That place scenery good.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:That place scenery good.
More chances of no upgrade.
So they can enbloc and resell for a higher price tag.
Originally posted by Singmarine:Look from another point of view now that PAP will have nothing to offer to the people of Hougang & Potong Pasir in hte next GE!! Chiam & Low are going o have easy walkovers this time!!! PAP is killing themshelves!!!
May be PAP will just let Chiam and Low have a walkover for the first time. So the folks at Potong Pasir and Hougang can have a break.
Upgrading applies to all now.
Like that then fair mah.
Originally posted by hamidisaidi:True though seriously, it is sad if we have to vote out the present Government for the sake of voting them out when in fact, the reality is, the opposition has also not provided us with enough evidences that they can run the country better.
As i said, im disappointed with the present condition we are in and PAP is definitely at fault for some of the situation we are in. But can the opposition do better? That we can be sure they can provide a better future? Like i said, all they talk about is what we all talk about and already know; pointing out PAP's mistakes. I do not need them to state the obvious. I need them to provide the solutions.
I believe that if the opposition can detail to us their solutions, many will switch over. Even GRCs will not be able to stop an ever-growing opposition support.
To all who doubt if the Alternative Parties can do a better job than the PAP - consider that when LKY and his PAP first assumed the seat of Government in 1957, LKY was only in his mid-30s, both he, Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee, S Rajaratnam, and others who formed the early PAP had no experience either.
They tapped on the pulling power of Lim Chin Siong and those of his group who were concientious about the welfare of Singaporeans political future without the British.
Today, the leadership and members of the Alternative Parties in Singapore are in their mid-40s and younger, all have had the benefit of studying the PAP and their methods, and how Singaporeans continue to suffer under the PAP policies.
Does anyone seriously believe that the leadership and members of the Alternative Parties are so dumb as not to learn the mistakes made by the PAP ?
It is due to the PAP's monopolistic control and dominance in all spheres of political life in Singapore that cause the population to be totally unaware of the programs and plans that the Alternative Parties have for Singapore's future.
Everyone who doubt the abilities of the Alternative Parties and would not give them a chance - should consider if they deserve a chance at a job interview simply due to the fact that the Employer has no clue of yourself as a suitable candidate for the vacancy.
If you believe that you deserve a shot at the vacancy to prove your worth, the Alternative Parties should similarly be given a chance at proving themselves.
Do you seriously believe in the PAP / LKY's propaganda that if Singapore is to fall it can never be put together again ?
It is sheer rubbish talk to scare Singaporeans in the usual threatening ways.
Singapore has been through the last 20 years of crisis that were largely caused by the PAP inaction, and LKY's stubborn resistance towards change - and Singapore has shown enough resilience to pull through the 1987 economic crash, 1997 financial meltdown in South-east Asia, Osama's 9/11 attack on the USA in 2001, the Bird Flu and SARS attacks that crippled businesses, and now the banking meltdown in the USA that has affected Singapore worst then any other First World countries.
If Singapore cannot be put together it will be due to the 52 Years of preparation to sabotage Singapore in the event that the PAP is prevented from forming the next elected government.
LKY has prepared for this day and is prepared to destroy all that has been built by Singaporeans and Foreigners over the last 52 years.
He has passed legislations that will prevent the smooth transition of full government authority from going into the hands of the next government formed by any other political party - in that persons holding the key appointments in the Civil Service, Judiciary, Police and Military cannot be changed without the consent of the President and Parliament.
The Elected President has always been a PAP person or connected to the PAP in some ways, and it will be expected that the Elected President will hamstrung the workings of an elected government formed by the Alternative Party.
With all the CEOs and Chairman of the various Government Linked Companies being PAP appointees approved by LKY, there will be major battles by the new Government to call for the full accounting of all the activities and investment portfolios of these GLCs - much as we have seen when the late Elected President Ong Teng Cheong called for the full accounting of the Singapore assets that his second key was supposed to guard.
A new government formed by an Alternative Political Party will only result in them holding the reins of government, but LKY and his PAP will control the horses that are at the end of the reins.
LKY has left behind a political system that will result in chaos when the PAP lose power, so as to blame the Alternative Parties for the problems that are now being prepared by the PAP.
This is an elaborate scheme that has been in the making for the last 30 years, with LHL being groomed to take over the reins and ensure the proper cover-up of all the skeletons in the cabinet that LKY insist on not revealing.
The Alternative Political Parties can do as good a job as the PAP - if not even better considering that there will be many professionals who shun the PAP now prepared to show-up as concerned parties to correct the mistakes made in the last 40 years.
Well said atobe.
Originally posted by pearlie27:Originally posted by hamidisaidi: is sad if we have to vote out the present Government for the sake of voting them out…>It is naive for anyone to think that we can vote out the present gahmen. Even before the elections it has enough of walkovers to win!
what a "coincidence" with the coming election...
Election likely by end of the year from the looks of it.
Originally posted by charlize:Election likely by end of the year from the looks of it.
ya, they are asking for my dogs help
Originally posted by angel7030:
ya, they are asking for my dogs help
Did you train your dog well ?
If your dog is trained to lick - make sure it does not salivate too much.
If your dog is trained to be aggressive - make sure that it does not mangle anyone.
Both are simply too unsightly for decent Singaporeans..
Originally posted by Atobe:
Did you train your dog well ?If your dog is trained to lick - make sure it does not salivate too much.
If your dog is trained to be aggressive - make sure that it does not mangle anyone.
Both are simply too unsightly for decent Singaporeans..
trained to attack oppositon protestors.
Originally posted by angel7030:
trained to attack oppositon protestors.
Do you think that attack dogs cannot be dealt with ?
Dogs are just dogs, and all dogs are running dogs.
Do you think that attack dogs are so intimidating ?
Attack dogs can be easily dealt with - when one knows how to handle their temperament.
If you depend on your attack dogs make sure that you know how to completely control your attack dogs, who can be tricked to attack their dog handlers.
Originally posted by Singmarine:How abt upgrading other parts of Singapore e.g Changi & Pulau Ubin..the estates are really run down..wonder what the MPs are doing there?
Is there an estate in Pulau Ubin??
build condo better...
Originally posted by angel7030:build condo better...
Might as well have your Bar next to the condo - even better ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
Might as well have your Bar next to the condo - even better ?
NO problem, i set up a franchise there...sure make money. But i heard changi got alot of gays...different crowd