their lives better ?
Have you talked to them to get to know the real problems that these
residents and shop-owners faced and that you can help them to solve these
real problems ?
If the problems cannot be solved due to the red-tape of some government
bodies or government policies, have you explained them to the residents ?
Have you spent sufficient time with the targetted residents in the constituency
or GRC ?
(2) How many members are in SDP now ? How many of them are active
members ? How do you plan to recruit more members so as to help to
spread SDP views, aspirations and mission ?
dun think he are a fellow sgforumee.....
why dun u ask andrew instead...
Questions for Dr Chee,
(1) How do you try to win over the voters in your targetted constituency or GRC ? He is the voice of Singaporeans and he fights for our rights.
Do you go down to the constituency or GRC weekly to talk to the residents
and shop-owners on how you can make their lives better ? That is the PAP job.
Have you talked to them to get to know the real problems that these
residents and shop-owners faced and that you can help them to solve these
real problems ? That is the PAP job.
If the problems cannot be solved due to the red-tape of some government
bodies or government policies, have you explained them to the residents ? That is the PAP job.
Have you spent sufficient time with the targetted residents in the constituency
or GRC ? If he is voted.
(2) How many members are in SDP now ? Not relevant to elections. How many of them are active
members ? Not relevant to elections. How do you plan to recruit more members so as to help to
spread SDP views, aspirations and mission Not relevant to elections.
Why don't u just FaceBook him? I bet he will be more than happy to reply to ur questions.
Check up SDP site and ask him yourself...
Dr Chee got come sgforum meh?
Originally posted by Singmarine:Questions for Dr Chee,
(1) How do you try to win over the voters in your targetted constituency or GRC ? He is the voice of Singaporeans and he fights for our rights.
Do you go down to the constituency or GRC weekly to talk to the residents
and shop-owners on how you can make their lives better ? That is the PAP job.
Have you talked to them to get to know the real problems that these
residents and shop-owners faced and that you can help them to solve these
real problems ? That is the PAP job.
If the problems cannot be solved due to the red-tape of some government
bodies or government policies, have you explained them to the residents ? That is the PAP job.
Have you spent sufficient time with the targetted residents in the constituency
or GRC ? If he is voted.
(2) How many members are in SDP now ? Not relevant to elections. How many of them are active
members ? Not relevant to elections. How do you plan to recruit more members so as to help to
spread SDP views, aspirations and mission Not relevant to elections.
I don't think Dr Chee will give these types of replies.
"That is the PAP job. Not relevant to elections."