Originally posted by dare82:Yes. The crime rate scene happens especially in Harlem neighbourhood in NYC.
It's true the media will do window dressing on its ways to promote global diversity at the workplace. Same for Singapore. Although the PAP always emphasizes on racial harmony and globalization and not forgetting, foreign talent, do you think Singapore is still so welcoming towards those foreigners?
I tell you, many many are still unwelcome.
Look at the Bangla workers. How they are being treated and discriminated? Remember when the government tries to designate housing for them in Serangoon? There are many local dissidents to this policy.
I still don't know how far those new races are being discriminated at the white collar workplaces. But then let me tell you it is in human nature that when one sees a foreigner the first time, especially of different skin colour, he or she tends to ask questions about culture. There will still be judgement anyway. I see a foreigner as a foreigner usually, except probably for Malaysians or Indonesians. I talk to them like tourists. I don't really socialize with them the way I can socialize with my local friends.
The 1st introductory impression of a foreigner is always more judgemental than towards locals.
US, Canadian and Australian authorities do not declare Chinese New Year, Aidil Fitri, Deepavali, African festivals or any other non-American, non-Canadian, non-Australian or non-European festivities as public holidays even at municipal level, rather than national level. This is because they are only constituting a very tiny percentage of the national demographics. It's just like allowing Burmese or Filipino festivals declared as public holidays in Singapore now. How weird can this be if they are declared?
To me these countries do follow what the UK has been practising as of 17th and 18th century as when these countries become independent, people of the British ancestry make up the majority in them. But then they do allow Jewish festivals to be public holidays there now.
Thus, anyways, I don't think Singaporeans are even more cosmopolitan than the New Yorkers or Torontoans by judging at the ways Singaporeans preceive the foreigners. It is only in the eyes and ears of the PAP or people who have worked or studied overseas before. Singapore does not even have rights for the minority immigrants, whereas HK, NYC and Toronto have them. So how can Singapore be more cosmopolitan than them?
so who is the problem? the people or the government?
does HK have any rights for minority immigrants? which one?
Originally posted by sgdiehard:
so who is the problem? the people or the government?does HK have any rights for minority immigrants? which one?
I thought this is the one.
Singapore since time immemorial does not even have one such group.
The people are the problem in welcoming foreign talent as they tend to compete fiercely with them.
The government has been trying to hide this fact by continuously painting over it to make bad things seem good, or unnice things seem nice.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Cheers!!Todat is
Core Events--Singapore Racial Harmony Day!!
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@In SG,no race has been sperated in bus.But there was separation in USA!!
so pl tell me which country is/was more racists!!
In the past and current SG,we just get poor work for rich.
But we dunt have slaves work for white!!
I think u want to say SG is more racists!!Indeed,we have,to a certain degree,like
other countries.There are fault lines between all races.
Dunt take racisal harmony for granted.
Core Events
- [ ]Racial Harmony Day Schools commemorate Racial Harmony Day on 21st July. On this day in 1964, Singapore saw racial riots. Racial Harmony Day serves to remind ...
ask them give PH for it la.. if not toktok no use the
No PH = No RH
Originally posted by kalez:
ask them give PH for it la.. if not toktok no use the
No PH = No RH
Yeah it's a great idea to introduce RH as PH in Singapore.
Racism is Racism.
Nationalism is Nationalism.
Please don't FUDGE the issues.
But discriminating against certain nationalities sometimes is a form of racism.
I think Singapore is still not ready to accept them yet.
Originally posted by dare82:But discriminating against certain nationalities sometimes is a form of racism.
I think Singapore is still not ready to accept them yet.
You know, one thing i don't quite get is at what point do you consider Singapore "ready to accept certain nationaliities"?
It seems extremely subjective to whether a city or country is considered ready to accept foreigners.
I mean surely it's not really going to be difficult to find people in New York who wants to keep out the foreigners ?
New York City - (not New York State) - is sub-divided into some very famous districts, known as Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Transit Districts, and some other Housing districts.
Each of these districts has its own characteristics in the congregating of different immigrant ethnic groups that tend to be drawn to their own community, who had arrived earlier; and as the growth of each ethnic group differ from each other, one group will grow faster then the other and will expand into other areas.
Some districts are seen to be "up-market" for the high priced development of the past and new residential and commercial projects that attracted those who can afford to stay in these districts.
This has resulted in "commercial and residential segregation" of communities to their respective districts that may not necessarily be negative, as each group support the activities of the other.
The strain between the communities only appear in the different quality of the environment and social amenities that are evident between different districts where the rich live and work, and where the less rich live and work, and where the poor live and unable to qualify for any work.
Is there "racism" in New York ?
It is a place where migrants have arrived to find a new beginning since the 19th Century, and where a man's entrepreneurship to flourish.
It is a City that runs on commercial ethos, where if you are able to "Best the very Best" that the system has produced - you will be recognised, feted and rewarded.
