by F. William Engdahl
July 9, 2009
world-renowned Times newspaper of London published a report in its July
5th edition titled, “Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran.” The
story, were it true, would imply a dramatic change in Saudi foreign and
military policy whose consequences potentially could lead to a World
War III. A more serious investigation reveals that there are nasty
elements of what military psychologists and intelligence specialists
term “disinformation” at work trying to foster discord across the
Muslim oil-producing world. The question is Qui Bono? Who ultimately
benefits from such disinformation?
to the London Times, the flagship paper of the giant media group owned
by naturalized American citizen, Australian media mogul, Rupert
Murdoch, “The head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service,
has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia
would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during
any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites.”
London paper went on to report to allege that Meir Dagan, the head of
Israeli’s Mossad intelligence service, had held secret meetings early
this year with leading Saudi officials and that as well former Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had held such secret talks. Citing an
unnamed “diplomatic source” from an unnamed country, the Times went on
to quote, “The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force
flying through their airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in
the common interests of both Israel and Saudi Arabia.”
that report accurate, it would be, excuse the expression, a bombshell
of a nuclear dimension. The story suggests that war preparations
against Iran are very advanced in the wake of the tumultuous elections
in Iran last month in which the conservative Mahmud
Ahmedinejad was declared the victor against massive opposition
protests, protests fanned actively from outside at a certain point by
US Government-linked NGOs and by the US State Department.
recent statement by Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden with ABC's George
Stephanoupolos, where he said in answer to a question: "Look, Israel
can determine for itself — it's a sovereign nation — what's in their
interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else."
Whether we agree or not? The interviewer asked. "Whether we agree or
not," said the vice president.” That suggested that the Obama
Administration had changed its earlier reported “veto” over potential
Israeli military strike in Iran. It was the first time a senior Obama
administration official left Israeli the military option against Iran's
nuclear sites.
British intelligence disinfo?
the Times story was so important and because the implications of a
“Saudi nod” to Israeli military over-flight en route to bomb Teheran or
Iranian targets could potentially unleash a Holy War within the
one-billion strong Muslim world, I decided to probe more deeply. What
emerged was quite different from the Times account.
contacted very reliable sources with extensive involvement in Saudi
Arabia and who have been reliable in the past, to ask whether the Times
story of a secret agreement with Israel over bombing Iran was accurate.
The answer I got back was revealing.
Times itself cited a denial statement from the Saudi Government, but in
a way to leave the impression it was not serious, merely covering up
the truth of the Times story of collusion between Israeli intelligence
and the Saudi Kingdom.
to this Saudi inside confidential source, however, “not only have we
denied it, it would be absolute political suicide to even contemplate
letting the Israelis cross our airspace!”
corresponded with my knowledge of years of quiet diplomatic dialogue
between, yes, even Ahmedinejad and the Saudi Royal family. Indeed, it
was reportedly largely due to agreement between Iran’s Ahmedinejad and
the Saudi King Abdullah, during a personal meeting in Riyadh in March
2007, that agreement was reached to try to create lessening of tensions
between Sunni and Shiite muslim groups in Iraq. Those talks had more to
do, according to on-the-ground reports, with the dramatic falloff in
killings in Iraq than General Petraeus’ infamous “surge” strategy.
Who is behind the Times?
Times of London is one of the world’s best known newspapers. In its
better times, during the First and even Second World Wars, it was the
newspaper of record of Britain, comparable to what the New York Times
also once was in the United States. The Times in those days was one of
the most influential propaganda instruments of a little-known and
extremely influential elite group that called itself the Round Table,
as in King Arthur’s legendary Knights of the Round Table. The Round
Table group, initially created out of the will of British mining
magnate and inciter of the 1899 Boer War, Sir Cecil Rhodes, played a
key role in manipulating British pubic opinion into going to war in
1914 against the German “Hun,” in a fruitless attempt to save the
“English way of life” as they saw it, to save the declining British
the newspaper came into financial difficulties in the early 1980’s, its
then-owners, the Astor family, sold it and Australian media czar Rupert
Murdoch bought it, placing it under his News Corporation International
which also owns the New York Post, the San Antonio Star, the Hollywood
20th Century Fox studios, the right-wing neo-conservative Fox News TV
network and until recently the flagship of US neo-conservative William
Kristol, the Weekly Standard. In 2007 Murdoch added the prestigious
Wall Street Journal to his stable.
