Originally posted by angel7030:Whatever happen to HK, they got their big father CHina to take of them, we got nothing, that is the biggest differences.
besides mainland allow more tourists go to HK,wat else Ah Yeh can help?
In fact,Ah Yeh want to compete with HK by Shanghai as Financial Center.
2.SG are building two IR to attract tourists!!HK cannt.The Disney Land is a joke
and losing Money ,to HK gavaman!!
Originally posted by lionnoisy:besides mainland allow more tourists go to HK,wat else Ah Yeh can help?
In fact,Ah Yeh want to compete with HK by Shanghai as Financial Center.
2.SG are building two IR to attract tourists!!HK cannt.The Disney Land is a joke
and losing Money ,to HK gavaman!!
in about 40 years from now, HK will be china, what does HK got to worry about, they will ride the economy booming wave with China. What is disney to China, their Panda theme park can anytime wins over disney, but even that HK can afford to pour billions to upgrade it, we are talking about 1.2 billions potiential tourist coming from China to support its sister island.
If you walk down Gucci, Prada and all those chic and class fashion shops at Hk Central district luxury retail shop, The landmark, you see Rich and middle class chinese shopping all the way. They are just hunger for fashion and you can see the biggest Gucci shop there too.
We are unlike HK, china can anytime make HK one of the most vibrant shopping, leisure and financial hub for their own domestic use, they dun need outsiders, they are just extra income. Macau alone see tens of millions Chinese gamblers who do not have a chance to gamble in a casino in China, cos mainland banned gambling casino. That is why Singapore is thinking to attract them, Chinese are well known to be top gamblers beside USA retirees, everywhere they go, they gamble.
The leaders of China wanted to reserve the image of communist china in the mainland, but of course with a free economy market, that makes lots of chinese becoming millionaires, it a huge and hungry market out there, everyone wants cars, LCDTV, computer, niche technology, high class fashion, they are all hungry to enjoy life, however the leaders with the image of communism base, do not allow much of their rich to show off their wealth, but they allow them to move freely to other country and enjoy it. With this in mind, Singapore grab the opportunity to build resort and casino to attract them.
Originally posted by angel7030:Like it or not, you have to salute the man, after all, we got 50 years of peace and harmony, you cannot take that away. He brins prosperity to most, and most important education , without PAP preschool, I could be nothing
50 years of peace and harmony ?
It is not as if Singaporeans have been living in peaceful bliss - considering the animosity that LKY had generated with Malaysia's Mahathir and Indonesia's Habibie.
For a short time even a strained relation with his supposed good friend Suharto - whom LKY called Suharto an Indonesian Sultan helping himself and his family to Indonesia's wealth.
50 years of peace and harmony ?
Did you forget that Singaporeans have been dragged into three repeated recessions in 1987, 1997 and 2002 - which persisted through 2003, 2004, and up till 2005.
The weakened economy was further lashed in 2008 - which completed the repeated 10 year cycle that hit Singapore repeatedly - even as LKY's talented Ministers could not steer Singapore away from.
The 1987 Economic Review Committee had recommended a list of changes to help Singapore avoid suffering the consequences of future recessions, but the 1997 Economic Review Committee again repeated the same list that included those changes recommended in 1987 that were put aside. Yet again, these were put aside in 1997 - as PM LHL claimed that "the stones were turned over to be studied, and it was found to be in the best interest for the stones to be left untouched".
What were these stones that could not be touched since the two studies in 1987 and 1997 ?
Both had included changes to the CPF scheme, GST rate, and the participation of Singaporeans in policies that affect the cost of living.
Did LKY bring prosperity to Singapore, or was it not the economy of the USA that had brought prosperity to Singapore ?
If education was important and you had depended on PAP pre-school to help you - we can only feel sorry for your present situation of not being able to get any job except to manage a Bar.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
"quote_from":Originally posted by Atobe:
It will not be surprising that the noisy pussy has again retracted his noisy position that get him excited over non-events - and this time in his false statement that Seah Chiang Nee is a Malaysian, when Seah is more red blooded Singaporean then the noisy pussy.
