have u all ever realised that the basic services like electricity, food, transport , medical should be kept low.
Because when this increases, the other service non essential services eg, cable tv, mobile service , internet ect will drop . This in turn will result in poor consumer performance.
Because maket theory states consumers rather spend their money on what is essential than what is not
Surplus goods and services cannot be provided for anyone while people in general do not have their necessities. Of course, the definition of necessities will vary at different places. For instance, heavy clothing is needed in cold countries and transport requirements will vary from place to place. But a minimum level must be determined and guaranteed to all.
The prime mechanism for this policy in any modern economy is the provision of purchasing power through wages. To ensure that wages carry sufficient purchasing power for necessities, as well as to ensure that income differentials are contained, there must be collective prices control.
Are you referring to Singapore or Papua New Guinea?
If Singapore, all prices are subject to market condition, most of the Govt insitutions set the price taker role that helps to prevent any illegal fluctuation of prices, most of the co-operatives under NTUC like Fairprice, Income, comfort taxi etc etc are price taker, the rest will then have to stick to that price or below, any higher will result in losing market competitveness.
Most of the prices are calculate base on a Meridan wage of a typical Singapore worker. For those lower than the meridan wage will find it hard to cope, but then the per capital also come into the picture as some poor Uncles are single but is actually getting higher in term of per capital. On the other hand, the govt have be able to set terms and conditions for those seeking funds such as conservatives rebates, Power Supply rebates, NTUC U stretch Voucher, Bursary for the lower income childrens, bus transport voucher for them too, Scholarship, free training and upgrading with paid per hour at e2i and learning Hub and even discount in watch movies.
Typically speaking, anyone with a gross pay of less than $1800 or $500 per capital can seek help and training at CC or any other govt insitutions.
But sad to say that most Uncles and even Aunties like to sit in kopitiam, grumbles, complaint and criticise alot rather than to get their butts moving.