Board of Directors of Murdoch’s News Corp. holding company, owners of
the Times of London, is also interesting. It includes, in addition to
Murdoch as Chairman and CEO, also former Spanish Prime Minister Jose
Maria Aznar, the very conservative and very controversial friend of
Britain’s Tony Blair, who split EU opposition to the 2003 Iraq War by
backing Blair and Bush. Murdoch’s board also includes Andrew Knight of
J. Rothschild Capital Management, the financial holding of Jacob Lord
Rothschild, the head of the British branch of the legendary financial
family. It also includes Viet D. Dinh who served as an Assistant
Attorney General of the United States from 2001 to 2003, under George
W. Bush, and who was the chief architect of the USA PATRIOT Act.
put it mildly, Murdoch’s News Corp. has a distinct political or
geopolitical profile. It is clearly in the neo-conservative war hawk
camp. It clearly backed Tony Blair, who according to London sources,
owed his job to the backing of Murdoch’s Sun tabloid newspaper in the
UK, a paper better known for sensational stories than for serious
analysis. That puts the “impartiality” of Blair today as official
“Envoy of the Quartet” on the Middle East, the Quartet being the motley
combination of the United Nations, the European Union, the United
States, and Russia.
The controversial John Bolton
is also notable that in its story of the “Saudi nod to Israel,”
Murdoch’s Times chose to cite the infamous former Bush UN “acting”
Ambassador, neo-conservative John Bolton, who told the Times that it
was “entirely logical” for the Israelis to use Saudi airspace. The
Times wrote, “Bolton, who has talked to several Arab leaders, added:
‘None of them would say anything about it publicly but they would
certainly acquiesce in an over-flight if the Israelis didn’t trumpet it
as a big success.’ Arab states would condemn a raid when they spoke at
the UN but would be privately relieved to see the threat of an Iranian
bomb removed, he said.”
Bolton was one of the founding members of the pro-war Project for the
New American Century think-tank along with Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz,
Don Rumsfeld and most of the prominent neo-conservative hawks of the
Bush Administration. As well, Bolton is alleged to be a member of the
ultra-secretive Council for National Policy which brings the Rev. Moon
cult, the Church of Scientology and the ultra-religious Christian Right
under one neat political umbrella, the heart of the George W. Bush
right-wing political machine. As Bush Administration State Department
official, Bolton was accused by his associates of helping fake
intelligence on Niger yellowcake uranium sales to Saddam Hussein’s
Iraq, a faked intelligence report, aided by Tony Blair’s good offices,
that was falsely cited by Secretary of State Colin Powell as
justification for the March 2003 US invasion of Iraq.
This time it seems that the same Bolton and Rupert Murdoch’s Times of London are again in bed together, this time in an effort to drive a wedge of distrust across the Muslim oil-producing world by planting disinformation about an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israeli military intelligence that never existed.
Bono? By planting a false story that Saudi Arabia’s worst opponent,
Israel, is now its closest friend, allied with the Netanyahu government
against Iran, the false story spreads and sows distrust that functions
along the classic lines of Roman military strategy: divide and conquer. Whatever internal disagreement in foreign policy between the regime of
Iran’s Shiite President, Ahmedinejad and the Sunni Saudi Kingdom, more
likely the case is that the Saudis – no matter how much they
disapproved of Iran—would always side with a fellow Muslim before they
would side with Israel or the US. The Iranian leaders come to Saudi
Arabia often; they don’t hate each other according to well-informed
reports from the region.
appears to be a split within the Obama Administration over Iran policy.
However if Biden represents the hawk faction that finds an Israeli
military strike an “option” the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen has just warned on national TV, notably on
Murdoch’s Fox News TV that any attack against Iran would be "very
destabilizing.” Mullen was quoted by AFP as saying, “I've been one who
has been concerned about a strike on Iran for some time, because it
could be very destabilizing, and it is the unintended consequences of
that which aren't predictable."
F. William Engdahl is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order.
The head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service, has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites.
Earlier this year Meir Dagan, Mossad’s director since 2002, held secret talks with Saudi officials to discuss the possibility.
The Israeli press has already carried unconfirmed reports that high-ranking officials, including Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister, held meetings with Saudi colleagues. The reports were denied by Saudi officials....
Plot to sow discord between Saudi and Iran?
The Strategy of Sowing Discord
Undermine your enemy's ability to fight by secretly causing discord between him and his friends, allies, advisors, family, commanders, soldiers, and population. While he is preoccupied settling internal disputes his ability to attack or defend, is compromised.
oh, this one got nothing to do with PAP hor?
Nothing surprising, like someone oredi said
yr enemy's foe may not be yr foe too.
yr friend's foe may not be yr foe too.
Originally posted by 4sg:Nothing surprising, like someone oredi said
yr enemy's foe may not be yr foe too.
yr friend's foe may not be yr foe too.
so confusing, so who is fren and who is foe??
Originally posted by angel7030:
so confusing, so who is fren and who is foe??
i told u dun every nite drink so much u see...
Originally posted by 4sg:
i told u dun every nite drink so much u see...
drinking is part of customer service strategy, it got nothing to do with fren or foe. For customer is like, you see,,,now you dun
Originally posted by angel7030:
drinking is part of customer service strategy, it got nothing to do with fren or foe. For customer is like, you see,,,now you dun
got teetee, meimei here ok