From the issues raised, the noisy pussy has avoided reference to his pet issues in his last response which have been debunked, and now try to mislead with nonsensical verbage as he try to impress with all the garbage.
Unfortunately, despite LKY having "taught SG people English and built up economy so far" - we still get noisy pussies making simple grammatical errors that even little kids know that "LKY should not TEACH SG people English" in the manner so poorly learnt by the noisy pussy.
If LKY had built up the economy - why will the noisy pussy remain so bitter about OZ not accepting his application to emmigrate ?
Could it be the unique Singlish that the noisy pussy hope to pass for Oz English ?
As matters stand, despite the LKY supposed success with "SG...built up economy so far" - it is surprising that LKY will want Singaporeans to spread our wings and venture abroad to take on jobs in China, Middle-east, India, supposedly to spread our Singapore values.
If the SG economy is so built-up - as claimed by the resident noisy pussy - is there no need for the trained manpower that LKY want them to go overseas ?
With the brain drain - is it not happening now that Singapore require the graduates from Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, and even Vietnam ?
In the statistics produced by the Government Department of Statistics - Singaporeans are lumped with the Permanent Residents for the purpose of all kinds of statistical studies.
Is it not ironical that this is for the purpose of hiding the increase in the real numbers of foreigners taking up Permanent Residentship and confuse Singaporeans about the real numbers that are Citizens ?
Why will the noisy pussy depend on historical data to the GDP that is based on 2000 Market Prices ?
Is there something that the noisy pussy is too shy to place in the spot light ?
From the CIA Fact Book on Hong Kong and Singapore the following comparison can be made:-
Hong Kong - GDP (Purchasing Power Parity)
$307.6 Billion (2008 est); $299.5 Billion (2007 est); $281.5 Billion (2006 est)
Singapore - GDP (PPP)
$240 Billion (2008 est); $237.2 Billion (2007 est); $216.4 Billion (2006 est).
Hong Kong - GDP - Real Growth Rate:
2.8% (2008 est); 6.4% (2007 est); 7% (2006 est)
Singapore - GDP - Real Growth Rate:
1.2% (2008 est); 7.7% (2007 est); 8.2% (2006 est)
Hong Kong Labor Force: 3.67 million (2008 est)
Singapore Labor Force: 2.96 million (2008 est)
Hong Kong - Inflation Rate (consumer prices): 2.1% (2008 est)
Singapore - Inflation Rate (consumer prices): 4.3% (2008 est)
Hong Kong Public Debt: 14.5% of GDP (2008 est)
Singapore Public Debt: 113.7% of GDP (2008 est)
Hong Kong Exports: $362.1 Billion f.o.b. including re-exports (2008)
Singapore Exports: $235.8 Billion f.o.b. (2008 est)
Hong Kong Imports: $387.9 Billion (2008 est)
Singapore Imports: $219.5 Billion (2008 est)
Hong Kong Current Account Balance: $22.44 Billion (2008 est)
Singapore Current Account Balance: $28.42 Billion (2008 est)
Hong Kong Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $165.9 Billion (31-Dec 2008)
Singapore Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $168.8 Billion (31-Dec 2008)
How did the PAP Government create so much in the Reserves when Singapore export numbers are less than Hong Kong's ?
We should consider that the value of the Singapore Reserves are not the full amount that is publicly declared, as we know that the true amount is much larger that allowed LKY to overlook the loss of US$100 Billion by GIC and Temasek Holdings.
If the noisy pussy will learn to be more discerning perhaps he can be trained to perform more credibly in an Oz zoo.
Again, the noisy pussy is only interested in making more noise then offer facts - when claiming that Seah Chiang Nee is a Malaysian.
Seah Chiang Nee is a true blue Singaporean - who was the editor of the Singapore Monitor before it was closed by the PAP Government.
He had worked overseas with several different news agencies, one of which was in Ozland that we all know have rejected the noisy pussy.
In 1985, he became the first South-east Asian to have a heart transplant, and this was well published in the local media as the first Singaporean to have such an operation.