It is an open City where migrant arrivals depend on the policies set by the Federal Government.
The positive feature is that all are migrants in New York City, the open hand of generosity is always extended to help - where homeless shelter exist to provide warmth and hot food in the cold winter months, and programs exist to assist the poor to find subsistence.
If racism exist, it is due to the human instincts at work that develop pre-conceived ideas towards those different from oneself, and the defensive mechanism interplay.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:
You know, one thing i don't quite get is at what point do you consider Singapore "ready to accept certain nationaliities"?It seems extremely subjective to whether a city or country is considered ready to accept foreigners.
I mean surely it's not really going to be difficult to find people in New York who wants to keep out the foreigners ?
Singapore seems so welcoming towards foreigners only because the PAP says so as they want $. The bosses also like it as it can cut on their hiring expenses. It is not really the commoners that want such things but they fear to speak out.
Of course the Straits Times won't say that the local people don't quite like foreigners. In NTU, for example, there are many anti-foreigner sentiments among the local students everywhere. They always insult those foreigners who don't know how to behave properly.
Originally posted by dare82:Singapore seems so welcoming towards foreigners only because the PAP says so as they want $. The bosses also like it as it can cut on their hiring expenses. It is not really the commoners that want such things but they fear to speak out.
Of course the Straits Times won't say that the local people don't quite like foreigners. In NTU, for example, there are many anti-foreigner sentiments among the local students everywhere. They always insult those foreigners who don't know how to behave properly.
Anyone who do not behave properly will always receive insults.
This applies to foreigners insulting Singaporeans who behaved in some very ugly ways when overseas.
Singaporean attitudes towards foreigners remain largely positive, especially when the young and old have grown up being exposed by western culture in its various forms.
Originally posted by Atobe:
Anyone who do not behave properly will always receive insults.This applies to foreigners insulting Singaporeans who behaved in some very ugly ways when overseas.
Singaporean attitudes towards foreigners remain largely positive, especially when the young and old have grown up being exposed by western culture in its various forms.
Hahaha actually its the opposite, i've read a lot of comments here in sgforums and there's always a lot of insulting comments on the foreigners... so we are no different from them. but I notice you dont have any insulting comments on the Americans and Europeans. Try going to europe or US I'm sure the people there will give you some insulting comments too, because of our funny chinese eyes, laughing at our singlish, calling us pandas...
My point is, we are not so perfect nor different from foreigners either... But in times of crisis or war, all we have is each other.
Originally posted by Josh16:
My point is, we are not so perfect nor different from foreigners either... But in times of crisis or war, all we have is each other.
All we have is each other? What? We are the world or heal the world? In memory of Michael Jackson ah?
This crisis has made Singaporeans more intolerant towards foreigners.
Originally posted by dare82:
All we have is each other? What? We are the world or heal the world? In memory of Michael Jackson ah?This crisis has made Singaporeans more intolerant towards foreigners.
No lah, I saw it in the movie last week ...
What crisis are you talking about? did you see the news... singaporeans still spending money hahahaha...
does NYC and toronto has a foreigner dominated red light district? does NYC and toronto has a social benefits network that allows citizens to file to benefits while waiting for jobs?
Singapore resentment towards foreigners arises from various govt policies that make singaporeans feel they livihood are being threathen by foreigners with nothing to fall back on.
By the way TS, your friends should be thankful she is not being discriminated in NYC probably she can integrated better into the local communities with no languages barrier. Here in singapore, you can end up with a foreigners who talk little english and we know nuts about tamils.
By the way, we are asians not angmos, we are singaporeans, we dont have to do what the newyorkers do. We are uniquely singapore!!
Originally posted by reyes:does NYC and toronto has a foreigner dominated red light district? does NYC and toronto has a social benefits network that allows citizens to file to benefits while waiting for jobs?
Singapore resentment towards foreigners arises from various govt policies that make singaporeans feel they livihood are being threathen by foreigners with nothing to fall back on.
By the way TS, your friends should be thankful she is not being discriminated in NYC probably she can integrated better into the local communities with no languages barrier. Here in singapore, you can end up with a foreigners who talk little english and we know nuts about tamils.
By the way, we are asians not angmos, we are singaporeans, we dont have to do what the newyorkers do. We are uniquely singapore!!
The Asians in many parts of North America are even more diverse and feel more welcomed there than in Singapore.
In Singapore, due to the small size of the island, people don't quite welcome foreigners. Asian culture still means our family values differ from the Caucasians.
Originally posted by dare82:
The Asians in many parts of North America are even more diverse and feel more welcomed there than in Singapore.In Singapore, due to the small size of the island, people don't quite welcome foreigners. Asian culture still means our family values differ from the Caucasians.
Asians in America are often welcome by buckshots from Remington shotguns wielded by caucasian North Americans.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
Asians in America are often welcome by buckshots from Remington shotguns wielded by caucasian North Americans.
Then we welcome foreigners with our mouth-watering vulgarities cursing and swearing only.