Who donated that heart that beat inside his body is immaterial, we know that this is a World Class Singaporean that the noisy pussy can hardly even qualify to lick his boots.
With regards to the "the fxxking billions dollars in the Wat Port,wat Funds, series of corruptions" - these have been well published in the Malaysian Press, with the ACA investigating the matters, as much as the different political parties digging deeper into the scandals.
If this was to happen in Singapore, will there ever be any independent investigation, or will the culprits be allowed to abscond as in the case of PAP MP Phey Yew Kok ?
Will any alternative Singapore Political Parties be as aggressive to demand the investigation to the loss of the US$100 Billion by the super talents at the helm of the GIC and Temasek Holdings ?
In any case, the loss of the Malaysian funds are in hundreds of millions in RINGGIT, compared to the US$100 Billion lost by MM LKY - Chairman of GIC and daughter-in-law as the CEO of Temasek Holdings.
1.Gross exports v net exports
can i focus on exports figures.Let me show u how to read between the lines.
wat u quote are Gross Export figures.Hk and SG are heavely re--export countries.
Wat u read every month abt SG non--oil export figures are referring to gross
exports.Becos they did not say it is a net export figures.
In SG abt 80 % exports are re--exports.
Refer to HK,there are not too many factories,so how can they produce
so much goods locally?
-Fig 9--exports of goods or page 11
In the unique language of the noisy pussy that serves to confuse himself with facts that exist, only he will argue with his own noise.
If the data provided in my response is Gross Export that include re-export for Hong Kong, and if the pussy had claimed that SG and HK are both heavily dependent on re-export - are there any difference that make it inappropriate for such comparisons to be made between HK and SG ?
If the pussy claim that SG non-oil exports are referring to Gross Exports - is there any worthwhile issue that the pussy intend to raise that makes the SG data inaccurate to be compared to HK ?
In the data provided in my last response it was shown as HK Exports had included re-export -
Hong Kong Exports: $362.1 Billion f.o.b. including re-exports (2008)
Singapore Exports: $235.8 Billion f.o.b. (2008 est)
With all the numbers showing HK to have excelled over SG - in terms of exports, it is surprising that SG can still get ahead of HK in its accumulated reserves.
oh dear,ask your stats or maths teacher lah.Constant prices make comparsions
Constant prices make comparisons meaningful ?
In your last post when you mentioned your "Statistics Singapore - Historical Data on GDP at 2000 Market Prices" - what historical data have you made available for the Year 2000 market prices being used ?
Are you accepting the data provided without any critical views simply due to your way of blind acceptance of PAPa telling that it is good as shown ?
Do you know how the Year 2000 Market Prices is made to affect the outcome of the GDP values for Year 1960 ?
Are you trying to impress with the PAP propaganda to hoodwink others in this Speaker's Corner ?
3."If this was to happen in Singapore, will there ever be any independent investigation, or will the culprits be allowed to abscond as in the case of PAP MP Phey Yew Kok ?"
Yes we have The President.Ok?
Besides,The 50 years ruling PAP will clean up itself automatically,thanks
to the very high salary.Peanut is just for monkey.Meat for lion.
Oh SG has a happy problem that we have too much $$ in GIC and Temasek.
So a little up and down make a hot topics for Opposition to shout!
4..ONE DAY.JUST one day,if the life in the north is better than SG,wat do u think
SG pple will do?They will Q up at MY Embassy in Singapore to apply
migration visa lah.There is no need for Mr Seah to tell us how bad
the life in SG.we know,like our grand/parents,how to choose.
It is doubtful that the noisy pussy can be like his grand/parents - knowing how to choose - as all he know is to follow the path without realising that a new age requires a new thinking, and following the same dead beat path like a natural instinct is a sure way to go into extinction.
Do Singaporeans have to wait for that one day in the future to Q up at the Malaysian counter ?
If only the noisy pussy is a little smarter he could replace PAP Minister Khaw Boon Wan - who had suggested that Singaporeans who cannot afford to keep their aged parents in Singapore, should send them to Malaysia.
Is Minister Khaw finally admitting that the PAP policies have failed Singaporeans ?
Yes, peanuts for the monkeys and meat for the lion - as LKY had said:- "keep the stomach full and dull the brain" - do we need to wonder why the pussy in this Speaker's Corner is pure brainless ?
Only the pussy will accept that what has been paid to LKY's talents are peanuts.
Yes, 50 years of PAP rule will clean up automatically all the treasury soon with the million dollar wages paid to the PAP miinisters during good and bad times, and like the executives of the failed US banking systems - even when these banks are going bankrupt, the executives will get their million dollar remunerations.
Singapore will continue paying the PAP ministers their million dollar salaries and bonuses even as they lose US$100 Billion from our reserves.
Is the Elected President any good for Singaporeans - when the second key held by him is only a "dummy key" ?
The real key was held for a short time by the late President Ong Teng Cheong, who dared to exercise the powers vested in his office, but unfortunately he could not out manouvre all the PAP MPs who change the legislations to make the Elected Presidency less effective.
Is the Elected President any good ?
Originally posted by Atobe:
50 years of peace and harmony ?It is not as if Singaporeans have been living in peaceful bliss - considering the animosity that LKY had generated with Malaysia's Mahathir and Indonesia's Habibie.
For a short time even a strained relation with his supposed good friend Suharto - whom LKY called Suharto an Indonesian Sultan helping himself and his family to Indonesia's wealth.
50 years of peace and harmony ?
Did you forget that Singaporeans have been dragged into three repeated recessions in 1987, 1997 and 2002 - which persisted through 2003, 2004, and up till 2005.
The weakened economy was further lashed in 2008 - which completed the repeated 10 year cycle that hit Singapore repeatedly - even as LKY's talented Ministers could not steer Singapore away from.
The 1987 Economic Review Committee had recommended a list of changes to help Singapore avoid suffering the consequences of future recessions, but the 1997 Economic Review Committee again repeated the same list that included those changes recommended in 1987 that were put aside. Yet again, these were put aside in 1997 - as PM LHL claimed that "the stones were turned over to be studied, and it was found to be in the best interest for the stones to be left untouched".
What were these stones that could not be touched since the two studies in 1987 and 1997 ?
Both had included changes to the CPF scheme, GST rate, and the participation of Singaporeans in policies that affect the cost of living.
Did LKY bring prosperity to Singapore, or was it not the economy of the USA that had brought prosperity to Singapore ?
If education was important and you had depended on PAP pre-school to help you - we can only feel sorry for your present situation of not being able to get any job except to manage a Bar.
every country gets a fair share of up and down in economy.
2.Have USA and other G8 experienced up and down?of course,they did.
Tell us if u can find a perfect country or the best country.
Or which country fair better than SG on the whole?
If there is any,do u intend migrate there?
3.On the whole,SG has improved a lot since PAP ruling.
4.How can u please every single one of your neighbours?
Dr M said he know how to peel off the skin of a cat!!
what was the consequences if we dunt have a not so weak SAF?
5.GDP per capita is not every thing.But without a high one,
we cant do many mang things!!
Paul Krugman told u that SG GDP was investment driven,
not improvement in efficiency.Well.I has yet to see how USA
will die from the credits driven GDP growth in the past few decades.
Think darling.In 1960,SG GDP per capita is just one quarter of UK.
Now we are on par with them.Even u think SG figure is watever driven or faked,
we have improved a lot.
Thats why we can provide jobs to 900,000 foreigners working here.
If not for the strong growth,our expensive trained teachers and nurse
will work in overseas.
No joke.I think u have seen many live examples.
ask foreigners why they come to SG then u will know better why a strong'GDP
growth is important.
No growth ,No new net growth of jobs.How can u accomodate the new graduates
fr sec,ITE,Uni,pOly etc EVERY YEAR?
Originally posted by Singmarine:I dun think counting from 1959 is correct. The count should be from 1965 when Singapore gain independance so it should be 44 years instead…
they are chinese mah, i heard chinese alway add a few years more after they died, i think they do the same here.