When the gahmen did not put those unemployed to work, it is norm for people to feel that the FT had taken their position (so call come and snatch job) just like what the local in some part of au actually see foreigners.
Originally posted by dare82:
Then we welcome foreigners with our mouth-watering vulgarities cursing and swearing only.
Then my only response is to hope you study/work hard and move to America.
You'd probably going to take this as another invitation to say how inhospitable Singaporeans are but i'm still going to say it.
I don't see any concrete comparisons that you have brought up that proves your point. The only thing you bring out as proof seems completely dependant on your opinion.
You say your sister lived in New York for 4 years, so i take it that you personally have not lived in any part of the North America in order for your comparsion to be accurate and you're just insisting how much people are treating foreigners based on circumstantial opinions, not even having any real experience to base on.
You don't have real experience of Singaporeans not welcoming foreigners either. Complaining on the internet is different from actually not welcoming. So how could your opinion be accurate when you do not have experience of both spectrums to draw your conclusion from?
It seems you have already decided that Americans are superior to being a Singaporean. Then i hope that you work/study hard to being a superior American, and leave us morally bankrupt Singaporeans alone.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Then my only response is to hope you study/work hard and move to America.
You'd probably going to take this as another invitation to say how inhospitable Singaporeans are but i'm still going to say it.
I don't see any concrete comparisons that you have brought up that proves your point. The only thing you bring out as proof seems completely dependant on your opinion.
You say your sister lived in New York for 4 years, so i take it that you personally have not lived in any part of the North America in order for your comparsion to be accurate and you're just insisting how much people are treating foreigners based on circumstantial opinions, not even having any real experience to base on.
You don't have real experience of Singaporeans not welcoming foreigners either. Complaining on the internet is different from actually not welcoming. So how could your opinion be accurate when you do not have experience of both spectrums to draw your conclusion from?
It seems you have already decided that Americans are superior to being a Singaporean. Then i hope that you work/study hard to being a superior American, and leave us morally bankrupt Singaporeans alone.
I think the Singaporeans that welcome foreigners, besides Malaysians, are mainly those who ever worked or studied overseas before. They feel the sense of being Asians in a Caucasian land, thus, they are better in interacting with other Southeast Asians, Chinese and Indian nationals.
The ones in NUS, NTU, SMU don't quite welcome. They are always badmouthing them behind their backs, not in front of them, that's why there are no evidences proving of their hostility towards them.
Americans are superior. I do agree. However, my sis said, in NYC, a White American, even of the British ancestry, is probably not a cut above the rest when compared to other races. It's not in Georgia or Mississippi, where the Southern traditions still stay. NYC is very very diverse with a place full of all sorts of immigrants. It had outlawed slavery of the Blacks about 70 years before the whole nation outlawed it. All sorts of culture take place in this bustling city and call it the land of the free. This is true for Toronto and Vancouver as well.
Anyway, even you also can migrate there to shine. Or your kids can do so one day.
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Hey cut the crap. Don't sell things here!
Americans are superior. I do agree. However, my sis said, in NYC, a White American, even of the British ancestry, is probably not a cut above the rest when compared to other races. It's not in Georgia or Mississippi, where the Southern traditions still stay. NYC is very very diverse with a place full of all sorts of immigrants. It had outlawed slavery of the Blacks about 70 years before the whole nation outlawed it. All sorts of culture take place in this bustling city and call it the land of the free. This is true for Toronto and Vancouver as well.
disgusted to hear u saying american are superior. maybe u r SPG or CPG.
still dont see the pt why compare to places of such diverse and cultural backgrounds. i am not singapore are perfect but it is also ridiculous to compare NYC with singapore. probably the one who need to open heart to accept is you. the heart to accept differences among different ethnic background, cultural , social opinion.
Originally posted by dare82:I think the Singaporeans that welcome foreigners, besides Malaysians, are mainly those who ever worked or studied overseas before. They feel the sense of being Asians in a Caucasian land, thus, they are better in interacting with other Southeast Asians, Chinese and Indian nationals.
The ones in NUS, NTU, SMU don't quite welcome. They are always badmouthing them behind their backs, not in front of them, that's why there are no evidences proving of their hostility towards them.
Americans are superior. I do agree. However, my sis said, in NYC, a White American, even of the British ancestry, is probably not a cut above the rest when compared to other races. It's not in Georgia or Mississippi, where the Southern traditions still stay. NYC is very very diverse with a place full of all sorts of immigrants. It had outlawed slavery of the Blacks about 70 years before the whole nation outlawed it. All sorts of culture take place in this bustling city and call it the land of the free. This is true for Toronto and Vancouver as well.
Anyway, even you also can migrate there to shine. Or your kids can do so one day.
In US, the late Bruce Lee also became famous n his martial arts, Jeet Kun Do is being learny by many people. In this country, the govt has been making effort to intergrate the local with new citizen n PR.