Originally posted by Atobe:
50 years of peace and harmony ?It is not as if Singaporeans have been living in peaceful bliss - considering the animosity that LKY had generated with Malaysia's Mahathir and Indonesia's Habibie.
For a short time even a strained relation with his supposed good friend Suharto - whom LKY called Suharto an Indonesian Sultan helping himself and his family to Indonesia's wealth.
50 years of peace and harmony ?
Did you forget that Singaporeans have been dragged into three repeated recessions in 1987, 1997 and 2002 - which persisted through 2003, 2004, and up till 2005.
The weakened economy was further lashed in 2008 - which completed the repeated 10 year cycle that hit Singapore repeatedly - even as LKY's talented Ministers could not steer Singapore away from.
The 1987 Economic Review Committee had recommended a list of changes to help Singapore avoid suffering the consequences of future recessions, but the 1997 Economic Review Committee again repeated the same list that included those changes recommended in 1987 that were put aside. Yet again, these were put aside in 1997 - as PM LHL claimed that "the stones were turned over to be studied, and it was found to be in the best interest for the stones to be left untouched".
What were these stones that could not be touched since the two studies in 1987 and 1997 ?
Both had included changes to the CPF scheme, GST rate, and the participation of Singaporeans in policies that affect the cost of living.
Did LKY bring prosperity to Singapore, or was it not the economy of the USA that had brought prosperity to Singapore ?
If education was important and you had depended on PAP pre-school to help you - we can only feel sorry for your present situation of not being able to get any job except to manage a Bar.
Nothing is smooth sailing in this world, life is an adventure, bad and good will alway be there, but if the good out right the bad, we should consider it good.
Did we go into war for the past 50 years,
Did we go on industrial or public full riot for the past 50 years
Didn't we created doctors, profs, millionaires, opportunities, bear our childrens well for the past 50 years
Did we ever go into hunger for the past 50 years
Aren't you happy that you can post here with a computer and a cup of coffee, for me, latte, in full aircon and a nice arm chair speaking and criticising freely for the past few years without any disruption.
Think think think lah, Uncle.
People of other region are admiring and envy of us, and you are condemning us. If you want us to vote opposition, no problem, paid each one of us $1000, we vote for opposition.
Originally posted by angel7030:Whatever happen to HK, they got their big father CHina to take of them, we got nothing, that is the biggest differences.
Singapore got two abang next door wat!
Originally posted by angel7030:
Nothing is smooth sailing in this world, life is an adventure, bad and good will alway be there, but if the good out right the bad, we should consider it good.Did we go into war for the past 50 years,
Did we go on industrial or public full riot for the past 50 years
Didn't we created doctors, profs, millionaires, opportunities, bear our childrens well for the past 50 years
Did we ever go into hunger for the past 50 years
Aren't you happy that you can post here with a computer and a cup of coffee, for me, latte, in full aircon and a nice arm chair speaking and criticising freely for the past few years without any disruption.
Think think think lah, Uncle.
People of other region are admiring and envy of us, and you are condemning us. If you want us to vote opposition, no problem, paid each one of us $1000, we vote for opposition.
X2 very reflective comments from angel lol
pls la its easy to be critics.. but can u assure the rest of Singaporeans that we will have what we have today if it wasnt for Lky and his Old guard?
think abt it.. we could have ended up being as undeveloped as parts of indonesia.. our currency and standard of living is already 1st world.. dont only complain
Lky may hav held on to power for too long but u cant deny his contributions
TO ANGEL:HUNGRY or not fer 50 yrs????SOME PEOPLE END UP WITH CANNED FOOD FOR A month n thats luxury in spore!alost like the war movie called The Pianist!did that jewish guy died of starvation without any leader???no!!!he was just like any sporean living in eastern europe!we dun need any lky to keep us from starvation...we can slaughter ourselves fer dinner if we end up that hungry like some boat people n drink mucky water like the pianist movie dude!
and why the goto war thing????u think chnese are as dumb as the viets or cambodians isit???u tell me which clever person want to goto war with nothing worth to fight for?if spore got ouil gushing from east coast or gold bullion in redhill....then countries would invade n goto war!spore got nuthin any country wants really!
and telling people about riot in last 50 years is simply stupid.....most sporeans fight it out direct with boss so .....no industrial action needed.sporeans very efficient when things are not right at werk.so if boss say he want to cut salary and then he goes to toilet..../dun be surprised a guy in ski mask follow him and cut his balls of in toilet!n thats how such simple n efficient industrial disputes are resolved with minimum force!
and in last 50 years...any country that has chinese all end up as engineers,doctors,directoers etc//////in taiwan,hong kong etc.if u arent chinese eg pure thai and pure cambodian then maybe no doctors n engineers...!!its based on genetics really!so spore has more superior genetic people as compared to those failure countries!its not based on just some old man rather as an entire country of genetically superior people capable of resoning in order to be the best engineers,doctors and thinkers.pub owners n kuay teow n fishermen are not really included yanno.if they were....please look at laos or boatmen of the south china states.
Who will be in charge then?
Lim Chin Siong.
Wat will Singapore become?
Something like Taiwan.
Perharps being like Taiwan is much better
In my opinion, yes.
But if Singapore developed into something like Taiwan, it means using mandarin as working language and dialects in state media.
For those who cannot speak mandarin or dialects, like Lee Kuan Yew, it would be a problem.
These type of people like Lee Kuan Yew won't be in the elite of society.
was then when the beacon of Lim Chin Siong shined brighter than Lee
Kuan Yew’s. James Puthucheary, who was in charge of PAP publicity for
the elections recalled the first rally held in a remote Chinese village.
“Toh Chin Chye spoke first, in English! No response from the crowd. Ong Eng Guan was next, in Hokkien, but not very good. The crowd was restless. Then, Chin Siong stood up. He was brilliant and the crowd was spellbound.”
You tell me Harry Lee how to be elite in society?
Originally posted by Singmarine:Perharps being like Taiwan is much better..no more NS..no more external threats..Taiwan is much peaceful than Singapore…no crime, no riots…..everyone can live happily together as one race…
Eh...Taiwan got NS what...and China's not considered an external threat?
To me MM Lee is like Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, Great leaders.
My only worries is Singaporeans may immortalize him or even make him a God or something when he pass away.
I don't mind a public holiday though.
Originally posted by Singmarine:Perharps being like Taiwan is much better..no more NS..no more external threats..Taiwan is much peaceful than Singapore…no crime, no riots…..everyone can live happily together as one race…
then why i migrate to singapore?? what taiwan no crimes??? you must be joking, look at their politicians fighting in the parliament, look at the corruption of Chen and all other govt peoples, look at their mafia business there, you must be sleeping too long here, and when typhoon strikes, you better build good houses, if you notice our taiwanese houses, you see layers of gates and solid wall barricade on the side, all these are to prevent strong winds.
Taiwan lang, pia lang
Originally posted by princessdiana:To me MM Lee is like Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, Great leaders.
My only worries is Singaporeans may immortalize him or even make him a God or something when he pass away.
I don't mind a public holiday though.
U crazy or what??? Ho chi Minh of vietnam fight all his way from north to south, and the population is not educated, everything good is god, unlike us, we are all educated, we know who is god and who is man,..and of course who is dog.
LKY will die on a particular National Day, so that you all got no extra holiday.
Originally posted by angel7030:
U crazy or what??? Ho chi Minh of vietnam fight all his way from north to south, and the population is not educated, everything good is god, unlike us, we are all educated, we know who is god and who is man,..and of course who is dog.
LKY will die on a particular National Day, so that you all got no extra holiday.
Like real, as if you control lky's life. You better take back your words about his death day. if not, think he go after u. we people only talk about his death and dare not state a day of his passing on, u so daring!
sorry, ppl, just wanna bump this thread above those irritating repetitive threads
i bet angel7030 will die before LKY. Probably she will be gang raped and killed too..
Originally posted by 8800:i bet angel7030 will die before LKY. Probably she will be gang raped and killed too..
she he gang rape by who ??? is it knnbpcb14?